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we're bait to the claims don't go that way you'll just pop out oh my god how's it go in the adder welcome back to another episode of the fashion series guys if you missed yesterday's live stream or a long long episode do make sure to check it out it was absolutely insane I don't want to spoil it but I'm just gonna say it so you can go watch it but we won the freaking cough like we want the king of the hill which was absolutely insane and also a load of our mad stuff actually went down as well.she there's a cop down there we've won inside that arena out of all everyone observer by March 1 it was it was down to pure luck really oh welcome back to fashion guys if you do enjoy this episode do make sure to slap that like button guys if we keep smashing records with the like button I would maybe do more streams all I can the jazz and might I just say the texture packs coming I promised it it's coming I've been trying to figure out what to take out of all the texture packs because I've never actually taken anything out I just like certain bits and also if you don't know I've never actually made a textbook for so it's kind of new to me so I'm enjoying it so before I jump in today's episode a faction merchant did appear and that you can now this is where you get iron golems for spoilers from they cost 80 fashioned coins and I believe they're going to be super super good and you can also buy an extra two effects for ten minutes for like all your faction members I believe they're actually like faction pots so if I say you enable this all your faction members will have strength - for 20 minutes if you bought this for two faction coins it's all do your faction cause no money just coins you can also buy faction XP if you're desperate and you can buy two thousand five thousand ten thousand and this is actually something pretty good you can buy a headhunting booster it said multiply by two but cost 40 and it lasts 15 minutes so pretty much you might be like last 50 minutes it's very little so what you want to do is get all your heads ready to sell and then buy the booster and then sell them you want them already because like 15 minutes should be well enough time to sell all their head so that you wouldn't do its when you really want to go up to your levels really really fast that's what I do don't obviously by the booster and then wait to grind out some heads because by the time that happens your 15 minutes are be over but yesterday's livestream was absolutely insane people bought me charms mystical chimes enchanted chimes mystery mob bass all I'm saying is we're gonna have a lot to open up very soon but just at the start this episode what we're going to go to is we're going to go open one mystical charm because it's been sitting there lonely in my PV or my HS I really really want to open it because I am determined to get the anarchist rank this map but then again I said that last map so I don't know we'll see what happens here we go actually hang on no this is not here we go let's try out some pots because obviously if we get too much items we might not go in a meter so we just try these simple pots I'm gonna keep my fuse elixir stuff okay here we go through G 1 by M okay is anarchist rank there I don't see it but hey we might get lucky okay right its openness what's it gonna be do I see anarchist rank flying by there no I don't I see a hundred thousand dollars though okay it's going to be a hundred thousand dollars I'm not gonna lie i lychee thought I was gonna get a sharpness six there I got really angry excited okay raise Anika's going by there I don't see it no there's no anarchist but it's money oh okay we got a number 100,000 I'll take that as 200,000 does any gonna oh my god Joe there's anarchists there is anarchist on this naw naw I saw her go by and I was like it's actually starting to slow down so maybe might be coming back around slow down but anything you see appear so rip-roaring pepperonis that got me super excited but super hyped I really want to open up these 10 mystical charms right now this second but maybe I'll do that for when I'm desperate for a video and have no raids at all better guys let's get into today's episode okay so we are one or wall of clouds base we are literally about to be in we just have to stack a never a bit of sand and we are good to go now this ain't clouds main basis is just a cactus base but this is the only base that we have of them and we felt like raiding them because you know they caused us so much damage in the past and so much stressful times which take out the cannon so it just kind of seems right you know no sorry Raven I thought I was the one just acts and this time because you stacked oh okay all right you do the cobwebs down below please thank you very much you know I've just realized well my home over there is probably gone because I'm definitely doing this for more than an hour I'm gonna have to run out I know we're all probably gonna have to run so before you fire should I check yeah check okay let me just fully stack all this up for us one second I think I'm just gonna go that was my face oh gotta go get a face oh I'm assuming that's Kanaka because I can I can know I noticed I never kind of go hey sky fantasy right I mean this right did it go in your eye are you okay uh what am i I are you gonna die I think so I did it really close to the mic with your attic effective you okay no okay okay yeah good all right I beat you why are you shaking cuz we're just TP you actually why am I even going over your doing the running do you have a jewel punch bowl yeah all right oh I beat you what what yeah because your power drop before I did yeah ah oh I think I'm gonna win this oh no wait you know cuz we have to go up yeah but you have the you have the horse mask I forgot it off I'm Sogeti of that oh he falls down Bharati pepperoni though like I'm gonna win I'm gonna win this I'm a punch bowl yeah I feel like I can win this but you know I've kind of went up the wrong way I should win in between walls like oh come on I'm coming there I feel like every time used to check out bass like oh I just oh use the haters you know if you want to check your buddies coming up and you actually beat me up anyway hey where you I don't even see you are you look them I'm gonna win no actually no you just hold him no okay you know when you have to check to see if it's like afk people in the base you have to go home on top of the base just to make sure that this is the one but I hate about rainy right I'm gonna beat you I can't Babu for self cause if I do I'll just like knock myself off completely I could win I could win I could yes I'm ahead of you no I I saw the sand stack but the sounds like psych it's been split mostly so I thought I was at the top but no stuff where to go okay home see you Jen do you want to press the fire button give her the honors yet you Jen don't just you know how to press the fire button I don't know she know what to stand for should we make a sign called you know understand does she know what to stand that's the issue I don't know except obviously like that okay did you click the brake cannon button or the fire button the fire button are you sure oh no you can unbutton the can of whoop oh my she didn't stand in the right place oh my god are you serious us to hand I think we gotta blow up yeah did you what did you do when you press the fire button what did you do did you run oh I went to the wrong home see hang on they don't see me they don't see me no one sees me this guy was so sneaky this guy wants to kill me he's been trying to kill me for a while and I'm gone now when you say the kind of blue oh my god it did what did you do I told you she would know it's this - more like oh no it's fine okay religiously Questacon Forge over a parrot so I'm gonna marinate I prepared don't you worry okay let's have supplies it's good okay so the garden is figs should be good to kill the origin it just sometimes completely honest happened now see what you need to do is you need to make sure the cannons loaded and like a raven should have told you cuz I forgot and I'm just gonna blame Raven so yeah okay what you should have done like when you press the fire but just make sure you like just kind of run over kind of here and just make sure it's like it's fully loaded because if they can't even fully loaded it will blow up or that you forgot to add these back it will actually blow up if you don't sometimes it's just it's just loading issues so we should be good and you've stacked up full sand even though we don't have to but we should be okay and let's go back over please say the home is a dispute no it should be fine right please say it works a drink we should fire ball down low we're fun sorry no matter okay OHE wait i need to replace the tnt that we lost in dispensers that blew up forgot about that yeah I was gonna say that yep forgot that was close okay so it's all filled you are good to go let's do this okay so like let you just run it's fine trust me it's happened to me and Raven Allah I don't think we really want to talk about that do we no it does happen you just gotta make sure the cameras loaded it's it's not meant to happen anymore like like Madsen is not meant to but it does write press that fire button we should be good huh is the cannon blown up no I guess that's a good sign okay right maybe I didn't repair the cannon right no I could have messed up timings they're gonna check timings I need to log back in we good on that maybe stack just a little bits that maybe it was too much sand what's no it's not gonna matter about the same home I keep doing that what Stoke what's the sense that running these guys keep missing me I'm sorry I'm coming back these guys are literally looking for me to kill me and I keep coming back to the rug job and they're just like facing the roadway from okay so I was just at the base and there is people on line which is not good - we may fail and actually not get this but hey we will give it a shot nonetheless they might have spotted us yet do we just fire off a shot like a little bit Stan not full-stack aside and see what happens I don't know I just thought oh no ok I'm crouching up the wall did it didn't work oh no what is going on the sad sack maybe too high I could I could but it's already passing yeah yeah I probably couldn't I'm aroung already oh well oh well ok let's fight what's fighting I'm leaving I didn't have anything I'm leaving ok I've got I've got pots I've got pots let's just do this by 10:00 okay well riperoni pepperonis cannon we need a new 230 oh you just I thought you just dropped a divine I'm we need a new to sorry though so bad I have one yeah and is it hard to build or is it okay well give me this matter for it will you that and said now cuz that cannon is just unreliable this is fun dude get gear we can fight these guys okay so the raid went Ripper only pepperonis it does happen so that's perfectly fine he said I love 25 it looked like he was whining it does happen from time to time Gavin's just mess up that cannon was working but it wasn't at the same time when we're splitting the walls we were having to double shoot sometimes triple shoot there was something wrong with it but he thought obviously we'd get into the base but no too much time they came online that kind of rhymed hey I wonder if that guy just literally did he died oh he died oh my god I was like yeah I was like he just passed the thing I wonder if he died and I yeah he's dead okay right easy killer well that was a nice kill I use like I was like Randy gone I was like did he have a chicken bastard I couldn't see him down there so like did he die and he did but yeah raids fail all the time especially with us um and obviously with a guy online patchy walls there's no way we're gonna get through maybe if we had a fusion cabin but like we don't have the TNT for a fusion cannon at all we're nowhere close okay Raven you upp me no why not this is good god I just killed someone I forgot you know what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna press the fire button like it's not it's not gonna do anything cuz there's no cobwebs cops no we didn't know we didn't cuz I sort of sand fall okay that's just gonna blow up the cabin but literally we had one shot left of CMT so now I just used up that one shot so at least the enemies won't get it the only team we need to get back is the stack of stuff that we have in here or 47 but I don't have enough room for it hang on I just said language I think he's like the leader of cloud as a GG so close xD ok what I'm doing is I'm just taking some of the stuff that I got from this guy I'm taking a home and then I will take just so multiplies we have I got an offer from me I got his head in stuff though and I got some prop for but it was just funny I just knocked him off the edge no he said in chat if we didn't fire that shot when we did we would have been in cuz he was about to go oh really pepperonis I know kinda wasn't baby the cannon didn't want us to get in come on let's be honest can we please not use that Kevin oh I'm actually done with it no I'm completely done with it now like it's either last like two raids I've done I have had issues with it and so I literally have a list of cannon well it might be time to you know retired it's kind of like oh like playing gosh it doesn't even have usable cobwebs which is pretty I know how long would we use this thing for but it's done well it's just that I've know it's like the Honda ii did well but then after a while it just got very outdated unreliable and oh good old a hundred do you have the canon which one they can't like you said that you have a new one yeah i have new ones yeah and is that on test run yeah can I see it a bit yeah okay right that's pupae for a bit now I'm gonna see this can and I'm gonna take the kiss schematic it's not so who's Canon is it that was it you're is its beliefs and we Billy gave me a list that like ages ago and it's like really mind us using it no that's why he gave him to me alright who's in the list of ones I could release so you've probably released it or seen it at least yeah maybe I have I know we have the a East actor fusion was it yeah the AE fusion we have there and then we just have liked it's not even like worth it most of the time because like you know you want over a hundred at least I mean for something blowin that's easy to do yeah it's okay well okay oh hang on don't accept that Donatella I accept it okay never mind DUI enemy Harry's here oh wait is that truce is that mom I don't I don't have a helmet they don't got a helmet I don't know if that's gonna change very very soon you know what's going on with that member right there I took the cat in but I'll be right back hey I found lenguin no I won't right all right I'm fighting lenguin like I was trying to I have TNT on me not Potts I don't Reno if that's gonna help me in a fight okay right well f ey guy just knock them down that's fine oh wait is it I need to go home be get some more parts and I'm good to go that means that we have all the supplies out of this cannon where did you knock him down from at the back he might have parallel areas he's coming back up he's coming back up all right yeah I definitely has the chicken mask I would say it's AI that's the guy that's the guy that we killed with a stolen yeah exactly and he keeps saying that he's gonna kill me get it back but I don't own anymore because it's Ravens or its Marxist it's mine hello okay cool my my bean Marty I don't have the mark right now he doesn't come online at all so like I should have it cloud I know have a lot of allies like an absolute on ba let's do this and this is our claims I can make a claim like yeah but both the cannons are claims we can make a makeshift oh you wanna get some define this divine guy's gonna die or divot divine he's gonna drop keep on this guy keep on this guy's jumplist Adobe doesn't have four assistants a lava I don't have Ryan right Plan B get cobwebs I got I got I got oil wait wait let go where did the blind guy go I don't know but lenguin is height is running away over this way Oh language out here I know I'm on less clouds allies aren't online I know they have an absolute ton of allies they old people left him yeah but it might be a to gain proper gear no dude this guy has AK opposite in he's ready to drop oh okay right so yeah he wants it he's trying to get us down there to trap I'm not his KFC no this is KFC's Claire oh no it's cloudy at the back and I can claim right here I've gone so far underground they're all chasing him in his claim no it's a V why I I know I know yeah I I don't exactly want to go down there not over chicken mass and stuff on me I don't have alright I've got a homemade is it the bedrock yeah okay so I say a lot of people are gonna be here fairly soon and do we make a backboard yet cuz they're gonna be then having gonna be facing around this way so I think we do make a backboard they're gonna become this wicked laughs you see a name is Elvis we're coming okay right run run back oh I see them where they're down in the hole which all their hole oh no that's like twelve eight to the claims don't go that way no just pop out oh they go to us okay that's it I'll be over here I'm over here now I'm over here much money we need cobwebs all I have journalist tech I have a second to say I think my stack he could go in oh he's get a quick drove lenguin said dude I need the holy nugget I can actually get people introduced right so we just go take you off Marx's account yeah I don't know if he changes pass with no recently they're trying to source out where they can build stuff dude this oh my god you can hit them over the trap you can see here over the thing oh do you see that you can nearly hit them into it over the wall nearly he's gonna pearl I can see it he's in our claim he's in our claim ah you are really good at doing that though I was a bit like you are pretty talented when it comes to yo oh I was just bit you saying if I can line that off that would be such a GG right now what's gonna do I try to swim up I think yeah but he's wearing like he's Portland over this way oh you don't left - OH - OH even though this is a very weird thing could be Raven know what's going down but like yeah whatever we'll fight like like ice hi guys so what's going on okay Travis in this little corner oh my god oh my god this guy I feel like someone's gonna slip up and go into once we have somebody hold their O'Brien they're all back here okay we're not going that way dude no that way like 12 of them yo someone's helmet broke yo let's fight with the mushroom heads you know okay come on let's do this let's do this this is a massive war I believe it's not going very well oh oh how are people not going to this trap right now to lychee standing right in front of it oh my god how are people just like that she opening the hole why is egging butt like this could actually work because now we have two angles I hate people in from oh yeah now we have two different directions we don't need to just go from the front exactly if one guy goes in there like that's like they're actually kind of making it easier okay they're just on me like going for you know right I have one guy on me I don't know how many you have but I have multiple let's just say that okay they're like sagging the living heck of everything that's fine wait whose word they got Ted in webs and Joey and wax no way I don't have my sword I gotta bail I'm sorry I don't have a sword no oh my place is making a trap no legless ladies a goner I dropped my sword yo slag let's jump down I didn't even have to trap him he just let you jump down wait is he down there now oh yeah come down come down come on oh come on oh come on oh come on hang on I need to get his sword that's my issue right he's down I don't have a sword hang on I'll go sword let's go I've got about two seconds I'm here he's trying to psych-out rhyme that's fine we just keep killing these things get a new sword out with me no no get me stuff getting stuff sweet oh right P oh thanks for the horse mask oh my god no fully decked out like fully P - I still got him sweet sweet oh no oh my god he's that just over six hundred and fifty one thousand dollars yeah I just got a pair of like depth threes full inch on every stop room no that's just compensation for the rain I'm happy now we did it we technically made our money back no tie no grab this dude thinking about coming down what do we do we need blocks we need obsidian or something we need this all whole area covered in cobwebs can if he's already cursed then look is the other guy oh we need allies so am I'm not gonna say no right now f throughs there we go I'm not if we don't have anything to complain hey I got they got water I got lunch get sponge right now okay I don't have a home up we need you for home up lay oh they're definitely coming I drop my sponge somewhere wait I don't have any sponge I've got rid of all my sponge do you know how they're canning we need to go up another level and make the trap there so like it would be like yeah they'll be below a second if you're not above us okay hang on I'll be I'm gonna be up there one second cuz it's not about the fall damage okay well I'll go I'm gonna go get sponge okay taking down I was like not there's no way like he just came down yeah I guess once yeah okay new trapper there's so many up there since I know I wish I was there I mean we still got like we still got one of them we've got a pretty big one of them yeah like but I do wish that I'm oh dude some they're getting cheeky some of them are trying to come down because they know there's water okay I just needed a home up top or a teepee up top no cuz we can just let you block off the water here oh my god they're jumping down block off the water right now I know I'm not there I'm in shock Max's Raven yes this is a cloud right down my robe yeah there's two people inside me as well hang on let me put up a cell phone I'm sorry you guys download messy trust me I might be be my death traitors hang on I can't I mean come up no mud alright let's kill these guys quickly before they get in with the cannon oh I went to my went to my web does gap sees gaps yo that guy shot a gal this guy we've got two people we've got two people up here lil the clown guy stuck in webs again this guy right in the corner he has gaps I'm making a quick exit exit hole yeah please do please do o champions corner oh we go boy oh boy oh man whipped in the corner hug God lovely jubbly they could pilot the ward off top Ryan they're sickening down okay that's fine that's fine it's fine just be ready to get out of it I'm gonna make it over here you keep on them um so you'll make it over the area to get out the cars gonna die oh I got it we gotta get a chicken basket the chicken mask that's the main thing BB that thing I'm gonna be out come back get it get any books this guy stuck in the corner but you know I'm getting rid of my Jepson cuz I died okay no no no I didn't yeah I think someone got it like Ali Weiss okay I'm here I'm here Rindy freeze down here d3 try to the right we tried to seg down wicked if he hit him in webs and now he's gonna die my god okay I've got this guy we need to do this as fast as possible we got it we got him get his stuff take as much profit as you possibly can I've got this guy currently in the corner my armor is doing okay I don't know how long this guy's gonna go for he could go for a while who knows okay I don't know like it's at their cabining so it's a matter of time before this place is completely compromised come on buddy he's bowing you a while from the soldier there we go I can't jump cream out because I need a block above my head come on is it a full one by one now I can apologize I don't mean to do that no no it's not like I want the kill I don't I can make it so I can't hit you Ryan look I webbed his head he can't hit us it's boots Berg oh this could be it just broke out here you can't survive that one now Kenny okay right well we do a couple no no no no to get through no you did know him Ryan no you are not yeah Ryan yeah axe sharpness six no way why would you go down no you're joking you're joking me oh look in chat look in chat look at schoolies could GT said getting split it's a sharp six you will not believe what all also I just got the floor I got it I got it I got it you will not believe what I just got where is it at the vine ball no way oh no I know is that the racing the work but that is dude this guy was stacking holy smokes did you guys head no oka difficult it could if he got it he said if you want to eat we can have it yo that went from like bad two eyes like you know not getting a rage - technically rating 650 1000 chicken mash to chicken mash a divine bow divine act shop stick to apples what three ticket mas I think and the horse mask I got from leg loose seriously that was insane I need to go home I need to like fresh it up like if undies killer I think yeah I'm gonna go home and freshen up some stuff but I need to GG if you think about you know when Ted jumped down that yeah if his polo and he would have died climbing up bases is gonna be so much easier now I'm so happy about that I went so well usually women in those circumstances we just get shrekt yeah but we thought smart we got a load of good loot out of it they weren't going for the trap they weren't gonna form to shop and I jumped down the trap just to get a new sword so I come back up and say fighting and like let's jump down and then start from there so like to be honest um Jen mm-hmm your mess up with blood cannon just made us a lot actually works it's a load of money did and I attentions on that fight I could have broke their I got I got another pair of Deputies remember us that's another 750 K yeah I got them from Legolas these people have been above our base for absolute ages are you like yeah I guess well they're gonna end up robbed once get low but I'm gonna go shop and get some more parts person yeah we will go to your room and I'm gonna repair my debts because I think that nearly broke me earlier yeah I just fix old Oh I went back to the cannon instead because I keep getting mixed up with Holmes yeah I do see oh my god yeah the axe has lightning one on it and a mob and it has a stat track yo thing we're keeping it a kill tracker sharp 6 155 fire aspect free lightning okay yo if it has lightning and stuff I will I will let you purchase that off you myself I like Heath it yeah okay right yeah keep it it's that lightning is quite cool hello hey buddy what's going on ready to fight them he definitely is chicken mask yeah yeah yes he has a trap he has a trap definitely has a trap and go from yeah but would be careful of a trap okay because I do have it you're right I've still got cobwebs what do you yeah look at that that is definitely trapped baby right there ready where's he sprayed this two of them that's why I thought maybe mean you should go he's just gonna he has another guy hundred said yeah no I say he's trying to find his trap area because it is massive unlike the end is disorienting would you for something like that because it's like all looks the same home see I am I could do home see go back to the other can yeah let's go back to the cannon see what's going on cuz I think Harry's still fighting like we're gonna die but do you have any of the rewards that you got from them on you right now no no no that's all so if we died and we keep everything okay it's fine yeah it's Nemo down here that's who we're fighting right now pretty much are we actually fighting our own faction yeah our old faction yeah yeah and there is an email conspiracy I don't know if you squeeze your enemies or what I'm probably armed yo t threes right here it's all stuff so it should be fine and just at probably myself there we go there we go Party Party bros but Willie Willie's pearl and titty for the grass who knows no I don't think you did yeah I think you brother grass yo yo yo yo take advantage of this take advantage of this if you couldn't make the cobweb am i enough then you like won't be the pearl out technically or jumpin ease wave wave oh my god yeah I am I am I am guys look at the people on him probably gonna get our life where's he's his friends behind his friends behind it's the alpacas Sam guy he's gonna try probably get a part of it we're gonna need more add we're gonna need more yeah I got it [Laughter] how mad would you be right now if this was you a brother out that's pretty girl and is a hosta kebab don't make it 3 4 3 4 3 and his helmet he died kids if he got him the divine goes back again that if I bravest the clock I know Brian yeah where is he there's a guy right here take him over to receive did you want to go down the trap again I got my back people to me people get him around that's what's going on he landed noise : and just he's gone over his claims yeah he's over here they have a trap that's why oh my god has never seen good oh yeah no do is it it's it's I'd I don't even know it's some guy from Evo it's an Evo guy oh my god this is very bad this is fun yeah like a bunch of zombies just targeting people will this guy be lucky enough I feel like you will come on be your lucky contestant I feel like you will be lucky no no no I don't know ouch that was out Oh No don't let me go what is she well I get him boys we need more cobwebs I've got two stags oh I've earned 11 see you guys later did you actually yeah happy one everyone's just stop look at me guys don't look at me chase the person what you go I'm here I'm here and I think we've given up okay Clark I define hard to find like this guy Ryan this guy is fully get alright I'm dipping back peace hang on hang on this guy is really close to the cobwebs like extremely close whoa holy smokes what is going on here what happened Raven come investigate this I'm coming and I don't like how people are just like around me like conspiracy guys can hit me like I don't know if that's GTX whole but like Larry is an absolute monster of them down there have a look have a peek over that hit like that edge right there hang a look at one second right we're just down here oh this is Nemo's climb Nemo oh okay right no no no I'm not messing with that though Holy Smoke I'll be over here oh wait the only one Nemo guy down there oh it is he's getting away hey who did that who did that they were who just hit me down wait your hash I hit someone there has to be enough conspirators to it it's the conspiracy guys I can hit one down with you okay right that means Ward I could be didn't plenty dangerous try him to tie him down wait for the right moment and weigh him down now I can him down with a knock-back yeah by dropping his chicken mask as well oh my god he could die I know you got a panicked like dropped it because I dropped my swords all the time like it's a really bad problem I have me down no and it definitely kind of beat him if guys I didn't reality I think no it wasn't them it guys it was the other one the other one it right I almost hit the other one it hey Ryan I got the chicken for this is my notice elektrokidz over here yeah those are the guys who are t threes wait quite friendly or something with me no no no no no like they're killing him no no no they weren't a second ago trust me in that 100 a need he got some guy he's gonna pearl I got one whoops III guy yeah yeah yeah thanks yeah she has an axe no like a pearls can approach nice Catholic rough boys way and he just he just went down very quickly oh why is this clouds claim to trap over here yeah really think I'm gonna run in there yeah no thank you I didn't gets more justified if he can get away all right Brian I can break into where he is oh you can go underneath no I can get the floor alright there's no one let you guy over here in the water in the water yo let's do a scene is it the Joker go bananas all right this way old pros are out he's gone he's gonna be gone yeah you can say riperoni pepperonis unless he's pro that's not lined we could get lucky did landed in Atlanta he's fast I give him that he's gotta be fast good job god no why so close yeah I know this guy just does not want to be trapped we're gonna if he goes on the war I can let you take the water away and there we go we gotta take the war take the war way no so close okay beauties friend him all right I whipped this friend that's fine it's fine oh they're gonna run they're gonna run should we stand you ever guy stay on this guy yeah I don't know what guys gone so we staying this guy stones on this guy stones on he'll die quicker oh you okay take off this horse must come liquid drop you have a guy's probably game freshened up yeah give me teepees the other game we're probably just best to sleep in this fight because it probably will probably come from okay right now that's okay Justin I'll leave you are like we'll see if he'll keep coming over with us he's I'm not gonna say explain while he's attempting to make a trap it's pretty silly know if he comes will he dive with me we're ready to claim his areas he dime with me he's diving with me yeah yeah here okay get ready claim get ready flame he's gonna back up he doesn't trust it yeah you just say let's just dip yeah yeah bestest dip proud now okay I'm not gonna Pelham it's gonna run up we can out speed them in the water so if it probably won't land will up okay yeah it's not worth because that guy tried really freshened up so what's gonna happen is we're gonna get that guy load and the extractors he didn't like that so cool yeah he's gonna come back more gear and then same on same on normal time when something is even close to dying afraid she's gonna end apparently get away so probably ain't much to it okay right and well that was interesting and we've got a lot of gear today we made a lot of money from a failed raid which was very very unexpected six 150 1000 divine bow divine acts to got apples and spare chicken mass for days and he has to add to the basket apples yeah pretty much yeah you get the idea guys we made an absolute ton holy frickin smokes and I guess I will end this episode here thank you very much watching I will see you guys in next [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 53,064
Rating: 4.9029584 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft server, minecraft factions, no swearing, roleplay, mods, mod, adventure, challenge, custom, trolling, mini game, server, factions, saicopvp, raid, creepersedge, minecraft raiding, minecraft cannons, minecraft adventure, minecraft castle raid, minecraft castle, minecraft mod, RAIDING OUR NEIGHBORS! (REVENEGE) | Minecraft FACTIONS #667, OUR MONEY IS GONE! | Minecraft FACTIONS #675, 1 HOUR EPISODE *INSANE KOTH WIN!* | Minecraft FACTIONS #680
Id: LO89_q_aYUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 1sec (2341 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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