It's 1am and we are cannon our BIGGEST ENEMIES! (minecraft factions)

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all right guys so I'm gonna be a little bit quieter than usual because currently right now it is a 1 a.m. in the morning and we are canning our biggest enemies right now as we speak there are no I probably going to jinx it but there is no one on line from blur if you don't know and blur and us we have been having a massive faction war a race to race a laptop it's been absolutely crazy but I do f top you can see that where were five hundred and nine million as we're recording this right now and blur are worth three hundred and eighty three million and I haven't been shown is too much because it hasn't been happening but blur have been caning candling us so bad recently they nearly got into her base I wasn't on so I didn't get to record it I believe twin might've recorded I'm not sure so since they nearly got into a base our faction have been trying to raid them as much as possible and recently it's been Australia attempt to raid them them attempting to raid us it's just been a massive cannon war back and forth right now it's 1:00 a.m. none of them are online and our faction are canning them at the moment so it's our turn take another shot of them there's been a lot of walls patched over the last few days I would say and I wasn't part of any of the patching kind of feel bad but also feel like I dodged a bullet so right now we are using we are using this massive caning I have no idea what this is 255 Auto by the seams of it fusion this is absolutely insane but if we get into this base I would say easily without a doubt I'm gonna jinx myself if we get into the space today I very much doubt it because we've been trying to get into space for so long but if we do it is probably game over and I would say that we've won the map unless we then get rid ourselves but hey I probably jinx myself but anyway we are raiding our enemies I'm gonna TP over to the walls F who blur Oh P oh my god this cannon is so laggy these kinds of freaking um it's a freaking beast every blur P there are still 0 of them online so if I mess up my words or just see don't see myself just take into account that it is 1 a.m. right now and I'm really tired I'm usually never on this time yeah I just I want my sleep so if this rate can hurry up that'd be great I'm joking this is that you kind of excited alright guys never mind see already I told you I'm there online I believe they're already patching so this rate is over but I just wanted to show you that this stuff is going yet are already pageant I just wanted to basically show you that this stuff is going on I'm trying to see if I can him but yeah just basically there's a big faction war going on right now Blair have nearly raided us if we haven't really neatly raided them though I think we got close enough but not really close but we're still firing it's just that now we need to move the barrel down a bit so most said they were above yeah look these again patched who's patching these well there is there is Sam oh there is there is oh he's Bob boosting stuff away oh come here come here let me drop you at least oh he's always lagging uh his pearl is gone not gonna land no way he's gonna land he's just running dude he's definitely like it doesn't have possum he's dead ok well get his head Gigi no where's his head oh where is his head there I doubt it's worth anything he only had week wait oh did he only have weekly Armand no yeah no II had prop for oh I just saw some guy go down there and we still actually can in this thing oh we are so I got flying like I'm flying I can't tell no that's one of my members oh yeah look these are being patched they're itchy to be impact mmm we're kind of doing a bad job of protecting the cannon or protecting the walls but then again it's kind of impossible look at the stretch of walls we have to defend and they can fly around so it's it's pretty difficult well GG to the faction we got past ten walls so it is the next day or actually no it's not the next day it's two days after attempting to raid bird just what you saw there now that raid obviously we didn't get into that base at all you guys know that already we actually attempted to raid them again and that failed I didn't record it but that fans I wasn't there so yeah as you can see it's pretty hard to rate the faction it's hard to write any power faction to be honest so Raven and twin have invited me to arrange today and this raid is definitely interesting from what they've been saying to me is basically this raid and pastured there has to be something inside it but there's only one place where we can possibly break into because if we go down here this raid is basically worth their worth 30 million they have 22 million dollars in spawner x' but if i go to their about f top 2 I think if I go to rejects which this is their faction they have 20 all their spawner are stored and not placed but the thing is they have these vaults down here which we can all get into and they're completely empty there's nothin on a single item inside these vaults but then up above there's a big box that is raided but we don't know if actually is red because this is all their claims this is the only base they have claimed so either the value is in here or that the faction actually got raided before the map before the last reboot happens so the value hasn't went down yet but the thing is there's no holes inside the box unless this faction got inside it I don't know but anyway we are one wall off as frickin raid this bad boy and see what's going on here but all their supporters are stored not placed and there's not a single spawner place down in that base so it has to be inside those chests all right guys so you have already stacked sign for last chakra mine is currently stacking you can so you can throw out means we know right so here we go we just gotta stay positive I don't know it wouldn't be the first time we've raised some bit like this but basically the end the base has 241 claims they have 241 claims here so usually got a raid last reboot or not I don't know take your bets boys what you thinking I don't have stuff to balancing in there or not oh well all their sport is a stored not play so that's good if obviously if it was placed all right you know I mean it would be bad you know I mean cuz then again you're stepping up they go to the walls I should have enough times Oh enough kind of claims enough T we have three shots left so that's enough right yeah we're like unless that's the cannon messes up but I only had one all shot during this whole period so it should be fine yeah go for it I fired it won't and okay yeah good I was gonna say won't up right I was gonna I was worried that in my clip and with the you know the reverse layers which good right check his chest check it right now go go go do we have stuff we have stuff we have back yeah okay so good freakin job young where'd you say smallest you have the spawners and a bunch of p4 whoa yeah a bunch of p4 mass a level one there we go boys it is yeah oh that's okay that's it that's it that's it good how many zombies Gilley's well there you go there you go hang on let me just break down we need okay let me do the breakdown of rejects ever top two we need to find so that's a dub of skeletons so check there oh my god okay so they have 40 skeletons stored okay 40 of them well we need to look for 21 cows if they're in here seven sheared one cow okay okay well you found one okay take oh my in the trees if you know what I'm gonna say is for a fact if they didn't have the if we couldn't see go down into the bottom bases like we would have definitely Canon dere 100% definitely definitely would it was hose in like most of them are like the two of them there's no room no three of them didn't have a roof and the other one and so on you could just walked right into but it's like there was nothing in there right we've got oh my god guys we've got an prop for we've crossing with loads it's all in for on it and unless I take all these Mars does anyone want that chess piece like I mean it's not too bad if what you want to take a joke not one or two even ah you know these mollusks yeah yeah take all the mass fiber and stuff yeah no oh my god holy smokes there actually is I'm just gonna check all the chests and prioritize what's the main thing to take right now cuz if they log on you know what I mean they can ruin everything for yo I found more pigs more squids everything that words do stuff if you take it all take you oh I'm just double checking where everything else is your own tree this isn't probably well like it would have been a decoy it wouldn't have worked if one they had more claims than they should have they didn't um and to the over volts you could just you you could check what's in them about having to rate them yeah so that's why we couldn't see and we've got loads and loads of books over here make sure you check every single book ok nothing there any more chests around place ordered it could be here this is I don't know unless summer-rae committed a terrible job at it or more skeleton supporters I got four more skeleton spoilers Gigi 300 kg mourners right well I'm checking away yet most one is mushrooms cows oh my goodness palliative five in here take that finally before I have a torrent for you have a lien vibin you got Peas yeah I have it yeah I read and quindi you because we can sell that right for a good bit of money for some sheeps ahead I found a head for $9,000 is the player worth keeping yang Xiao I don't know how you'd set it now you've never anyone heard that player and it was you should we keep it no okay right oh look here grab this yeah for shoes which is good and so we need to keep track of how much of rain let's because like have we read the full forty or could they be hiding the chest I am Not sure it looks rated rated but I don't know it's not rated though it can't be I what about these guys actually did what we used to do they find raids cuz there is a rib ace next to space that isn't planned but they just claim the base and live in a member even we just get lazy oh yeah we used to do that agents are using it rate of like every day we used to do it we used to just find a base that wasn't claim anymore patch it and claim it that was the Joey's deal and it worked it was actually quite a good idea to do but no this looks like a proper based on it looks like it's the living here just make sure we gravel to spawn is that's the main thing what did I just see that was like kind of flashing here i I just went over a book and right over a sort of an axe and I thought I said a mystical charm yeah that would be freaking sick if that was the case there is loads of books here I don't know like I don't really want to read all the books I'd say scavenge the decent guys are the good ones yeah there's no point taking like the aimbot one aware fact we might as well aim buddy I haven't put that on a sword it's good for shooting people out sky reinforce nothing okay right we've got to move all this and prop for everything yeah yeah yeah definitely stuff elixirs so how much do they have okay let me just calculate sorry cuz for is that ready properly so they have okay 22 million in sport value so we got all exponents which 125 of them no way we haven't got hundred there's no idea 125 because you think we like I made enough of them yeah we definitely got for 800 percent we got for the 4e skeletons which in that case that's 12 million dollars just alone which is insane that's actually quite insane actually I think we took yeah okay this is rated it's definitely what I knew uz bird that they're doing this because we knew but the claims if they had something like a crazy man who claims like you know a thousand claims but I only had this base or I had multiple bases that we knew over something like that then yeah but it's the fact that you said about like the fact that this is all the claims so it has to be somewhere in here right I'm going home base I'm gonna soaring in the freakiest a story do you think of safety of all my pots it rejects all I have known I have nobody online I haven't had a source of a dis yeah I haven't had something good great everything all right so this is genuinely a trade we I kind of knew it was going to be well Raven kind of reassured me was like this is the only claims to have it has to be unless they got raided before the reboot so that means that they might have got raided a few hours ago but it doesn't seem like it and if someone did they did a terrible job at it I still need to finish off my boots so I need is it torrent that goes and boots torrent for yeah I need so if you find a torrent for book please oh I found two of them okay can I have them yeah they're in the base oh wait a minute okay what the chance of them not not great what are you saying 83% no yeah yeah that's not too bad it's to do anything is that it has a 99% chance to fail but I think it's not a problem you know I have no I have them I have five overall essences left so oh okay so you can least try I think I have some is well I'm gonna go for a little pour some should I try the finish what I'm gonna go for the a 3% okay um I don't think Torah 4 is the max level I don't think it is but I can take on 100% I have some division essence if that was the case anyway so it's fine oh go back to the base without any stop right guys this base is getting very messy now we kept it organized for a while and now it's just getting messy stop it off quite well yeah it's just the ending that's companies oh well what can you do okay I'm breaking for yo that's God Tyr that's divine right in fiction five yet take that wrap it you're slicing rough for I take that as well more spotters how do we miss that where what oh my I don't know I just write this one this was in one in one in twin whirring all right wanted where's twin though I was like no you inside our basement waiting I was like making sure the twin wasn't inside a base thinking that that was the raid all right Gigi I took some of those boners what are they rabbits sheep baby sheep mushroom I got some chicken I think you're right I think we all know the rate is Alexis I think we have rated all 125 of those corners which is insane right Keith I'm breaking for a book on you oh no wait something okay does anyone have a like twin do you have divine like armor yes sir Raven yep all divine yep all right we just had someone who I guess didn't build a divine set we could charge them a fortune for it I think it sells I definitely it does all right yeah I'm breaking for not taking the shovels yeah my divine peace has I'm breaking for in it so all right Gigi all right well this raid is raided just double check the books I guess if you really want to but I think we got most of all I not know the chest here like you're there freaking ton of armor we're getting about eight mil in armor which is insane are we gonna say goodbye to cannon of course yes shoot blow it up yeah well how many shots we've got that's not like - yeah well blob okay - that Harper system was such a bad idea it doesn't move when you're writing it gets clogged it's why I'm at the bottom like oh my god no way guys it's not moving because it's actually full to the brim oh yes planes a little bit then it's initially not moving it's actually full is this full as well okay right you're gonna have to start storing stuff in the like I started a book that's above I did that it's all full already did it no the agenda book one is awful there's room in this room don't worry I was gonna say wow we've done a lot of rating that's kind of impressive that's really impressed I like we're the only ones you store in this room so it's like the three of us is anyone else invite this room three of us no just us three okay nice one say goodbye oh holy smokes I don't know if there's gonna be if it gets rid of every dispenser I will be happy out Oh No okay just play some have you seen what instant trashing TNT does now what's this what is what look at this look at this no no right that's not that wasn't it what's it no cheating he goes straight down that's insane watch but that's really good now because remember you have to be a certain level I think that means you can be at any level and trend shrewd did you smell it goes mega fast ready I guess that's the same all right Hank I'm blowing this off oh no my son I would laugh wait twin please don't get my god set did you did you die click man I've got some bad news to break twin twin I've got some bad news you're gonna troll me now aren't ya no is actually clear actually cause he's called out and I know is that he died it's like how did you say damages from the war but he didn't Oh rip and yeah twin your stuff is cleared it's not here I didn't get it I don't know if right saw my head I'm not dumb no I've got some bad news okay so one I've got you're entering mass okay dude I've got your chest blade no no go chess play I got your leggings I got your sword and I got your bow I bribed Ryan right ball right I heard I did he beats me you guys are type it back and forth I've got some bad news from know before I link I think I know this is gonna be I think I've seen your video you're gonna have even worse I hate you okay but I've got some bad news sorry like I said I've got your sword and stuff ah but the thing is your boots cleared unless you weren't wearing any boots but have fun looking for your M looking for your God set I'm not gonna lie as well I'll split it up completely into all different defenses it's all separate it's great easy can't blow it up because it was clear as god said okay I'm pretty sure you're I'm pretty sure you're cold just say really cruel this is difficult because even if he finds one piece is to find six other pieces look at him look at him he's doing it he's doing it tactic for this is because I did it to him yesterday so he knows what to do still gonna take a mage's he's I think you cold I don't think it's even anything on the floor I can't even replace the helping hands oh my god Raven never okay your mom will even be oh can I help him yeah now off to the war zone we'll see when he gets back yeah okay there was one thing I want to do today one last thing would you guys help me in doing this I want to at least just get to level 10 I don't live with ten no I have to get I have to get I have six our ten horde kills okay there's a hold in a few minutes so we can do it do you would you mind no I'm done with that let's go do this then oh but away all the viewers and stuff I want to give away but like most of the comments were keep the mask so oh then did host one yeah I didn't want to but like honestly Raven we I don't know if that's gonna be next map have you been checking more spots in stuff cuz I haven't for a few days he logged off poor guy okay I'll give you a tip there's something on the roof and it goes raw sometimes yeah so it's on the roof and it's somewhere over in this section somewhere here I believe I think so anyway I can't really remember at this point yes yes I do we'll see in a bit we're actually gonna need him on the help and pupae in a few mins and he's gonna come with you so that's it oh good okay yeah your boots cleared though no joke I'm not joking about that oh good get out people pick up whoa whoa whoa boy my hordes we got another guy over there we got another guy oh god I'll put him down I'll protect you my hordes if the if it even is a horde you might be killing in its a place it should be spawn it's like no go away my hordes back up he's definitely gonna get me some climbers this is definitely gonna get some karma points going on here no no okay chill he said question mark it says 20 minutes I'm the one who's being chill its revenues not oh no no that was five was it okay well I think so yeah I did it oh my god we absolutely right um I don't know if a big enemy is gonna come in a second or not I got a basic enchantment book read you know I've got no chat announcements this year or this time at Rahzel okay no I got okay you want a basing Chapman book for help me out there you go paid or sold my friend and I got gumbo jack - oh is that my pickax I thought a PV that I didn't okay right boom and what do we get out of it what do we fight no it's up to you do we fight the guy killed us back wait what I just got I just got Auto quick a check for killing a guy I guess it was obvious I didn't even know you could get that on players I didn't even know that as possible that's kinda cool though I guess yeah III guess unless someone's checking you right now and thinks you're hacking are you hacking I'm probably trying let's hang on I'm gonna take this back to base and I also I'm gonna rank up gonna get it done and how much my don't Raven are you gonna ask me for a loan pal factions Raven how much money do you have oh my you just go oh my god and then all cash well you know I mean I don't need 100k but I'd like a hundred K and so thanks Frank up boom there we go level ten Wow impressed it took me ages I hope next map I'm gonna be a lot quicker about ranking up I want to be I'm very slow and obviously it's very like if I actually took the time to get level ten would have made a little more money where I'm gonna put these charms away did it it 1pp for a second see if there's anything going on and get right in Italy if you want I know it's how this is gonna go down it's gonna go peepee and it's gonna go rap run because we're in the tight by an old P faction let's go see what's up down like one quick stream a twin if you found the rest of your army yep I hate you oh yeah I mean how are you doing I found it all oh that's good I just don't think he's very happy with us arises TP fights raving mix it up yeah let's go see the lake let's be nice people at Lake though we sweep the peace don't kill him just fishing yeah we keep the peace maybe we keep the peace yo this won't last for long like we might look like top dogs right now but all of a sudden the big factions gonna come along and absolute records let's be quite peaceful image quite peaceful most people I've ever seen it it's just a few peers I'm second the second you fish around it's gonna get hectic this guy kill is this guy not keeping the peace so you keep the peace you better keep the peace he's trying to ship with you now I'm the sheriff of this town alright make sure everyone keeps the peace can patrol the border man patrol the border someone's killing oh that's not good whereabouts guys on fire we were whereabouts over by Webb just work which guy hey it was one of these two oh hang on something's going on here take him in for questioning and by that I mean question Maxima question how about I don't know wait wait I don't know which one it was we have to work here boy no no I don't know if it was him I think it was that I was running away and that's the sign of a guilty player go for you it's a sign for a guilty player turn your lights turn your sirens okay right there's actually no peepee going on here wait whoa okay I think he has enough okay Ravens gonna kill him okay all right I think you like this an Oreo leave him a second he's right lesson learned stand down stand down to that look at her look at her black looks like we have a gang like yeah yeah be above guys right absolutely nope you be gone on here so twin hidin I hate you okay hey guys I'll go to end of this episode here thank you very much for watching there will be an announcement coming fairly soon look out for that thank you very much for watching and I will see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 115,461
Rating: 4.8242397 out of 5
Keywords: mine minecraft, craft minecraft, mine craft, minecraft video, kid friendly, minecraft youtuber, minecraft modded, mcpe, minecraft, survival, minecraft lets play, creepersedge, minecraft server, minecraft raiding
Id: wbRv_QlerGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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