Raiding this underground base and notice someone afking in it... but he's actually hacking!

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alright guys so today me and Raven we're looking for raids and obviously if we have our entities armed we have our F map on and we're basically looking for claim braids but today we have found an unclaimed right now it's definitely some sort of unclaimed raid because the entities are fluctuating like crazy so there's two of us I can already see one of him if you look up in the top left you can see that entries are going up and down there's 20 of them that we cannot see they are not above us cuz it would come up if they were oh my god did you see it jump up to 110 I didn't see that I minded but anyway there is a base down below us and I'm gonna say this if the entities are fluctuating up and down it can't be us unless the base is super close that's the Silver Line there has to be someone online below hit that like button and we might have an invisible right in our hand see I don't know should we take off for a more fully in go down I don't mind if we do it yeah yeah let's do it let's do it like if we die we'll use a heads but do you really care I don't really care actually I lost my head you every day but it gets old no I didn't think it's old yeah my head's only worth 30 through Kaito and what should I do yeah I'll take off my armor and a PVA and I have yes I'm doing three on me I can get rid of all these new pots are we gonna be the little more it doesn't matter I was gonna say we're gonna be looking for more raids after this but it doesn't matter oh no my invisibility pot oh did you see it jump up to a hundred yeah well that might be me though I'm throwing out stuff now all right you ready where's my spare I had a spare invisibility part you hmm maybe yeah I gave you loads but you had loads is that it here it might be you good no I need to go get number in business people are just because it wears out yeah I have I have two more if you want one yes sir then we have this right good TV my stuff I'm gonna keep the sword and stuff I only have a shower five not back to you like whatever okay I'll just keep it yeah nice very visible invisibility Cardew and the chest plate needs to go and then I have basically prop three on as well so that'd be fine all right let's freakin do this okay so definitely Salman's online cuz there the EMTs are fluctuating up and down I'm so excited this our this is our freaking first empty rate of the map hey let me know you're gonna be seeing guys but this is our first entity rate of the map what's not if I won I don't know I just we have a Nazi word that we actually don't we haven't achieved world downloaded space so we no no no no no stop stop yeah do it two by two because if we dig into lava like that would be the most embarrassing thing ever and like you don't know if it slab of all you don't know what it is so literally I'm going to buy to just come back you know did we just get into distance um I don't know I maybe March is coming to distance John a mind above him and then drop down we're invisible Raven oh yeah hang on did he just keep you back in or do you just come to view distance I'm thinking hang on here and I'm gonna go up and just see no I think he'd know Raven I think he just he peed in okay so you want to take this slowly well definitely when we knew he was active anyway because if anyone was in the base showing up sitting up and down and there's no cat there's more than one going because otherwise would make multiple like drops you know I mean if you're watching you know we could be like - up into Houston show me - just get on one point a and just replay mother or no I mean I'm on it right now if you me to do it or he just want to go for it just go for it yeah but let's not go for his name is to see if we can break and take the back side the base it there everything I'm gonna mind yeah but don't do whoa oh okay I thought it's fine okay I'm going down like this okay oh no it's I just saw these killer mushrooms it's mushroom there's mushrooms act yours always killing mushrooms here he's killed mushrooms I mean I mean I mean I'm in ok give me a minute it's a big it I don't know except except it looks like a mound of glowstone not the right thing but I can see mushrooms oh oh oh it looks like a pretty bass I'm gonna Ryan whoa whoa whoa he's swinging oh wow he's swinging at me through a block what Ryan he's swinging at me right now and then he's tracking down to the mushroom oh my god oh my god watch out what else out here we see afk like Cory he's cheating no no you might know where he might just be stopped are you he's in truth is he seriously a okay if we lichens right a hacker oh my god admin staff mods whatever you're watching this do we he's not I don't know like that was unnaturally fast they just hit me we go away and he kills the mushrooms yeah open it up open up move back move back move back he stopped swinging and then it goes straight to the oh my god oh my god I told when I jumped down I was like I'm going down they hit me and I was like what how did you see me so quick how's that impossible book my on hang on hang on no I'm gonna say something yeah dude he's f-14 he's dead oh my god oh my god we just found a chi in action our first unclaimed rate is a cheetah yeah he definitely hundred percent cheating okay and do like you'll be reformed right now or just kill him well I guess oh hang on flash report don't take me down it's definitely mobile right he's not just trolling us right now I feel like he could be trolling us and I'm the rate on my buddy an innocent person banned he's moving a little report don't take me down my boy yeah I report him as well so hopefully stuff comes up yeah I don't I want that we can't kill him well I guess we have the proof but like if a staff comes me see it yo this is this is an exercise the base as well oh my god what a shame is this it I was honestly hoping that the base is gonna be huge with tons of like literally tons of mobs tons of different spawn it's cuz the entity count is going insane but it's cause this guy is freaking afk going ham that's why what's in the chest after now okay we've got luck 3/3 toxics for cows for nukes that's 90 grand I'll take torrid three yes take the Sheep the Sheep Spooner's happy for I got is this guy gonna deal with you any staff a message to happen yeah I said they'd probably be looking at them but could be one watching right now just waiting from death look at this dude namely if I go near much that's insane what straight up honestly we're not even tier 2 kg huggers episode we just got a hacker that's that's a really bad said all right and I don't know what to do we we need to get those Porter's ready easy he's a bit of a snappy woman he doesn't like anyone touch me okay go don't get off you gonna do it when he's killing me at how he just spin so bad that's so freakin bad dude how can you be okay there's seven okay I need to wait for more cows and that's my window I've never had this this has never happened before I made a mess of a hacker like this what I'm not able even you I believe in you now it's go away for the more reach as well oh wait we were worried I even picked him up I don't think he picked him up Oh you bugger wait he wasn't wearing a helmet look at that he's rich dude are you actually taking genuine damage nobody taking you through that block yeah you're you're getting hit right now I thought reconned damage also I think it's like his reach is working but it's actually not damaging that's interesting actually whoa whoa ok I need my spotters back in case yeah ok yeah we're just no way I don't want to kill him though because then if the apples will have got the proof actually we have we have recorded proof of it yeah I guess they do just yeah ok he's back no he's back he's back he's back he's back was he trying it all coded was he trolled us the whole time no he can't be he was cheating the hundred-percent he was sitting us through blocks yeah what about if he was just wrong no no why would you draw that how do you have that like basically how did he know we're coming ok Oh Robert Graham Graham I got some spoilers I got he just come back just there I don't think so I was hit I was taking it with a punch for so it might have clipping cable eat I'm gonna mess him pie that's a yes he's not coming up for a like might be ok but like over to the mob or was something from doing that right message don't take me down hi yeah if he's hitting he's not afk so I sell his head for 19 k yeah he won't be making any more money were here well I'm pretty sure is this that G I honestly thought this was about to be a huge frickin raid cuz I'd like a sword empties like 12 80s or so on average it was like okay this guy probably has tons of spawn a set up I thought we're about to like minor seventh or like a huge layer or something but that's what I thought like a massive melon farm but it's literally just like a small patch of grass oh my god okay well I did the second the second I thought you hit me but then I realize you can so the second I jump down when I got here I was like what like it just felt unnatural you know maybe I think it was basically instant wasn't it and I thought you were after doing it okay well that guy that guy's not there that guy hang on actually good mama chest was he real I'm gonna go spawn and see if he's there dude so we just got the mushrooms which are how much 50 kg founded I found a chest behind the base but it only had eight pizzas Raven Raven comes born say your home say it comes warning say your home come sport that are for there you go my homes are you matter I'm wrong way look he's actually cheating one morning we just got a cheetah or lion claim right yeah we just called you our first unclaimed raid of I think Overlord achi yeah it's my first unclaimed raid on overlord oh now if you don't know you might be like why is he doing this basically he can like grind were being FK and it's a big hack m2 for the server it's really bad and it's just funny that we call like we're just do the raid we just catch him out no freaking way okay like report like let me try contact your style like he's eat like we got the proof he's he's definitely happy yeah we even have proof on him if he was trolling oh no anything was trolling the time would have gone now what was his name again I don't know wait something's on that don't take me down take you down buddy please just bad since I'm crazy myself a package that he is 100% mob or all right let's see if he gets let's see if he gets banned for that they're probably not gonna read who's actually report it and just go like a random guys just acid too bad someone staff how many are online it's just mad alright mad might hopefully see it oh my dog I can literally see his head moving yo John we should have done right even what we should have brought them up to the surface some magical way and shipped him all the way back to Wars a tomato oh we should imagine we shipped him into Walker enum Truman sorry I think what we should have done is we should have our own spawn us there just let him grind for us it's like an auto grinder it's like a minion to grind price I think we would have been think we would have been in that case or we could have got bad okay that would have been teammate is he gone he gone yeah he's been banned I don't know no it says he's on overlord is he gone back to the base be back you might want to go back to the base go back to this I'm back here there's nothing here he stopped him no no he's here he's hidden don't worry oh he's always in ok ok so it's kind of early in the morning so like there's no staff on line right now I'm message mad ok we're just hoping any minute now he's gonna get freaking bad it would say in chat what you wanna say what we said mob or hats board now we're getting every would come to sport and see it won't be able to see it because there's too many people in the middle ok our hacker might be a hot ticket banned fingers crossed he's gone he's gone I don't see him in maybe he stuff he's mine just been around no he said oh no he's not he's on overload he's definitely ok oh he's here he's hit right here look he's my VP the mail my TP the mail we're we're behind you bad you left what right now right oh yeah did he definitely 80 Peter moves he to go see Peter yeah yeah he's getting TPD can t be CNT feet yeah he's about to get bad he's gonna get bad we got some fab I wonder how many souls he has a knees account because he could been grinding for age because if you don't know mushrooms aren't moneymakers their soul makers so that guy could have like 100k souls or these account easy-peasy like oh my God look at him just Bob or he looks so happy alright fair enough I'm sure it's getting doubled now we can leave a beat up did we go genus him yeah that's him a player's just been banned used for blackness of modifications killer that's most likely him GG well we just got a hacker band not a bad day but should we look for more claim rates raven on claim raids or whatever just rates was that enough raven don't respond to me maybe he the hacker all this time I'm not sure if this is a strange conspiracy or not but ii III honestly mean this ii that hacker got banned raven disconnected from the discord kind of worried kind of worried so i am still on slime level i know i should be done it by now but it is the most horrible level going it's it's it's absolutely nasty ravens here for moral support and also i gotta give raven some moral support I guess it's just some help so pretty much and when Raven like left disappeared I honestly told the hacker you forgotten or maybe you were the hacker was kind of a bit worried that you know it was it was you secretly all this time or something I actually thought maybe it was you might be trolling or something but then I was like nah he wouldn't be hacking like there's no way you wouldn't do that but anyway he's computer blue streamed and the video that he was recording with me corrupted so he's gonna have a different video going out today on a raid where I wasn't so make sure to go check him out that video should be going up at Ranelagh at the same time as me so go check out ravens channel give him some love and say your ascent by alright anyway I want to get to something I you done nibble a yeah I've done it daddy's ridiculous you have beat me obviously I played well before you and you came back in you oh my god okay right I need to catch up a little bit but the only thing is to kill you man they gonna break my armor yeah they're once you should go like what give me some parts and I'll just actually we do you guys make it's easy link post or go to spawn right yep by parts and I'm just gonna go I'm just gonna go deep in and just literally keep killing them and you delete you just keep pop me up as you go okay so then I don't have to worry about getting killed you know I can away cuz that's why I'm gonna keep backing off for that's what I do with myself I just bought myself an inventory record okay I'm gonna go okay just litter you can take your time to where I'm not gonna die fast system it's not like a god Sarah need well I'm basically I dunno I think I'm more than I think I'm 50% in no I'm not oh this is gonna take all year think it'd be faster with a straight path yeah probably because put it this way one hitting me one hitting them it took me about half an hour 45 minutes just for half an hour and a half two hours for all of it okay I'm gonna go to spawn okay a shrimp up I'll try it I don't know if it's gonna make any difference I swear to have tons of health if it does it does though so I've got a grading sort at a moment got a quick play five dual strike three it's not like you're God one but it's better than no grinding so at all but it'll do decently and just hopefully this one shuttle okay if this yeah Oh does that chip duplicator yeah it's okay by me don't to me is it duplicate five I'll do come in three okay well still fairly decent but yet mind me not to keep an eye on the health because if it breaks that would be kind of embarrassing mmm okay hang on they get one shot I don't know okay fair enough alright it's fine I'll just go for just keep me healed up and I I guess guys I'll be back to you once this freakin bars filled up because I'm sick of slime levels and I'm getting off it now alright guys I am getting super close less than 800 of them to kill of this level is the worst level I've had it yet and but I heard magma cubes is gonna be worse because technically they burn you don't make but the only reason why these are awkward is because they fact the fact that they hit back and they're just so annoying to grind it in a big they're small it just kind of slows you down a lot but apparently it slimes magma cubes and then I think it's cave spiders or spiders and apparently they're meant to be easy to grind that's the easiest level going apparently so I look forward to that that's the only thing more of a me oh my god I'm gonna die but no lie I've literally broken my setup rock for armor on this spend a lot of money alright so there we go I finally passed that level do you know it took me about I don't know four days just to build up the courage because I did like maybe 25% of it and I was like yeah now I'm gonna go do something else for a bit and I basically procrastinate a lot time till I got it done there thank you see you shad Raven basically helped me out because the base just kept popping me up I didn't have to worry about healing as much and yeah the only thing is I need some more armor I'm kind of out and hopefully I can find some more prop for lying around the place so - now level up to next level we need to kill ten award mobs we'll do that as we go of course and but at least the I technically I would say that's the hard part like getting the hordes like you just do whenever Jen I can away and so I'd say yeah I said we've done the hard part but apparently do you say cubes are gonna be definitely harder cuz it burns like he's on mic McHugh's and he is not very happy no not a happy bunny he's not a happy bunny today they hit back and they burn you I think so well you just right but you could just take an assignment fire is hang on I'm gonna come back unless you see it let's want to see what I'm up against cuz actually do I want to see it is it gonna make me for a gas today and not even want to rank up let me just see let me just see this all current level Oh God yeah it's the exact same it's yeah they just hit back that's all it's the exact same but they probably have way more help that's the problem they look like something that have way more health Mike he's going ham skips kids Mikey some support there we go there's a crop up for you Mikey wait are they actually just jumping to him or no no not all God yeah that level looks nasty yeah I'm not looking forward to that no no I'm not writing up no I'm done I'm done so put in but then the thing that it was a tape that that once you get past like that like basically Magma's are like the spiders are the easiest things ever it gets so easy then yeah and how many how many em once you do this level yeah how many you have to kill oh yeah I'm not sure what level you right now I'm on the same as you I'm killing hordes to level up oh so we're the same level okay so how many words you have to kill now three okay right well if anything I'm not going to steal any hordes of you my cell rank you are first then me otherwise who will be slowing us up down anyway okay so that's all done I need to find some armor because I am quite poor because I lost it I like there's so much armor around the place I just don't really know where to store oh I've got to show you something as well alright and we have our own little private little place home new base and oh no is it the amazing private place it's like our little private place just so will it thank you for making the god set and so if we can store our own private prep for sets and stuff like that and you know I mean just our own little space so TPA here fractions Raven I just made it it's basically in the tree it's basically where it is just a few chests we can we can deck out make it bigger if we need to but like see here like I basically lost my God set every day so I'm gonna be working on a new guard set right here and I have some stuff saved in there like good stuff I thought you just but like yeah if you want to store you can just store here and and I guess let's try keep it organized if we can maybe we should actually make like chests that are like p4 and stuff so we can just you know grab it when we need to because like we all we always get flustered so I'm like right here like I didn't know anything look I did oh you don't mean I need we need to clear that out we need to put like prop for only and stuff in there yeah I mean so if we basically have like book chests like decent books and I guess scrap books will just throw anyway yeah maybe we can make like a hopper system that we just put books into and it goes on there like a nice crab to be honest we actually should now what does you'd be pretty useful because like let's be honest we're gonna build up a ton of books like we should make this our little like cores you know I can oh wait I don't think I don't have to chop down this and give it more room you know let the room breathe a bit or maybe like people are the weekly debrief yeah maybe that's gonna be at the sea maybe this can be like a little table we'll just have a like a haven't flown there we go okay I want to be able to see you as I walk around like you can jump me we can go oh look at this cool sword man oh really yeah anyway so this is our room yeah we'll work on a hopper system we'll make this hard sick room because we need to actually get some sword because like yeah a faction has like 270 million right now but like I look at my PV and there's nothing in it like you know I mean there is lychee I've used up all my sets I've been PV being so much like I can't keep up with it and I know there's prop for in the base I know the some up in the new base the problem is so all this organized so I can't find it so I don't - do we have me find a prop for set cuz I don't feel good yeah I hope you I hope you and then we'll let you organize our base in a bit oh there we go poor boots and there's need leggings that's all I need I know we definitely raided tonight somewhere here see so missing only tree just found someone actually our vault room is gonna be nice and organized what we're yeah okay Wow okay sorry mirrors over-exaggerating but yeah we need to organize our forum so we need a I guess actually let's not just say we just need a chest to chest food with prop forward you take organizer I was gonna say proper you but let's be honest that's only where prop for cuz if we wear all three we're gonna die we need to set up a hopper filtration system for any books that we basically don't want like Joe like you forget like spike - yeah you know like we might keep it for I just making like weird god sets sometimes but like basically just trow in till I could messy chests that filters out and goes down that shouldn't be too hard to make we'll do that like hopefully in except so soft but yeah we'll get all I'll get we'll get our bolt and stuff all sorted out okay one dude up yep I'm done for that okay so let me make a sign let's get this ready literally because I honestly it's been bugging me right now and like you know I mean let's say we're getting raided or we need to really pvp or something you know how slow are we gonna be to basically react very freaking slow okay so both of these can be good books yeah cuz it's two of us and we all remember that and I was also we could like several political books good book so basically that means that these are nearly God set material any of these books I kind of max and others because as you can see like there's it flecked five and there's inflection five and evade for which i think is the max level I wasn't really sure that's why but it always makes yeah so like you I mean they're decent books are like they go in there even if they're like two percent chance to work they might as well still going there because we can still reroll them now what else so if we if we have our armor chest and we have our good book chests like these are all gonna be kind of organized chests and then what we'll do is we'll just make a big scrap system like we'll let you make okay so what we'll do is like here right because like we can break down we still have that we actually still have a private room down there but what we can have here is a hopper going this way right and basically we dump anything in here that is like gonna be like raid stuff or just random like sword stuff like that and in any books go over here so everything else basic goes into normal and basically what we could do is you might be like oh but when you're rain it's gonna be so awkward right cuz you won't be that you only be a dump five so Finn you have wait for it to move out yeah yeah true right so what we can do is we can actually make a big long line of hoppers here so you can just start dumping into the line of Harper's and it'll that slowly I like this but like Joey not be sick and then that's how we can keep our room organized because if we don't do that you know we're just gonna go oh yeah I have this I'll just don't be in here for a second exactly and so I guess well we'll just call this like we'll call this like the holding chest so let's say we have an item that we want to use for the episode or just something you know we're just put in there black oh yeah just like oh I have like a boob book I wanna sell to someone or something laughs yes sure we need some sort s we can hold something in and we call this like just the I guess whatever is useful and then yeah I guess the rest of chess can be whatever as long as yeah I'm think we're getting to organize but yeah that's fine right but I actually really want to build this hopper system do we have enough money for how much do helpers cost I'm gonna go check actually one sec I've G shopping and 25k yeah I think you'd be sick hang on let me break out meantime see if we have enough room so like we have a hot precision go down here probably have to chop down a decent bear this and actually cover up this completely an obsidian because like he's thinking in the way like we can just make a big massive just filtration chest room and just basically be scrapped and be nothing special but maybe the Rays like wood yeah one do it yeah let's do it what do we do now now the next Enzo I don't mind okay we'll do it now but I'll show you next episode anyway guys I am going to end of this episode actually wait hold on huh I am going to end off this episode once I open this Ashley choose okay hang on okay I'm gonna move up two seconds all right the enchanted charm is one and the mystical charm is two so let's see what Raven chooses right Raven choose one or two - okay I think that's mystical jump GG hayride yeah choose one oh two one I want to open the charm okay right you can open it up alright what crates all right what you open I'm coming with you all right hopefully the cat is a good charm look okay mystical charm let's freakin go here we go we're gonna get don't go what we're gonna get oh you'll can't hates me I just got a sharp five act oh my god oh my god kitty I did know John does it for you honestly oh my god I got a mystical I got a sharp five axe okay Graham whatever I got a bloody container I thought was maybe a general kit or something and I got snot fly let's freakin go that is warm way to end an episode I was literally saying to Raven as I was ranking up for slimes I really want to get high to fly Ramon's like you haven't got it yet I was like no and like twin has it mikey has it everyone freaking has it okay I'm gonna open a split container as well three two one boom we got a sharp five oh my god we got a sharp five and a legendary about have such a really weird combo but does it happens to you in it it does okay decent and there's another sharp five so there we go oh my god I'm redeemed that straight away I might even silent dream I guess you fly can you fly in spawn now no oh okay right bye I can fly that's all that matters and he just I need to make sure this works fly oh my god it's beautiful oh my god thank you kitty honestly she was up me out really weird anyway guys I'm going to end of this episode I guess next time / - mystical term I make sure to have cat with me you know I mean that's clearly good luck that was pre decent fly Chum loading container and a sharp five acts pretty decent hand every guys think watching I'll see you guys in next [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 201,741
Rating: 4.8361955 out of 5
Keywords: mine minecraft, craft minecraft, mine craft, minecraft video, kid friendly, minecraft youtuber, minecraft modded, mcpe, minecraft, survival, minecraft lets play, creepersedge, minecraft server, minecraft raiding
Id: dcq0pwG-GOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 6sec (1686 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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