Minecraft faction SKYBASE was claimed & impossible to RAID? (200IQ IDEA)

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so today me and factions Raven found an interesting raid we found a claimed sky base and why this was so interesting was that the fact that it was claimed mean that there was no way of getting up to it but then we came up with a very very smart 202 IQ move which involved a cannon pointing directly at the sky base and Ravenwood fired his cannon fire sand at the sky base the sad would hit the sky base and then fall down on top of me and an I would press spacebar and I would jump up one level and slowly keep rising and rising until we get to the sky base this was pretty much the process these guys thought they had a really smart minecraft faction base but we had a smart way to get to it guys there was some 200 IQ moves in this episode but there was some also - 200 IQ moves in this episode near the end so you know things get a bit things get a bit Larry at the end they get a bit mad but hopefully enjoy and we guys enjoy this very tense episode [Music] [Music] 50 or so blocks 50 I don't know I'm just thinking des but I can say it is right there dude we've been talking for so long don't mean we owe the other side is like the other sign is like missions are like it there's another big massive sand pile somewhere a hell hung like this line 50 more I don't know 50 we're running out of TNT okay well then like 49 mm-hmm I don't know I can see this guy miss anyway and like I'm sick of this so can you hurry up because like Joe what do you mean you're sick of this I don't have to stack stand every yeah I don't know what's worse to be honest I think I've got the end of it no because if you don't pay attention here then you know you kind of fall off Oh God all right anyway but what happens if you fall off I'm gonna show up and we're her fall off might yeah think about that I don't want to start again I can set my home but I'd be absolute useless in two seconds right I'm not gonna say anything because I'm not gonna get you high but let you know what I'm there for eight blocks now I haven't really wanted to check because I know you've checked um well I'm assuming you checked and since this guy base is claimed yes you did check to see if there was value yes and how much value was there these guys are worth drumroll please Ryan six point eight million dollars okay that is decent so potentially there is six point eight million dollars hiding inside this guy by base if they don't have enough yes potentially that if they're if they have a face if this isn't all of their claims yeah my base this is nothing yes but it is claim so I feel like it could be something okay otherwise you don't blame it right if it didn't have anything in it you just yeah or maybe you would claim it because it has nothing in it you're so they're just trying to yeah okay right we'll even we're getting close okay so we're about to find out anyway but if there is nothin here I blame you for my waste of time and I could have been pvping ranking up could have been doing some other stuff okay but thank you for your clay for the radii really we have nine shots left yeah I know there should be enough just hopefully there is stuff inside the base that's all matters okay we got stuff oh okay I need to stop firing do I stop firing do i fire and know you can fire again fire again okay oh do I do it tomorrow okay I'm doing it no yeah you know I'm not that close yeah I can just loop the chest if that makes sense I need to get higher okay whoa okay so okay let me tell you about this right open up the first chest right the chest I need to break - obviously break into the base yeah yeah Pratt for dents or tattoos and let boots prop for which I kind of want which can I have like you're not really good you have you have you go for it because like you're not really properly playing this one as a series you're playing like warlock and over are together right yeah just you take it okay well anyway impart silk touch pickaxe everything like that oh do you want a teepee is it possible oh yeah I'll TP you why not are we gonna hit you're not are we gonna we'll be fine day oh you're home over there anyway right now I do right two fireballs won't come honey just okay right so let's just check the surrounding chest together hello hello oh hang on hang on hang on hang on do not punch oh okay yeah right-click only why are we in enemy factions of a raid in the other I hate you okay anyway and we've got some stuffing a look at this TNT there he's some obsidian okay we'll take that okay I'm gonna go for the fire wall Dimond that fire balls go okay I'll move back yeah is that gonna hit you if that look like it's gonna hit you yeah I'm fine I feel like we need to be right up against the chest oh wait I should go into a pole right now yeah you should be able to because if not it's I just realized the sounds not gonna work no matter you like now it's time for you to go back down you're right I am actually feeling really optimistic but okay that's a good sign or you sore - I thought you saw another chest was a good sport us no I just saw skeletons okay how are we doing this we're in different factions how's this raid work right now whoever survives takes it hang on okay chess okay pause pots in this chess if we at PvP but if we get pupae we knock them out some it's about a dog of armor whoa dude oh my god okay the six million is definitely most of it is definitely here oh okay well it's a pleasure to take a look at the raid hey don't ray we need to figure out how they in fairness you can take one thing I took that try to for boots okay you can take us a prop for to okay deal cuz I took that when I was taking out chess so what else have we got here oh okay okay would you say the six million is here I would say yes so a good amount of it I would say the full amount is here right the main thing I can see here well heads in pure gems can I have those you don't need go for it why not mom okay because I'm saving them up I need to get some flashlights treasures and all that kind of she's the Wizzle you should pupae of us oh wait you're an enemy faction I will kill you heads without a worth 10 K so your gems do you want the head you did the can thing so there you go you know oh I know I'll take it there we go ten dollars easy is there so we're in separate factions and we're not even allies so we need to have this if we're both like you know truces or whatever it be fine but no factions need the dollar dollar no we're not gonna fight out we've just work together together we can set this over a nice cup of tea and we can relax and we can do it we can do this in a nice you know manner manner leeway now yes what I want you to do is gather up all the spoilers and we're gonna stick it in this chest right here up above top right oh yeah okay and then we're gonna like basically sort them out and see how many good ones bad ones how many pigs we got and then we saw it that way okay and then we can do like maybe like head flips and stuff for the big ones I like that yeah okay this is the ferry I'm gonna siphon out all the kind of really really good spawns like spiders cows and you know higher up ones like chickens and just see what we got going on here you know what I mean okay so slimes like that counts as a height scale this one actually is more skeletons here than I thought I thought there was one I think I've just picked up three so we're definitely so far gonna be fast a good amount k spiders slimes and then the rest are kind of pigs which we can just like share ourself sheeps never slime would you class cows are high in spawner now no that's when you've got 19 know something about ninety K okay and and that is everything okay so in here is all the decent spawner so let me line up okay so these are skeletons so I think we have three skeletons so we're definitely gonna fight so the best way I can say is that we take one scale from each okay and then we have flip for this count okay yeah too easy to reach okay there we go that's even wait what did you just take my slip own okay I have to I don't we double click the same slams I thought I lost it there's three cave spiders and one spider so they're exactly the same spawner so do we just half those again um no cuz one's worth more in it no they're worth exactly say money okay yeah that's my friend yeah stuff yeah that's fine okay cool all we're really fighting over is the one skeletons wanna yeah promise I'll eat Chester for now oh and we'll do it at the end now these foreigners really quit me how to undo this cuz I just all right everybody just take them and then we'll see what we're left with okay I say just go for it to start clicking it doesn't really matter doesn't matter is like most foreigners don't count a corner okay well I have my look at the end of their basic ones there's skeletons and all them are the main ones it's the only ones really matter like the skeletons I would see the slimes the cave spiders and stuff so yeah how many sets per one two three four five six so half each don't say that we already get speculations in the comments that these are fake yes they're my boots by the way I've never shared a Raider is before so civilized I think honestly we got just above four point something mill yeah we might be getting the rest of it because okay yeah and then obviously we've got the armor the spawn is we got were worth about 4.1 mill wow yeah that's nice so about four million dollars from shooting sand it's definitely like a good payoff I think yeah that's pretty good and I've got an idea but first okay Han so we got everything is everything ready okay I'm taking this back for a second to done but okay very simple ice and check the roof so we don't miss anything and he spawns oh by the way I'm gonna watch back your raid video and make sure you didn't steal anything nation no I was gonna do the exact same with you huh become before if you did I hope you come in right so that's everything then yeah mainly value yeah I took everything just double-checking I don't wanna like it actually even I noticed what is random prop three here dude I probably some behind you as well I'm just oh it's just p1 and stuff I'll just randomly take that I guess I don't really want it yeah it's all separate well what about a head I already did those nothing happened did you sell the head for ten thousand yeah I sold that that's an easy 10k thank you very much no problem oh and I think that's everything right yeah okay good my pot select good good okay cuz what we're about to do next could be very very cheeky but first what I will do kill me no the guys talking in chat look I know Matt I know hooking it so what is gonna do first before anything right I was gonna go log off I have a replay mod on so I can actually just skirt down below and see if there's a base down below okay yeah no then we can message the guy but like hey dude do you have like a skeleton spawner to sell or something like that you know I mean then maybe he'll go back to his sky base let me go animal kill him and if he believes us we need to kill him in the sky base though because if these places like he's we're just gonna fall into war so were safer zone yeah yeah okay I like that plan right let me log off two seconds I check okay you go do things I'll keep watch saving replay files everyone thinks that this is like basically like hacks but you need to be like you need to be logged off the server okay it's essentially the same [Music] no there's nothing here I just thought like you know it wouldn't be the first time I found something like that so alright fair enough long back on hello hello alright he's messaged me saying what why enemy us why'd you anywhere so soon because I like he's gonna okay he's gonna come back he's gonna come back he's gonna come check this guy base okay yeah right now what should I say you have a skeleton spawner I can buy please oh he's gonna know dude they are stored in someone's PV I'm sorry that is a blatant lie are you sure about that that is you are lying just bring up and about you are liar dirty liar tell him that's not true because we can see on your effed up breakdown that you have skeletons bonus stored in your F top breakdown you have thawed you dirty liar hey maybe they are in ask a base question mark I just has no idea they're in a sky base coat of a dirty lion twice this guy could be the most honest guy guard yeah he can be true some are I think okay say can you get them for me I know you are in the sky base say I can't get up say I can't get up to the sky base today yeah them for me I can't get up to it now he go he said now I'm fine say let's just say okay have a good day and we're just gonna sit here and watch him come back day right just keep you smack that corner us make this corner all right so we waited for a little while now it doesn't seem to be coming home and I got things to do and believe on that I do have a life I wanted to do that for so long it is warrior you made stuff rain hey go back to the cannon oh okay wait no I don't have a home anymore well Rick I set my home raid on the other side I just see you up there hello okay the stuffs coming down with me okay okay they you know the captain always goes down with the ship yeah in this case the raven always goes down with the sky bass okay I'll see you in a second good so why you / I see a pony I'm ordered upwards you don't need a pearl hey you need to burn jump into the war you silly fool all right let's go nope let's have a battle the real way I was gonna challenge you to trial by combat but then I realized you then I realized that's not a great idea is it not not really why not because you're probably ten times barren to me no no come with me right come on okay we're gonna go on an adventure you you you wanted you want to do yeah we're good this way like you want to put like 300 K on the line here yes essentially that's what it's gonna be are we just do you know psycho has a slice deal plugin yeah claim land city bill I know I know right I'll meet you what are you how-how'd you won do you want a war Farina or do you want to touch do it that's us jus let's do it fair gear okay alright okay see 200k for a prank yeah that's do you even want it well now it makes you want to win anymore they said I'm gonna lose your way you better mean amputee alright let's do this not a hair flip a slash duel at least and that's a little bit more in my control if I lose it's my fault right so if I win I get 50 for wool and I get to keep my scalp well we get we were I put the annihilation core in there alright that's fair enough whatever that's more money okay here we go let's do this let's do this okay do you get those same pots no it's just just good old-fashioned murder ah I'm not good at this anymore hey one you do suck ha ha I was like trying to hold off and then like I was doing really well and I just dropped thank you very much Doppler none are giving up whenever up whenever Skelton's porn online alright yeah cool okay right just do me I don't have to kill this more on me but you know I have another one good luck good luck to you too sir [Music] oh you okay you know I'm gonna do what you gonna do triple it off yeah I'm gonna hit you yeah with the hardest thing you can't refuse because you have a problem and I'm gonna take advantage of that and that she gambling even more I said I wouldn't bear to beat you in PvP and I knew that was right okay triple or nothing I don't even have that many skeletons warrants oh carefully to ahead flip ya right then you got a problem yep I'm terrified [Music] Ryan hello you okay Ryan and you okay [Music] you have an addiction quadruple o nuttin cut rupal are nothing me hey Ryan with this involved up all or nothing you want to go for it you wanna trade no no no I'm saying I'll win this one is back Plus this oh you just wanted you wanna do mm-hm so if I win I get your I'm I'm due to win I am due to win if I win I get your anymore yes you win you get one skeleton spawner no I get the scale this one's back okay okay head flip or jewel hair flip I'm not dueling I'm doing okay but hey can you open this up if I do lose it yeah sure cuz I need to advertiser arms toward us like a beauty icon oh if I lose this I'm Quinton factions I'm actually done I'm actually done officially done I'm actually done I'm genuinely actually done okay open in front of us you get from it open the two in front of me right here right now I'm actually done two at the same time okay okay I got G shop oh wow you can settle up for a lot of money you got to just lock picks already here we go here we go infernal charm Oh infernal OOP bag that's noise for all points no Raven how much will our by Nature how is that sharp six yeah I will buy it off you for two million two million I actually need that and that chest plate I'll buy that chest plate off you for a Bible for the Muffy for four million dollars mm-hmm no four million come on friends deal as well come on buddy no friends if you don't even played a server you play both servers that same time listen listen listen I'll do with you okay or trade crazy Steve ninety-seven four million frenzy of a million dollars four million dollars friend deal okay I'm gonna give you two million now because I don't have 4 million but I will give you the four I will make another 2 million for you I promise okay all right so you want the chest plate can we hand shaking 4 million yeah I handshake on for milk okay yeah so former football is that yeah uh-huh okay I'm a very happy boy and there you go so it's locked in you can't have it back no Raven you just got scammed out of a lot of money I don't mind brother I'd like thank you said right I don't really play the server you you need it more than I do and I feel like half that's probably yours anyway okay okay and well like I would have got like these are the main things I definitely want obviously charms everything I had it's nice that's really not yeah but like I need these so you can get those on stores like a few be calm but do not have flip them they do not give you better luck as some people might think I I just I just thought I I'm not doing any more classes you've absolutely cleared me out I've just managed to come out this really lucky with something I really want now the icing on the cake would be if this juggernaut is because obviously you know that juggler to is really rare now right yep it's a divine in child yeah if this joke not to chestplate does not book does not work that I got then that's just like that just proves my luck like that proves that you took a man should be today what if it works if it works it means that I was meant to do this to get to this does that make sense so you know I was justified here we go I'm gonna put on three I've opened my charms I've got one left did it work I take you by that it didn't work see you there and did not work I'm just gonna go ponder about it oh my god [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 171,419
Rating: 4.8753929 out of 5
Keywords: creepersedge, kid friendly, minecraft, minecraft funny, minecraft video, minecraft factions, minecraft raiding, minecraft pvp, Minecraft faction SKYBASE was claimed & impossible to CLIMB? (200IQ IDEA)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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