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again deep in here oh I don't know I don't know she's good there we go we in yes we are weird wait hello how's it going and welcome back to another episode of factions this episode is going to be a juicy one because if you guys don't know the people who have been attempting to raid us which is cloud we're going to attempt to raid them today but I will get into all that in just a second but welcome back to facts you guys if you do enjoy this make sure to slap that like button the more likes and Cubs are seen in Mordor I know you guys are enjoying the series and the more you want more but I hope you guys enjoyed this episode and let's get into it because we need to raid cloud [Music] I see the light inside you right then hold on just let us escape in Iowa tonight you see [Music] [Music] we are forever learning one step further as long as world's turning [Music] sigh Wilke explain it people know you'll see [Music] for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so the 230 stacker is a built and ready to split clouds a base well hopefully split clouds base this cannon has not been used in a little while I haven't used it for a long while me and nos actually ended up building it together just came in halfway through the process of building it and then once he came in literally sped up like absolute craziness but we have this lined up at the clouds base over that way we're quite a distance away from it because it's how the claims gonna work but I'm just hoping that the cannon will have enough power to do this a fingers crossed it does and if you want to know art like clouds cannon box that they're trying to con us with is literally just over that way behind us so cloud are actually living right next to us and the only reason that were raining clouds right now is because that they've been trying to raid us and we'll try to write them don't know if we're gonna get in or not but we will at least give in a try so I currently have six hundred and eighty one thousand dollars now luckily enough most of the caddisflies did not have to be bought at all because we've had so many cut and supplies given to us by that cabinet box over there so we didn't really spend any money at all on any of that so I'm going to go shop right now and buy as much tea and tea as I possibly can because I know we need about three inventories just to fill us up with about 10 shots so yeah it costs a lot to fill it up and I don't even know if we have enough but we'll give it a shot okay I'm gonna go shop and buy just literally spend my whole balance on TNT like my whole balance unless you already have state I'm happy I see you a tea in your hand I've just been buying - yeah okay I'm gonna buy any matter okay come come to the can okay okay so TNT fill 10 fill it with 10 I don't have to buy more as well yeah that would be great how much wage what you have I have only got 90 - okay so I can buy filament oh okay oh no you can't you need 240,000 but just buy it okay 188 Spencer's you could be Sam to be filled hang on I will go and get more oh my god this is so expensive I can't wait to actually rich and have tea and tea but it might take a lot of TNT fill ten six dispensers J some you must be able to fit always yeah I mean there's a few do you have any in the base one and like will get that maybe next time if we need to refill all nearby dispenser fulfilled let me just fill the actual lot of boosters put them whatever splits the sand okay right let's not mess up any shots at all make sure we always have cobwebs make sure the cannon is clear because we don't really want to waste shots as you can see it cost us about 140,000 just to get into it I don't think we're gonna make any profit from the space just gonna be sheer satisfaction yes right now you know how this kind of works don't you yeah kind of yes so the the cobwebs will always have to be replaced and the sand will always have to be stacked but whenever you're firing just make sure that no stand gets clogged up here yeah here right because I'll go over to the wall make sure it's working but let me disconnect the sand for now because it's gonna be a dry shot my since when the server rebooted my home disappeared it was totally the one hour period I need to go over okay okay right the sand shot is this kill oh no actually did you see where destroyed the red stand oh yeah can you plot that biome because that geo it set to your wet shop yeah okay yeah and then I guess fire away I'll just like climb my way up okay please say this works and dogs you split one wall I'm happy we've done morning clouds into our base so far actually no nobody's a bit to Wars they've already split one of our dry walls at the front so ya ready yep fire away alright fire please don't blow up please well I don't want it to blow up please brother kundan blow up I think it did it yeah it did it yeah right yeah we good okay right I need to get off the walls now so make sure you Reese X and cobwebs make sure the cannon isn't clogged because it can happen with that cannon and then you're good to go to fire again now guys so a whorl download the base it's pretty much cactus farm I don't know if this is their main base but it's one of their base so we're going to attempt to split we're going to do our best we just I just hope not to waste any shots because it should be one shot per per wall so hopefully we can do this all right it fired all right yeah no no I'm worried about distant areas perfect yeah actually no it seems to be working fine I thought it wasn't I thought the nuke wasn't working but it just looked like it wasn't working from like looking up at it it just looked tiny but no it's working out so you fine set home s I actually really liked cloud like I appreciate like you know like Dave's really made it fun beside the map I don't know have we gonna get neighboring this is crazy yeah that worked lovely jubbly I love I'm I love the sky on this thing up to 256 so it's all good right there yeah that's done I mean you just died I went to go into peril over T of rewards to check if they had slabs and I was gonna clip regum and he felt like there was just literally one bit of water that I'd landed okay I'm assuming that's working I'm just going to assume okay so we're not through this set of walls yet but we nearly are we're struggling to get TNT but we're just kind of buying as we go I know we have a lot of stuff that we can sell I have a few spotters I could sell for example so I know we can do it but we work on to play and just filling the cannon up completely or just like or doing it in sections like every 10 shots because I feel like that's the better thing to do because then if cow come online they get our cannon at least they only get a bit of TNT not all the TT that we actually pumped into we've got a fair bit of damage so far I'm quite proud we went through quite a few wards and we got one to two walls to go through in and we're actually on to the actual base part I don't know why did Jen need random wall to me because they thought that this is where we're this is a sign that weird raid from which makes sense because our base is literally just over there so yeah it does make sense okay it just fired all right right here we go well congrats guys we got through the first part and now it's a dry so disconnect the sand and yeah please don't stack it up to a time I'll just disconnect it okay right there's people inside the base but like I'm just gonna hope that our afk okay right if they haven't heard it they're gonna hear it now that was so loud okay I need to go down here and get rid of these labs okay we know the dry show always show its ass and shot and put you're fine you're fine too can that one because I've already got rid of slab oh dude oh so nervous we have at least one two three four five we'll have to repo okay right you'll need to wait now cuz I I don't I don't know I don't think it's lab bosses slab bus because they'll be massive holes in the ground I don't think I see them yes that's blue okay so I said and I'll tell you one next to fine next shot oh my god this is so awkward but it's kind of working so poor the poor gang raid in the base huh all right really should we should really be doing this on I'm probably a more valuable base but it's more fun this way yeah for rewarding okay I'm I'm gonna get rid this one come on creeper that's it hit the bottom well the first try lovely jubbly all right from collection point but there is a horse and Ocelot spawner I thought it could be ten in there I have no idea even if we don't get on like we did well you know we managed to fill the cannon by scraping everything about like that's a problem like I just like well this season we need to take like raiding chillax because you just know how easy it is for a raid to get ruined it coulda just it takes one person one part him we have a sec to touch your cannon that's it raids over nothing you could do very much no the cloud has my head because Raven had flipped it but wouldn't it be like epic like break into it and like raid the head back that would be definitely in someone's PV 100% shut over there alright never slabs done I always just make sure to check us down but yep it's done so you I think that's the penguin guy lenguin guys yeah yeah a lenguin has I think yeah I don't know if lab pang I don't know if your head flipped him but someone already bought it I'm not entirely sure yeah he had flipped him in the livestream alright okay I knew there's only a matter of time before he lost it oh this one has like a wholeness I can jump straight down lovely just look off no I guess not no not Nuggets okay good okay home s I think if this is not the last walls this is the next one laughs all and but I've got rid of it so you can fire two shots now you're absolutely good to go and you're going as fast as you can because I'm literally about to go down the side there basin without any miscibility yeah I have to go down I'm diving guys okay I'm just gonna assume that's working so you can fire another shot after that and you're gonna have to wait for the last shot at once I just literally have to go down here and I'd say it done dusted oh come on if glass a cloud found this week yeah week we gave a good shot at least I'm pretty oh hang on I need more seks and can someone check the option is sake for 8,000 more oh hang on got one got one okay okay guys one sake all I have I've been doing it one shot and everyone I'm not gonna mess up now okay all right stack guys this will be the last shop make sure we have and reds and you know make sure the TT the Kansas you felt and really got three shots left so it should be good all right GG guys GG let's do this we've done let's not celebrate just yet but I think we can kind of a little bit I don't want to jinx it I really don't wanna jinx it there's a guy right there I'm just gonna assume he's afk or you just can't hear it can so that's fine he's not moving but yeah okay okay as well yeah they're not a Tiffany FK you ready right all right you ready to go I'm ready to go oh here we go go on Oh Jen deep in here oh I don't know I did good there we go we in yes we are weird okay let's go okay TPA accept gold nuggets will you TP everyone else here then as well okay right do not kill the bots just yet I'm gonna go for this bonus that's very important hang on how many at least one as we got here how many oh my god what we're talking about four 14 horse points right here Jen move by the way no way yes here we go I've got more there we go how many are slots are there are they still there there's 12 there's 12 here taken I won I take take em I can't take them I don't have this is from what I know clouds and kind of cactus base but it's the base right next door sands the base where you know and we just really wanted to raid them so was this worth it and see your babies we got on right over here let me go a little bit of 10 T so how much do you think in these chests wife's card that has half a chest in here as well really oh jeez TT it's not like it's not a note like to make you drop three make sure you take that no take it take it all take all the TT of courses obviously we're not making a profit back in the TT Department but like yeah what did you ever do really okay okay no Co cell in the cactus oh my god the amount of cactus to heaven side there you have any inventory space to get all this tnt and no but what I'll do if I go home back to the base and then I'll be back okay fine how much money they look like AF K accounts balance that's Hollywood like okay I'm just happy like you're we actually got in you know at least now with cloud rain us at least read them now I don't I'd like I said this is not their main base 100 percent isn't yeah you know it can't be it can't be and I know but it's still something actually maybe it is it's just one care because maybe it is because this is the base that I'm afraid the other day when they were trying to raid us we just raided the next part so now they're actually technically fully rated it's just how they've just like being trying to raid us so many times and we've just managed to do it like yeah we just about managed to do it not like them stopping us but like getting the team teeth we're so bad but we did it we did it okay make sure you get all the TNT we need all that we need lips yeah take can supplies I've used all of the cactus toss think sure no no nice there's anything else download this base a few days ago right they said like lava like up above here and these were like fully aa bead off but they're at opened or so now she kind of lucky yeah no we give some ones who got lazy so that's yeah we are 14 horse burners I'm happier that ok so right now I'm just selling all the cactus I think nos is sold most of it unless it's like oh no hang on this more filler period someone's son okay okay no it's just going down the chest I gotta bake a few there but GG this actually wasn't a bad brain we're actually making quite a bit of money just from the cactus farm alone because it looks like it hasn't been sold all day actually okay I think I don't know but I think cloud are an American so technically like this is what they're gonna wake up to but they're gonna wake up to nothing now so we're selling all free money for us oh I just heard an explosion what's going on oh there's blown-up chest okay that's fine but at 14 horse bonus that's fairly good because now we can justly place them all in our base and just start grinding that horse master wants you or just tell them because I know people do you want to buy them because obviously everyone once and horse masters are few dozen I'm actually making a decent bit of money from this like 50 mm uh the only thing that's sad about this is that we can actually get their Harper's because as you can see it's fully Abidal or fully all beat up fully watered off okay so that brought us up to a hundred thousand dollars they're serving the rest of it let's see what's going on here okay is all the what are you doing get the cactus vamos cobblestone on the floor yo and nos yeah go back to the cannon and press the fire button just just drive press it see what happens yeah hole it seems he's gone right you know we might as well just do more destruction you don't see what happens yo exactly did you get the prop three as well I want to make sure we got yep yep I got everything else oh that's what I'm talking about that's what I wanted look I don't know why this is Abidal it looks like it over cactus farm collection point but we just wandered into it I think you can enderpearl inter if you do it just right but you have to do it just right you cannot enter product chess if to enter product side of the wall there's more team things I can see more cactus so we may as well sell it I know why they have this one a be tough sell hand all fame we get into that one yeah we did that's why that's was that's why I was hoping that would happen yeah no go ahead and kill the olds yeah have any spare ender pearls you can check me yeah I have like do any of the head sell friend link no they're both some ones are $50 like on their accounts guys I just realized something we're really not good neighbors we just like broke into their home but then again they were trying to break into our home exact what we had that air protection you know that I don't know I'll try to think of a fire alarm or fire protection service that you'd get you liked alarms you see on top of people's house and stuff can't think your buddy okay well air come protection but that's higher so no I know that okay right now you say well this time yes that's what I'm talking about golden nuggets got in there TP a golden nuggets I think that place is going to be absolutely filled with stuff if I make over 600,000 back I'm fine there's a lot of caches in here oh my gosh yeah but the only sad thing is that we can't get the Harper's that'll be like a really nice bonus there exactly yeah by the way we gotten so lucky that we actually got this it was one block that broke one a block lucky well guys I'm Gigi I didn't think Israel's work at all and but it worked I'm making four thousand for anybody who's putting up okay no man making sure cuz like we're technically in at in right now and if they blocked that one hole we're all dead God how much pact is gonna fit inside these chests I know I'm leave important chests all fill as well again oh my god yeah yeah what what is going on it must be all coming down it it must literally be full to the brim they pray can't take anymore get your son I'm at 200,000 right now how about if we make our money back no I don't now we're gonna make our money well actually you has anyone else made a hundred thousand for example yeah all right so that's for indicate I spent six hundred eighty one thousand on TNT all my bow this thing is just never-ending I've been saving this for last like five minutes down it's just like one chest would be empty one minute and you looking it again it's just filled to the brim like look this is filling up again what is going on right now this kind of file needs to have been sold it's been neglected we could just save four hours [Applause] this is not seriously come on this has to be empty now come on oh my god no no not fully yeah oh hang on I think we think we've dried up the gold man I mean hopefully not hopefully I'd like it to keep going hopefully if you were like making millions and you were like oh hopefully I stopped making millions tomorrow because what if they will just come back and jump on me or just died like loser heads and then they get I'll die a rich man I thought it was dried up but it's not going and I know it's making cactus as we speak but it's not making that much hotness as a speaker come on not so useful selling cactus now I finish telling my bit I'm gonna let you Pilar so we practically made five hundred thousand dollars from cactus alone got some tnt back stone and we got 14 Horner's that we got right I guess that's all go to the camera take it down and take whatever TNT we have left on the list unless it's empty it's empty yeah I think so I'm still selling the cactus is just keep on filling up yeah I've given up now wait what was that about what you wish it stopped yeah well I felt bad for you dude you know my balance looking nice you know well guys this was bull against I'm going to be here for hours like absolutely hours senator this cactus my god no I saw you selling this one when we had got in here and now we're I shelled I sold all of them every chance or is it just close the chest is like they do stock up quite high I guess but wonder they have enough TNT to raid us this guy in the farm is the evil guy you should be destroying this right now but can't fully ward off yep all of these chests are still full down there yeah now I currently 373,000 can I make my money back I think so hey let me go check over here is this one full oh my god wait except I am well the first just I looked useful I don't know if the rest is full no way on this one full as well alright if you got a chicken fry nope hey mom can I go I know J Tom got chicken fibers all yesterday yeah yeah I'm Ron Raven has one so now we just have to hook you up I'll get one I'll crate I'll probably make one oh my god what is going on I wait wait am I have 40,000 about 400,000 there we go 600 thousand so we yeah oh my god if this is like all that contents like you know cuz telling today I think they're American right yeah cuz they always raid us at that time zone but like they say technically us waking up in the morning for them like this is what they're gonna get in the morning for them I'm we're taking all from okay this is next gen ok oh we are we done hang on let me just go check this cow farm oh ok I think we're good I'll check the back in just double check oh this was well pretty much I actually have no idea where it's coming from I just ran from the sky or maybe this is a tear a defense right keep the guys here keeping the strike to fill them up with cactus so that when like you know they come online we're still here that's a shower or we sell for so long that we die from hunger grime these two bomb chests already fill again okay you sell them I I don't think I can really take on any more I've got four hundred sixty seven thousand dollars from it now so I I think I gotta go I'm gonna turn into a cactus if I keep selling it more all right let's destroy okay so that a raid is over and yeah we can see oh yeah Arashi our tt's that's good so we don't actually need to go just destroy the ticks or stuff with that and we should be good oh oh nurse is going for blowing it up I guess we can I guess it's a victory at the end the day but there we go we've raided cloud so if they raid us at least we kind of raided them so I don't feel as bad anymore hey butt-head that was a much better rate than I actually expected I can't even take my stuff back for this boom boom but that was this she a better raid night night I thought it would really be a cactus farm connection point I knew there was horse Porter's in there but I didn't know how many were I expect like two three or four but it was actually 1414 horses is quite a lot we can actually add that now to our horse bonus that we have in the base and we're actually gonna have a freaking ton of them now so it's really good I want to watch this go boom boom but I'm also afraid of my health I'm gonna go I'm gonna go sit back quite far over here come over here if you want to live I'm coming well are you well actually no you chicken master you guys are fine in fact I see I have a chicken one if you want to use that to you get chicken five that's a hundred percent death that's the biggest no okay yeah I'm just gonna love it any face one hope you die you're over there right you do chilling yeah I wish I could be part of the gang are you saying rather TNT quit I was here oh no don't get rid of the cabin hey you did a fairly good like the only guys knowing me there's still suspense left if they were all God I'll be fine no it's fine we'll even leave it okay let me let me try this okay oh oh no I think it has me sold recently Jen yeah Jen how much do you make oh no that means that marks came one dissenter oh and they D left yeah probably I wouldn't put it past marks which engine check your balance again Jen did you just sell my home that's against of action code man just drink that onto your face okay are the horses put down yeah at the moment they are saloon yeah right I wonder if no one else is gonna make one I'm gonna start making a horse head if that's okay with you horse mask okay all right everyone else yeah yeah doesn't mean like you know if we do one at time then someone takes an X you know if you're gonna make a chicken five I've already got a chick last one there I know I oh yeah well does anyone else want to make a chicken mess what I make a chicken oh yeah I'm making a chicken mess as well yeah okay because you guys seem to have everything and I'm watching them make it legit okay right and well well people just make sure then like whoever if I make the mash down and some someone makes the mass later and you know we can do that as well like you know one at a time it makes sense well and if if people can just keep him along and just selling the like favors and stuff like that that would be great because otherwise it's just a waste okay yes I can um if you had such as you can miss you get rid of it I'm like one second okay wait are you done Manning and same goes for horse as well yeah my dumb move what I'm gonna say the name because both of us and no I'm guess let's see okay so I need I need 9,000 and then I can actually make a proper mass so let's see if we can do this because I need Gamble's so bad sure butter people yeah I am bout a pv right I'm not ashamed I'm a gap Adele had no skill I like to eat Napoli keeps me alive simple as that okay how many heads up yet now let's have a look 12000 okay that should be enough to upgrade this thing so that's good let me take my luck for mask and turn it into Ocelot 5 boom a fully deck no just and I'll slow 5 mass it's not fully date now because I'd have to reinforce it but like would anyone ever reinforce not mask who is gonna want a pupae of it exactly no one made me maybe I would actually you know I want to be a killer something you would do baby okay well there we go I could actually fish stuff does that mean out actually have em oh yeah my what I'm a PV you made a little pond here just for fishing oh I have a rod look Jen do you like fishing sure just give it a shot see PM me j tom yeah did I just see you take heads out and place them into the caution uh yeah it was horse head what did I just say sorry no it's fine ok you want a horse mask as well yeah but it's good you know it's fine I thought no one else wanted the horse it was like well I just do it first whoever could make I'm making a chicken mask as well because you guys all have one and then and then Jen's next to make a chicken mask at least pretty sure do you have one Jen oh yeah so we're young we're part of the uncool gang I see no just right now who's making the chicken mess or the horse mask you can because there's no point to was making it because it's just like less efficient like you were just going to take longer to do it no no we're gonna we're gonna play Jen think of a number between one and ten okay in your head yeah okay right solid number yeah okay j7 think of a number that likes a number seven okay I'm five grain ones what easy it was poor Oh what it was for so we both got it wrong but no oh you're doing closer to it okay okay at least she was honest it was four I thought she could say yes five but history says four that means she was telling the truth okay so just make sure this stays cleared out I will make this force mass as quick as possible then you can have one okay yeah I thought I was like I thought I was like that so you take some heads out and I was like like I got away whoever wants to make an ocelot mass now is fine but they're like you go ahead and make one but there isn't really any point because we can just share that one as well if you want here take this if you are gonna make one they go it's not okay so there we go soaring out there you know that's that's the factory stuff that goes down you're who's making a mask who's doing what but I think it's fair that I make the old the horse mask cuz like they're all rolling around what she could mask and I'm here with no chicken mouth so it makes me sad and Jen's just currently using my rod right now with the salami so hopefully she gets golden apple I hope or God Apple so hopefully in the next coming days we'll be sure to have a horse mask made but the only thing is like we might get a horse mask made but then we have to go through the whole process of actually reinforcing it so that's gonna be quite tedious very tedious but we'll get it done actually wait a second might take me a bit longer to make a horse mask why because I need to tell any sell them cuz I'm level six oh great hang on I actually should I just buy maybe hang on a horse 59 okay I'm gonna buy a ton of stacks I'm gonna rank up and I'm just gonna spend my home way that I got from that I got from cloud on just extra head in the cauldron but I'm pretty sure I'll have to like fight this way won't be enough maybe actually will yeah there we go I don't want to waste his head so I want to keep as many as I can BAM and there we go for you mm the rank up Bam Bam Bam Bam done and it's nice actually if you do see any cheap heads on the eh oh thank you very much we do see any cheap heads on the haters like horse heads just buy them from me I'll pay you back or whatever and but don't women culture just leave me the chest and up lock them in because you know then I will technically make the math like 10 times faster oh I forgot about this what horse heads are actually extremely expensive to make it goes up to 34,000 compared to Oslo 9000 to 34,000 that's a lot of heads that's a lot of heads so yeah if you do see any on edge for cheapest buy them okay any luck any luck Jed no okay you don't have to fish out just saying if you wanted to okay I'm gonna have to get some all right so I will do I was gonna do crate gang but right now the current you're busy so we're gonna go warp crates open this ancient charm and see what we're going to get from it but today has been a very very good episode we can eclis rated whatever main enemies and we made a boatload of cash from it so we did good okay right let's open this up okay here we go let's go with the bone in for any on the bonus not a single thing okay right let's go now ancient charms aren't the best thing in the world but you know you can see that we're poor so and link is kind of decent as long as it's built in T what's gonna be I got ten thousand dollars and sixteen golden apples dude someone just tossed me a freaking mystical charm who did that is it this guy I think it's this guy I'm just asking me are you like I'm asking I'm making sure if that wooden stake heard up love ya man yours hundred percent okay once the screening of course he'd never screen that was really nice of him conspiracy I remember that faction now right if I ever find him when I'm out looking for raids I'll give him a Miss you know I think it deserves that okay well shout out to ie butter he must really like butter and II realize giving people mystical charms but we will open that up next episode that so we actually have something to open up and we'll open it up at the star at the episode and hope that we'll get some good because if you don't know mr. CooCoo are like the best good freakin get whatever guys thank you for watching and I will see you guys in next [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 104,763
Rating: 4.8992367 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft server, minecraft factions, no swearing, roleplay, mods, mod, adventure, challenge, custom, trolling, mini game, server, factions, saicopvp, raid, creepersedge, minecraft raiding, minecraft cannons, minecraft adventure, minecraft castle raid, minecraft castle, minecraft mod, BASE HAS BEEN FOUND ALREADY?!, RAIDING OUR NEIGHBORS! (REVENEGE) | Minecraft FACTIONS #667, RAIDING OUR BAD NEIGHBORS!
Id: H8O6jdvDmBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 33sec (2253 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2017
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