Every Emerald Is Worth $9,000,000

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today we're going to make a gold bar so incredibly valuable that it's hopefully going to break the game it's going to be far and away more valuable than the giant mountain of gold i had to delete because the game just couldn't take it anymore so the first thing we're going to need is the basic supplies to get down to the good gold and we can use a truck today that way i can transport multiple things at one time not that i need a lot for doing this this idea was actually suggested to me in the comments of the last video and as soon as i read it i knew we were gonna do it i'm gonna have a lot of fun with it and with that i think i have enough to get me started our first goal basically is to find one single large gold nugget or claudium if we can find it but gold is going to be much easier right now i really miss my super pickaxe right now but we'll get it back eventually i've also realized too that as long as i have my magical hat here i'm able to dig straight down if i want to which is going to save me a little bit of time because we're just going to go straight to the bottom as quick as we can it's not a perfect science but we're going to get there anyway i am not very good at digging in a straight line but we've hit the bottom i don't actually know if this is going to save any time now because i'm kind of floating around bumping into everything but whatever basically what i'm going to need is one bucket and one shovel down in the deep and we can actually just let those go ahead of time if we time it properly there it goes this is probably also not going to work out super well but we'll figure it out as we go we take a bit of the deep dirt that has the good stuff put it in the bucket i don't know if that went in the bucket or not yeah i think it did perfect whoops that was actually a considerable problem because now i can't drop the shovel and therefore i can't put the hat on so that's just a very good example of my stupid idea having stupid results so we'll leave that there we'll go down and get our thing hopefully this bucket of dirt has some good stuff in it and i just realized i forgot a brush so now i need to go all all the way back to get it you go in there but at least when i want to go back to store now if i need only one thing i can just fly there and it's much quicker and it's all worth it in the pursuit of that gold okay give this thing some water place it on the ground and then give it a rinse and what do we got that's kind of a rare find but actually not what we wanted for once so great so let's go back down the annoying hole to get some dirt for the bucket i'm going to try this slightly different way this time i'm going to simply bring two scoops to the surface for instead of trying to deal with it all down here because that didn't seem to work very well though there's not really going to be a great way to do this but i am just kind of happy i have these lazy options available to me these days let's see if i can get this first try for once nope i can't even put dirt into a bucket but that's the kind of brilliance you guys are here for there we go one single gold nugget but it's rather girthy so it by itself is worth 71 dollars which isn't that much but thanks to this little bit of magic we can spawn another gold nugget that's going to be worth exactly 71 again so i actually need to go back to the shop now but this is where this is gonna get a bun not the driving part because this is always a little bit wonky basically i need a smelter or maybe it's actually just a cauldron i need because to be honest at this moment i forget the difference between them so i'll just buy both just in case i can't wait to get all the way back and then see what i forgot anyways but that's also why i'm working on the closer ground because it's less time to travel back and forth a billion times but i am hoping that i can just use this and it seems that i can so if i drop these two gold nuggets in there that are worth 71 each they're going to turn into a gold bar that's worth 168 dollars but then look what i can do i've turned two gold nuggets into something that's gonna be worth much much more because if i drop these into here well they're gonna start multiplying two and they melt down very quickly so just like that in the uh few seconds it's taken to do this we've now created a gold bar worth 504 and then guess what we're gonna do another 500 500 so i just need to find a nice efficient way to uh put these into here without the game lagging or me tipping them or turning them i might still have to set up a conveyor just to handle this so they feed in there properly consistently but we'll figure this out as we go i've got nothing but time for this but already in a few seconds is taken well there's three thousand dollars and we get to multiply it as much as we want i do think i want to try a conveyor setup on this though because i'm not sure well that'll work for now but i think a conveyor setup is probably going to be better long term and one that's maybe a little bit spaced out because they only if i spawn them too quickly i don't think that's gonna work like if i use an auto clicker which isn't working right now well they're gonna build up anyway i could sit here manually do this all day which i very well might have to but we'll figure out a good system for this because uh we need like a bigger opening i don't think you're really supposed to put a lot of gold bars in here which is why they don't really fit that nicely i think i found a secret though you tip them in forwards i always tip them in backwards for some reason which is very stupid in hindsight but already now what are you worth fifty four thousand dollars and i mean every time i multiply that that's another fifty thousand dollars i smelt that down we do the whole process i don't know what kind of value is gonna break the game but fifty four thousand dollars is a lot all by itself so let's go get just a few conveyor pieces i this one must have been what launched earlier there's also logic gates too that can keep track of things which i should have used last time i spawned a bunch of gold but i kind of forgot they existed but that would have been really fun to work with but that's also a struggle for me because logic and me don't mix well for example i just went to the entirely wrong shop because there's no conveyors here i think the only ones i'm going to need today are going to be a straight conveyor a centralizer and maybe an uppy ramp thing i guess we got to uh also feed this with a pump and then plug it also these stupid little ideas always just escalate and grow into something ridiculous you think you need one part but then you actually need 10. so i guess while we're at it we should also put that gem into a thing so we'll just start to organize slowly i already forget what i needed get one of these probably some more straight pipes and let's pretend that's good enough i do love how sharp the game feels that without that gold lying on the ground like what a difference and this is the point where i realized that i did actually forget a funnel but i don't know if that's going to be a huge deal today and since we have one of these we might as well uh make it into a bar and we'll make it into a pretty big one at that because that's really only going to take a second anyways because we have it all right here handy to us and that's going to fuel my conveyor belt forever or at least if it doesn't we can just make another one that easy in fact there's some spares they can just hang out over here for now now the hardest part of any one of these videos is getting something to sit properly where it's supposed to i know there's a better way of doing that and i'll learn it one day but for now i'm going to be stupid to pretend it's easier not to now it's once again time to figure out exactly how a conveyor system is going to work here efficiently because something like this obviously uh isn't high enough to drop into a crucible so we're gonna have to spawn a few more pieces again i don't want a bunch of clutter sitting around because it slows the game down and just annoys me so i'm trying to be a little bit efficient but i think if we put two centralizers here that should be enough and it should be able to drop into this guy that might work i don't know how the bars are gonna drop off there from that height but we're gonna test that and see i also forgot that i can use this to right click things and delete them from existence so if i get too much clutter i can remove it but it's time to see if this is going to work so we're going to start multiplying a 50 000 gold bar and we're going to drop a few on the conveyor kind of to see what happens so if we spawn them something like that to the going uh business and forward they get centralized they well they drop in slowly it does work but they're not super quick but if i can do that consistently i think that's actually going to work it's not going to be super quick and i think i need a funnel which may or may not work against me so i think the funnel is either going to be perfect or it's going to be a disaster so i put it like that well we'll see what happens they will guide the gold bar in very nicely but if they get stuck on the lip or something that's also a problem yeah that's not gonna work like that at all luckily i'm a problem solver so what i'm going to do is probably just turn it into a gold bar real quick and um well let's see what this one's worth real quick just for fun i'm gonna start to lose track of these that's 108 000 i think i just need to make the stack one higher and that's actually maybe going to be perfect for once i'm really hoping i can get away with it like this so as a gold bar falls hopefully it tips just a little bit i'm not entirely convinced that it's going to but there's only one way to find out and we're going to have to figure out a way to make this work one way or another did that go in okay kind of went in but it also kind of didn't for some reason uh not sure what that's about so hopefully that was just a one-off so let's try and put another gold bar in there i might have to find another way to bump the gold bar to get it to turn i might have to put a bit of dirt up there or something weird but it's gonna be trial and error until where did it go did i already go in there oh i think i know where it went it just went nowhere on the conveyor because it didn't want to move that time i thought it seemed a little fast okay so it's going in there but the funnel is stopping it from melting so we might have to drop everything down another level anyway just so the funnel is going to be separate from this anyway but that would be fine that would still be a very easy solution all things considered that stop again this is also going to be a problem for some reason the gold doesn't love the conveyor belt but they probably didn't really expect people to be using conveyors and gold bars together it's a bit of a strange idea that's probably going to jam because it did the first time uh so let's weigh that up real quick that should be 200 000 217 000 so no matter what we're getting very rich because that's a lot of money so what is i don't know there's a million dollars in gold but what if we try it okay it really doesn't like that conveyor doesn't like these at all we might have to start it right there that's fine if i can sit there properly and that misses by a lot okay so what if we put something of a barrier right there that way it'll hit that and bounce in yeah there's probably a better way to do this i'm just trying to be really lazy and use what's on hand right now wow seriously of all the ways you could fall maybe if i put it this way to start is that a bad idea that might work actually what's gonna happen nope i really just want a foolproof system so let's go one higher basically i'm hoping the gold falls in here that follows it enough to drop in and then it actually uh smells like it's supposed to in that one this might be it uh i don't know if that's gonna be super consistent but i would be okay if it is bounced out and around the edge but they're gonna probably clog that up at some point yeah if i could find somewhere to sit super consistently like if i knew right here worked and i could get back to this exact position what was that well that's as good as it's maybe going to get for now then i'm going to try dropping a gold bar i don't know here because i'm kind of hoping to just be able to go like that is that going to work that actually might work okay so i don't know let's try like that we're not going to be able to do this overly quick because they are going to jam up uh but so far so good there's even one jammed up there okay so far not so good i mean if i really have to i can just do this this way and that wouldn't be the end of the world i just really wanted a nice automated system but the physics of rectangles just like in real life are unknown to everyone but i mean even that little bit now what's this worth 283 000 and we can also multiply it rather quickly so [Music] yeah i think it's ultimately going to be the best way the conveyor was a nice idea but if we could find this the right spot to sit kind of like this making the city over a couple minutes and let the gold take a bath after a few minutes we are going to um reform it and well you get the idea i just hit my auto clicker on right click i don't know why my left click one isn't working anymore but the right click one certainly works so we just destroyed our gold bar we lost some value but that's okay because we're already up to minus 107 000 so we're clearly doing something right okay good news though i fixed my auto clicker so yeah i'm kind of surprised how fast we hit the negatives with the gold bar though i thought we'd at least get into tens or hundreds of millions before it hit negatives so i don't really know how it's calculating value at this point because i assume that last one should have been worth millions but we just spawned like 10 of those and put them together so okay maybe that's just simply the max value we get what are these ones worth nothing if we don't put them on a scale okay these are actually worthless i don't love how these don't get a proper value maybe if i take that to the shop it's going to give me the full readout because i feel like that's negative a bigger number than we're seeing so if we bring this over here you only take those items so if we take this over here uh yeah that's a pretty big number already minus 10 million 737 thousand four hundred and eighteen so let's go smelt a few more of those together and see if we can get that number to change otherwise it's worth negative ten million dollars so i'm gonna owe them a lot of money okay i think i found the perfect spot to set uh unfortunately i still can't use my auto clicker because well that almost worked oh that actually does kind of work if i get three in a row i could slow the auto clicker down but um we'll just do this for a minute anyway because i don't know if the value of these is gonna change anymore it might just have a hard cap okay we just put i don't know maybe 20 30 of those into the uh gold soup so as soon as that one wants to go in there we will uh hopefully see a different number here so that one is where 10 million 737 in change this one is worth 10 million 737 and change so the value doesn't actually change i mean that's probably just something based on the coding like it always is i don't understand any of that so we haven't tried cutting these in half yet or combining them with other things which might have an interesting result because maybe if we cut them in half they're gonna have a positive value again okay time for math test uh so if one of these is worth negative ten million seven hundred thousand half of one is worth ten million seven hundred thousand okay so it's still like adding the value it's just not displaying the value so this is really annoying but i need gems now i guess i'm just gonna try and get lucky and mine run up from the bottom i don't know what the odds of finding gems are but i know it's not super high but all i need is one and then i can combine it also into some kind of super gem and to be fair my very first scoop of dirt i did find one of the uh blue power gems so luck is clearly on my side a little bit of water then let's hope for a black onyx gem would that be too much to ask they're only extraordinarily rare and i accidentally dropped the bucket down the hole so things are going just really great i really could just set up an operation like i always do but i just really really don't want to do that because that's actually quite a bit of work and mostly just banking on the fact that the gems hopefully uh won't take more than about 10 times doing this really wish i had some water down here i'll be able to make this work much quicker i could run pipes over to drip down which might not actually be the worst idea in the world but again i'm still banking on this being slightly faster in order to give myself a bit of room i can actually leave the shovel down here it's not as bad i just realized that while i was doing this i did actually find a piece of claudium which is considerably harder to find in a single gem and it's considerably more valuable than gold i've also seemingly managed never mind to lose my brush give me a gem whoa we got lots of stuff but none of it's what i wanted wait i think we just spat out our first gem but now i need a grinder so we can use that to turn our gem into something pretty and we finally have something we can work with an emerald won't be my first choice but it's worth 106 dollars and that's just gonna be the way it is but we're able to multiply them as we want so if we take one of these ridiculous gold bars and combine it with a gem what is that going to give us in value don't hoping it does something stupid or puts the value back into positive again but we'll see what this is worth there's negative 10 million dollars in gold plus 100 emerald still just the max value oh what actually happens if we sell that i never really considered that i don't know what negative 10 million gold looks like if it can even generate that that might just crash the game but i'm kind of excited for that okay so this ring right now is worth yep okay this doesn't take it take my money i guess i just can't really figure out what to do with that because it's negative money anyway and it's a really big number it might actually be bigger than that still because it's still off the board i don't know if we have any way of knowing okay so we're going to leave that somewhere where i'll find it later for sure but let's do the same thing with compressed gems i want a very valuable gem so we'll go ahead and dismantle this for a minute because i feel like we're not going to need it again and we've already made a pretty good mess of everything but we've got what we need to start compressing and i'm really hoping i can get away with this oh i can perfect so uh we're gonna auto click that for a sec it doesn't spawn them in super quick but it's gonna be a lot of value regardless so let's go ahead and turn those into a super gem we'll check the value of this real quick twenty eight hundred dollars already not sure how many of these were going to be able to fit in oh they stack anyway perfect oh we can just endlessly do this if we want what do we say it was about three thousand dollars per one so we're well over thirty fifty thousand dollars by now so now this single jam is worth a hundred thousand dollars so i think it breaks at about a million so we're gonna multiply this five times for now which looks something like that so yep that's perfect five hundred thousand dollars i don't know what point the game is going break whoops okay that's not nope it's okay with a million i'm assuming that the 10 million point is about where it's going to break because that's what it's showing on the other one so let's throw 10 of those in not you therefore okay that's really just what i wanted yeah i also don't know why i just dropped that but cool okay stop i want you you so that's gonna be worth about 20 million that should be the breaking point uh nothing lets me go higher with gems nope that's definitely the breaking point so this one is about as valuable as you can get but i've got an idea and that's kind of uh what happens if we do this say twice on here that's 18 million 202 000 which okay looks like that fair enough the game handled that just fine and it shows a big number there so at what point is it gonna say enough is enough well it just i don't even know where those are going there's not a lot of room to work here okay whatever think that for now 100 and i don't know what that is 11 000 million i can't remember okay they don't want to combine anymore because numbers are just too big so the stacks of money breakdown 18 million 202 000 um seems like a lot of money but i guess also each one of these is worth 10 million dollars all by itself so that's gonna add up fairly quick well since each and every one of these is worth nine million dollars we might still be able to use it to break the game uh the value of things didn't happen to break the game because there's that unfortunate cap at 10 million dollars but say it is hit here for a while and spawn a whole bunch of the green gems you can see them bounce forward so whatever they'll pile up somewhere down there eventually the point is at 9 million dollars per gems bond we're spawning 10 of these every couple seconds so we're making hundreds of millions soon to be billions of dollars in green emeralds so to put this into perspective a little bit every minute we're spawning 1.7 billion dollars worth of emeralds so if i actually did this for 10 hours there'd be a trillion dollars worth of emeralds on the ground and i might just do it it's already been about 10 minutes or spawning emeralds that should be tens of billions of dollars worth of them which is kind of funny because it doesn't really look like tens of billions of dollars worth of emeralds but that's because each one's so incredibly valuable so i think we keep going with this one a little longer well it's been about 10 hours and my auto clicker has once again failed me i'm not entirely sure what happened because it's also night time the game is supposed to remain paused in time forever so i guess in a way we kind of did break the game but it seems to be frozen again back in the middle of day but then i'm kind of once again disappointed at the results of this i mean there's a lot of them there because they're so spread out but i was hoping for a much bigger bigger pile because i don't know how long my auto clicker ran for before it crapped out but i guess they did succeed in making myself pretty rich considering each one of these is worth nine million dollars so we're sitting on many many billions of dollars worth of emeralds so let's go ahead and see about loading a few of these up pretty sure i can get away with this kind of going like this for a minute and uh some of them will land in the truck some of them will not i tried to leave it tilted slightly forward so they would roll in and i think that should be enough now i think it's safe to assume we did not even make a dent in how many we took away from our pile so we'll try and get an idea of the value i just need to try and find a way to get some if not all of these onto the people all at once and that's going to be a struggle out of everything i've done so far this is the most annoying thing because they're so strangely shaped that they just bounce off each other and pretty much go wherever they want but so far it looks like we're gonna make some profit okay i think this is just gonna have to be as good as it gets because it is really hard to fit anymore on that table we can find the value of what this is worth at least i we went back into the minuses again and everything disappeared well i guess there's always next time you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,378,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fqef53c-Iug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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