Breaking Survival Minecraft to Get Revenge

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all right watch this this is me flying in survival mode something that every Minecraft player knows is impossible but using one simple glitch I figured out how to float mid-air teleport other players and much much more what what why did he do that what he just started floating what the heck what this glitch absolutely breaks the laws of Minecraft and to abuse it to its full potential I'm gonna be using it on a YouTuber Anarchy server called the vice2 SMP which is known for being extremely deadly and try hard and here's me with some iron armor and four Hearts now if I wanted to stand a chance at surviving this place and being able to use my flying powers I would need to find a team so after this guy named bacon waffles message me I decided to head over to his base and join his team even giving him one of my hearts you see on the server hearts are the most valuable thing because every time you kill another player you steal one of their hearts and because of my lack of skill I already died way too many times leaving me on only three hearts I'm literally one shot to kill bro okay here I'll show you around the play so basically me and Jaren were making this despite my low Health cow it seemed like I was accepted into the team and with me now having two other teammates in a place to call home I figured it would be the perfect time to start you see my plan was to start off simply floating in front of the other players but then I would progress to doing more and more deadly things with the glitch and I was totally ready to start until my teammate said this and we we're all at three hearts right now right yeah so my two new teammates forgot to mention is that they're all also on three hearts meeting our entire team is literally one shot to kill I should have picked better teammates and knowing the rest of the players on the lights to SMP if we tried to pull anything with three hearts we would be instantly killed but with the help of iron golems we were able to do hundreds of villager raids and collect all the totems from them and using those totems we could then craft Hearts manually using the recipe and after a straight week of grinding together we were able to get all of us up to nine hearts and now that we weren't as easy to kill I decided to test out the glitch in a hide and seek game that our team got invited to my plan was to go all the way up to height limit and then jump off and just start floating in the air making me pretty much impossible to tag and confusing literally everyone there wait who's up there who is that that's Planet Lord I'm heading up I think they may have found me [Music] wait what is what huh how did he do that yeah wait I see planet too he's in the middle of the sky where is parrot wait guys guys oh my God I see them what are you in the sky bro I am so confused he is I thought he was up here no he's just floating on air all right can you guys just can you guys get parrot so I win I don't know I'm reaching up to you what [Music] GG how are you a flying mid Arrow even though we lost I still managed to completely scare everyone there so I'd say that was a success and on top of that later that day me and my teammates all got together and crafted one more heart bringing us all up to 10. all right let's go let's go you can even do a fire Hearts Michael did we actually do it oh wipe yeah we have to stand we have to stand in the spot this is awesome and seeing this made me realize how far we've come since we first met I might have got that picture and so after spending all this time with them I finally thought I could trust them enough and tell them about the glitch because with only me it's pretty powerful but with all of us abusing it we could be unstoppable and so I got together with both of them to finally tell them and you guys how to fly in survival Minecraft okay get out of get out of full screen mode that's step number one okay can you peel her up they were for me okay [Music] okay now I want you see the little white bar on the top of your screen versus like Minecraft multiplayer third-party server ball yeah this yeah I want you to right click on that and it shows like minimize all right now look at my screen yeah uh-huh [Music] in the world all right oh my God oh my God yeah I didn't die bro that's crazy wait that's insane okay okay wait this is actually oh my God not even a day later we got another perfect opportunity me and bacon basically got invited to join another team in a 3v3 bridging duel the only catch was this was happening in the end right over the void so my plan was to cheat by freezing my game every time I would get knocked off so that my teammates would have time to place water and combining this with slow falling potions there's no way we're losing this three oh two go go get the water down get a water down yeah okay oh all right sorting the water starting the water sources oh they're shooting at me they're shooting at me all right um oh my god get in the water get in the water again water yeah oh my God they got punch bro they got punches bro what they can keep doing the infinite infinite yeah we definitely need Waters we definitely need Waters I'm good I'm good all right infinite water source is super all right you know what I'll do it like this I'll like black yeah I got I'll try and get an infinite water source down real quick okay you might be dead I can't even see him really we're gonna kill Planet already wait how is he he's like floating he's flying wait what I see him on my screen am I in the water am I good yeah all right I am on first yeah you got Waters oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot you guys fell dude wait what's playing over doing he's flying dude he's flying foreign oh oh my gosh if I killed you I had to log even though we lost yet another competition I didn't really mind especially since the other team gave me my heart back after dying but based off the other player's reactions this glitch was really freaking people out so what I saw the most powerful server Member log on I decided to head to spawn and see his reaction oh anyway it's so shiny let's be on equal ground equal ground here what whoa I know right it's crazy I don't see something else cool yeah you are you floating in the air wait is he doing that thing again I don't know what is that I want to see what's going on here but just as I was about to safely Escape he said this a trade-offer of sorts would you give up a heart for a god Apple um a heart and knowing Khan Pierce I kind of realized that I didn't have a choice but even after giving him my heart he started attacking me give me that God Apple oh my God bro this guy bro bro relax relax relax relax I don't do anything I didn't do anything you could be doing this all day I bet you I bet you're getting your teammates right now aren't you relax relax relax relax relax I am relaxed [Music] oh my God oh my God oh my God so I kind of underestimated how evil people on the server are but luckily I ran back to my base where my teammate was so we should be safe dude dude dude oh really dude oh you're low yeah I might die I might die I'm dead I'm dead you're dead I'm dead oh my god oh I'm gonna die oh my God I'm dead oh dude he's so chasing me he's still chasing me he's still chasing me what do we even do like I don't get it like I actually don't get it so with us now being three hearts down we thought it was over but the next day me and my teammate jiren decided to go to spawn and hang out with another group on the server but we were growing suspicious that they were also plotting to kill us okay well it's either that or get yeah okay okay I'm learning's coming over make's coming over do we run I just wait wait for something to happen uh they're all coming over here okay they're shooting bro just run just run just run just run strong I don't want to die again bro okay they're not chasing okay oh my God my Pig's actually chasing me get in the boat get in the Box you need okay yeah yeah it's just people everywhere I'm dead why am I dying wait did you did I really just like take all your perf dude I'm actually oh my God I'm so dead no I don't delete yourself first don't let your suffering don't let your suffering gosh and soon after they arrived at our base to finish off bacon sir Sam's here zam's here they're all here they're all here they're all here they're all here okay they're okay here wait I'm not ready bro I'm not ready boom okay and he's creating it oh no no our base that we once thought was safe was now compromised by the rest of this and we're being killed by every team we came across because they were not scared of us so we knew that if we wanted to change that we would have to start doing more crazy things with the glitch so next instead of Simply floating in the air our plan is to scare people by literally shooting up in the sky how is this possible well using this glitch not only makes you fly but also freezes your game entirely meaning that all the things that happen to your character while you're Frozen don't happen until you unfreeze and while normally TNT launchers make you shoot up in the air instantly if I freeze my game right before the TNT explodes I can literally wait as long as I want and then unfreeze making it seem as if I'm shooting up in the air with literally nothing so when me and bacon saw that all of our enemies who had previously killed us were online we decided to try it out and see the reaction but if they killed us or even saw us setting it up the whole trick would be ruined they're thinking but they want to kill me right now so bad dude they're Ops bro let's not set up right next to spawn they want to kill that's what I'm saying let's go go follow me all right let's do this here are you in the area yeah I'm right here all right let's do this fast shoot I only have nine uh nine TNT or nine dispensers okay start placing the Redstone if you have here I dropped I dropped that stuff all right bro if they see us it's gonna be really annoying all right it's filled up uh do you have water make a water source all right okay uh okay I'm gonna wait all right break the choker oh yeah okay I am [Music] I'm frozen okay all right all right now I gotta go now we gotta go yeah keep the platform actually no no make it make it one block make it the platform just one block so it's like just one block okay we're ready yeah um okay tell them to come to you all right all right tell him to call you you are about to see the magician them say Abra Kadabra say abracadabra abracadabra [Music] all right three I mean the two one go no no no no no no no oh my God he's so confused okay what was what just happened turn off hacks which is running now what just happened despite our plan working something fell off about the whole thing they seemed almost worried about something that was just a harmless tricked wow he jumped like 30 feet into the air what do you mean this is such an issue if it wasn't if it was a hackline we'll ask okay but I don't think it was the weirdest of all why didn't they kill us every other interaction that we've had had resulted in violence but this time something was different almost as if they didn't want us to die and as they kept following us from behind I couldn't help but think that something big was coming whatever I'm probably overthinking it anyways so next we decide to trick even more people with this glitch and when Pera asks us to go check out his airplane that he made we knew that this would be the perfect opportunity this is a flying machine really do I come up there too yeah he's making a flying machine and calling it para Airlines I think we can show him something a little cooler than this you can take first class you can take first class this one the planet Airlines is so much better do you agree bacon should we show them Planet Airlines oh we might have to I don't know this flight is I mean it's all right it's a little Ricky I mean no no just wait just wait until you guys get your first meal give us some some food hey guys how's it going how's it going oh it worked okay we knew that he was gonna try to knock us off at any point but we were prepared oh oh wait that was a nice throw no yeah I'm sure [Music] bro what are you who is that about bro what are you doing look at planet look at Planet bro vortex [Music] hey what just happened are you kidding that what was it why did they like to do that I know right do you guys want to see planet Airlines um sure okay okay okay okay come come back to the island so what about our what about our Prime plane nah we're too rich we can make another um all right I don't know if you guys want to see planet Airlines but yeah come back down to the island over here yeah just bacon tell me when we're ready for launch off I'll give you a T minus Jaren get out of the way real quick oh my God bro your Thorns are so annoying I think Jaren can hear you because he's not in the call now you can hear me dude we have like telepathy wait can you do a spin real quick like maybe three times spin three times three all right now say ready for liftoff in chat ready for liftoff all right let's go three two one lift off oh wait wait what wait run run all right bye guys what what the heck did I bro I didn't do that what oh he's no he's hacking I'd say that went great and we managed to completely freak them out oh yeah I have no clue I've never seen that but the more we use this trick on people how the more I started thinking about what happened earlier with our enemies and even worse I started noticing beds missing in our base and if this meant what I thought it did then we were facing up against a spawn trap then again I'm probably just overthinking it I mean there's no way that they're gonna spawn trap us right but the next day when I showed up to spawn I saw this and judging by the fact that all of our enemies were online I knew they did this clearly flying wasn't enough to scare them and they were definitely planning something against us but if I could just find a way to escape maybe we can relax don't kill me but since my bed wasn't set at my base I had one more shot at escaping but first I just needed my stuff back and it seems like they're actually giving it back to me he's right there scared are you looking for his stuff to stuff to steal right I'm keeping Amex inventories full okay [Music] [Music] wait oh God bro they actually it's actually like Guardian what if I just sit here breaking it uh what mining fatigue do we have mining critique three times okay let's assess the situation here we're in a giant obsidian boxer on spawn with literally no Escape there's a guardian somewhere around here meaning we have mining fatigue 3. let's see how long it takes to break a single block with 25.7 hours to break one not only that but the same people who created this prison and have murdered us countless times are now the guards of this place making sure that we literally cannot Escape like how do you actually get out you can't yeah it's not there's it's not possible mining fatigue in like three in three thick obsidian it'll take you like a month straight we even tried killing each other only to spawn right back in the prison I don't think flying's gonna get us out of this one but not all hope was lost because we still had bacon the last teammate who hadn't been put in the prison yet so we started to strategize and Escape okay so set a 60 hours timer and put a weight on your right click button then disconnect glitch out of the lava if you just connect oh okay take 60 hours the more we thought the more impossible the prison seemed to escape until an idea came to us me and some other people break our beds and then jump through the end portal we can get inside of the Box oh my God bro that's insane that's actually insane and then you have a pickaxe you see since the prison was in spawn chunks the only way to get in is to die with no set spawn meaning you lose all your items however going through an End Portal also sends you to wherever your spawn is but with all your items so if bacon could go in the end portal without a set spawn if you would end up right in the prison with all the items that we could ever need to Escape right but here's the thing what if they're patrolling though okay take off all my armor go invis but when they came to taunt us they gave us an even better idea hey oh I see what they're doing what are they doing wait you bring us chorus fruit so if bacon drops this course fruit eating it will instantly teleport us out but some of the weaker players who walked on during this time were also killed by them and put right in the prison and because we didn't want to weave them behind we let them in on the plan and when the time was right we got ready to escape and I cannot tell you how nervous I was because if this plan fails we're basically going to be stuck in here forever meaning I won't be able to use the flying glitch anymore what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go in immediately Splash invis and water breathing you guys should be kind of clumped up yeah we're comfortable water breathing yep I might also I might just not spawn in here so that means I should put coarse fruit in here okay I'm gonna jump in in three two one this is so not gonna work oh my God I'm here oh my God put the bed back down put the bed back put the bed back put the bed back okay I'm splashing now I'm gonna Splash now okay one all right two I got it uh three okay and then one Pearl there's more wait wait I need course I didn't get chorus yeah not everyone's gonna get any problems I'm sorry all right there's food I need chorus I'm literally stuck in here you guys give give four yeah I need somebody I dropped it Bad come on guys no they're here over here oh my gosh oh my God oh my God I'm in the water thing I'm in the tunnel I'm in the tunnel I'm in the tunnel okay I'm cave I'm in the cave okay now get 200 blocks away oh my God I'm in the ocean leads to the ocean I mean the lake I might have messed up which way which way uh uh go go down the staircase like in the circus is everyone else but I'm really far down all right keep running everyone just run over 200 blocks and we win yeah oh wait no all right everybody make your way once you get far away make your way to negative a thousand negative three hundred thousand negative 300. I thought it was so close Zam literally saw me eat that was terrifying negative negative mostly make sure we're not being followed by the way around yeah I turned off [Music] we'd all gone out safely and even got our hearts back however we knew it was only a matter of time before our enemies would strike back and because they already knew where her base was it was not a safe place to be so we had to finally say goodbye to the original base that we have no place to start except for right here it was a good run it was it was a really good run but I think it's time to move on so we went thousands of blocks away creating a completely new base from scratch fully underground and after finishing it up I thought about what I said in the prison also after this we're getting the crazy Revenge all right like after this like we're not letting this slide guys so if I wanted to get revenge against some it was going to take a lot more than simply flying in front of them which means we have to move on to stage three of my plan and after a lot of experimenting foreign so then you just accidentally discovered something that I didn't even think was possible in Survival Minecraft and this was a great start for my plan but I couldn't just keep finding stuff on my own because this glitch is so simple there must be some other people online also talking about this right so I began doing research Googling asking and discords and looking through tons of forums but no matter what I did I found absolutely no help searching Minecraft freezing glitch mostly came up with tech issue fixes and when I did find something remotely similar it was either years ago or completely dismissed as useless I did find some clips of people flying in mini games using a similar glitch but nothing that would actually help me and with every search I grew closer and closer to the realization that I was gonna be on my own figuring this out so I began testing with friends and kept track of everything on a document and I found some pretty crazy things things that shouldn't even be possible in Minecraft but most importantly things that could actually kill other players and so after tons of testing with the glitch we found the perfect trap you see we found that when you freeze your game while being the passenger of a boat the game gets confused on where you're actually meant to be and so when you unfreeze it literally teleports you back to where you first froze now this is already cool but the best part about this is that if someone gets in the boat with you while you're doing the same thing they get teleported with you with this in mind we created a setup where I would freeze in an obsidian box in the sky and bacon would drop me in a place that looked completely innocent and whenever someone got on the boat I could unfreeze literally teleporting them into the Trap from there I could use an ender pearl stasis chamber to teleport my teammate into the box and with the server finally removing all its restrictions on things like netherite and strength potions we could literally kill our Target in seconds essentially we created a trap so powerful the second someone gets in the boat they're already dead [Music] but throughout all this our other teammate jiren had been online for hours at a time but we had no idea what he was doing so I asked him what he been up to and he told me his idea for revenge against our enemies oh my God what is this so the whole idea is one day I was like you want to be a really funny video is if I got the world record amount of pigs like they would get so annoyed and be so laggy that they'd be like we can't put up with this anymore so and even though I thought this Revenge idea was hilarious I was still a bit worried especially since he said that epic and Roe got pretty mad if they were killing us before we did anything then what would they do after jiren did his plan and soon enough I got my answer you and me 1v1 tonight loser gets banned this is a message Jaren received from her enemies basically challenging him to a fight to the death you see on This Server you can get banned by losing all your hearts so I knew that jiren had to win this or he would be gone forever however after trading and practicing PVP I knew that we were just delaying the inevitable I mean roshambo was one of the best PV peers on the server and after they found a place to fight I couldn't do anything but watch as he lost the fight he got his final heart taken and was banned off the server forever I guess I should have known that such a simple revenge against them wouldn't end well so I knew the boat trick was my one and only shot at finally getting back at them so we started building the obsidian box okay floor is now two blocks there all right and then I guess we make the walls too thick okay um so where's the opening gonna be is this the opening yeah I think so I think this is a this is a start like where where he's gonna teleport to and then the opening but as we finish building I started thinking about the purpose of it all I mean even if we did kill one of our enemies at the Trap they would just come back even stronger so we decided that we were gonna focus on someone who couldn't just come back you see on This Server you can craft a special item called a beacon of Life which costs over five Hearts more than half of our health bar however it has a very special use that would be a lot more valuable than revenge so we decided that this trap would not be used for revenge on our enemies but to gain five Hearts to get the beacon of life and before jiren was banned he saved us two hearts to work with so we only needed three kills okay wreck responded reck responded we need to do the first run first remember to load it okay all right I'm ready yo what's up should we explain the the thing so basically this boat tour is a loop around spawn with different destinations and at the end there's a big surprise and I think okay you're gonna like this I mean why isn't this a trap It's gotta be start with the obvious ones because I mean like you just you asked me this when I was doing my thingy I remember this how do we answer this all right it's okay let's let's just go let's go oh my God you guys are wait wait first could I say sorry I didn't even react you guys are Wizards what from the end of myself actually what is this this is Hell welcome to hell right now this is so bad how's your day going oh oh there we go there we go let's go just be like I can't be mad but I feel so bad that like I just couldn't do anything that's the best part like actually I felt so helpful with that kill we were now one heart coaster to crafting the special item and even though we felt a little bad for trapping all these random people we still really needed this item and seeing how successful this trap was we were more motivated than ever so we reset it and got some more people yo what's up yo what's up Cube uh you're doing boat tours uh oh oh it's a boat tour oh I have a feeling I'm gonna die how dangerous can a boat tour be yeah yeah I see you I see you oh do I get in the tour with Planet Lord yeah yeah I'm the tour guide tour guide he's really good at it okay sweet so the boat tour I think yeah let's just go on the boat let's go let's go oh okay what what happened [ __ ] you bro welcome and while we could have killed them right then and there we decided to have some fun welcome to hell we have some Redstone trivia for you okay all right so we were talking and we were watching some of the terrain content okay just keep in mind your ending obsidian box with no Escape yep what is the name a redstone contraption that turns a long signal into a short signal uh we need cave only 300 days a monosail circuit monstable circuit all right one point from Mr Q do you even know the answer to these problems are you just like oh yeah you're laughing tonight isn't this isn't a joke okay can I give you like something like some bad news the Redstone question number two and if you get this wrong bad things will happen Okay what Contraption was used to get you in this box it's not a redstone Contraption right oh he got it right he got it right he got it right wait wait okay okay okay [Music] the most redstone block added to Minecraft the oldest Redstone item added to Minecraft yeah it would obviously be redstone dust nope that's not okay that's a lie I'm sorry only World 300 days sorry this is so sad was it a cog I don't know man I was lying bro what the heck this is pretty sick though like honestly I've actually no idea how you managed to do this I know you're you're pretty into magic I mean you were floating the other day oh yeah I I had a feeling I was gonna die I'm really not bad okay good yeah we feel we've been feeling really bad but like it's such a cool glitch we have to use it now that we got the last two hearts needed for the beacon we got Jared into the call oh my gosh what convenient timing I'm here hello yeah because a beacon of life's special ability is that it can revive any player who's previously been banned and now that we were able to craft it we could bring him back onto the server and after getting the rest of the minor materials we crafted the beacon of life okay so we make a recovery Compass all right now we need the hearts oh my God [Music] okay now it's Rip City on the bottom and then a compass in the middle and then hearts all around okay okay the beacon of life okay okay let's do it Let's Do It Let's Do It Let's do let's go let's do it but again something fell off every single one of our enemies are online and they were sending weird and ominous messages in chat and if I remember correctly jiren still had his spawn set at the arena if this meant what I thought it did then we were facing up against a spawn trap and this time we weren't just overthinking it down oh God okay um why does this always happen but if we wanted to save our teammate we would have to break his bed so we could safely spawn it to server spawn but that was gonna be a lot harder than we thought there's a giant obsidian box around the bed of course get ready get ready I am ready to log in just say go and I'll run it again right now login oh he's right there okay yeah response bro we respawned in the Box again where's the bed you put fake beds they wouldn't put fake beds everywhere yeah they're definitely behind you okay this is incredibly stressful I'm actually so stressed all right okay but respawn again respawn again in a second I can't I can't okay respawn now respawn now respawn now respawn now what [Music] [Music] that's just 66 okay 66 66 but we lost all of our stuff I don't know how we're gonna do it well chat I think that's the end of this on four hearts and you're we we just lost everything in a matter of like five seconds yeah but this wasn't the end the next day we walked in when no one else is online so we could safely let jiren spawn in no I can I click respawn yeah click respawn what uh uh I'm on glass oh yes I'm at spawn someone's here that's Planet I am an idiot I'm gonna punch you all right and go into The Nether go into The Nether but instead of going to our new base which we probably should have we decided to meet up at a place that we used to call home all right here we are we then gave jiren our remaining Hearts bringing him up to three and us also to three and while being bacon probably could have used a glitch to get up to 20 hearts or become extremely powerful it wouldn't have been the same without our teammate and if it means being on three hearts again so be it they can take our hearts but we weren't gonna let them take our friend [Music] [Music] I am let's go let's go all right on the way bro what
Channel: PlanetLord
Views: 10,849,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft
Id: rGqnhr4nVug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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