Slowly Turning his Minecraft Into a Horror Game…

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the last eight years I've been trolling people on this channel but now it's time to turn it up it's time to turn these trolls psychological because in this video I'm gonna be convinced of my friend that is alone on my Minecraft server with thousands of horror light mods being added all while he's live how am I gonna be convincing him that he's alone it all started nine days ago but I told him I'm gonna be taking a break from YouTube and be going on vacation Yes you heard me the past nine days I have not been uploading just so lilies can't believe I'm on vacation that's how serious this troll is that's step one step two it's time to post to my Instagram story a picture of me in Dubai just so Lily can see it and yes I've been to them by before so I don't need to buy one off Google all right here we go guys I'm gonna post my story I've even put the who by Marina to buy on the screen I'll put a nice up there so lyrics can know that I'm in Dubai 100 there you go as you can see Dubai Marina Dubai or my story now perfect guys and just like that look one of the first few to Over My Story lyrics is seen any pics that I'm in Dubai this is working perfectly good guys go follow me on Instagram we have like 50 000 followers and 3 million subscribers you guys are slacking what's going on here step three appearing offline on Discord something that I've always overlooked in my videos it's time to go ghost mode baby invisible guys ignore my background okay I can explain this I I can't explain step four whenever it's daytime in Arizona it's night time in Dubai so if anybody calls me I'm gonna run to my room post all my blades and jump into bed yes we're going serious man step five it's time to download the scariest mods available on Minecraft slowly add up to his world while he's live if he can survive 30 minutes without leaving the world I will personally give him a check for ten thousand dollars his time starts now all right here he is inside his house look at him why is this guy in iron armor This Tall has been nine days in the making we can't go wrong if this goes wrong um how quickly took whatever man you guys this last past nine days imagine that forever imagine taking nine days break for no reason at all I didn't even relax the first one I'm adding is a mod that lets me knock on doors that paid with me being in vanish these dogs will be coming from thin air [Music] oh look there okay so we need to get close to his door okay here we go we've added the knocking mod all we have to do is knock on the door travelstone wars I need that I get jumped in a 2V1 I fight back ten dollars in my bank account I got that oh snap who's letting me cook right now guys I think he's too far away we need to just step closer a little bit to us can we go inside and do the inside doors let's do these ones come on I know you're gonna hear this bro who just knocked I told you you heard that right no chance on top of my house you heard that don't you we do it again well please go inside what it's upstairs it's upstairs someone's in my house do not you can even do up here look don't worry okay I'm gonna say this for the last time I'm in radish right now so we can't see Luke it's happening man okay you guys happy I always get comments like Dolly how can he not see you doing it it's a Donny but it's definitely not because he's on vacation I saw it but he's like in the Bahamas or something he's just like vibing here we go okay there's someone on my house or something oh what is that is it ligers gassed [Music] it does it's a pet ghast and he's trying to convince everybody that he can keep it here I want to be smiling doesn't usually get angry but he really looks like he's getting mad he's trying to figure out where the noise is coming from I actually don't know where it is I'm gonna worry about why not right let's do our beer too we can do on track balls what oh he's starting to lose it he was knocking bro he's not looking good right now this isn't the beginning of the end for Linux he's not online on Discord either you think he'd really go that far to go offline on Discord no he's vibing we'll leave it alone okay okay that's good that's good he's like and he's in another continent bro wait Conan's the right terminology right now that he's like a little like suspicious his senses are heightened a little bit it's good we move on to the next stage yo in my roof there's nothing above this part oh what that doesn't make any sense that does not make any sense time in Dubai it's 1 47 a.m you think Donny's in Dubai right now trolling in Minecraft at 1 45 a.m no that means slumped over passed out sleeping on a 20 million dollar bed next what I'm adding is a mod called president's footsticks this one makes walking around super scary and makes everything more ambient in Minecraft it also allows you to hear what someone is walking even when they're in vanish oh creepy guys this board sounds insane he's so like look look how loud this is bro I just saw something move right there it was a particle someone's Advantage following me bro I could see the particle on the floor I'm telling you at this point he definitely knows like this is something scary like this is not a normal thing oh listen to Cobblestone watch I'm gonna run from them let's hear magma oh my God they're chasing me right now I can hear him turn see dude what just leave me here to play Minecraft bro this is more you know for the Ambiance you know sister so is everything's a little more scary silly I'm gonna start making things more dark you know but at this point he's already panicking which leads us on to our next part of the video the next one I'm adding is immersive portals that makes it so I can make a floating portal so when he falls through he's gonna land in the nether Yes you heard me right then never if someone latched to me you know the lead right when you have a lead on to someone he's invisible imagine a lead on me I run and he follows behind me that's why that's so loud for this next part I'm gonna send Linux into The Nether to do this I'm gonna have a trap set for him inside someone else's house I see the particles you little rat where are you I don't think I could do rage actually oh my God whose house is he more likely to go maybe maybe we just do it at his front door I'll be insane because we have to finish it before he gets done listen bro listen listen listen listen I saw it right there I saw the particles bro give me here my fist that's if I walk here listen all I'm saying is I'm just gonna stand still and I'm not gonna play the game man did I stop punching on the door again I hear it oh look at him oh here we go it's getting good baby this is getting good his heart is doing it his heart's doing that he's probably dead I'm sorry what is that noise hear that who's walking you heard it's like Squidward I don't want to play anymore I'm not moving I made my Cobblestone walls oh my God that is terrifying blocking off the door oh look he's blocking off the door dude whoa the door just opened the door just oh wait I have a pressure plate there still am I losing it oh God he's got part of it underneath his house he's fine this is fine am I losing it let's replace this for now and then we'll do this you're just being paranoid maybe it's maybe it's not you it's me I'm the crazy one so I am gonna just eat this golden apple and pretend like nothing ever happened and then we'll do this right here then we'll get it finished steel and oh look it will put him back on top of his house guys today we are going to be mining in Minecraft ignore the loud noises it doesn't matter we could even do send him to the to the nether oh my God wait no no I placed the Cobblestone wall here right what did I break it that would be oh my God we can send lyrics to the nether [Music] for those of you who don't know what I just did I've used immersive portals to make a portal that sends him somewhere else look at this I don't know why could you guys catch Australia is in the middle of me just having a schizophrenic episode bro look right here there's a portal that said that so if you cover all this up there's nowhere but to fall dude the grass is just okay am I the one making the noise why is it now making a noise I wasn't making a noise like this before dude sounds like two pieces of paper rubbing together while I'm walking through this dude what is this man I really hope you guys understand this but I promise you it will make sense too if I do such portal Elite portal there we go and then look so now there's a nice little pool to the bottom why is it making that noise why is it so loud man so the next Thai lyrics walks outside of his house and I break this block here he's gonna be walking la la la I do this right here boom he falls and he lands inside the nether yes guys the nether we need to set up a nice little pressure plate here and then do a little gravel and then do TNT right here and then we're gonna put barriers all around here there's nowhere but to fall straight down through here land in the nether at the how on Earth did I get here at that point I promise you he's gonna call me I promise you he will check if I won the server or not and in which case we have to get ready to run to our if he calls me which got away from to leave now wait if we do the knocking on the door again there we go please listen if it's if it's oh okay are you serious okay oh I'm just in the nether now I'm just in the nether right now TP limic City yeah let me give Daniel a call this uh kind of feels like Donnie how do I get back I don't know I think what just happened and I know your clip through reality like what's going on here let's give Donny a call and if it is him I just won't give you guys all his number two you know I'll FaceTime him oh my God it's bad again this is the look of them no idea what's happening right now oh my God guys I caught it I need to go I'm gonna get hold on yo hello oh hello oh oh snap uh my fault what are you doing what do you mean sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I'll be home are you at like uh like a hotel or something yeah okay my fault there was like um no no no I I didn't know if it was you or someone online so I was thinking like maybe you were on at like 5am or whatever it is 3 A.M there I don't even he's in a hotel bed bro or like in a room that's like dark guys go read my attitude on the scale of one today yo how good was I huh how do I get back do I just go up like what do I do how good was that yes how do I get back okay that is underway now he has no idea how to get home I think he's just gonna have to we're just TP him back what I say I'm gonna do is stop the inside of his house completely it will look like the same house but everything will be in the wrong place he's gonna think he's going crazy here finally he's hoping lyrics [Music] [Laughter] oh God he was talking about nonsense for the whole time look and when he comes up here yes everything was good I really need to redo those stairs I feel like that's such an inconvenience there has to be a better way of doing it right of going up these stairs maybe it's not I'm overthinking it it's right here right I don't want to fall into it oh wait he's gonna check he's gonna check to see there was nothing big bro what I knew it there's nothing day man I'm sorry oh God no wait it's right here what I told you it's not today you're being crazy come on you silly Billy wait what I don't understand this I don't understand it my brain cannot comprehend what's going on right now I wonder what's good for his head he probably thinks if it's not Donnie who on Earth could be doing this you know like is it a liger troll it's a quick troll why would any of them be trolling on the server it doesn't have op oops okay I did this so wrong did I think only lag is up I really hope I did one two three and we have a door back boom boom boom I think I did because otherwise this is a whole world will be finished by now I hate that I hate the stepping noises bro it's just so loud and I don't want to turn off all sounds wait is it blocks no it's not all right guys for this big stroll I've gotten the perfect idea I'm gonna stop the entirely out of his house and I know what you're thinking Donnie how on Earth are you gonna do that well if I do slash chess skim load Linux house new right and then I just do uh Slash Pace like this I have to turn off all sounds bro I'm The Iron Giant just stepping I'm LeBron James so we go I have linux's wait what is this did I save it that's his old house right three years ago everybody can hear me walking bro oh my God wait did I save this house there we go okay this is the right house that was his house from yes you're about a house but look this is his house the entire layout of it has changed all the axle from upstairs now downstairs there's there's no longer in the room upstairs he's got chest to me none of this layout is normal but okay for us to do this we need him to leave his house and we sent me such as I'll do get the random house out of the sky such as drain 50. there we go oh God that's a lot of water sorry guys sorry fish I didn't mean to Clear Water sorry what is the bee doing on top of the house up here what is this bee doing B what is this bee doing hello we call this B John I don't know why I would just beat the wave proof to leave these houses second he leaves his house room we're stopping out for the new one I lost a lot of spinny oh my God I'm getting bad these my break was too long man I forgot to delete them okay guys it's fighting this demons surely he didn't see right I had a guess for videos like these if it were Donnie or in the time that I've had in videos of people doing this there's usually a build up to something um so I'm gonna take off my poopoo doodoo armor put on my good ones you better better safe than sorry you know what I mean like we needed to leave his house bro get out why is he putting armor on I only have that on so I don't waste this armor but like why not use it this doesn't help any of that I'm gonna scream now be caught wait he's leaving he's leaving this is perfect okay I should probably get a little bit of more food if this is the case we got our Sasha skin ready stand right here we're gonna paste it three two one boom there we go it's it's John a giant John oh no where'd he go the entirely out of his house is changing has no idea so the next time he walks inside his house instead of seeing the normal layout what's going on in like what what the axolotes here Johnny John Boy oh I hear him he knows where they are so we're definitely gonna support a bunch of these guys here we go okay good wait so if that's a b and this Honey comes from them what is honey where does honey come out of from them now we gotta do is wait okay is Johnny just hiding in there bro I have no idea man we'll go inside there we go please please please here we go bro just does not want to come back out here we go [Laughter] because it looks kind of similar but at the same time this is not the same house man whoa okay now this is the greatest troll that's ever been done how where's the upstairs no no whoa what yes I'm so happy right now this was worth the break what wait what is happening right now wait what just happened what happened to my house oh I told you guys he's going crazy and I love it wait no way there's no possible way I just left all right wait hold on whoever the new era of trolling is uh I love it because I get a new house so shout out John my boy John his John's missing look at this guy this is the look of somebody who's losing their mind imagine this All Leads up to someone pretending to be a bee where's he going there's no way does he try to read so if I figure that out I'm a Linux genius I can't I can't do this ah so he walked over here like he was before talking to the bees when he jumped and then he walked over like he saw Mary or something I don't know what is going on in this guy's head I have to pee really bad I have to pee really bad so someone come out of vanish and show me who's doing this because I don't like it guys look zoom into linux's head what is going on in there I'll have a bench now nice where's my bed um that's my bed so what's below the bottom four used to be my chest room that really did not have much in it because it was very a big inconvenience to go down there whoa whoa still no chest or still no bad oops um I I don't understand I don't I'm lost I'm lost this is in the same house wait I didn't even know it's the whole downstairs difference none of this one's here not in the slightest right oh guys when I jump on it it makes noises okay good oh that sounds like your mom all right whoever's doing this can show themselves the next thing I'm adding is invisible creepers that means well he's walking around minding his own business boom invisible creeper blows up in his face we're just gonna go around there we're gonna put creepers everywhere but if I do such effective type equals creeper and then you give them invisibility for a thousand seconds okay anything right and not even in particles the true means that their particles don't show either for the new aspiring trollers let's go to this top floor and they're less spawn one two three four this here we go boom all creepers are now invisible now randomly we're gonna be watching it and he's gonna be exploding sometimes he's gonna be freaking out ah I'm gonna die oh oh no no no no no no no no why are that push is going everywhere I'm gonna die what was that a thing what just happened does anyone know what just happened there bro what oh actually give me why is he Invincible now twice don't heard that right why is Linux invisible was there a chest full of potions I shouldn't have broken the glass dude it's a brand new house I mean the creeper already blew it up I don't matter at this point look inside the Creeper's eyes here we go oh snap here we go as soon as he opens install the creeper oh what invisible creepers how I'm eating them they're there I'm gonna dude oh there's more what is that so is Korean wait why what do creepers do do they give you random effects when they explode why why are there why are there particles what's here is there something here look he doesn't know where the creepers starting to end what what's being particle eyes bro he's losing it I told you what is going on I don't understand this at all man there's invisible creepers a brand new house just gonna blow it up is there more don't worry okay I don't a backup of his house so the people in the comment section screaming at me okay I have backups or like the one saves them or something like I have to be upstairs right how do I get up bro what's blocking me what is blocking me where are you bro yeah I don't understand this game and I'm out of food bro the time is getting down man and we need this guy to leave so we go like 10 minutes we got nine minutes or something please we need to stop thinking big how do I fix this bro I like the new house I don't like this I don't like this version of the new house at all the next thing I ran into the server is the server-wide texture pack that makes all the water the same color as blood if this doesn't make you leave let's just say I've already got IDs here man oh God oh my God it work it worked look at this this room did not have a bed in it before okay I checked every room and there was no bed but now there's a bed look at this this is terrifying where is he oh please has he notice yet is there any water in this room though yeah respawn Point set that's how you know I haven't been in this house before okay this is oh dear oh wait no it says it every time I thought I'd only said it the first time that you do it oh even the culture is about to see oh why is it red why is the water red yes Linux welcome to uh oh please go outside the T go outside I want to see the Wall come on over here wait what for a second wait no it's all water red oh no I don't like that oh wait no way all water is red oh my bruh what oh no I'm good bro I'm good I'm good nah this has gone too far whoever's doing this fair play you won you're won I'm sick and tired of the game you've already you've already won I don't want to play anymore don't you this is you you've set up the greatest thing of all time and um I hope you enjoy your bed and Dubai easy this is too far bro this is this makes my skin crawl quick he's only got like three minutes do it what is that I don't want to give this game money for no reason I have to give off Mangrove propagulli what is that all right you know what it's cool right now he seems like he's terrified and he's not leaving his time okay remember guys you made me do this man oh this just keeps getting worse and worse get that out of here bro get that out of here now throw it throw it in the blood water bro what is this oh no I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good I'll just hide in my house I'll hide in a singular room and I'll never leave it ever again I will sit listen okay I'll go to a room that's like locked away you know what I'll just go upstairs no I won't go upstairs I'm gonna go in this room right here there we go I'm never leaving this ever in my life I'm gonna stay right here and I'm gonna read um Tick Tock I'm gonna change my skin to the scariest skin disable join messages and keep going in and out of vanish and staring at him every time he looks at me I'm gonna go back into vanish okay are you guys ready for this this is gonna be insane okay I've changed my skin to the scariest one I know here we go let's redoing hopefully it works please man we go please are you telling you this isn't terrifying I'm just gonna be looking at him like this let me disable name tags we're just gonna have to wait for him to look over at us here we go police the second he looks away we're gonna go back into vanish secondly looks eyes with us okay and we'll do vanish real quick there we go my name tag is completely gone now all we have to do is wait for him to spot us secondly does we go back into vanish and it will look like a figment of his imagination this is it please I'm ready to go to Valley for these seems to be everything fine is water still bloodable this I don't know if he sees me listen we'll just have flowers we'll just get some flowers we'll that's what we'll do we'll stand right here that's what we'll do we'll spend our time grabbing flowers and chips what is that yo look at that time did you see that no y'all saw that right so we flat half a second there's something right there and as I moved he's got like 90 seconds to leave the leave the screen like nothing happened [Music] it's gonna get scrapped I'm not sharing this video that disappeared as I looked away we're just gonna we're just gonna grab that flower we're just pretend like nothing was up there I'm making pretend it was all his Papa's imagination and then we go and stand right here and the second he sees us again we're gonna grab the red flower and then we are gonna place two potted plants one I'm not worried about whatever that was I have flowers oh my god did that work did you see us I saw him it was right there [Music] is that what is that I think he saw us because he punched it in that direction wait did he just put the I think you put the trees oh my God he put the stupid flowers back yes I will kill it I will kill it I don't wanna play this no more here we go please I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good bars I think I'm gonna go op inion you have like 40 seconds and uh like go outside touch some grass 40 seconds guys 40 seconds to be waiting 40 seconds so much and never play Minecraft ever again I feel like
Channel: Doni Bobes
Views: 1,208,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, doni bobes, mcpe, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, challenge, try not to laugh, doni bobes face reveal, doni bobes face, Slowly Turning his Minecraft Into a Horror Game…
Id: TvwaX-4yFAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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