I Heard You Like Damage... - Custom Afterbirth Challenge

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hey what's up everybody this is Hudson we are here with a custom challenge today now I think we've done something like this in the past but essentially this challenge gives me like every single damage downgrade soy milk skinny odd tech - but also gives me the cancer trinket Libra is banned go through the chest - mega satan submitted by sarin Zeus called I heard you like damage does not specify which character to start ass so we'll just pick one it's just - Isaac let's just do Isaac pretty standard run all right so this is like super rapid fire but the damage is gonna be garbage but I do like the rainbow blazer so pretty alright so this is the first room you've already taken damage and we're going down we're circling the drain already oh my god Tim run yeah damage is pretty bad damage is pretty bad but I think we can do this I think we can do this it didn't say anything about don't take any other items it just said Libra is banned so that means I'm assuming that we can take other items let's do this you think you can fight me you think you can fight me you guys this is too easy so easy oh yeah damage though oh it's all about the dodges any moment now any moment these guys are gonna start dying there we go piece of cake even the Flies even the Flies it takes about like 10 seconds to kill one jeez oh yeah I love those enemies that have more health damage stats at 0.5 right now fire rates at 1 cancer isn't gonna do anything here cancer is not gonna do a damn thing but serpents kiss actually should be like guaranteed poison with this fire rate some kind of thinking that that's uh that that's like holy [ __ ] luck this is not a seated run you can see in the left side oh yeah all the black parts are flowing already monstros to monstro oh jeez not guaranteed poisoned damage because they get a little bit of a invincibility from status effects when they get one it's like look at the bar down below like it is barely going it's like if the poison damage probably does more damage than my actual tears and or laser so that's a thing that's exciting right no problem we got this in the bag I just hope that I get some more black cards in these guys but Serpent's kiss like wow I swear to you I did not type in any kind of seed I swear to you it would it would have that little achievements cannot be unlocked symbol on the left side if I did so proof proof I didn't do it I'm sorry okay didn't mean to break your challenge already but I like this cuz I actually like soy milk and I actually got an affinity for tech - when I got tech 2 + epic hack it was amazing it was like one of the best combinations ever let's hit up our shop by the way can't hit at the shop cuz we don't have a key oh good oh good we go get a key up here though there's a couple locked behind some some stones us great nice I don't think I'm gonna even need bombs I don't think I'm gonna eat bombs because we don't need so hearts because we're gonna be flowing in the Blackhearts man pay to play you know ya know ah nope next floor you guys just the UH the guaranteed poison damage is just so [ __ ] wonderful glorious just a little bit of extra damage just is maybe a little bit I could do wonders for me so I begin some comments recently there are a few people that are saying things like man you should really post full episodes that you know your your content is really going downhill because you don't post full episodes and you you cut it up but you have to understand at the same time I get you know a hundred people saying man I really wish that you would cut your videos up and make them shorter because it's too hard for me to watch it an episode that's an hour and half long so I really don't think that there's an appropriate way to go forward with that and honestly I place so much Isak on my twitch and I upload that to my huts too so like if you have an Isaac hankerin you know you can go there there's tons of Isaac and at some point I'm going to burn you guys out and myself out if I start posting nothing but long long long isaac videos on both channels so that's not the method that's not where I'm gonna go with this gave up all my hell because I'm a boss in the arcade I don't eat health this is way too easy come on man really I got to say though shooting fires and like poops and and TNT barrels is a delight have to look the light right now with soy milk tech - they blow up so quickly watch the Zam oh that's glorious piggy bank wow what a rip if I only had that before I played the machine I could have gotten double the money well you could just use your sub card and then you can get foil forget it good back in there you probably will do that yes yes okay fine person that sounded stupid but actually made a good point fine but I do need a key here you know just a key swing into that shop you know that'd be great they can just do that for me it'd be fantastic also if you could die I'm gonna go for a key from one of these guys going for a key like this cuz if I can't get in the shop I can't spend this money anyways and I'm getting like tons of stuff oh my god eternal heart would not be smart if I'm gonna play this machine anymore oh so much more money oh yeah I guess starter decks worth it here Oh fine alright boss fight then we come back with the Sun card we may use the Sun card on the boss fight that probably be a smart idea maybe a free key over here probably good as well and a secret room yes that's what I was hoping for that's not what I was hoping for less less so less so lethal horn s son Cardew right in the vagina took half his health off so worth oh his balls gonna be huge pain in my ass that was weird that was a weird thing to say that that didn't come out right I get black carts from shooting his balls sweet Oh hallo cuz I can see your halo hey you know that's not very exciting that's not very exciting at all I don't want any of these deals I mean I guess I'll probably take the book of Belial ah shoot took a block could be pretty okay here plus we got free money from playing this beggar that's pretty sweet all right moment of truth does the cancer actually do anything for me no the cancer did nothing cancer did literally nothing my bottle of pills [ __ ] classic whoa the bottle of pills gave me a joker card haha that's right starter deck sweet so I'm not saying that serpents curse has made this not a challenge it's just the fact that it's going to be easier for me but I think honestly because I think we got a damage upgrade the halo is it all stats and I'm pretty sure it gave us zero damage uh if we have to go through the entire game of 0.5 damage through mega satan that is where we are going to die it doesn't matter how many black cards we get before that when we take on mega satan with 0.5 damage that's gonna be super rip the game is just inflating my confidence right now and it's gonna strip it all away but I do need to get though what I do need to get though maybe sack deck BFF plus I like unicorn stump something like that that could be powerful curse from hell ya ain't scared of nothin I ain't skirting nothing do we take copies head here for flies that do 1 damage instead of point 5 damage no no an extra 1.5 damage per room is not gonna be that big of a deal when I fire at 75 bajillion tears a second you know a mod buddy would be really nice to have because then it would actually like let me know how long got to sit there and grind away and a freaking enemy big fan big fan knocked you over to laws asking for honestly bundling grundle yeah yeah yeah plus two hearts yeah whatever fight me fallin I'm actually happy that we get another deal with the devil here please don't make it be razor blade or like ghost baby give me a nightmare to fight both these guys rot row rut row yeah here goes here goes nothing whoo prism stone honestly probably the one one of the best mods I've ever seen I [ __ ] love that though the rainbow yes got him yeah rotten baby that's what I'm talking about yeah babe ah yep yep yep ha ha ha tiny bananas sides that's it I'm talking aboot ah and demon baby honestly maybe you might be doing some damage there's a turtle heart over here as well and tons of black hearts like help is this it's not a thing we want some upper dps right now and honestly okay fine night light might be good here if we can slow down if I can point that at the hush and slow down all of his tears are not the hush sorry mega-santa it could be a good thing it could be a very good thing but generally speaking I just I don't let the night light because when you start slowing tears and then not sign them and you're moving around sometimes they create this unblockable array especially when you're fighting the hush so we've managed to bump our damage up to 0.7 0.7 from 0.5 which is like yeah it's a little bit better tiny bit like I said the end of the game is it's just gonna suck it's gonna be terrible for me slowing here could be very powerful I could [ __ ] [ __ ] activated jeez yeah pentagram yay whoo nice huge money plays ohh IV bag lump of coal would be dreams lump of coal would be dreams please Krampus fight me oh good oh good another chub Oh fantastic the same champion as well look at this IV bag + hun dling grundle + my life savings holy money's fighting that Serpent's kiss I think I would probably already be dead I think I'd probably already be dead because this is a [ __ ] nightmare this could be my lucky day could be my lucky day what do we got there it is I got my era [ __ ] the blank ruined don't care or Karev come on so many books you guys look you fight here we are in dank depths one we're doing it you guys like I said this isn't really gonna be a challenge until the very late floors and we have to fight nothing but bosses on every single room so not too much is gonna happen until then besides that Bob's paroled oh oh good crevice oh here it is here it is moment truth the moment of truth lump of coal please daddy oh no no we didn't get it some of the beach these angers me that would like that literally would have changed this from like sort of a challenge to not even a challenge at all cuz lump of coal adds so much damage onto your soy milk our last item rum here we go guys what do we need what we want what do we need I don't really know uh we don't really need much of anything bananas full bananas it's Technica tears upgrades it's literally gonna do nothing for us wider sighs I guess is what we got there yeah sure sure okay and BOGO bombs really really underwhelming here that that actually does nothing cuz we already have the grundle another Joker card well you know what to do with that yep and black-powder why not get rid of a red hearts good good this is the position I wanted to be in yes although we could have used a better orbital doll Thank You Bess all the double damage is just amazing all right mom fight Isaac stompy mom oh stop me Mom stop me so hard oh my god try to make a ring for her to stomp on ha oh my gosh it's working like a charm oh yes just run circles in the middle this is like all this is glorious it's like best mom strats 2016 boom go onto the chest like the thing said let's do that I'm glad we actually use the Juncker card because we did not get a deal with the devil that was perfect I guess the best thing that the bananas did give me was spectral tears nothing short of a rocks I think that was the bananas that gave me that I don't know if we got it before that so like actually pretty good conquest white not a problem not a problem fruitcake oh this many tears I got up but it's gonna haunt me that's gonna be a huge mistake I just know it I just know it all the ipecac Satar bound to show up and blow up my and right in my vagina not good but everything else at the Godhead the Holy Light all that [ __ ] yeah that's okay it's pretty good it's like really good that's doing it it's doing it's doing its thing it's hard to even tell what's going on but these enemies are dying real quick alright soy milk fruitcake pretty good pretty good combo write it down a last deal with the devil what do we got what do we got I did talk about sac tag I did talk about getting a sack thing didn't I you know it's actually not the last deal with the devil because I still have a joker card so like that's a thing just gonna go ahead and pop my Joker card right now I feel like that's a good idea for a headless baby ah we are only one third of being conjoined I think I can't even use my sack bag oh my gosh I can't use my sack day until my shield because my epic act tears that was actually a breeze that was actually a breeze let's fight Isaac let's do it tank it and get with our sect I don't even care if we take damage from explosions don't care got him god I'm gonna drop the black card for me what a doll oh great let's see era the chest see what we got turning touch um I don't think that's really gonna be that handy sad bombs it's banned I can't take it I can't take it what a [ __ ] oh my god the huts you think that's a big leap brother but big but a little not true not true soy milk Libre just gets in the way when I want to break the game if I take Cermak Libre my top damage is probably gonna be around 30 when I don't take so I'm a cleaver at my top damage is gonna be around a thousand or more same fire rate anyways enough about that right now it would be an improvement but I can't take it I'm bound ah that's - damage good good sad boobs I guess anemic I these are garbage he's a garbage what are the odds that we're gonna run into Libra on a run like this son of B CH D 100 hahaha what a challenge oh by D 100 everything soiled blue baby blue boobies quite me man is you me and my dagger let's go I'm just gonna tank the [ __ ] this I'll give a crib boom-boom City baby you guys write for the mega-santa fight are you guys ready for the mega-santa fight I also find a magician card so that's gonna be pretty cool let's do it this is the apex of the challenge I'm so ready so ready gonna take my eyes probably take me like seven minutes and defeat this guy but that's fine we can do it well you know what with the magician in the laser pretty damn good combo pretty damn good we've already taking damage though rip we're going down we're going down hard I think that uh I think that my my light beams are gonna screw me over here it's like I predicted and it's gonna happen yeah they're slowing down some gear is not slowing down other tiers we're going down real quick here he's already spawning in enemies because I'm not killing him fast enough jeez what is happening I'm just like losing health left and right I can't even see the [ __ ] screen I can't even see what's going on I can't see it oh my god here comes Santa Claus here comes Santa Claus huh huh huh hey my God if you're gonna spawn on top of me you [ __ ] [ __ ] like really I can't see my [ __ ] face I'm just as small as all my baby friends oh not like this not like this not like this I got I got hurt I got hurt because my own tears blew up on my own bomb good good job good job game nicely done real proud I sure I can't tell where I am it's really hard to tell where my body is oh my god second phase with four hearts left five ha ha I want that your last face left me a black card you dip yeah dip it's stupid dip look at this this mice my [ __ ] light is just screwing me over when it's slowing down all the half of Tears oh my impenetrable wall of doom not good not cool not good not good stupid light from [ __ ] hell what did you do sit still that's not an option not an option can't be done maybe I just tank it maybe I just tank it with the knife I don't know aah help help help help block him knife block him knife oh yes knife you said I mean when half them are slowed down oh my god we did it three hearts left who actually was a really good challenge there at the end just like I predicted I recommend you guys tried this challenge out yourself a link to this challenge will be down below in the description thank you so much zerrin Zeus and I will see you guys the next one see you guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 1,393,578
Rating: 4.8341026 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, easter eggs, greed mode, greed, Rebirth, isaac rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, binding of isaac basics, hutts, play, fail, win, mods, brimstone, mom's heart, modding, beat the game, indie, tarot cards, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, moms knife, polyphemus, mod, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: pbCuzU0uO8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2016
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