Curveball Challenge - Custom Afterbirth+ Challenge

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to after birth plus we did a bunch of challenges on stream the next one curveball we're almost done with these you guys soy boy that one sounds like it's gonna be fun ah balls will i hurt myself yes i will this is kind of a cool combination though you don't get this very often i wonder if we're gonna get item rums this doesn't necessarily seem like it's going to be difficult he says is he i'm dying ah god this is difficult yeah i don't know maybe it will be more difficult than i think that's for you bud oh god this back up sucka how about a magic mush a nazial power uphill are you a wizard does that does that do it yeah it works i look fantastic no reason not to find the top secret room yeah see swallowed penny every time i hurt myself i get paid for it like it's my job sloth good to see you um yeah you know i guess good power pill to get in here for cheap yeah i love the four fires when i have a bomb yes cracked in for me 2.5 i don't care i don't want it sometimes you take damage it takes you out of the room famine but you know what the orbital is going to be great good meat please now i don't have to use my bombs challenge is already over no item rooms by the way we don't really need them we have to go all the way down to dark room though that's that's unfortunate funk i want that look at this i'm unstoppable i feel like some of these are less challenges and more like haha this is funny like yeah greg i guess it's kind of funny for like two minutes it's already been four minutes no item room but it's not gonna stop me from getting guppy guppy guppy guppy well i'm taking it guppy guppy guppy all in all pretty good pretty good i forgot the eternal heart in the first floor didn't i i think i totally did and now i just bond myself picking up this one reminded me that i'm a dumb buttons guppy oh no pretty good let me well i suck my butt annie ah potato peeler all right the potato i could go for a full meat boy you know what i'm gonna do it i'm just crazy enough come on pal stupid look in his face he's just like disturbing though if you really think about what this game is trying to tell us i shaved off enough of my own body with a potato peeler to make my own friend from my own viscera the pulsating sack heart on my chin disturbs me every time this is why i can't date so what do you do for a living i uh pass diamond hands for gme stalks no the right hand just have a third chance of becoming eternal i would totally take that if i could take this trinket with it i could gulp one of these but actually though how do you explain this game to somebody who's never played it before uh yeah you're like a baby that uh oh that's mom's trying to kill you and you stab yourself a lot so you cry and then your tears can kill the unborn fetuses and the date's over up she's leaving oh god damage one times 1.2 that's a that's a joke plus 9 16 damage then the baby makes a new friend by shaving off his skin puts on cat ears takes a wire coat hanger used in said abortions to stab through his forehead i'm literally unstoppable right now and while i do like like a me cube orbital and i can get one right now but i'm going to save for deals with the devil i do think that the level 4 meat cube is is worth it as a friend because now it can go ahead and go after people without me having to get into dangerous you know territory by getting too close especially spiders it can just kind of go off and do its own thing wonderful thanks bud your name is chuck like chuck roast get it meat does he actually have a name from the game i have to admit i've never played super meat boy it's kind of race to the finish line now i suppose kingpin very tough boss very dead boss more health more health and less health all right cuba meat and meat boy best of both worlds power pills too what a joke power pill me cube such a genius combo ah what the heck kind of what i'm on the gap ah that was weird also gertie why you over there and nope a fame though huge shout out to fame for helping cindyk to cheat through a challenge i'm kidding totally counts oh my dad's home plus i thought it was funny how i played dad's own plus or simvita on stream and beat it and then sin viktor played it later and then he posted the video first so everyone was like oh god hutz is going to be so mad that's invid to beat this bro do you even come to stream i already smashed this challenge with nothing but piercing in a pocket full of dreams what's this going to do oh that's just fun what paper clip though ugh these rooms just bomb through them yeah this bomb genius luncheon that's tough gotta kill the the worms that come out oh got me oh god philosopher's stone plus one heart container plus three gold hearts for sure from poops nothing that i need give it to me that's it mom oh it's champion mom can't touch her bomber parts ah she's already dead this is not a challenge we want to go boss rush what's that i a below or monster in the room with the lowest percentage health takes more damage from your attacks cannot target any means of full health i've never even seen it before so i'm just gonna go ahead and grab it harbingers no boss rush if there's an item that oh ah every tier fired triggers three weaker tears spread evenly around the player that would kill me 100 would kill me i want to know what it does though but i'm gonna go definitely polyphemus here yo oh they're not even that big my fire rate plus 28 too ah my damage though in the eye of blower okay oh that hurt early bloat this is fine oh god i'm handling this don't let buck grab the stuff oh man everyone's dying so fast out including me buster nope i say no to you mega bean ah save [Music] every time that i'm like whoa speed run i always pick the worst way possible wasting so much time literally the last the last uh piece of the map yup losing half of my health as well how about a balls of steel pill nice balls of steel balls of steel yeah a mustn't to lose this there's a must-win challenge right damn it i keep playing like this we're gonna lose oh my god literally full cleared the floor [Music] maybe i should get two fully grown super meat boys and then uh hide fry in the corner for the rest of the game more health minus ten fire rate two 3 or baboons i'm slightly tempted honestly yeah i'm complaining about having health no i'm not going to do that i'm take gimpy i'll get health back for it please for the love of henry do not make me do the entire scarred womb too yes more elf oh good one come on ah what hit me there oh no no no no no no no no no no pro that's pro [ __ ] right there you see that that's how pros play oh god ah i'm just pretending to be scared why do i bomb through rooms pretending to be scared for drama yeah bombing through rooms just more like bombing my face what the heck obstacle save me look at my health it's not good go power pill now's your time beat play you know my super meat boy is in there so let's just let him do his thing yeah it's over already bro should we do hush fight guppy's tail with this trinket yeah josh fight would definitely kill me right that would be a definite bad thing to do right ah i don't like chickening out on things if i'd like three more hearts i would have considered it such an expert more like you're a wiener what the heck are you knifey boy oh god uh oh see professional like knowing you can bomb them still and do poison ipa damage without having to wait for the host walkers to pop professional stuff oh god oh wow what am i looking at right now what am i looking at right now four and a half hearts perfect timing yo oh ah brah i'm doing it i have even more health than when i went into the devil room expert stuff what do you got ah how about you yo i'm one more guppy item and i'll think about it okay three more options no no no we're only one third guppy right i think we're only one third guppy with the tail unless i'm stupid it's possible but it also it gets rid of all my health and this is an interesting room what else do you got just buy it satanic bible i don't even see it there that's pretty good another power pill great i'd buy that last thing from you buddy but uh i can't look at know matty is it me oh we can blow up these purple fires too right oh oh god yo the health yellow the health yoho the health we go my god turns it around in one room spoon bendies oh my goodness ah yo health everywhere thanks what the heck i don't even know though tinted rock was there i mean i totally knew it expert stuff blank card double active blank card isn't that supposed to take me to the imer room that does not exist on this floor well i gotta know it just spawns and i am here he's like ah look kid i don't have a room more help health is just coming out of my butt bone heart i could buy your heart now it gave me a bumbo the day just keeps getting better you know what i'm gonna use my potato peeler i got two friends why can't we be friends why can't we be friends little chad's in there too like oh i'm also red i don't know why little chad was tim for a moment there there's also a bumbo that's like i'm literally not having a good time there's always one friend in the group yo cataract range up tears decelerate increase to your size gonna be so big oh wow oh they barely even bounce that might be helpful actually what a room here lies jimmy the kidney pay your respects just imagining jimmy the kidney i'm bob by the way i look awful i'm imagining jimmy the kidney having one lone grave all in its own room in in the depths of hell jimmy was great but he liked to rock and roll this guy is spawning enemies i can't kill him until okay there we go good thing we're getting all this health because i'm losing it very fast thank you um yes i'm not even sure how the booger would work compound fracture definitely gonna get me dead i wish i had that stupid bee shot now oh any stone i don't even know and now the moment you've all been waiting for a lamb i got kidney stone activated right now what's that gonna do gonna be wacky real wacky oh yeah our pill clutch yeah yeah we did it what a phenomenal last floor i had a blast with that one honestly could have died any moment there must have been like 30 soul hearts that we got just on that last floor i hope you guys enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed playing it thank you for watching let me know your thoughts down in the comment section below and i will see you in the next one see you guys [Music] all right take it out of his existence now i brought you into this world i can take you out damn it he's like mom i got two friends [Music] i got two friends [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 332,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: PTXsesiExSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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