One Last Try - Abortionbirth

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try number two let's go welcome back to abortion birth Plus revelations the last time it went really well like super well last time there was a lot of fun so much fun this time we'll be able to win and have more fun if I can just get a run that doesn't have any allotted items no moderate items and no beans no beans and none of those shitty werben jaegerman jensen flippin worms none of that none of that please come check out the pool you had to take out the void portals immediately they summon the Bourbon man Jensen Yeager villes Schmidty Reuben yet Schmidty bourbon smitty werben jaegerman jensen duh we got parasites beerus i got parasite yeah girl [ __ ] is a tiara oh I was any better at this game axis fight huh oh wait guys I feel like I should use the era like sooner than later I shouldn't save it because we're not gonna make it to the chest in order for us to use it there where would be the best spot to use the era mmm first time that we get a black card I guess we're going to the glacier I did talk about full clearing rooms and floors and doing glacier and uh yep hide hide good I'm glad that I take damage I'm really happy about it health upgrades gonna be really nice though actually you should you're that why every single game I don't like you were not friends we're not I want my flamethrower back a walnut babyback babyback babyback babyback flamethrower back Chili's flamethrower they probably have a flamethrower burger or 20 damage will see me through the tough times for a b24 20 damage and my awesome dodging skills ah I'm a pro at this now could this be any easier gun tears upgrade whatever he said whatever he said I feel the same way top seeker room I'm on fire I set it the first black card I should get it I'm not wrong it could also year the shop and get a second so hard plus a bunch of consumables for free yeah yeah yeah and then just in case that guy's gonna drop something yeah boom what's this two hearts that blows come on along with us everybody let's die woo I'm ready Lee sure what do you got for me red chest would have been nice you don't throw that out there ah no no no no no no no he's dead pain versus envy this head of frozen Envy how many envies that they're gonna be soon as I beat the super envy you think the other enemies would back down a feature leader you're beat just give up could I just please get a troll bomb it'd be nice of you to share a troll bomb with me oh thank you Oh too cool actually would have been really good though okay that's cool so sometimes they pop up and sometimes they don't okay nice you're actually pretty good an enemy to a mani design nice English good it's actually like I'm feeling it I'm whoa the trickle shot I'm feeling the glacier I'm feeling it the enemy variants with slippery ice and the spikes yeah stepping it up piss buckets Oh God wouldn't you stop what is that where did you come from you guys are so done stop it stop stop stop got him got him got him got him got him got him got him got him God um ah from where there must be some shadows or something double Kier um probably worth it to rub rerolls everything in the room don't need the money what is that wrong worm I hate this mod so much called ya buddy gulp my trinkets that was one white pill I think by the embers so you don't freeze to death oh my God why if I just don't earn a deal with the devil I don't have to take them genius alright the worst stuff if I don't get a moderate item I get just [ __ ] um Ice Cube for seven cents yeah hyper dice special rerolls do I use it we wait we hold off we literally have not seen a single good item out of this mud so why start now well you don't even know if it's revelations or not it could be revelations and there's a battery so what if it rear owes the battery though I just I don't I don't have an answer for you another medium horn why is why why the same boss we may different boss types this is uh this is not that's not medium horn oh I use my special reroll and I'm happy I did I'm really happy that I did that is it literally that your old bosses is that the the purpose because we were gonna die miserably there goes my deal to double chance I mean you said it was medium horn and then you spun delirium I'm just gonna go ahead and go on say it out of the [ __ ] Lim pillory room no it's just a no for me it's simply calmly no go [ __ ] yourself like really [ __ ] hard I know you guys think this is funny but it's it's it's just it's not it's not funny it's just bad it's so bad good I'm still dying I came in fight little Gish our big dish it's big dish okay okay all right easy man that was simple I used the special rerolls again I think it's a boss reroll I think that's what it is all right I'm okay with that considering it saved my ass done can we just like nominate this mod for a [ __ ] award already wonder if I can reroll the glacier boss going down to glacier 2 we get some freaking tinted rocks - what's up with that my game is usually riddled with tinted rocks I haven't seen a single one so far underpants I can reroll this - awesome what's that I can't get to it I have to walk over the spike the invisible spike now there's rocks reroll special rooms that's what it is I think it is a revelations thing maybe I remember seeing that before we roll the special rooms into this different special room I suppose it would be super cool if you like went into a library got a bunch of books and then re-rolled the library what if I cannae reroll this room into another mini-boss so a bostrom would be a special room item room would be a special room shop curse room re-rolling curse rooms and taking a curse room that has a deal to devil item or like red chests in it that would be like super cool keys please again I suppose then re-roll in the mirror room wouldn't really reroll them ear room it can tree roll into anything else I'm tempted to get that magnifying glass but I'm not gonna good story right riveting a riveting tale we know that this is a modern item that it's probably bad for our health but I got a no broken kneecap I used to be an adventurer like you speed at point 1 speed 2 point 1 whoo yeah buddy oh yeah at least it gave me damage or fire rate wait no it did not why why make a mod if you're gonna make every single item the biggest pile of [ __ ] do you understand the way that the the binding of issac works this is the way the body of Isaac works [ __ ] item comes up that hurts you you just don't take it all just wow hey so putting bad items in the game isn't a smart thing to do can i reroll this again I can't damn and I want that void the void would be so helpful for me but I'm really liking this dice I'm really liking a dice I can have both good this is gonna make the game so much more fun oh yeah backtracking is nice Oh this is what I wanted all right magnifying glass but he got what's in there bankruptcy mortgage time [ __ ] oh my health I think that to reroll the shop then chaos it's a good start battery just keep the batteries coming I'm liking this a nickel you feel power strength card we just keep reroll in the shop and I keep getting batteries from it then then did it I did it great then great with chaos I'm buying items but nothing's happening my money's not going down did I just break it speed up my speed back wait all of my items are gone why is that why of all my items left me oh there's the void thing that would make it to the haha no where'd all my items go what if I use this multiple times in a single room do they all go away to my items disappear I lost my parasite okay so don't use this too many times then maybe I don't know magical deck card tears I can no longer do damage let's go re-roll the item room maybe maybe rear all my items out of my out of my my hands again because I don't I don't want this I mean like it would seem good what would I do what do I even do with this what what do I even do with this I rewrote this from I don't know if I want to go for a black market well [ __ ] me in the face I lost my thing that I looked did I use it too many times I can kill them with my cards I mean I don't think there's anything I I I don't think there's any way we can lose now and I can full card I can just wait till I get a card and then just get out of there and then just redo it the whole thing just redo the whole thing just the whole thing ok ok ok ok let's get this straight here every single thing that I've gotten on this mod has I'd there been super shitty or completely broken it's either way over here or way over here there's nothing in the middle and the middle this is this is the game this is the game here and this is like oops probably should never happen so you either ruin the game because it sucks and your ear Teager you're just gonna die miserably alone or you ruin the game because now I don't de play now there's no skill involved right alright we're done Yolo don't you take my devil deals you [ __ ] what a douche nine lives hmm might as well go for cup so this last chance just keeps spawning more broken hunks so I just never die yes eat my cards you know I'm not sure that you're actually taking damage in the cards I clearly don't understand how this works okay so find a car and like a death card then chariot fire fans Joker's good I don't actually hurt you though it's like I just got I just got to go for more cards until I get a card that finally heard something I thought it was hurting him a second ago what is the deal with this I saw somebody die from a card this isn't worth it when 9:00 neither is trying to fight the boss what is this what is this I'm just I'm dying I'm dying miserably I am dying remember we're like oh there's no way I can lose it's so overpowered ha ha ha ha ha ha I can't I cannot stand [Music] what's that Boz brain - do you fire because I could use you to kill some things give me something good a penny you feel like an idiot I do feel like an idiot sack of beans gosh I love the beans there was one thing I needed more of it was the beans just go for like infinite suicide Kings gotta be something that could help me here that worked out really really well put a lottery ticket in the shop you can then re roll the shop yeah that's gonna be yes for me okay passive damage we have the ability to fight back sack of sacks of sex stop abortion that was our damage sack of charge don't get a causative of abortion [Music] tissue no more tears I can't ever shoot tears ever again they don't even come out as tears before they turn into cards anymore why is this why why why does this mod exist there is no good reason to have any of these items in there I can't even get flies I can't even get orbitals anymore because of abortion suicide beam me so high dose of militant I entered on Kappa what is this succubus mega hat whoa what a robot with all every rock is a small rock I came back into this room and now every rock is a small rock let's rear all the small rocks some potential here Matan magical or deque holy Abaddon beem beem holy grail ages since when did I had to tick frozen foot pass gobby so I don't still don't shoot still don't shoot tears though so I'm going for an hour straight I'm sick of this I think we're just gonna go and just see what happens these are golden BOM I'm so done I'm so [ __ ] done all right mere boss fight me dude maybe I can get this guy's mirror fight me but not like for real though oh hey hey yeah just gonna end up hurting myself here power pill there we go I'll take advantage of this moment ah confuted could in here tonight that really did not work out for me that really was stupid son card uses a bunch of son cards non-stop son card man yeah son cards no son cards algae's is good go got him got him I killed him I killed him give that to me let me let me use it a board actually did take it away from me Oh fight me dick I think I might get like right up next to their face I can do a little bit of damage on them look at a frost Rider No all right the book of shadows and bombs let's go I'm done I'm done I'm done with this another medium horn original why is this guy turning to delirium what nothing surprises me anymore you know this seems normal this might as well be like bidding off Isaac ha burn in hell postage right what yeah I wouldn't Debbie trail bombs might be the only way that I can legitimately do damage [ __ ] it just fully embrace it just give up him now I'm actually dying though we were doing but probably better before what's the mail the letter it's addressed to Satan I used it I used it teleported me out I didn't want my book anyways what is this I'm sorry what northern glacier right and no absolutely I'm 100% behind this yep I'm assuming this is the last floor so let's just make our way downtown and walk in a pretty brisk pace no items in the chests the like normal chest good I didn't want that anyways items I'm heard of them all right here we go Santa hey Santa yeah yeah this is great this is nice yeah yep I'm not I'm not doing any damage to him why immune to explosions why wouldn't she be though I mean why wouldn't she be I would be if I if I could be I'm gonna actually get a teleport card out of here I just know it I'm trying here you guys I'm really trying there we go there we go there we go there we go we're done are we done can you just touch the chest can you two get in there can you touch the chest a little bit oh my god we're done I'm done I'm installing this right now yeah ever again okay bye [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 715,763
Rating: 4.9292269 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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