EZ GAME EZ LYFE (Casey) - Enter the Gungeon Advanced Gungeons and Draguns UPDATE

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what is up everybody my name is hot - welcome back to enter the gungeon been a while but a hot minute since I've played any other character pilot go not the biggest fan of the pilot but saving money sounds kind of nice one of the worst things about the pilot I think is his freaking starting weapon it's garbage he's also got the ability to use his lockpick to try to open up chests without using keys you guys probably know this was like the starting character this is gonna be so much difference without having the ability to block shots bullet is so nice with the dodge roll like some peasants and is this nonsense chess I'm just gonna go and use it awesome thanks man well might as well joke it then [Music] impressive I think dodge roll is trying to make it up to me here look you need keys and then it gives me this key boss guy Shelton key I need it also lament configuration though it could be sweet mimic putty yeah maybe I'm gonna go for it for sure for totes why do I yeah okay why do I be this character is gonna lockpick if I'm just gonna get the super mega key in the beginning anyways goddamn and I wish I was the bullet another key drop well we can afford the thing with the stuff and the thing let's just do it maybe we could still save money though maybe we'll get another key drop wait give it to me come on alright I'm doing it shallots and key first oh yeah I think we go for lament configuration configure them too and we do it I hear we do it I'm not crazy you're crazy oh that's right we can hold two things oh nice let's use this bad boy if it drops an item it'll spawn enemies all the time but if it drops an item it gives us one curse and we get to take that item okay no item can I need you to stop I all I take contact damage I'm not the bullet to take contact damage this is a foreign concept to me alright we can open up everything for free now mutation by quick-draw we shoot when we reload I think yeah really good for one bullet guns like rocket launchers basically double fire right let's go BB what you got trigger 2 in problem smoke him if you got him right I pressed the blank button though that's weird I even heard a click what sucks when he's not the bullet he's not that good at this game haha got him no health upgrades for me oh yeah a alien engine wait a second mutated alien engine contrail I'm flying is that all it is just flight though if the player has alien engine its flame will turn green igniting enemies with green fire alien engine also grants flight all right I see the flight being handy got omega up I got hit too help that's pretty good I guess I got omega that's that's to curse I think so far the last bullet in our chamber does more damage I don't know what that means for this that doesn't really have bullets this item has no effect on beam guns we need to find some single fire weapons like real bad we have to beam duns nice sweet dude beam weapons can find secret rooms write that down the shotgun shell it fires shot guns that shoot shotgun shells all the road again just can't wait to get on that road again this would be looking up if it wasn't for our health and you tell fell really scrubs it don't I'll play the game need help why don't you light a fire though I can fly [ __ ] faraman faraman yeah super fair test it open it another shotgun yeah there's my health upgrade also a synergy with what the holster quick and the gun dead what if the player also has heart holster shots fired by hip holster homed in on the enemy yes give me more stuff baby yeah pepper if I got close enough to the enemies they light on fire firey toots essentially come on lament configuration after this I'm ready bring it on baby you know it's [ __ ] the hip holster only fires out one last little bullet from this thing when I'm done baloney man alright here goes I got nothing it's a huge fight such a huge fight of my hands mutation again in the boss fight mutation against the blob Lord thought that should do something special [ __ ] dad dude sometimes he's so good with the blob attacks is unreal and apparently I also just always use a blank half a second too late that's just how it goes why don't you play easy you've been trying mate what do we got minik I don't know if this is blank companions ring he tries buddy I got myself a buddy I'm assuming that he fires off blanks he fires a blank every time that I use my active item okay not exactly the same let's just like I don't we shouldn't let mine configuration in the shop I think he'd be pretty pissed about that so let's maybe try a different room like a big room in which we wouldn't mind trying to look for the secret room in I've kind of got like a feeling about this one over here this guy come on buddy but I didn't find it but little buddy did his thing though I did get something I got the Megan hands I love the mega hand oh that's what for curse now let's go with four let's see if we can't protect this crest for the next floor playing balls to the wall mega handed then we balls to the wall mega handed then mega hands got like a lot of synergies too so let's make that happen huh let's make that a thing eh more chests to open oh that that was a mimic for a second moon scraper really really good for scraping moons so I'll let you know when I get to a moon buddy hold your breath belt crest room please yeah who are you you're pretty easy reload bullets rolling reload we we we reload when we roll only one bullet per roll though and it doesn't stack with the thing that allow like when I reroll I shoot it should though the hip holster thing it should roll reload and shoot at the same time and then we get stinger and then we win that's all I wanted is that too much to ask I don't want the most epic combo ever what do you like a spoiled brat or something lament configuration polish it honestly maybe we should stop at this point in time cuz I think it's like five or six curse and you have a chance to get a cursed rat let's just say we're at four and we'll do one more oh you're still a bloody hell it's heavy bullets I thought that was platinum bullets don't get my hopes up like that have you still like really really good so I will come back for you if I have the chance but it probably won't have the chance good talk right can i jab my trusty lockpick into the shopkeepers eye and then steal it oh also abyssal tentacle I like that gun a lot you know what I could do I could bring a gun down to the last bullet in the chamber like void shotgun why don't I reload habit shoot roll shoot roll shoot roll constantly have one bullet in the chamber therefore I'm constantly using my omega bullet damage upgrade oh I'm a genius smartest man alive more stuff you breathe inmate why do you follow me why do you hunt my dreams should be pretty kick ass with Omega bullets right no no oh yeah well yeah oh my get some heavy B's he ain't heavy he's my brother alright suckas it's time Kasey's so good you gotta use it all the time you gotta use it every day every day hey tell put it away still got him alright laments though I don't even have a rightful curse I don't under need it but I'm gonna use it anyway it's cuz I'm crazy he ain't heavy he's my brother it's good a double kill here woo I have all the keys in the world you can't stop me regular shotgun oh not the best idea I ever had I'm thinking uh bees and the boss room how about that stout earth of the void shotgun technique let's do that instead Medusa every time I dodge where although I got a reset oh I can't like keep tapping the shoot button otherwise I automatically reload sometimes I just got to do this like I can't just you know do this stuff it's not as easy as I thought it was gonna be in a boss room here yeah this is difficult let's just maybe just use bees or mutation both good save the bees made for them they get stout oh that's not good for me God or anyways my blank Oh what you got for me well yeah another health upgrade that's a double double one help upgrade to elf upgrade dude every time I get hit I spit out like ice you don't really have to collect that you get anyways anything to leave the room see I didn't get enough money for the bullets did come on you give me like you get like five cents for killing the boss what is this garbage god it plays my lament configuration a little blank buddy we'll open it that could be more fun oh my god hey Z so good second secret floor we go can we get a KC synergy please maybe I want to hit him down though he did good on the hole that's exactly where he went alright alright I'm having an okay time for that that's not gonna last you guys trust me there will be a time and I'm like oh god why orange we could hold it in hopes of a synergy or just eat it for the coolness and the health upgrade meeting it also secret room apparently brother al burn from whence do bullets come from her fortune sky all right alien side arm if we get another one or two more master blanks we turn into the Master Chief again I swear I get the same guns every time you guys whoa Oh Rob do [ __ ] you bud what is that mr. accretion jr. the moon scraper huh help us get rid of the moon scraper what is it I shoot planets if a planet hits a wall or an obstacle it starts orbiting the player well okay mercury is a chances of the enemies on fire Venus no effect Earth has a chance to poison the enemy Mars has a chance to set enemy on fire Jupiter explodes on impact Saturn no effect Uranus has a chance to freeze the enemy Neptune has a chance to freeze if the player also has a moon scraper the little planet that blocks enemy shots orbits the player should we try to kill the boss with this we're gonna have a hard time on the boss see guys just a heads up all right mr. accretion what he got nothing not not too much nice I mean guess what the status effects it's not that bad maybe Oh My Jesus I hate this guy all his buddy his buddy oh if I could have sent his buddy back at him with a KC shot ah [Music] maybe I can send these back kind of some of them oh Jesus ha ha image speaking of Jesus I am Jesus buddy this is not that good time for snuggles I'm sorry I'm terribly sorry - it - I have to announce that oh Jesus they're like bees son of a [ __ ] is a bee for you ha ha ha ha we're dying go my trusty be friends be free free to kill got him we only lost like 80 percent of our health that's not bad not bad at all crisis immune mobile reloading cog of war do I reload the Casey technically yes should we take on this boss fight probably yes before the rat fight how much how many of these bolts can I send back at his ass that one I wonder if I can send that one back [ __ ] dad garbage person all right so Casey not the best for boss fights wait we already knew that not the worst either it's doing okay it's trying chest teleporter yeah better than the lockpick map guy when he got for me cat claw synergy with what Spartan loadout the player has alien sidearm cat claw Pierce's enemies attaching its explosive to every enemy hit all darts attached to an enemy will explode simultaneously once new darts stop being attached to the enemy I've had a pretty easy life up to now oh there's the true test we get jammed rat I quit this will be fun no let's try the cat claw let's see how well it does we're gonna on your rat [ __ ] not jammed as far as I can tell oh yeah you like all those explode 'yes you like all those floaties no mouse so far just reload through that I are all yet to reload a fully empty clip otherwise it doesn't actually do the thing although as there's no guarantee she'll you lament configuration right now totally man this thing's pretty good if you get a lot of a bottom oh yeah oh yeah you can trying the hate let's try to get that active ooh active reload thank you let's go let's go let's go I wish I had if I extra blanks you could use those blanks in the rad fight to get him to like drop the cheese now I mean maybe sweet I'm not dealing with that wave stop it no lot of blanks lot of blanks bada bing bada boom oh he's dead you're dead you're dead you're dead though remember how you died there it is all right guys let's go come on baby Oh fight me fine I was like why am I not the bullet I got scared for a second [Music] I [ __ ] nail that perfectly dude while you lying [Music] come on I wanted to get the SPECIAL I want to try that tail web special too sometime like I should try that come on I'm not I'm not timing this right I'm not time in this right I punched it dude you even heard me go bruh [ __ ] this we're going down man I'm trying too hard to do something special here this is blocking all my [ __ ] [Music] did you see the punch did you see the Immaculate perfect absolutely 100% right on punch he blinks in that phase but I don't actually think that you can counter that phase you didn't make that count herbal did you did you dodge roll you didn't shoot well in configuration with the heart-shaped box and heals the player instead of doing damage so I think it just outright does damage sometimes what if I used it right now then get anything for it though I only have one frickin key you guys I wanted to get four keys today I really did I wanted four keys I was trying some new stuff today I wanted to see if he could counter half that [ __ ] and I think that honestly the answer is I will never try that again even if you tell me uh no hots it actually is possible I'm gonna say [ __ ] care I do not care I will not do that what we can do though is hope and pray that one of these things is a mimic let's poke a little bit goosh this one cheese boots yeah I had Casey though like what the hell can I whip out my bat during that fist fight it's on to Casey my way through the rest of this [ __ ] the best part about this Casey is that I go invincible right after I shoot swing whatever flame hand with spicy maximize spell Flay Mans is so good already do I burn from that Oh [Music] elder Blanc it synergizes with Blanc buddy why are we using our chest teleporter let's [ __ ] I'm on my knees it now look at my elder Blanc buddy hahaha you dork nothing but Casey from here on out run jammed wall I regret everything that I've ever said maybe not can you reload faster dude I mean every time after reload oh yeah that was better yeah not not too bad we think it's spanked a little bit but for a jams wall that went well I see you breathin mate can I just Casey I'm right out of the park then really it work monster blood bloody ice lower enemy bullets that's awesome with venom veins with mutation what does it do Oh see Karim - I was lucky I didn't even try to do that the player has monster blood bloody I bloody 9-millimeter bloodied scar for blood brooch mutation poisons enemies would have gotten here Morningstar reload stone haves reload time for reload stone that sounds amazing if the player has any ammo let which we do after reload stones effect ends the bullet that were absorbed are shot out of the player dealing damage to enemies well I think we have our answer here let's just make sure there's not any really good Morningstar synergy wait a second there is with with our with our cog of war I can't find the Morningstar what's it called Oh morning if the player has cog a battle Morningstar damage increased by 25% is there like the most expensive things ever I want them both if we're going nothing but reload stone then we should just go or if we're gonna go nothing but Casey then we should just go nothing but Casey with the reload stone sorry lament configuration you didn't make the cut lament configure on whatever dude yeah this is way better this is way better way harder hit the active reload but dragon is a jammed doesn't look jammed thank goodness thank goodness hit him directly she got Punk shoot him at me in see that coming did you try me high in the corner hit the ones back at him that come at you I got hit from what oh that's lies such a good combo what about that backing him I didn't work could you imagine it's not this is not gonna work well how did I get hurt what did his heart hit me I didn't even move maybe okay before in motion forward motion maybe she sent me into the heart 1:41 real close to that Morningstar yeah Morningstar probably would have been better but it's not Casey right [Music] made it I made it I got a few blanks still going well nothing but nothing but cacey [Music] bring it on baby [Music] if I could get in there and smack it back at him right when he shoots it I missed it missed my opportunity oh [ __ ] you like now give me some chess circles I'm ready [Music] oh my god he did it enemy projectiles moving slower it makes this a joke makes us all whole Big Joe Kirino snakes more circles [Music] but oh that was so many yeah this way bill I am so sorry bud I feel kind of bad about what's gonna happen to you I sent your whole missile almost got your L though if I just said no to all that and no pass thanks for the consideration though [Music] take it back bro all right all right all right I've come around on KC come around on KC I like it it's fine we did though have an incredibly unfair combination of the fact that every time we used KC and then reloaded KC we would get a second KC swing and I was invincible whilst reloading it was a pretty dynamite so that was what hip holster and the Kaos snow the crisis stone I hope you guys enjoyed watching this episode much I enjoyed playing it we got screwed over by the rat but we were trying some different tactics I wanted to see what I can and cannot do turns out I can't do most things on the right thread battle we should just stick with block all right like I said hope you enjoyed this and I will see you in the next episode see you guys [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 1,311,419
Rating: 4.8621678 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bulletstorm
Id: qUopKOXe3VQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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