We Hauled Over 1 Million Pounds Up To This Mountain Ghost Town (Cerro Gordo Pt 4 FINALE)

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Great to see humans helping humans! People like this restore my faith in humanity.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ignatz-25 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Glad I found this channel through Brent and Cerro Gordo! Watching them work together, and all the other Heavy D content, has been awesome.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Incandescent_Lass πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Blatantly stolen from u/ginniper's imgur album, a very nice picture of HeavyD's keys to the city.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/googlerex πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Best. Colab. EVER!!! Hah - Loved all the HeavyD videos and can't wait to see what else is to come in the future.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ScottFerreira πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
oh he's got a fresh bag of jalapeno jerky on don't get in the middle of the mountain who get five ten completed twenty twenty two thirty fifteen twenty buddy you gotta be twenty dollars buy now here now a hundred dollars [Music] [Music] 275 [Music] so [Music] guys welcome back to our fourth and final episode of our cerro gordo ghost town series when we first got to saragorda our plan was to get there and start pouring concrete immediately however when we got there we realized that there was still a lot of work that needed to be done so we spent two or three days prepping the footings doing a bunch of other site work digging open mines getting rebar ready hauling stuff up the hill so that was basically monday to thursday but a bunch of us had to be home on friday for some other scheduling stuff that we had here in salt lake when we left on thursday the whole group didn't go with us we ended up leaving bud and hunter behind because really their job was to truck concrete sacks up and down the hill all weekend and since that's really kind of only a two-man job since we only had two cargo trucks there the rest of us weren't really needed so we were able to go home and take care of other obligations come back on sunday when most of the materials were already moved to the top of the hill so obviously we came up to sara gordo to help brent but we also encountered some opportunities to help other people like uh when we were driving down the canyon one day we came across this minivan that looked like it had just been absolutely hammered into a rock had a flat tire was kind of hanging over the ledge and we stopped and there was two girls in it and they didn't speak very good english but i said hey do you need help and um in the little english that they could kind of muster they said no no we're good our help's coming we're like are you sure you're like yeah yeah we're good so they were pretty adamant that we not stop and help which is not like us because we got a truck full of tools truck full of capable guys like we can pretty much solve any problem pretty quickly but they refused so we kept cruising down the canyon and when we got right towards the bottom down to keeler we saw another group um and they were chinese they were um chinese college students that were uh on vacation here and they were with uh brent's architect in his land rover and they were kind of stopped on the side of the road and i pulled up and and brent's architect was like hey can you help these people i was like oh is that the people from the van and he said yeah they came down here to call tow truck or call triple a but they can't get a hold of anybody so i was like well they said they had help coming and he said well hope the help's not coming we're their help so can you go back up there and help them so we turned around went back up the canyon and uh approached the same two girls that were sitting in the van who looked terrified and said hey we're your help and they were like huh what and then all of a sudden all of us pile out of the trucks that we ran there's probably all nine of us we pile out and just start going to town because remember we're flying out uh this night and we had to hurry and get to the airport and get in the plane and get back home so we'll have a ton of time to sit here and play around so we started doing the full-blown uh nascar pit stop tire change they didn't have a spare tire they didn't have the jack the jack in my truck was missing so we did an old trick of mine where i basically reversed the van onto an off-camera part of the hill lifted the tire in the air that we needed swap got in there popped it off and then noticed it was popped off the bead so we used the old starter fluid trick where we sprayed around the rim hit it with a lighter boom it popped back on the rim those people literally thought that they were watching black magic they were screaming and cheering and clapping and asking what the hell we were doing um it was pretty awesome to see that and that was actually kind of a made the whole moment of stopping and helping them worth it then we realized that their tire did have a puncture in the sidewall which sidewall punctures are not real easy to fix but i do have a tire patch kit so i ran and grabbed it put a couple plugs in there it's holding air filled it back up all the way put it back on the van got their van pulled down off the rocks and bam got these people back on the road because without the spare tire and without being able to get a hold of a tow truck or triple a they would have been here for a long long time and we said okay take this this tire's not gonna last very long it's gonna continue to you know probably have a leak in it go to a tire store and they're like okay we go to death valley and we're like no no go to a tire store go get this fixed do not go on the rest of your trip and tell you to fix and they're like okay death valley so luckily um as we left bud and hunter there over the weekend they told us uh that they did end up seeing them back in town at the tire store getting a tire replaced and didn't try to go into death valley with you know a damaged tire so that was nice totally unexpected and honestly we didn't have much of a choice we had to move them because they were blocking like that single lane canyon road and uh if they'd stayed there we wouldn't be able to get the heavy equipment back up and down the canyon oh jesus yeah i got i had a little bit of your shirt so we finished everything that we could we all piled in the plane thursday night flew back home we spent friday and saturday at home and then we ended up flying back to cerro gordo on sunday david didn't know you're working at a grocery outlet i just started i just got hired you missed it awesome yeah i almost got fired at the same time can you recreate what you said to him no no no no the viewers don't need to see that it's bad what's your name i'm dave nice to meet you i don't know oh my god do you know what they call me volleyball dave they call you dave because dave is just a very it's one of the best names nice to meet you dave and daisy we're the dynamic duo david daisy you really are hard of hearing she said no pretty loud get on the back hey you know the difference between a hippo and a zippo is one's really heavy yeah and the others just a little lighter that was a good one and you guys want to know what all this cash and the current card have in common well they could both be yours if you click the link in my description below and use the promo code dsparks sign up for the current card and i got 3 000 cash courtesy of current that i'm going to be sending to 10 of you literally all you got to do click the link in my description below get your current card and over the next week or so i'm just going to be blasting cash out the 10 of you 300 a piece for a grand total of 3 000 guys current is the new form of banking it is modern banking for a modern era it's all online it's mobile and all you got to do is have this card and you are covered anywhere you go and check this out you sign up for direct deposit with current you can get your paycheck a couple days earlier and you got overdraft protection so guys if you want some of this cash and you want the coolest bank account around literally all you gotta do is go down to my description click the link go to the current site use promo code d sparks wham bam thank you man thank you man is it ma'am ma'am ma mans thank you man however you identify thank you thank you man man thank you for the ham mmm wham bam thank you for the ham can i get some fried spam no you cannot ma'am damn wham sam you're a scam blam guys current's legit click the link in my description below sign up and get you some cash cash money so to make the concrete up at cerro gordo we ended up having quick creep make these 3 000 pound bags of dry mix cement from there those bags were loaded on the five-ton cargo trucks and hauled the top of the hill on top of that we ended up trucking a bunch of totes of water to the top of a hill from down to keeler now once we got the mix and the water up on the hill we were able to take one bag at a time pour it in the top of the mixer truck and then pour about two totes worth of water with 10 bags so since we're gonna be mixing the concrete and the water right here on site all in the mixer truck we need to build a little bit of a platform the reason we dug this eight foot platform was basically it's way easier for the excavator to sit higher and load these big heavy materials into the top of the hopper because the top of the hopper on the concrete truck is roughly anywhere between 12 and 13 feet so a little bit of height advantage definitely helped us get the materials in there and mix them better so the moment we were all waiting for literally building up to all week long was having the city inspector come out and look at the rebar and give us a thumbs up or thumbs down so that we can start mixing and pouring concrete he showed up a little bit late because as he was coming up the canyon his vehicle broke down so after waiting roughly an hour the anticipation was killing everybody because we just wanted to get to work and we we knew that if he was going to have any changes to the plan that we would have to go back and change the rebar uh so the most positive news is past inspection you know that's what we're all kind of waiting on got the thumbs up so we're pouring uh we're mixing the very first load of cement over there and getting that method down we're making a little thing here a little bridge so the concrete can get into some of these harder to reach areas and then we got a lot of pouring to do you know i did the math if we had to guess i'd say oh midnight two o'clock two a.m don't quote me on that but so everybody was a little bit stressed on pins and needles waiting for him to show up he got there took a few looks around gave us a big fat thumbs up and said start pouring [Music] so [Music] so we poured two loads of concrete so far uh roughly 22 yards everything's going pretty smoothly um trucks working the way supposed to mixing pretty well considering we have to pump water out of a puddle into some totes into the toads and then into there because that's how we're measuring we have to know how much water we're putting in so we're like 500 gallons per load and if we just pump it straight from the little puddle we got over there we don't know how much we're pumping so a little bit redundant but it's working as of right now i'm guessing we're probably gonna end up with about six truckloads so we have to dump in there and that's roughly 66 yards and we've got that uh water we've got we might have to bring up another couple of lows just be safe but so far it's looking like we're gonna have pretty much exactly what we need hopefully so brent ended up ordering about 80 bags of concrete for this job and we ended up using every single bag now you got to understand that each bag of concrete uses about 50 gallons of water so we ended up going through about roughly 4 000 gallons of water to mix the concrete so in order to mix the concrete i sat in the excavator and grabbed the bags and loaded them into the hopper the cement truck now on the hop of the cement truck was either jim hands jacks or diesel dave they kind of took turns up there because what you had to do in order to unload the concrete into the hopper you have to undo two tie strings on the bottom of each bag which then forms a spout but when you do that concrete and cement dust is going everywhere so the guys up on top of the hopper were getting absolutely blasted by this nasty concrete dust as it was going into the hopper and at the same time we had the mixer spinning like pretty much full speed as we were adding the different materials water and it was mixing the concrete right there as we went across a little homemade bridge into the middle of the uh foundation here because it's the only way to get in the middle here hope these timbers hold you know buying this mixer truck for this job was a little bit of a gamble kind of rolled the dice because um mixer trucks are technically just designed to haul wet mix concrete from one place to another now wet mix concrete is made in the batch plant and it's kind of all made to specification and it's perfect ready to go when you're making wet concrete in a mixer truck from dry concrete well it's a little bit more of a process because you have to make sure that the consistency is perfect you don't want it too thick and you don't want it too thin so we had to constantly monitor the water levels and everything else that we were putting inside the mixer truck but at the end of the day this mixer truck was perfect because it allowed us to take that mix right there on the site put it together and then immediately transport it to the footings and be poured so the turnaround time was ridiculously fast like so much faster than if we were trying to haul wet mix from the bottom of the hill all the way to the top and it was also a better solution than trying to bring like a mobile batch plan yeah i've seen a ton of comments for people saying oh why don't you just take a batch plan up the hill i'll tell you why because the batch plant we still would have had to haul cement uh rock sand and all the materials needed to be able to make the concrete so we still would have been hauling a bunch of stuff up the hill and then we would have had to mix it make all the make sure all the portions and everything were right whereas with these sacks that were pre-mixed dry mix all we had to do was add water and go so bringing these 3 000 sacks of quikrete was definitely the right move saved us a ton of time saved us a lot of wasted materials that we didn't have to sit there and try to mix on site honestly this was definitely the right move the way these footings are laid out on the new hotel some of the back footings and the corner pieces are a little hard to reach with the 16 foot chute on the mixer truck meaning when we would pull up it would be within you know four or five feet of being able to reach the spot and we don't have any more sections of shoot to add on so we had to take a big piece of corrugated steel and basically put it underneath the very last shoot of the mixer truck and added that extra four or five feet that we needed to be able to get the concrete right down the footings one of the most important things here today is that we use all this concrete wisely because really we only have just enough to get this job done like we don't have any concrete to waste so the last thing we can do is kind of afford to be spilling concrete in the middle or away from the footings in areas that it's not going to be used so we got to be very smart in the way that we pour it and the way that we don't waste it so as the day went on and everybody was working together something really stood out to me and it's that everybody here has got literally the exact same goal in mind everybody just kind of clicked and started working in unison everybody knew that they had this common goal and we were working towards it and really it was incredible to watch all of my guys all the brent's guys all the volunteers just kind of start assuming different roles and doing everything that they needed to be able to get the job done no one person had one single task literally everybody there was waiting to see what was next thing that needed to be done and they jumped in and did it i've never seen teamwork like this in my entire life so one thing that i need to do is give a huge shout out to all of my guys every single one of these guys stepped up big time now working this town and doing things up here 8 500 feet elevation in the middle of death valley it's not easy the work is hard the weather is rough the supplies are limited food and stuff is even limited but every single one of my guys uh went above and beyond to get this work done starting with diesel dave diesel dave is i mean he's just a workhorse he's an absolute mule the guy puts his head down and never stops working and the thing about him is even though he's one of the top dogs and he's one of the bosses he literally finds the worst jobs and just dives right in and at the end of the day he usually ends up the one who's the dirtiest the dustiest but with the biggest smile on his face then you've got hands hands has been my right hand man for years and he is the kind of guy who just wants to get in get the work done and get out of there so he's very no nonsense when it comes to situation like this he is constantly trying to figure out where he can fill in to help but more than that he's really good at orchestrating and organizing everybody else he's good at delegating tasks to different people and good at keeping everybody um working and keeping everybody with something to do so super grateful for hands then you got jax now you guys know that jax is kind of new to the channel he's been in um a handful of our videos so far but i've known him long before this in fact the way i got to know jax was i bought a bunch of cows from him and he didn't just sell me the cows he personally brought them down uh to utah hand delivered them unloaded them and then spent the next two days helping jack and i jim and i go through and figure out how to raise them what they needed get our fences right the guy is hard-working he's honest and he's one of the most enjoyable people to be around you've ever met i've never seen jax in a bad mood he's constantly just looking for ways to make you smile do his crazy goofy voices and he knows a little bit about everything so trucks to heavy equipment you know i threw him in the loader and he just was right at home and running a loader it's not hard but it's also not easy to be proficient he jumped in that thing and just went right to work super grateful for jax came along obviously uh having his truck and being able to pull the trailer with five tons down was was a huge um thing for us because being able to have these extra five tons down here literally is what got this job done so huge thanks to jax for coming all the way down from montana and doing this job with us next up you've got rob now rob is kind of like the strong silent type he doesn't say much but what he does say he means and the dude is so talented he's one of those guys where you see him quietly working in the corner you know that he's doing the hardest task there he's doing uh the measuring he's doing all the parts of the construction that make the job work making sure everything's level making sure everything's plumb he's actually way way smarter than you might think he's also way more talented way more capable than you might think and honestly rob is somebody that i've known since like fourth grade so i know his character i know his personality i love being around him i'm really grateful that rob came out here because without him we would have been way behind on getting these forms and the rebar and everything else set up from there you've got hunter now hunter is one of those guys where you just can't help a lover he's got this big goofy smile on his face all the time with his flaming orange hair he's tall he's built like a wind sock but he is probably one of the smartest guys here believe it or not hunter is he's like borderline rain man genius uh he's so capable of so many different things he's actually in our shop he's like one of our engineers he can draw up intricate pieces on the computer and solidworks and then go out and fabricate them and build them hunter is one of the most valuable members of our team and i'm super grateful to have him then you got bud old road king now bud bud will flat out tell you that he was not born to work a shovel and if you've seen any footage of him working a shovel then it was only a short clip because he didn't do it very long the man does not enjoy manual labor but that's not what he's made for bud is meant to move things around bud is one of the best drivers i've ever had work for me he's dedicated he's loyal he's talented and no matter what no matter where and no matter when i can call bud and say hey man i need this i need that i need this moved and he says i'm on it the guy is just simply always available always ready to jump at whatever task i have for him and he's a damn good driver then you've got bad boy old bad boy is obviously on the media side he takes pictures and records and helps edit some of these videos um but you know legit for a guy like him being in an environment like this where there's a lot of manual labor going on he actually ended up making himself very useful when he wasn't taking pictures or shooting videos he ended up finding tons of opportunities to you know help make sure the guys had plenty of food and water he did do some manual labor he ran the four-wheeler around like crazy bringing parts and pieces here and there so not in you know in addition to just taking pictures and videos he really stepped up and helped with the project now jack knight jim is also one of those guys who just is kind of good at everything and even though he missed the first couple days of being here at saragordo when he does show up he gets done um jim is the type of guy who's proactively looking to what's the next obstacle that we're gonna have what's the next challenge we gotta solve and so the nice thing about him is that allows me to focus on a task at hand rather than worrying about where we got to go next or what we got to do next because he's already thought of it and he usually comes to me and says hey here's where we're going here's what we need and he's really good at logistics he's really good at figuring out what needs to go where in fact one of the most valuable guys on my team simply because he's talented he's a hard worker he's smart and he doesn't really get tired i just see him go go go kind of non-stop then you got davis now guys davis is the reason why all this looks so good you guys have seen that every single video that we uh release just gets better and better and in fact some of these edits that i've seen like before i even post them i'm just like where did this come from how does this look so good like this did not look this good in real life and that's all thanks to davis he's the one who's made this all feel like a movie and what i love about davis is you can turn your back and not pay attention to him for a couple of hours and he's off getting b-roll getting drone shots like he doesn't just sit around he's constantly constantly looking to make things better get that next shot to uh to make all the video quality just that much better so finding him and bringing him on full time for the vlog was one of the best decisions i ever made you know in addition to my guys brent had some really solid volunteers up here every single person who stepped up to help like i said just kind of filled whatever role needed to get done at the time they weren't sitting around waiting for just this or just that everybody was proactively trying to find things that they could do to move this process along um one thing i didn't realize was how big of a deal this really was to brent i knew that he needed to get it done i knew that he needed concrete but spending time up here with him i'm realizing this is a very emotional day for him this is something he's been trying to get done for almost a year you know the american hotel burned down almost a year ago to the day and that was a big hard moment for him in his life he felt guilty he felt responsible he felt like the hotel burned down and it was all his fault so understanding that i now understand why it's such a big deal for him to get this place rebuilt because this is uh this is a big project that weighs on his mind a lot so um it's pretty cool to start understanding how big of a deal this is to him and understanding that we're not just pouring concrete we're helping brent build a legacy which uh i was not honestly uh i did not see that coming when we first started this project i really thought this was just gonna get in get out do some manual labor and go home but this has turned into like a memorable um pretty cool experience well brent and we came we saw and we covered we did it concreted the impossible was made possible by you guys thank you so much how's it feel it was fun yeah it was amazing it feels almost surreal you know everything over such a long time to actually have it done yeah amazing right i think this is going to be the only metal spark that i need i agree so i'm excited about it because literally every challenge in the book that we could have faced it's a logistical nightmare majestical nightmare after another after another but now guys we did it the foundation for the american hotel is in place and now yes it's only up from here so guys this is a big deal brent's been trying to get this done for eight months or so east at least yes and uh one dead end after another after another after another even we ran into a significant amount of dead ends out here what was supposed to be a two-day trip turned into roughly a week that ends in the mine a lot of that ends in the mine we did spend a lot of time playing in the mine um our time here was not wasted though all right dude well we got a long drive down the canyon back before you go yes johnny you know there's not a gift i could give you that would be appropriate but i figured i'd give you guys keys to the city so i got the keys to the city i'm going to run for mayor here soon with me versus johnny and johnny will win because they'll get the minority vote and then we got we got a chunk of the original hotel which is this hd on there is that that says guys that's rad thank you so much bro thank you thank you dude this is awesome hey hey guys you should come check out sarah gordo because it's cooler than it even looks his videos make it look dumb it's way cooler in person today is probably the most exciting day of my time at cerro gordo we are digging the footings and putting in the rebar for the new american hotel and getting concrete up here is something i've been struggling with for months you know i've been banging my head against the wall for probably nine months now trying to get concrete here and you know heavy d shows up gets the job done and so we're rocking and rolling down there there's more machinery here than i've ever seen anywhere much less cerro cordo we have excavators there's a loader there's a concrete truck there's all sorts of stuff down there and for me it's exciting right you know it's like progress you know even in the background i hear the sound of the loader going off and i hear wood being nailed in and it feels like finally you know this dream of rebuilding the american hotel is going to come true you know when we started this project i told you that this was the most logistically challenging thing that i've ever done and that's still true you know by the time we not only had to get stuff to the top of the hill but we had to get all of our trucks and vehicles and equipment and we'd remember dumb little things like this tool and that tool and we had to bring it all from you know hundreds of miles away from our home in utah to be able to make sure we had everything here so what i learned was you can never over pack if you think there's a chance you might need this or that you're going to need it so load it up and bring it i also learned that hard things can be done with groups that are working well together you know a team that is in sync and communicating can accomplish any project even really hard ones like getting 80 yards of concrete mixed and poured at the top of a 8 500 foot mountain in a ghost town so what i think i'm probably going to remember the most about my time here at was just the the magic of bringing this town back to life it was a very palpable feeling um everybody every move that we made whether it was uncovering a mine or getting that next you know truck full of supplies at the top of the mountain everybody was just cheering and rooting for that in my entire life i've never seen a truck full of supplies show up to a job site and have people so relieved and so happy and so excited so honestly that's probably what's going to stick out and and what i'll remember the most about my time here i first took this on because it was a challenge and i love a good challenge and i knew that it would make great content obviously we came out here to be able to shoot our videos and show you guys um exactly what we do and how we solve hard problems but now that i've spent some time here and i see how much brent truly loves this place i came because i want that man to continue to do what he's doing and be able to have the skills and resources necessary to keep pushing along i know that he feels like he's stalled out a little bit over the last few months and not being able to get the concrete and he became a little bit frustrated i mean i even see comments from his regular channel viewers saying brent you're losing too much weight you're getting skinny you don't look healthy and to be honest with you there was a while there that he wasn't you know uh i watched brent get jerked around so badly in just a few days that we were here by different suppliers and vendors and different people that would promise and yeah it'll be there and then it doesn't show up or they would promise yeah you know we'll deliver here and and it's going to be x amount and then they would come back and be like oh sorry it's 10 times that price so uh i think brent just having a little bit of a a group to kind of lean on and and chat back and forth was huge for him i mean you guys remember this is a ghost town and a lot of time he's here all by himself so to be able to be around a big group of people and have this wild energy and just this ambition i really think that kind of gave brent his second wind and um now there's a ton of volunteers that have seen this project that want to get involved so more and more people are heading up to sarah gordo to bring that town back to life and that's exactly what brent needs brent should not be doing this alone there's a lot of things that brent has to do alone but he shouldn't have to be doing this whole project and all this work by himself because there's a lot to be done and there's a lot to be gained from the volunteers and the people that are coming up and spending time here and it's not financial you're not going to make any money up here but you are going to gain skills and experiences that you're gonna remember forever so i would strongly suggest that every single one of you jumps in and tries to find a way to come up and volunteer and help rent but don't plan on coming up here and having a vacation come up and plan on working day and night working your fingers to the bone and doing whatever you can to help bring this town back to life i also got to give a big shout out to harman thiarra from h s heavy hall harmon is a guy that i'd never met before until this trip and when he reached out and said i will handle the transportation of the excavator and the loader and i'll provide them at no charge guys that's a big deal the guy was probably out of pocket 15 20 grand in bringing the equipment down here and he just did it with a smile on his face and said let me know when it's done i'll come pick it up keep it for a week for a month for a year i don't care that's a big deal from a man with a big heart so guys now that we've been to cerrogordo and we understand the dynamic and the layout and the climate and the terrain we have a much better understanding of how we can continue to help brand the future we know what vehicles work we know what vehicles don't work we know that we're able to drive you know an 80 000 pound concrete mixer truck to the top of the mountain with no problems we learned that we're also not able to take trailers off the mountain because some of those turns are too sharp and too tight but uh just know that it's rougher than it looks it's uh more unforgiving than it looks the cliffs are steeper the falls are a lot further and everything about this place is very high risk even from from driving up the canyon road to going in the mines everything here just tows the line of of extremely dangerous and i think that's why it makes us all feel so alive you know everybody came together and we pulled it off we pulled off this goal that i had been told for months was impossible to do and it just makes me so excited not just about what was done but what's to come you know sara gordo's future i think this was the first piece that needed to fall into place and i just hope this momentum carries over into the rest of this construction project and we can just get this hotel rebuilt you know it's energized me after eight months of banging my head i was starting to get a little bit fatigued uh it might be showing but i'm pumped up again i'm ready to go i'm ready to keep this project going get this hotel back online and hopefully have a lot of you guys come up here and stay in it you know it's it's it was truly a monumental day in sarawak's history you know this is the most concrete that's ever important cerro gordo and it's going towards the rebuilding of a hotel that i hope stands for hundreds of years and so it wasn't lost on me you know the importance of this day not just in my life but hopefully in the history of cerro gordo was big to me you know it was a day that i really enjoyed and uh i think it's one of the most rewarding days of my entire life guys i hope you enjoyed our time here at saragordo i know that we absolutely loved it and that we will be back um but if i could ask you to do one thing it would be to drop a comment below let us know what your favorite part of this whole project was whether it was going through the mines or watching us logistically figure out how to pour the concrete also when you like the videos it helps us a ton and then obviously every single one of you should be subscribed because you know that every 250 thousand new subscribers i get i give away one of my personal vehicles and we're coming up on a million very quickly so if you guys want a chance to win one of my vehicles you either need to already be subscribed which most of you already are but if you're watching this and you're not subscribed hit that subscribe button because that's going to enter you automatically for a chance to win one of my vehicles so guys buckle up stay tuned because we're just getting started [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did it work [Music] so talk about the most exotic places we've ever been we've been all through the heart of south america through the jungle jim and i have blown up cars down literally in the middle of the amazon rainforest old jack's here what's the most exotic place you've been he asked me he's like you got a passport and i was like uh yeah well it expired i had one i went up to edmonton canada and did an auctioneering competition up there once he's like that's that's the most exotic place i'm like hey great for a montana boy or something all right it was something exotic man cause [Music] [Music] of the house of kylie dave oh hey man i was just trying to keep my trespassers out [Laughter] yay i was supposed to explain how you got your powers i didn't say diesel for a reason i thought you're gonna go that direction holy
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 1,171,290
Rating: 4.9744563 out of 5
Keywords: Trucks, Tractors, Heavy equipment, Ghost town, Cerro Gordo, Brent Underwood, Ghosttown, Ghosttown living, Exploring, Mining, Abandoned, Desert, California, Gold, Silver, Wild West, Heavy d Sparks, Heavy d, Heavydsparks, Diesel brothers, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, Tiktok, Whistlindiesel, heli, heavy d, diesel, diesel dave, dave sparks, zion, diesel trucks, giveaway, ASMR, vlogger, Heavy D Sparks, Rzr, Atv, Offroad, Fun, Diesel, silver, gold, 6x6, cleetusmcfarland, tractor, caterpillar, heavy equipment
Id: A8AnEtbd2YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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