We Put Extra Tires On The HEMTT To Recover 2 Shipwrecks From Island Quicksand

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guess what guys we're back we're back headed back to my old island you guys remember fremont island the island that we owned for three or four years we sold it a couple years ago it got donated back to the state and is now a conservation easement which is cool but we know of some trash that's out there in fact not just trash there's two big old boats that have been abandoned on the south shore of the island for years they've probably been there for 20 30 years and we've been working back and forth state about recovering those boats cleaning up the shoreline and keeping that just this pristine piece of like utah history so this means that we get to take the old sandbar back out to the island now you guys if you know anything about me if you've seen any of our old content you know i have a love hate relationship with the sandbar because it is the most deceivingly like it's just it is it is the most unpredictable piece of land i've ever been on in my entire life i've had so many pieces of trucks and equipment stuck right here it's not even funny however the lake has been really really dry we had an extremely dry summer like a full-blown drought so even though i haven't driven a vehicle on this since the last time we were out here which was basically last october i have a feeling it should be a little more firm than usual but we are not taking any chances which is why i had a hunter here build a set of dually adapters he originally built these for our 5-ton wrecker which he used at the sand dunes we had to build one more pair so that we could run dooley's front rear and it turned out it turned out so sick i've never seen a dooley hemmet in my life and it actually runs and drives really nice like just cruise down the causeway like 40 50 miles an hour no problem and the reason we fit this is for all the extra floatation that we need to not get stuck because the hemet is what's going to be hauling out uh both broken boats we brought my og 5 ton with the sand trail tires just to be safe as a backup vehicle inadequate with only six tires yeah you do kind of look lame so the plan is basically use the crane on the helmet to lift the boats put one in the hemet one to five ton and then we've got support vehicles and i just i couldn't be happier beautiful day here in december to go cruise my old stomping grounds in one of the craziest contraptions we've ever built so with that said let's go [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] now you die spartan no vikings shall enter these gates for tonight we fight for the glory of the roman empire [Applause] [Music] no viking barbarians shall enter these gates [Music] today rome is mine the roman legion will vanquish your entire kind where is that noise coming from it's so annoying it sounds like dog fighting dave dave what are you doing fighting room playing rising kingfishers hey and you should be too because we're hooked here's the deal guys rise of kingdoms is this mobile strategy war game in rise of kingdoms you can choose between 12 different civilizations like roman empire ottoman empire germans vikings and a bunch of others and basically you can build these armies you can build you know soldiers you can build generals you can build all these different things and then combine them with different strategies that you can use to beat these other empires these other civilizations guys the graphics on this game the battle scenes are ridiculously realistic it's like you're watching an actual movie but you're controlling it because you're building your own empire your own civilization and your own army to conquer those dirty old vikings so guys the question i have comment below who do you think is gonna win the vikings or the roman empire not gonna lie that roman legion is pretty gnarly however the vikings they're awfully barbaric so what you need to do is click the link in description below download the game choose which civilization you want to be and start building your army and go to war because here's the thing it's not just a game where you push a bunch of buttons and hope that you win no this is all about strategy and you can use your better strategy to counter other players and take over the entire world now guys on top of this game being super fun to play rise of kingdoms is also going to give you a chance to win iphone 13 or airpods pro just by clicking the link in my description below and downloading the game so make it happen and join the battle really doing it harry really doing it oh this is really cool [Music] i love when the weather gets cold and do a little trick driving [Applause] they just go down automatically by themselves it's so nice [Music] [Applause] nothing i hate worse than having a machine on a trailer that's just loaded super crooked got to get nice and straight [Music] just trying to feel for the valves and put some air in that tire [Music] camera one camera two camera one camera two [Music] appreciate the olympic sport glad you barely made it perfect though perfect 10 out of 10. got to do that one in such a way that it doesn't hit that steering linkage two boats two boats two trucks two times the tires two times the fun two bros two cameras just only one officer we should get another officer [Music] on the road again [Music] hey [Music] um [Music] dude it literally is not even sinking like at all i am so pumped with how this thing's driving we maybe would have been okay without the duels but also maybe not because there's some areas back there that were really squishy and this thing's really heavy so um where these things are really going to shine today is when we get over to the beach and we get on that really nasty sand that we have to go on to go out and get the boats but look at this thing it just just thick thick and juicy and then my five ton obviously the sand trails these tires do really well out here which i love those this is a seven mile sand bar from the causeway which is basically a uh bridge a land bridge they built from the mainland down to antelope island which is the main island and then from there is this sand bar which is a high spot in the lake bed seven miles long to get to fremont island and uh the state has designated this as like an access easement for um people who need to get access to the island to go back to portland it's not a public road and i would not suggest trying to bring your vehicle out here because the lake will keep your vehicle so all right i think you're ready to go the holidays [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i took a video just from the mud funds because they're so pointless the option is right for you at utahsymphony.org ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the beautiful fremont island in the legendary great salt lake we're here with our friend mr jason curry of the utah dnr jason thank you for having us back yeah appreciate you guys being here we've been on our best behavior right absolutely yeah anytime this is so funny i wish you guys could understand the dynamic of this relationship it went from way over here to way over here and we worked together really well now which is why we're back out here because there is some trash on this island that we want to get picked up right yep a couple of old boats an old sailboat and an old speedboat and now these you guys if you're new to the channel you guys may remember that uh i used to have ownership on this island a few years ago we sold it it was donated to the state and now it's a giant conservation easement which is going to be basically untouched forever right basically so as part of that we want to make sure that it's a good experience for people and there's an old sailboat an old speedboat that are not like these aren't like historical sites these are just like trash that washed ashore like 20 30 years ago yeah the sailboat is from the mid 70s and i'm not sure about the power boat but yeah probably about the same era so they've been here for you know 40 50 years and they're just sitting down there on the beach uh water level i would be surprised if it ever came that high again to pull them back out but since they're sitting there they're ugly we have the equipment to clean them up and it gives us a perfect opportunity to come back out here to our favorite playground it really is nice out here right beautiful day yeah you picked it it's just magical out here so the plan is we're gonna head down the beach line here um i think the boats are between what do you think they are about five six miles from here yeah the first one's probably a couple three miles yeah and then that sailboat is almost all the way to the northern tip and so there's no road technically that goes that way i mean there's an old kind of like old road that we kind of used to travel on with four wheelers and stuff but it's going to be a bumpy ride a lot of rocks a lot of sand a lot of a lot of soft sand stuff so anyways we brought the helmet with the dually uh tires and we brought the five-ton cargo truck jason's got his his cop truck out here his uh the bad mobile the bad boy mobile the dnr stuck mobile i'm surprised you went for it man went straight across the sandbar no sweat no sweat well it hasn't rained so we're good you waited for us to do it first well i knew if i got stuck it's probably gonna be short yeah that's true all right well let's head down and go find the boats right there [Music] whoa [Music] look at what we have here it's just a tire that's awesome you know what i think happened since that other tire's flat all the weight was on this tire 12 broken off we lost an adapter yeah this was quite the test that was quite the test the outer dual was getting a lot of weight oh and not sure if the adapters we built necessarily for rock crawling they're more for like floatation and there's a lot of rocks one tire down 15 to go well what happened is we had two tires right here now we only have one tire because that one fell off because the welds broke because the sand is actually really hard to drive in and so uh we're about to see whose welds it was those hunters are iran's i think a little bit of air will be all right [Music] [Music] ahoy you found me this one [Applause] all right here we have our first target the old speedboat somebody had a weird time when this happened whatever they're having a kegger man oh did you see that that was a baby tarantula i think that was probably an octopus probably a bride a brian to puss yeah all right well let's sling her up and put her in the back of your truck okay excuse me i'm back over here with the slings definitely something that's worth cleaning up because old fiberglass boat has no historical value so this was like a wooden ship from like the 1800s maybe we'd leave it but it's just trash i love it out here favorite place just a desolate wasteland but it's also so beautiful [Music] so [Music] press that button just snap in half what's up guys i have two eyes i can do two things and that went super smooth and we got the surprise bonus with the trailer [Applause] okay so boat number one loaded very easily that was nice [Music] boat number two is about a mile down the beach and the beach gets really really rocky and nasty so our two options are stay high on the rocks and rock crawl and potentially break another adapter or stay low and get the really soft stuff so probably going to toe the line right there between soft and rocky hopefully we can get there without breaking anything without getting stuck and get it loaded as easy as that boat was that was awesome it literally was like made for the better the five times so off we go [Music] it's no real driver foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] this boat is uh a lot bigger than the other boat your lens is just the dustiest mess i've ever seen sailboat uh probably at least what do you think that is jim 20 something feet what 20 something oh yeah probably 30. got a big skag on it and this must have washed ashore from either antelope island marina or more likely the great solitaire marina uh which used to be full of sailboats right yeah at one point there was like 300 boats on the lake yeah they've had to pull most of them off just because the lake is so low you can't get them in and out of there yeah so not many boats left on the lake obviously this one's been sitting here on the shore for a long time and uh it's gonna be heavy it's gonna be awkward and i think we'll have to load it sideways across the bed because it's gonna be too long so we'll see yeah see what happens like this thing's been here a long time too the guy that owned this was anchored off the shore back in the 70s a big storm came up uh he abandoned ship and uh said anybody that wants it can have it so people came down here and stripped everything off it and left the home [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] time to sling [Music] uh cumberland sales company freaking best rigging company i've ever come across took care of us with all of our slings our cables our chains rigging all that stuff so that's made our life so much easier and so much safer so basically we're gonna take around each cent of the boat choked it we're gonna put those two two in the middle together put them on the hook and see if it'll lift so honey let's meet him in the middle [Music] [Applause] like a damn gordita just a poop not like a hard like [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] no i think we'll leave it yeah because the skag's holding it worked out [Applause] that loaded uh quite a bit easier than it potentially could have [Music] so [Music] also i don't know if you saw but we damn near got stuck we found a really squishy spot and like i said towing that fine line between rock crawling over boulders and driving on the beach where it's soft and then finding a wet spot luckily we have these duels if we wouldn't have duels we would definitely be buried right now and it's like one of those quick sand spots where you just keep going we were driving over boulders on the beach and it was pushing like you know two foot boulders just into the ground so but we're loaded up strapping her down start making our way back this is uh it's a bigger boat than i remember i've only seen this thing from the air in the helicopter i haven't actually uh maybe i've come to it before but either way definitely was bigger than i remember it being so we brought the right vehicle [Music] that's how it's done folks look at that well would you look at that you can tell birdie by the way that it is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well guys there you have it sailboat is loaded the speedboat is loaded somewhere back on the island still diesel dave nobody got stuck yet we have to cross the sandbar still with a little bit heavier loads but it's pretty stable out here i don't think we're gonna get stuck uh if you guys remember a video from last year that we posted one of our five times getting stuck that was like right on the other side of this bay over there gets a lot squishier this size a little bit more dry and like i said the whole leg's been dry anyways so anyways any anybody else final words nothing nothing man anything positive i just love today was a good day man success was had by all fun was had by all yeah uh nothing but good vibes and messages in the sand see was that so painful oh what'd you put tool [Laughter] you are a tool i think we found your nickname a little little tool lil tool you know what they suck all right guys anyways uh if you liked the video please drop a comment give us a like and stay subscribed to the channel because we're almost to 1.5 million and when we get there yeah i think we have two winners to pick actually so all you got to do is be subscribed to the channel and you're eligible for all of our subscriber tracks [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 2,185,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, no swearing, tug of war, Recovery, Diesel, Diesel brothers, Heavy equipment, Cat, Caterpillar, Whistlindiesel, Cleetus McFarland, Demolition ranch, Matt’s Offroad, Yankum, Mud, Adventure, For you, Heavydsparks, Sparks motors, Freedom bus, Dirt, Dirt work, Tractor, Machine, Dave sparks, Diesel Dave, Dieseldave, underwater, diving, murder, mystery, smash, scrap, scrapping, scrapyard, junkyard, sports car, racing, drifting, formula drift, tow truck, wrecker, cliff, blue collar, adventure
Id: R8JTek_8UKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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