Fixing a crawler dump truck

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This video was filled with freaking AC gold.

The huge wrench

The bodywork

The burned burrito

The 12v/24v electrical

The Cody pulling

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/06EXTN 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

"That looks fine." Proceeds to give it several more whacks, just 'cuz. Then relights the torch and really goes back to work. :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DavesWorldInfo 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

That feeling when you come home from work and pop on the TV... And an Andrew camarata video is first in your recommended videos. Good times.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LabRat113 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] [Applause] can i have that let me i want to throw it for you what's that what's that so check out what i just got this is a yamaha c50 track dump truck so i've been looking for one of these for a while i got a pretty good deal on this one it needs a little bit of attention but it is does operate so the idea with this thing is it's pretty much to go places where a normal dump truck can't go like soft ground maybe steeper ground i don't know kind of look like a little tank look like a cool thing to have so let's uh see what this thing's all about first thing i gotta do to it it's got a small coolant leak [Applause] all right let's see what's going on with this thing leaking oh yeah there's some green here all right what's going on [Music] what do you think buddy the floor is perfectly dry under it it i mean it had like a little bit under it when i picked the thing up i mean it's right up at the top where it should be i feel i'm like getting wet so oh i guess it is the water pump it's coming like right out of the into the shaft so so wiggle either so good i mean i guess we could easily get those now yeah it's right there i know where's a pry bar a screwdriver well you know those bolts have to come out anyway okay yeah yeah that's not even close you know this one's gonna be a lot more money too [Music] [Music] this is actually keeping the uh spinach from closing that's cranking perfect so [Music] that's fine [Music] [Music] okay [Music] look at those lines right there look at this [Music] hello good [Music] good a yeah bit up good all right [Music] got switches these are from the marina these are the quality arenas it's more money but they usually stay working let's go so this was the headlight switch here there's ignition on so right there that's gonna be our power okay we're doing that and then one of these we'll do it all right so let's turn on turn the key on turn the lights on have power right here yep and we do [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so all right check that out so we have our new front facing lights looking bright and i threw a rear light on there too just to do that so i'm just noticing this is supposed to be a horn right there if we take our power probe all right so the horn works just a switch is bad let's change it uh [Music] a horn is nice to have especially if you're working with other people especially in a dump truck all right you see how smoky it is in here check out why right like i was cooking this burrito and then like the toaster oven's on fire and it's it's way less fire now but what is in there it's nice to have an exhaust pan like whenever you get a smoke situation like you can deal with it burrito doing it delicious turn that signals this switch here see here's the issue why the switch isn't getting power this flasher is bad okay it sounds kind of bad too just jump this flasher want a fuse yeah the top one i got a new fuse all right so we got it right so when we switch this to the left it turns on the left signal and when we switch it to the right there's no bulb this is 12 volt but it's also an led so maybe it'd be right with 24. i actually ordered these parts from japan so let's see all right so that side is shorter to ground now let me run a new wire but then i'm like wait a minute there's the short that was touching the frame and that's got to be the headlight too i don't know how that's working well i guess i know how it's working it's not touching anything but so cody today was supposed to breed with another dog who was ready another another lab and what did you guys do you played the goal was to make more dogs cody look at that i can and this is the headlight wires too that's look at those wires i cannot believe the headlights were working and that's it look i had to take that out to get that out of there that's the headlights okay okay so here's our turn signal turn signal and then high beam low beam [Applause] you want to do is get like a nice ball of solder between the tip and the wire and then put the touch the solder to the wire and it should melt right into it it helps with the wires clean too like new wire but that's a nice connection right there and slide this up and uh make sure you put that on first here this says 12 volt only but maybe they uh maybe they're wrong so [Music] all right well i'm just waiting for the new flasher to make it blink but um i actually did order one of these and these cosmetic rubber things too but they were coming from japan and it kind of sounded like maybe so we'll see if we get those or not but [Music] um all right it's got a new flasher 24 volt this one is three wire x is line in p is ground the other one didn't have an l as light [Music] next is power okay is the lights and then this one needs ground so we can ground it with this guy oh wait now it's flat and it only flashes the one way it's got a right turn because that's a regular bulge to the left i guess that doesn't draw enough amps to make it flash but this is a resistor you know it says 12 volt but i don't i couldn't imag i wouldn't imagine that would care too much well i fixed it that's the way to do it where are we tricky what about this frisbee we got two we got multiple yeah we got a blue one good guy a new gasket for that [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] brand new thermostat just like that uh [Music] hmm so just sits right there should uh that on one can this even get in here see that's the issue [Music] see that's why so now this thing's got to go on but then it's like how do you tighten these bolts the radiator would have to be off to do this just it just goes here temporarily so that way things stay lined up started yep i cut i cut a bolt as an alignment stud i should have left it i should have left it longer i mean at least it's like loose in there it's only like a couple threads on it yeah you got it okay awesome thank you that goes right there okay [Music] hard to get to it started yeah [Music] yep so [Music] wow let's go where are these no these don't line up all right so let's do that and this one if you push it way over there yeah ah [Music] [Music] all right i feel like i'm positioned where i should be i can see fine can reach all my controls fine technically this was supposed to run backwards but you know i feel fine sitting like this doing that so [Music] so all right so these lights are nice and bright and the temperature gauge came up but actually that's uh too hot this may need antifreeze hang on [Music] that was low it took like over a gallon and a half this has been sitting here running for 10 minutes okay that's right where it should be [Applause] nothing leaking yeah that's fixed let's uh change the engine oil this one's longer that oil looks really clean do you want to play frisbee do your endless frisbee catcher though like i could throw this frisbee oh i got an idea hang on where are we going buddy [Music] 12 but no hours okay oops oh [Music] okay that is right where it should be the date is 1 22 oil 3412 hours and then every time you change oil you just write it on the roof and then uh you know if it's been changed and you got oil change records see how this shuts now is that stuck oh look at that look how nice that never shut before because it was hitting right here look at that it's premium bodywork all right every grease fitting took grease except for this one [Music] so [Music] [Music] let me just see that may have fixed it no it's not taking grease [Music] [Music] might be it right here [Music] grace port should be should be out by now it should just oh there it is look at that see that there it is right there see that hard grease right there what was stopping it actually now that can get driven back in greasing it as i was hammering it in but that's taking grease just fine all right bulk how is that all lined up okay this will help line it up [Music] uh [Music] all right yeah there's a bunch coming out up top there alright cool that is fixed you know you probably could have ignored something like that forever but you know i'm kind of glad i took the time to fix it oh yeah my gloves can i have that can i have that please oil coming out of there look at that i do not like that i'm glad i'm changing it [Music] [Music] well nothing's really in there that's all i got out that is very not good to see that well i guess that's why i had no oil in it it's leaking all right i guess i should fix that while it's here look how someone just cleaned that off it's all stripped out close up [Music] there's nothing in there i don't think that's i mean i had nothing in it either but it's not pouring right out like the other side so i talked to one of my buddies about this he's like just fill it with grease like that's what we do at work keep this from getting smashed not i'm gonna put this on just to keep it centered that nut right on there i've been pumping grease into this for a while actually a pretty long while you know what i think that's uh you know we're finally up to the top here so fixed probably [Applause] [Applause] look at this cool barrel lifter i made i was questioning these gauges but that looks like that works that was on hot tank it went up the full [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] happen so i got these [Music] so [Music] all right this is gonna take a these minute [Music] [Music] [Music] that we're good and that's slippery uphill [Music] [Music] all right well that was the last steep hill so we're pretty much home free now so bringing this up to my mountain property looking forward to using this up here [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 1,502,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F46J8QZ-OFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 22sec (3142 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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