I Got A Damage Upgrade That Completely Breaks The Game

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I'm actually running out of upgrades already we're also going to play with the mutated Gene so twice as many enemies spawn because the more idiots it spawn the more upgrades we're gonna get alrighty we got a good one attack speed increased by 10 that works with any build a decks of a five percent chance to conjure a meteoroid maybe it'd be fun to have projectiles today your initial attack will Fork into two weaker projectiles we're already firing forward the base we have increased attack speed so that might end up splitting into a lot of extra projectiles that will hopefully crash the game wiggling worms enemies have a 10 chance to release up to one worm on death dealing 3.9 damage to All Enemies I heard a mini boss spawn but I don't know where he went we haven't yet seen him uh we're gonna take increased a taxi by 20 the added damage would also be good because I think that's going to apply to all projectiles okay there is a boss surrounded with a bunch of bodyguards that's perfectly fine because we'll also drop meteors on his head and that's going to do a lot of damage I know this is a legendary but that's also AOE we want projectiles today but we're going to get your initial attack will pierce one time the piercing bullets do less damage but we get more bullets going out look it's already spraying on the back side of him while this wasn't the luckiest of choices but anyways have a 10 chance to explode on death dealing 8 damage and with double the amount of morons out there they're actually going to chain reaction quite a lot and this is one of my favorites your attacks have a 25 chance to chain up to one time dealing six damage lots of different projectiles dizzy ball is good hailstorm is good we're gonna get attacks Pierce uh up to two times or they do periods two times it never hurts to have a little added penetration then we're gonna get tree hugger hugging trees has a chance to release a cluster of up to 30 orbs of experience we can definitely lean on that all you have to do is sit here now and we're slowly gonna get experience from the trees and if we get that upgraded it will also give us items potentially lots of them just a little slime hiding in the trees look at this I'm actually gonna take Idle Hands that's gonna take us from four to five bullets but if my mental math is correct that should be about 400 damage output for every shot either way we just get an extra projectile now but those appears and have a chance to launch for the projectiles so I think that's going to work in our favor we're gonna have all of our projectiles shooting more projectiles those in turn will also shoot more projectiles until the whole game gets destroyed next we're going to upgrade our media which is probably going to be a one and only AOE but it does turn into legendary quality and it's just really strong it more or less acts like a projectile anyway so we're just gonna pretend it's what your initial attack has a 50 chance to chain up to two times dealing 6 damage okay it really wants me to give you uh give me the meteor today 15 chance to conjure a meteor tilling 40 damage I don't really know why I want it away from the trees there it's really hard being stupid these trees appear like nicer so I'm gonna head for those those are needles your initial attack will Fork into four projectiles so we're already shooting like 30 projectiles if we hit a big cluster of idiots next we're going to increase our attack speed by 35 I also wouldn't mind some extra experience uh speaking of which gained five percent more experience that's gonna help us get more upgrades so I'm hopefully gonna keep pulling on that chain because we can oh there's a magnet as always saying we're gonna get more experience indefinitely we're gonna stop getting worms because that's passive I'm just gonna get the explosive blobs because that's gonna pair really nicely with every think idiots have a 15 chance to explode and then hailstorm for the projectile because we're just hoping to stack projectile damage again and again and again so we need all the projectiles including dizzy balls dizzy balls will just sit there and attack things kind of like a little uh helper for me that's going to keep me safe our friend Magnus has showed up somewhere looks like down below we probably need to go actually start hitting him because he will drop lava balls and uh well he's dead that was actually quicker than I thought we need damage 2 times 30 AOE radius that's I probably should have just dissolved that in hindsight I mean that will help anyway orb amplifier gained 12.5 more experience we're already getting a lot of bonus experience Next Level nowadays need to find a good little cluster of trees and sit there hugging it for a while perfect if I sit here extra extra extra experience or just a very very lonely existence clearly these extra permanent upgrades helped a lot because my damage is enough to absolutely obliterate these so far this is double enemies our chain reactions and projectiles are enough to actually they basically do AOE anyway because they hit everything and then everything explodes so really red is hitting everything on the map we finally got a minibus coming in he's running straight toward us so we're actually gonna have to move very slightly amongst the trees we're just gonna turn up there exploding on death thing they're just gonna do more damage when they do explode now we got a pink upgrade from the minibus two times 15 crit damage that's perfect we already have a 35 crit chance and eventually all of our projectiles they're probably going to be doing 100 crit chance so crit damage is more damage overall we're also going to gain 22.5 more experience so when you go to Giant clusters like this and pick up uh magma uh magnets we're gonna be doing good increase your attack speed by 50 every time you attack you have a 15 chance to gain a stack of frenzy which increases my attack speed by a further by percent those and needles your initial attack will Fork into six projectiles turns out picky if that magnet was a good thing because we're just getting upgrade after upgrade that's a projectile attacks have a 10 chance to Contour frostbolt then going back to my tree hugging ways we're dropping giant lava balls in places like that I don't entirely know what we have that's doing that but I'm not really gonna question in it there's another minibus coming in somewhere so let's go find him and destroy him the trees are boring I also don't know chain lightning yet that's a projectile attacks of a 25 chance to spawn a chain of two lightning dealing 6.5 damage on impact all of these are probably going to do low damage to start but once they get upgraded they'll be ridiculous and we're already having Giant Orange explosions like that so how bad can it be the mini bosses are really playing hard to get today that's going to be a big explosion of idiots in the lower lap your initial attack has a 75 chance to chain up to three times so watch this we're gonna destroy all of those guys and the octopus and then we're gonna get a three-time sharp splinters attacks have a 30 chance to Splinter seven times on impact dealing 3.9 damage plus they pierce fights so that's just gonna help do uh crowd control like where it is yeah obliterating everything already okay we got a few good options here very sharp splinters actually change his form here but we want orb duplicator gain 30 more experience when picking up an orb there's a chance that it duplicates so maybe if we get lucky enough with that we can get endless orbs because it'll pick you up so many they'll duplicate and and more will drop on the ground and they'll duplicate its wishful thinking but we can all have dreams here's another one we want lots of increase your damage by 15 the more begin to stack raw damage the better we're gonna be Magnus here is already dead we dropped a million meteors on his head because we attack a lot and then we're gonna get two times that increase your attack speed by 80 percent and we now have a 25 chance to gain a stack of frenzy and every 10th attack we shoot twice so we shoot 10 shots that also spin to a billion times so we're already an absolute machine gun and we're back in the trees I want the three gifts again we spent so much time on the trees we could get so many free items okay we've already got a mini bus coming in and we're absolutely destroying everything we're gonna hurt the frame rate real bad today hailstorm is getting a level up we have a 15 chance to conjure a hailstorm of eight dealing 15 damage each I'm just kind of winding around halfway looking for the mini boss but also just trying not to go crazy there we go found him he was tougher than the last boss so that's something we got a pink quality upgrade out of him two times nose tree whisper I didn't even know that could go up to level three hugging a tree has a chance of releasing a cluster of up to 50 orbs and ex and up to one arboreal gift arboreal gift is one we want because that's actually items we're gonna get very sharp splinters also attacks over 35 chance to Splinter nine times dealing a lot of damage and piercing twice I'm just really hoping your Boreal gift uh spawns a lot because it's level three I don't know if you're supposed to be able to get it to level three so let's hope we get lucky it might be nice as I'm going to increase my attack range that way I can kill the idiots that are lobbying ranged attacks at me because I would really like this holds still and not do much of anything there's so much experience out there but I'm waiting for my arboreal gift it promised it to me so it's got to give me some eventually sometimes our chain reactions just keep going and going like the enemies will be exploding for seconds after I fire like there's still things in the upper right going on I've been fired in a while here comes a minibus a very uh bravely walking straight toward me considering we're about to do this to him we basically saw him dead with damage then he explodes anyway blue quality upgrade will take that two times that your attacks will pierce enemies four times four consecutive pierces will generate a second shot that goes in the same direction dealing 1.5 damage yes since there's a magnet over here let's go ahead and scoop that up we're probably gonna level up million needles this is turned into a pink level your initial attack was Splinter into six weaker projectiles they have a 25 chance to Fork as well and then pink quality Splinter shower attacks over 35 chance to Splinter nine times dealing 4.35 damage each and piercing twice while a shower of 10 splinters also we're going to increase our damage by 20 so that should hopefully just affect every number everywhere so far it kind of seems to have it's hard to tell though because everything just sort of always dies out of all the choices here do more damage the faster you move but not particularly quick but that will add up to extra damage for us the helmets have arrived so they should put up a little bit more resistance to my damage but not much what is it the point where nothing can really get that close to me like if I just sit right here perfectly still things die way out there in the perimeter as that do we think there's been enough time okay we're gonna pick up the magnet I'm so tempted to get hardened tip but this is a pink upgrade so it takes up a 35 chance blah blah blah the shower does 15 splinters now and that's what that reign of stuff is falling from the sky those little Nubs on the ground that are destroying everything probably a most powerful attack now just as moms who just got exploded and then we get four times whatever this is increase your damage by 155 percent all damage has a 7.5 chance to deal double damage deal an additional one percent damage image per point of damage dealt I not entirely sure I understand that but more damage good okay we were just at eight we're now at just under 14 damage so we actually just got a huge increase okay then we don't have a lot of good choices still more damage if faster you move that definitely didn't add a ton of damage but it added some and if we do manage to add speed that's just all the better for us watch us destroy this whole crowd of things they're just gonna explode with all the chain reactions so even these helmet wearers we can just destroy I think it's gonna be a while before we find anything then give us any bit of resistance at all also our initial attack now is 100 chance to chain up the four enemies doing six damage and an additional one damage per chain so that's just a lot more damage again so we're absolutely destroying oh here comes the mini boss running straight at us seems like a mistake on their part got a base level gift but we get 10 crit damage which like I said earlier is simply just more damage I finally got an arboreal gift and it's actually a good one now we can chain up to five enemies and we get an additional 2 damage reach back accounts I'm also going to upgrade Splinter shower because this thing's getting unbelievable attacks have about a 1-3 chance to Splinter 12 times dealing 14.25 damage piercing twice and releasing a shower of 20 splinters dad's got to start hurting the frame rate once we get even more morons on the map I think we just got another arboreal gift that wasn't entirely sure I was near the trees I guess I'll get slash it's a free upgrade anyway each Critical Strike is a 20 chance of causing of the two slashes you're dealing an extra 50 of the damage dealt so if our damage gets high enough that could actually hit really really hard we absolutely destroyed that minibus and for our trouble we get obliteration dealing damage enemies of 95 inch HP is a 20 chance to deal 25 of that damage again so one in five chance to hit them again so we're double shotting enemies million needless your initial attack will Fork into six projectiles that will have a 30 chance to Fork as well dealing 1.5 damage from there another arboreal gift it even makes a sound now so I won't miss it I'm gonna get obliteration dealing damaged enemies above 90 HP we have a 25 chance to deal 40 of that damage again seeing as this is sort of a damaged round uh extra damage stuff like that's really actually gonna be good oh look at this big horde of idiots that would have been good for the DPS but I forgot to look okay these arboreal gifts are really starting to show up now enemies have a 15 chance to explode on death uh dealing 25 AOE damage and dealing 5.7 damage per second is actually pretty high but that's what this big orange pools are on the ground I didn't even see Magnus I destroyed him before I even saw him plus 40 crit damage absolutely great I'm gonna start upgrading my hail storm attacks of a 20 chance to conjure a hailstorm of 12 dealing 35 damage we definitely won a good variety this is going to be big DPS yeah that went up to 42 000 because we just wiped it out oh look at all these leggy guys they just exploded in an instant nothing can stand against the great pink evaporator okay it looks like million needles is getting another upgrade your initial attack will Fork into eight weaker projectiles I feel like I don't need to read the rest there's a lot of fork to projectiles going out and do different things like there's a giant cluster of enemies we can just mow them down I forget about my dizzy ball too we're now gonna have two dizzy balls to shoot dealing nine damage that one's probably not going to be very consequential moving forward but if it gets upgraded it might actually get amazing we're fighting a million enemies that want to know so it's 9 18 whatever damage isn't really gonna help that much we're up to 60 000 kills already so that feels nice I'm actually really excited just about this one all projectiles deal plus one bonus damage I don't know if that applies to like all my projectiles because I fire a lot of them so that would actually really really increase the DPS and I think that's one we can just get endlessly it'll just straight up add damage Magnus really likes uh to fight us today which is really stupid tranquilizing this game two tranquilizing matches which float around you and stand enemies uh I'd rather have the experience thank you we'll turn it into a useful upgrade this double is perfect look at all the trees okay we're getting some of the bigger bulkier guys so they'll put up a little bit more resistance but still not much the mortar guys are going to get kind of annoying so I do need to remember to actually keep moving Daddy that's 17 000 HP and they're dead there's one times frostbolt which is a projectile so we'll take it this is a fairly low level one still I'm gonna go for crushed Ruby here all damage stealth has an additional 10 chance to quit and does extra quick damage we really need to start pushing close to 100 crit rate that way we can do all that extra damage very easily we got an arboreal gift I am actually just gonna sacrifice that because I don't want either of those we'll just take the experience and hope for better luck look at another very little pigs dropping everywhere though it's just a reign of Destruction from the sky it absolutely obliterates everything like I can't even see through all of that when it's clustered in there with the enemies we could also get the uh blueberry which is a projectile but I'm just gonna add damage help my projectiles we're probably like a million under my second so that's like a million damage per second even against these big helmeted guys but he's training the pigs on them and they melt uh there was a mini boss before I could even say there was one he popped and we're gonna get 20 crit damage very good that one's up to 309 so we're doing triple damage on crits DPS is up to 69 000 there for a moment I just got an arboreal gift and we popped a minibus so I get two upgrades all damage dealt has an additional 17.5 crit chance and there's 190 damage that gave us a boost to damage hopefully this will also do so well we did get three times twenty percent attack speed so 60 increase to attack speed is absolutely ridiculous at this point and there's another minibus coming in uh GPS where it's up to I think 86 000 if I saw that correctly and this guy is if I present attack speed seems a little pale in comparison to the last turn but it's still more attack speed and there's another mini boss so we'll go ahead and destroy him with my trillion bullets per second and then we got three times chain lightning strike attacks of a 25 chance to spawn a chain of five lightning healing 16.25 damage and they have a 50 chance to spark two additional lightning dealing 25 damage basically there's a lot of lightning we didn't have before which means a lot of damage we didn't have before and then we'll have tested all this damage on mumsa who just evaporates and with that we get a 20 damage multiplier so that's a lot more damage too now I think I could just focused on upgrading raw damage guys we're up to there's almost 100 000 DPS can we push through that barrier yep 102 000 DPS and that's so far let's also see if we can get frostbolt upgraded fire attacks over 50 chance to conjure so's enemies by 30 deals 14 damage I guess throwing enemies maybe wouldn't hurt either I don't know if I really care either way they tend to just pop where they stand these bigger helmeted guys do last for a second but also not really this is really satisfying build in itself I just kind of wandered around to repair all these I don't even know what they are there's a bunch of white things buying around these big ones there's little ones and the buses showed up right with a GI and Palette little helmet wearing morons the bus is in here somewhere I think oh I think we ran them over there's a nerd another 30 crit damage and then we're gonna get exponential chain uh now that they can chain up to six times doing eight damage and an additional three damage for each consecutive chain so the further that chain goes the more things uh it hurts or the more damage it does I also already have a 290 attack speed multiplier so that's also why we're firing so many projectiles of all kinds each Critical Strike has a 40 chance of costing up to three slashes on nearby enemies dealing 75 damage this is getting satisfied there was 120 000 DPS and we could just keep marching through all of these morons okay here's the mini boss is to get damage test it popped in an instance or damages still okay and there's a 20 damage increase base damage is up to about 18 now so that gets multiplied three times for all liquids and we do a lot of crits because we have a 52 crit chance there's a little leggy mini boss we destroyed him five percent AOE radius will definitely take the 8 000 experience instead I mean I guess we could take a 20 chance to conjure a meteoroid the deal is 130 damage it's technically AOE but there's a lot of meteors involved in the sky and that is really good for bosses so we can actually see moves every second we'll drop a bunch of meteors on its head okay moons is on the other side so go meteors go yeah that melts bosses there is the implode which could be interesting now we'll dissolve that that's not a projectile we only want projectiles there's an octopus mini boss he's dead that was 30 000 HP basically in a moment on an extra 15 attack speed that's not really going to be that noticeable but it is going to add a lot of damage okay this is a good test because these are the helmet wearing guys that are really really tough we're also going to get endless hail storm attacks of a one in five chance to conjure hailstorm at 15 dealing 42 damage each and each of those has a 25 chance to release one huge hail which releases its own hillstorm when it lands so yeah it's a chain reaction in itself time for another boss fight let's see if we can actually see this one before it dies oh never mind I think we popped it we also got two times a million needles so that's gonna get even stronger after defeating a mini boss at Radio at the start of the next level we got 45 AOE radius I'm actually going to keep that just because like my meteor I think is our only AOE but that's going to be big actually so with the exploding so we're turning the floor and de lava on these guys Frost Nova can also get a level up it still do some blue form which is very sad it needs some help we make it pretty high DPS here we've got 123 000 I think the only thing holding our DPS back is the amount of enemies well there's 170 221 000 okay it's getting better than I thought 230 318. now we're getting to the stronger enemies non-stop giant helmet guys oh plus a mini boss we just do so much damage to bosses though they just they just disappear there's an extra 20 attack speed too okay there's a mini boss there's 60 000 HP gone and my initial attack will now appear six times and it splinters and does the thing for eight damage also uh also here's the uh the boss boss that lasted longer than I thought we get four times regurgitated goo which is actually really good uh we didn't even have a gorgeous data you would know we do and our AOE is so big that that just isn't really gonna help this looks like a nice small island so a DPS Mako bananas here the frame rate might also just completely implode and we're also getting lots of very basic level morons too I saw the frame rate dropped I think 70 there maybe that one's not big enough right enough idiots they're spawning like off the island okay the frame rate got down to three there three frames per second all projectiles yo plus three bonus damage my base damage is at 19 now and we're firing like a million shots per second yeah the game is definitely not loving this island there's just so many things to pop at all times uh the frame mates were teeny dropping we killed two mini bosses I didn't even see one of them uh Halestorm is gonna be upgraded we have a one in four chance to conjure 20 hail storms each killing 50 damage each storm has a 40 chance to release two huge hail Stones they can also release hail storms themselves and we got blueberries we didn't even have this one before so now we're also throwing boomerangs out for just another type of damage we also could take a 10 AOE radius I I'd rather just take the experience because we get upgrades like this Salvage energy about fun finishing a combo streak and explosion of energy erupts from within dealing damage with a 50 of the combo streak that's also upgradable a lot of times I never noticed that before but our compost returning is up to 5 000 so uh when that ends it will deal 2500 damage to everything around it it ended but that's routinely gonna blast and eliminate everything Magnus is also here somewhere uh we'll see if we can manage to see him there he is and he's dead oh look at that another 20 attack speed we just defeated mumps on this island we get next to a 40 crit chance we have a 92 crit chance so it's pretty close to heavy shots I quit I decided a fun idea how I might be able to get my DPS up I might have to screwed it up I was gonna run away from the enemies for as long as I could that way as many of them as possible will Bunch up into a giant group then I'll walk straight into them and hopefully we'll go in there and destroy them all creating a very high there are 664 000 DPS 900 000 we hit almost a million videos do sometimes work I could damages it for 100 by the way that's why we're seeing all the red text yeah so 1.5 million DPS there when my combo thing went off so I think when that goes off and hits the enemies obviously it goes up there was 980 000 without the combo thing still haven't got the frame rate lower than three I was hoping for a total crash by now okay it was 11 million DPS I don't know if I got that in time but my combo thing went off obviously it hits a bunch of enemies for like 10 000 damage so it goes and DPS Goes Bananas because of it after killing the bus we got cracked Ruby times four so we have an additional 40 chance to quit so that puts us pretty close to actually 100 quick chance for an extra 25 damage and adding a stack of bleed that causes 50 of that damage again over three seconds which is gonna be a lot of damage because we're doing a lot of crits and just a lot of different things all together we're getting a lot of these little clusters and things showing up so I'm routinely hitting millions of DPS there is 1.12 because of all these little Berry poppable guys there is 1.14 again there's four point something million DPS another two to exponential chain that's actually the highest level thing at this point at level 11. it chains up to 12 enemies during 13 damage an additional 3 for each consecutive chain then multiply all that by four times because of the crits but I'm currently stuck in an endless farming Loop now uh it's so hard to level up that it takes forever and we're just destroying enemies like this just endlessly there's 6.6 million DPS it is very satisfying but the upgrades are so slow now that it's hard to justify keep going and I'm obviously very tired because I can even talk at this point but there's all my stats if you want to see them 23.5 damage 574 Critical Strike damage you get the idea lots of good stuff I think the hardest part of all is going to be finding something that can actually kill me I guess if I hold still I can just get mortar striked into Oblivion I also hope the minibus might be able to get to me but he couldn't so I'm hoping going to get mortar strength a few good times here and that will be the end of me just like that [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 292,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: q_zHoDbu2QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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