I Bought EVERY Upgrade For The New DRONES in Dome Keeper

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so we're back with domee keeper again and today we're going to have some fun with this right over here the Drone yard installs the Drone yard for producing drones using resarch transportation and combat that's cool we also can change these out we can get something other than the laser Dome maybe the sword Dome could be a little interesting the Tesla Dome could be fun but the one biggest thing takeway is we do not get the shield so I think we could try the Tesla doome could be kind of interesting to do with the drones and then over here here we're going to take a guild assignment and do the maze the platet has a mazike map full of corridors and uneven structures we have to gain The Relic and we get one additional starter Gadget so let's see what we can do now the fun thing about the Drone is is that it's a pink little jellyfish that watches his friends get squished he's like hey instead of dying I'll just join you all right so you know how this works we'll dig down into the planet we're going to get hit by some sort of stupid wall in the way because it's a maze and then as soon as we find resources we'll summon our little collecting friend probably name him something fun like Kevin Kevin come get these resources a here he comes who's a good boy I'm going to bring extra friends for you next time because I think if we get water then we can buy more friends cuz they're kind of like watery jellyfish creatures nice so he's going to bring that up I'm going to do all of the digging I can and then hopefully we can survive and there's some water beautiful all right give me that I'll just bolo all of these resources so Kevin doesn't have to go as far bring these up into our test the Dome and see what kind of upgrades we can get now here it is all right so we have the Drone yard in the Drone yard we have additional transport drones we can get a battle grid that de plays a battle formation of drones we can overcharge them that produces additional battle drones and we can get like 24 of them plus they shoot more often so that's kind of cool let's just first off get one of these transport drones we'll send two Kevin down yeah you are good boys also I probably should have checked if I'm about to be attacked by anything I didn't think that far ahead so I'm going to grab these three and bring this back up I always assume that I'm going to get attacked so let's quickly get this thing and this thing and yep battle is here all right test the Dome we have to figure out who are we going to zap you ready get set aim and fire I got him we got to hit him again boom nice electrocution now I just need battle drones to go with that also I'm super slow we should probably get some speed upgrades and it takes forever to mine things too that was 10 strikes but the good news is we found two more nuggets of water so I can get two more drones and quite a bit of iron over here kind of surprising I haven't seen a single piece of cobalt yet which is the Drone repair thing could be kind of difficult if we can't repair our Dome at all yeah that would be really hard especially with no Shield all right let's just electrocute this fell again good yeah we're taking a little damage on the Dome not too bad um I wonder if I have four do I have enough upgrades oh I have 15 my goodness all right speed upgrade this upgrade I have seven more you're going to bring me an eighth thank you so that means I'm going to get an additional speed upgrade now I can zoom faster and mine quicker great except I think this is a dead end in the Maze a dead end with IR on it all right confirm dead end don't need to be back here anymore Ah that's cool a little cave showed up oh sorry Dragon I'm here don't worry about it okay who's going to get attacked who's going to get get attacked you are ready aim fire nice Ready Aim Fire all right you're going to fly over here and I'm going to electrocute you and Sham beautiful can I get any more upgrades all right we should be able to afford the battle drones now battle grid oh it just opened up like a a a zerg hiive from Starcraft that's neat I guess this makes sense it's kind of a zery like feeling isn't it Planet alien planet got little creep everywhere a deep down shaft mine this is good maybe I shouldn't bring all those resources super far cuz it's just going to take longer for my dinguses to pick it up and we'll punch holes every couple blocks to see if there's extra area we can go doesn't look like it oh this opens up cool oh this is different color maybe we can get our first upgrade box finally some Cobalt too uhoh I need to go oh shoot I am so far away oh no I didn't even get to see my zerglings come out of the hydris hive oh oh look at them oh they're cool looking all right electrocute these guys oh dirty all right I think that something died over there pow good oh that's cool look at the little jellyfish going back in their box H we finally made the inhabitants of this planet happy with us I've got four and three anything I could get uh we can upgrade our Dome a little H we can get more drones I'm just going to spend more money on drone technology it's terrible they're not even technology they're living creatures kind of a monster am I to disregard Kevin and his feelings oh we found Brown Rock now that's even harder to mine come on little friends bring those blocks up let's get rich together oh we got a little crack finally okay we'll have to wait oh yes go jellyfish people over here okay charge this up boom nice beautiful let's take this guy out nice even better oh perfect shot friend that's cool all right these little jellyfish oh no well they're going to attack me okay let it go good now we get upgrades 12 12 12 will get me faster movement also mining we're really going to run into issues pretty soon I feel like we need to upgrade our Tesla doome itself the attack that it does but I also need to mine things to get rich I didn't realize this was going to connect over here this is good Providence excellent all right three more here nothing really in this way we could try there might be oh co Cobalt that's what I was actually going to say there might be a Cobalt hiding in here okay what do we have on the right side is this going to be yep close that off good job Little Friends they're so good at their job oh perfect all right let's go to battle mode good and might need to recharge this thing faster good good that worked really well attack beautiful these guys are the hard ones down here though because they only get one projectile attack and there's a lot of them so perfect we have to use our AOE that worked well oh here it is yes about time got our first upgrade node beautiful let's bring that back and see what we can get right away kind of want to open up this main Corridor a little bit too it's kind of nice having a easier way up to our front office okay uh let's see what we get mind drill blast mining so this is annoying the Mind drill the central shaft that goes deeper the problem is we have that giant rock directly below us and this does not go through the rock it might go through the first one though I did try it out and it didn't work as I wanted to uh but blast mining sounds fun yeah cuz this hard rock it doesn't pass through that stuff you can't mine it so we'll just get a blast mine and uh doink it into there boom good well look at that we open up more iron well done blast mine okay this is where it's going to get a little bit harder I feel oh got got it okay keep shooting keep attacking take out the Flyers that'd be the best thing that you guys can do for me boom nice and that Runner my Dome is taking quite a bit of damage got it okay can I heal up yet maybe we should spend some money in healing technology okay we'll do two heals that should be okay we can get the Adaptive Warner but exit Rad's kind of cool too shows the shortest path back especially when I'm down deep in the cave oh did I find another Relic oh no this is uh this is the supplement we don't want one of those yet or we could it might supplement our bomb they always upgrade one of the additional resources that we have so we can try it maybe we can upgrade our drones that would be fun all right what do we get what do we get ooh the bomb is back okay uh perfect timing shoot is much more powerful by testing we could reroll this huh improve the deflection of the Dome Hall all right reroll dome hardening combat repair let's do the Dome hardening oh does not consume okay this might be good all right that gives us oh the hardening let's do the hardening projectile damage is unaffected oh we're going to go Cobalt repair okay down comes this just going to make a little hole down here and drop it off boom beautiful and we found another dead end uh-oh different kind of monsters here Boop I really probably should be upgrading more attacks I really should uhoh stop it uhoh stop it stop hurting me got it all right I have 15 more iron which will give me let's do this one okay now I'm down to three we've got my speed up all the way I think we need to upgrade our Dome next or you know more drones weet especially as you get deeper in this game you get more and more and more iron so the nodes get bigger see look at this iron we're unlocking deep down here there's two more whole entire things for us to find that's a long Corridor too ises this attach it might it do attach aha all right we'll knock through this quick and I'm going to go Circle back down here and then pick up these two nice and by two I meant three that's what I said perfect let's get some upgrades now the reticle speed it moves faster and shot power more damage we could also do quick shot after shooting you can fire single weaker shot by tapping that's kind of cool auto aim no Electro orb that deals damage over time that's a solid one all right oh that's so much better moves quicker okay the auto orb boom Oh I missed no no nope okay I got to do this way right down here nice that orb on the ground is going to electrocute everything beautiful okay that's so much better yes except that thing's got a ton of hit points there it is okay that was cool we got to find a nice chunky area for our mine to blow up this is looking promising we'll drop that mine there oh that was promising my goodness you can't get a much better ask than that we found a relic and a supplement please give me something cool please give me something cool a furnace oh delays the next Monster a mining Blaster into your suit which can explosively destroy rocks around you what I want a suit Blaster blast radius two a recharge oh my goodness why did I why is this a thing also I don't like that our dragon is just snoozing there do I have to use it with like a shot or something like e r f Oh okay that's cool uh-oh oh no oh no no no I'm way way way way way a long way away from base oh bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad I'm lost in the tunnel too okay where am I where am I where do I go I go to the right I think oh no no no oh that was so bad I'm here I'm here sorry drones I didn't want to leave you I was just incompetent for a half a second like usual at least the drones did something on their own yikes oh that was a big waste that was a huge waste now I have to get the Cobalt repair which is good cuz I kind of needed that anyway uh I want the Adaptive wave Warner and I want the exit Road eventually also the idea here of the combat repair is solid restoring structural health and uh this one quick comrat repair but I can get up to 1,400 if I had enough money okay let's get the health capacity up we can get a faster reticle speed let's see what we can get for upgrades down here I can't I need more water boom that's fun explosive mining suit I could use one of those in real life I don't even mine in real life but just having the ability to blow up the Rocks around me that'd be super cool give me these These are important I just really wanted to grab another mine I made that whole trip back just so I can drop water off at home this looks like a good spot to use it we have nice Brown junk okay let's open it up a little bit where it's a little bit area around it h that should work good anything of Interest no oh but this is good again boom cool all right we got to get back up you should be proud of me I made it back nearly on time this time I think I did actually okay we're going to explode these guys I'm just going to sit over here and get this guy too might as well take you out and you out I'll let my drones take care of the Flyers cuz that should work get another one excellent he's injuring me but I injured him badly okay what do I have 16 and I have some more so I can get more transport drones and increase their speed let's get uh two of these and then increase the speed once okay I found another ball for the supplement place that in there I'm going to grab this water might want to mine up a little area here a little bit easier for my drones to get down there we'll grab this and head back I'm hoping this is a supplement for my suit maybe a double charge or something cool what is it directional charge when moving in a direction the soup Blaster Will Blast a long tunnel triple charges multiple blast charge at once instead of a single one okay this is a soup Blaster that's the mining one neat I'm just going to take this down real quick uh nothing is that way scratch that idea and since my suit Blaster is ready great the Adaptive warning system just kicked in okay okay let's drop that now nice and now that way okay that was cool I got to get back so close yet so far away I need to upgrade my drones more this is a dangerous one it actually is yeah I totally need to oh no what is that why are you alive why are you here actually bro down below is being annoying too would you die ow can you kill it I hired you for a reason this is going to be bad we need to upgrade our drones big time this one at least they're moving a little faster now there's a lot of resources down below that still need to be picked up looks like they pick up during the waves too which is cool all right grab this oh so much more iron ooh big cave what is this in the cave come on another one yes please I wasn't expecting three but I guess I should have because the game was like Hey with this new mode you can have three upgrades so this would be nice if I could get a water condenser I'm not sure what else autoc Cannon or missile launcher missile is that one new secondary combat Dome surface autoc Cannon autoc Canon sounds good Target seeking missiles H we're going to do this one must be manually triggered I don't know how to trigger them but it takes more water too everything all of these upgrades take water deadly Rockets whoa 200 damage nice okay oh the r is the missile key okay I got this oh the bigger popcorn people these are annoying missile fire the misso oh dirty good good shot good shot do it again take this guy out oh I really need to upgrade my weapons okay take this guy out nope this one too missile fire I don't have another missile okay it's dead good attack this thing ah why are you alive go away oh man that's getting hard hot dang okay I've got a really good spot now for the next bomb we'll drop it right here please nice that was a perfect shot okay let's open up the top side of it see if there's anything cool over here there is something cool over here now I can use my wow why we're so far away from the main entry we going to use that it's going to be quicker than blowing it up but we're on purple so that's cool purple is the strongest in this map maybe good I got more water too I needed that I'm so close yet so far away a now there's blood rain okay upgrade we get all three oh we have 43 all right we should be able to upgrade our weapon the Tesla shot damage we can do the quick shot let's do the reticle movement speed and power good I can do one more power excellent I can't do any more speed but what I can do is upgrade these guys to overcharge that's could be fun let's get longer lasting drones oh I don't have eight shoot well we can get a little bit more speed on the on the ones that go down below I could also get an explosion radius increase charge speed let's go for the missiles let's get three rockets good good shot nice that is so much more powerful okay I'm going to leave that there good killed that thing let's get another one oh this is a really difficult color palette actually where's my missiles oh I don't know but all of that increase helped out significantly and we'll blow that open nice just going to make a path all the way to the right if I can connect the two sides of these tunnels oh there's more water over there looks like my drones haven't made it down this far yet oh more water too beautiful and another ooh this could be cool all right let's open this up okay I left five water there the drones are getting close to it I just have to get back up for the next wave what kind of adaptive thing did we get this time triple charges perfect timing oh much more power shot by shooting precisely the instant the Tesla is recharged yikes I'll do it something about having much more power is a good thing to me ooh that was much more powerful I missed that one got that one kill this thing these have a lot of strength too nice okay that's a good upgrade did I win are we winning are we winning son nice I didn't even use my missiles that time how many upgrades do I have oh took a while ah 23 I don't have any water actually you know what I'm getting sick of it my drones are working well but they're not going fast enough so I want to carry a couple more items back with me let's just Dig Down find an area to drop my mine and then disappear into the sunset perfect grab all of these take those we'll take these back also I just recognized that we have like no armor left on our Dome should maybe try to upgrade that yep we'll do this one we could also do this and then we'll repair repair okay that should be fine I don't have four but I do have enough that I can buy this one longer lasting drones we could also overcharge them I can't buy that yet we'll wait I think that was definitely a good call the ability to carry a little bit more is going to be helpful for us the drones are good but we don't have enough water to make a bajillion Army of them so it's cool uhoh fast boy explode good we'll do the same thing over ooh okay I want to blow this guy up good I blew them all up at once excellent blow those guys up these are nasty oh it's good oh that was a super easy fight can I get any more upgrades uh yes I have six water I have 22 longer lasting day drones that's cool we'll get that and I want to overcharge him too I can I can get a drone horde I want that I want that so bad I'll get it in a second thank you okay that might have been a bad idea I just used up all of my iron I think we'll get who hello there we're going to use this mine over in this way here let's do that wow that was good we got brown is brown good or bad I don't know use that over there ooh hey that's cool the recall nice they weren't joking about this place being a maze either my goodness okay so if I press R yep we'll put that down and anytime I press R after this I can recall to that point at any time let's punch a hole up and over and hope and pray that we make it up the right way I think we're good it looks familiar yep so bring these orbs up this will be fun upgrade battle uh battle okay we can do the overcharge now good shooting good shooting uh-oh missed that one that's fine oh I need missiles go missiles that was fun oh I like this combo this is where working well for me now I can hit R and I instantly teleport back to where we were in the cave and I can use f to blast that open N I didn't blast very far okay I'm hoping I can connect over to the left side ah it's not charged up yet there it is okay that is really helpful explosive directional suit all of the drones are down here collecting the resources here I know I need to get back I'm trying my hardest the rock is super dense though much like my Noggin come on oh no that's a dead end okay we're going to drop the teleport I that's a one way that's a dead end too this is going to hurt this is going to hurt it's going to hurt oh man thankfully there's drones and the drones can do the work okay thankfully battle okay good oh they're they're actually pretty strong it didn't hurt boom good good hit uh we're going to hit this thing fire off the missiles oh that guy just juked me okay that's fine those are going to die fire another missile I don't need to easy easy peasy squeezy lemons I've got 39 and I'm thinking I should probably use it to spend on these now I can go faster I can drill quicker I still need to find the bottom of this place too there was that area right up here that might have something interesting in it okay that is interesting we're going to use a mine to blow up a mine okay where am I going I don't think this connects to anywhere just a random shoot that goes up all right we're going to maybe drop the charge here you go over here drop that I'm going to try seeing if there's anything up here huh no not really anything just a random offshoot I guess don't tell me don't tell me there's like a secret Camp nope that would have been cool I'm wondering if I can make it through over here somewhere maybe okay I see it go across nope we got to go back I made it just in time oh no okay the Rockets did just show up uh-oh fire one that was cool fire up there good got him fire more no bad bad creatures little bit of a defensive Sparky spark still took quite a bit of damage uh yeah my recharge isn't ready my my teleport I'm not sure where even to go like we're in this Maze and I'm lost there's got to be somewhere around here is the bottom has to be I'll take that back there doesn't have to be a bottom we'll just go as deep as we humanly can this rock is really dense down here too another density of rock wow oh I just found it nice okay tell me which direction I have to go it's actually up huh okay we have more let's just get more right okay those are already going improved overcharge nice we can get that one we can get more drones we can make them faster I don't know if I want to do that I wouldn't mind getting more Rockets cuz the Rockets are really cool yeah more Rockets this is improved more damage this might be the single best upgrade in this game I'm not going to lie they do so much damage I also this one could be the single best it increases the repair but I don't know if that's smart so I'm just going to do that and just hang out here with you guys talk about our day what' you guys have for lunch I had spaghetti it was nice I put a little uh garlic uh spicy garlic seasoning on it it was tasty thank you for asking I know you didn't ask I don't really care I was going to tell you anyway get wrecked okay that did good damage kill this guy uh-oh I don't like you oh you dodged it but you died beautiful okay let's get nope really okay I think we're all right are we good giant pieces of popcorn over there think they were good I totally forgot to use my teleporting thing too I know somebody was furiously typing in the comments like you got this upgrade why don't you use it cuz I forget I'm a human all right let's knock that open thank you that's going to let me get in the back door of this I still can't find that that new teleporter thing I don't know where it went okay that's the area we were mining in just a little while ago I think it was down here yeah it was okay so to the left is where the giant Relic is somewhere over here in this mess let's see if I can get in from the top side H there's just so much iron here why is there so much iron there it is okay that's that's another one where is this telling me to go down perfect go little jelly beans I'm I'm comforted knowing that they're coming down this way because I totally got lost again it's so disorienting being underground it's also disorienting being attacked by hordes and hordes of weird aliens and this thing oh these do a lot of damage shoot ow I need this one okay I need this one I need to defend over here okay let's blow some of these up or good now I totally forget about my Rockets all the time too that would have helped me immensely at the beginning man there we go took a little bit of time cuz he was hiding underground okay we have 41 again I mean we can upgrade our weapons quick shot strength auto aim let's do these beautiful okay shot power so that thing's going to do way more damage I totally forgot about my charge again or my uh Relic attack tell teleport thing I got it I found it good news friends ooh Cobalt yay the game's like you probably need to heal if you made it this far in how did you know okay we have two of the four nodes unlocked so we're going to have to get two more wow this thing was nasty deep in the corner no wonder I had a hard time finding it and they're both to the left it looks like this stuff is super thick too little bit down oh yeah they're both down there's one thank you Game easier to mine through this shoot I need to it's telling me I got to go back now okay here's the deal we're going to drop the teleporter down here we're going to come back to it I got to make it back to the surface where do I go where do I go where do I go over here thank you fellas okay that adaptive thing is super good let's see if I can get any more drone upgrades we can more speed these are maxed out release many drones we should probably do that I don't really need any of these I kind of want the missiles yeah let's get more damage on my Rockets that'll be good come on little things come on out there they are okay we're going to kill this guy boom nice I totally want to put in uh another mine over there and one over here too just so they pop out let's get that with a drone they drone them good ow that hurts that's literally the worst good shot excellent all right so we can just uh use the teleporter to go stop it exit there we go teleported to drop back down okay all of these are hooked up do I need anything else I think I have everything I need except for like repairs I don't know I honestly don't know if we're going to be able to win this but we're going to do the best we can we have a lot of offensive Firepower but our defense is very very lacking and I know this last wave is really insane with damage so we'll do what we can let's get some upgrades we need to heal our Dome up quickly oh it healed it on its own my goodness I'm dumb all right we only have three oh what is that what was that kill it whatever it was kill it whatever it is don't you dare drop into here okay good explosion we're going to set off all of our exploding boys okay right here good right here nice hit oh we got little parasites dropping in what is this it's like a colony of them happening okay I blew it up destroy that thing it is it's a nest that's terrifying oh man this update's cool blow it up wow that was way easier than I thought would be the drum sworm and the Tesla tank are awesome that was good Mission completed congratulations you completed the maze the keeper Guild acknowledges your efforts unlock a new element parasitic drones what attach and weaken the strongest monsters whoa that's cool parasite drones what my nickname in high school is that a thing over here is it just an upgrade for that tree must be an upgrade for that tree so we've done two of the assignments you guys will have to let me know which one I should take care of next Showdown could be really fun you have two additional starting gadgets finish within one Cycles fixed wave strength of 3,000 but you have 20 minutes to get to it so you got to build up as much as you can in 20 minutes and then go for it that could be fun anyway we upgraded the Drone swarm so thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I totally forgot about this my goodness we could have been so much better anyway bye and I'd like to thank all of my patrons and channel members and including autod Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippius General Harris Trent M Cino Keegan H leou C zarof maxer Ral BC Engineers carmx whiskey YH gun Jam Doug rules red d c scander d Payton plays fussy badge rip the warrior link hu Kyler J Nitro nitrox w k Grim Reaper kitu Rob rug tanell and Abram Jeep
Channel: Blitz
Views: 161,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, dome keeper, dome keeper tesla, dome keeper update, dome keper blitz, blitz dome keeper, dome keeper blitz, dome keeper beta, dome keeper sawblade, dome keeper drones, dome keeper upgrades, dome keeper updates
Id: JjnTZn34iHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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