I was such an ugly teenager...

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[Music] so Oh God I am so prepared to be extremely embarrassed like I know I shouldn't be embarrassed because we all have been through some most of us I've been through some ratchet phases in our lives especially when we're like 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 like me but yeah I've gone through some embarrassing times get ready to see my emo days my long hair days my - ordinary days I've wondered ate my black hair you're gonna see it all but first I do have a giveaway going on right now and it is a really good one first up I'm sure you guys have heard of Moroccan oil I'm sure you know about it I'm giving away a full sized 100 milliliter Moroccan oil it's very expensive and I'm giving away a Moroccan oil shampoo and conditioner and these babies are amazing they're my favorite ones ever oh girl and last but not least I did review on a curling iron like this I actually kind of enjoyed it and I kind of I mean I really enjoyed it it's an automatic curling iron this is called the instil wave my giveaway for this week is priced at a whopping almost nearly $200 for only 4 items if Brad Manos doing a giveaway it's gonna be extra and it's gonna be expensive so all you gotta do to enter my giveaway is follow me on instagram a crime on the link below for you and then tag two of your friends in one of my most recent posts that way I know that you're entering this contest and this giveaway will end on August 14th I'll be picking the winner and then posting them on my Instagram story so don't forget to check out Instagram on that day so I'm here to react to myself from the past why don't we dig up my past photos check them out together let's get it started alright so we're starting off with me I think like 11 12 years old maybe even younger here it is here this mugshot situation I'm sorry but I look so cute in this picture like what come at me because I look adorable and like I don't look adorable in most these photos with this one I'm gonna say I look cute it's those lips they sure had a glow up honey I mean I actually don't forget lip injections anymore I got the one for life they just filled out on their own thank God but like let's talk about my hair situation I mean we were at its finest this is my natural hair color I think it just looks dark because of the the light in this photo but my hair wasn't that dark but I'm pretty sure this is my natural hair color it's kind of like a dark blonde which I'm not mad at this haircut I'm not this is like one of the best okay it just gets worse a lot worse for me and here's another one from that time I just thought I was so cute on my little school bus like if we're looking at these photos that I feel like they were yesterday and they were so long ago little baby Brad you have no idea what's coming for you yeah honey oh it's so weird looking at yourself when you're young I mean like you were so innocent like what happened to you so this picture is where it's just getting weird I don't know what's going on here actually I like I dunno I know that I took a razor blade and started cutting at the top of my hair because that is what all the emo kids did back then and I I hope so just was so upset in this picture like what it was I think that I wasn't set about life I was just angry about everything I was really going through my full-on emo phase right now I could have done without it okay pretty bad and you're gonna angle from that situation this was like the prime of my space days were like there was show me I'm okay and they were all looks like they mean the back of her hand definitely cut it by myself I took like Oh straight up a brazier no I think I took like a shaving razor and just started shaving like the corners of my hair to make it really like edgy and stuff and now I definitely colored it like a weird brown I don't know what was going on that Brown was really ugly and then I'm wearing an American Eagle shirt because that just goes together right another situation we have the same hair color a lot of the time and she's still my best friend and that hair situation so bad it's so bad what would I do it what what is the face you're making you don't look cool you look stupid at least my skin looks good you know like the last one here's a photo from that lie in the situation on my head okay moving on let's just all forget about that hopefully these pictures don't surface ten years from now what I mean I don't know now I'm just a little boy I was so sad I was such an independent kind of gal that I hated just like being under my parents I think I just wanted to get out I was in real life and this is when I die my hair even darker was doing this like hardcore like hoodie moment and then have my lips bang situation I obviously had no idea what my angle was back then like no idea and also grad like stop cursing your lips like I'm like no it's like this yeah with it anyways okay I look cute in this one so here's a little background story for this picture I went through some kind of phase where I was really into ever cromby that's the only thing I wear this shirts is a blur down the side and then I went through my really emo phase and I would never wear ever cop like everything was dark like band not a bad situation and then I went to the next page which would have emo half Abercrombie and that's what you see here happy male half Abercrombie which I did for a very long time I'd rather look that bad in the picture honestly the hair ain't definitely got a very melody at one point uh okay so here's the mullet situation getting a little bit worse don't want the hair color of what the mullet is interesting my hair is very healthy though I have to say that I did take good care of it and then I'm wearing a 303 vanity breast in ps3 r3 you're my favorite I remember going to your conference all the time and here's another angle from that same photo shoot I have of myself I don't know if you can tell from this picture but my pants are at my my thighs yeah I know they're in my pants never wore my but I would belt them to stay on my thigh section looking back on that now makes me cringe so hard because I obviously did not know how to dress my own body you don't have long legs so like don't wear your pants that low you spend of your legs look this tall when they could look this top just a little pointer for you guys out there who have short legs and then I got my checkered belt on I don't know all around just living my best email life okay I don't know how oh gee all of you guys are but I used to watch live level live on YouTube and he was one of the og creators and he was my favorite and he always wore these like bandanas and stuff around his hair just the way I am in this picture and I had to beat him so I started making videos just like him doing the same exact things that he did and then I pierced Lila as you can see myself like four times I also pierced my hips myself my ears a million times like I think the hit for the weirdest part though like the hip things that was me not fun like don't ever piss your hips for yourself just don't do it I know you're all thinking about it just job I wearing a nevershoutnever t-shirt which is my favorite t-shirt for so long I had to leave favorite clothing items it's weird when you're a kid you only want to wear the same thing every day for some reason like that cardigan and not t-shirt my favorite this hair too long Brad and show your eyes you have cute eyes honey show them off let the people know how it is the blue eye moment the hair color not that bad a little gingy not doing much for my face but like I had to put this one in here I don't know if any of you guys recognizes this but like that is Lady gaga saying I was a little a monster for sure and this is like the prime of Lady Gaga when she was doing all the weird outfit and apparently I really wanted to do God there that day my friends dressed up and took these pictures simply you know and this hair moment I rate this a 10 out of 10 for sure the creativity is just out of this world I love you guys remember from the 90s more like the 2000s were those hair extension ponytail thingies I don't know how to explain it but like they were attachments for your ponytail with fake hair in it and braids and stuff so you could just put a ponytail in and put that around it and the look of giv like braids cascading down your ponytail it was a serious moment and I was rocking it it's like a know what okay not being a little emo boy I got my first highlights and they're so cute and I'm wearing a blink 182 shirt I actually never really liked bling bat that much seemed like 10 times for some reason I never paid to see them but like I just even the so many times I think I just thought the t-shirt was really cool like I swore it poser oh my god so I was looking through my archives my photos and I found this photo of a jeffree star concert that I went to you guys I went to a Jeffrey Stehr concert like three times they think oh gee Jeffrey Stehr been here so here is a picture of Jeffrey performing with his little sidekick body can't really see in this picture but he always this guy with him like half naked the entire time and Jeffrey's like what happened [ __ ] you yeah just loving Joffrey had an orange hair back then looking stunning as ever this is when I got into makeup and covering up you can like tell a little bit that I'm wearing makeup in this photo just because I look like one color I had no idea what bronzer was or anything besides like concealers I just concealer all over my face pretty sure I stole it for my mom thanks mom and now I'm doing the told chocolate chocolate hair situation looking back at me not being blonde is just weird I'm just such a blonde at heart not hard I really am a blonde naturally dark blonde thank you very much actually never not I don't really know my hair colors at this point because I haven't had it natural since I was like 10 but chocolate hair still got the mullet still rocking it and now I got a look either okay God so I look really bloated I don't know what's going on I think I just haven't slept and I've been partying for like two weeks straight at this point but I cut my hair finally I I stretched my ears and now they're at three quarters of an inch and they were so they were so so big my hair was highlighted blonde I cut the sides it was such a big moment for me I was so scared to go to school the next day after I cut my hair out of her haircut I was called Justin Bieber everywhere I went I was like I get it and thank you because he's cute not so much half the people loved it and have people like mid-to-long I know it was like I don't care she liked those shut up think so much and there is my best friend Taylor I love you so much Taylor and then I dyed it black because I had to change it every day for some reason I used to go black to blonde black to blonde every other week and make my dad do it for those you guys that don't know my dad was a hair stylist so that's the reason why he's doing here for me all the time and yeah this is on hell and I was very drunk and very young kids I do not condone underage drinking but that happened I was fake tanning whitening my teeth till they were like falling out of my head and and dyeing my hair black never again grab just don't ever do it again and yeah my haircut looks like not good and here's me again looking actually kind of cute that was making Richard my Ravens shirt a little house party and now I kind of went from like high school to them like moving to New York City I started growing my hair out long and so here's the moment where I thought a bird looked good on me I looked so bad so many people were lying to me telling me I look good like no I looked so ugly and like gross and just oh god Brad and my hair was like up to here it was a situation growing that bit out like getting my hair from this so this was like oh so many ugly moments so many hats so many so then we got there my I was finally like up to my chin and I loved it it was so good I mean I have nothing bad to say about this moment it was so so cute I love my mom but I also love my hair short more this is my little Thor moment being Megan again I was looking Jack I was working out a lot like five or six days a week and my hair was cute but also my style still hasn't had a glow up like hose Brian and white t-shirts every day that was my thing like a little like a little white t-shirt the necklaces actually I think outfit I looked cubed it was fine nothing bad more hair this is another picture of my hair long and then I actually traveled Asia and went to Bali where I got my haircuts for the first time in I think like two years from the long hair into this haircut I know I'm gonna show you guys the video now of it getting cut this video I think is still alive on my awesome scary okay so this is the place concept kill via kiss via in Bali shout out to them they're amazing you were so awkward and Here I am starting to get my hair cut off oh my god I was so so nervous this guy we're gonna completely jackknifed it up I didn't see anything to work before i sat in this chair but he was so professional and amazing and look at the cut look how precise he is I love that guys so much I would be going to him every single day of my life if he lives here like he was so brilliant I went for it and then and then my camera died so sorry I wasn't the best vlogger but here is a clip of me showing you my hair [Music] Oh it was really cute looks so healthy [Music] oh my her so fluffy and pretty what happened no oh my god that's so cute I haven't five subscribers back then it was told so good and it wasn't like a Beverly Hills of Bali and they gave me a full body massage and like just like a hair mask and like I was there for three hours getting a camper about three people at a time and it was the best haircut I've ever got and it only cost me $15 but of course I took them like fifty or something like girl charge more that was April 25th 2017 that was only a little more than a year ago life can change real fast let me tell you that much you guys know what happens after this you guys have followed me for last year and seeing all my insane hair colors blue pink red yellow orange I don't know I've done everything but I don't think I've actually done yellow I haven't done yellow I lied about that so there you guys have it my whole hair journey from this start to what you guys see these days other than this stuff you've already seen me have on camera on my channel I mean I think my favorite moment was having long hair I just don't think I'd ever do it again but we'll see who knows man it's just like it's too much maintenance for me alright too lazy for that comment below and let me know what your favorite hair moment was of mine thank you guys so much for watching today don't forget to share my merchandise at Phandroid co / Brad it'll be linked below for you don't forget to live your extra life and I will see you all next time peace [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 912,906
Rating: 4.9671173 out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser reacts to my own hair fails, I was such an ugly teenager..., brad mondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresser reacts, how to, hair fail, fall off, diy hair, hair stylist, cute boy, 40 vol, at home, bleach fail, manic panic, haircut fail, hair dresser, hair color, jenna marbles, box dye, video react, hairdresser reacts to america's next top model, hairdresser reacts to jenna marbles, gone wrong, 30 vol, funny fails, how to color hair at home, pink hair, diy hair color
Id: aohsCWk7gpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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