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ever wonder what it looks like to cut bloop in half well today you're gonna find out [Music] hello everybody I'm kindly kid and I'm about to get eaten by a T-Rex um yeah it's a big dinosaur chasing me okay hey hey hey um let's let's talk about this okay yet no you don't want to talk about it anyways um this is tear down you guys probably know the game you probably have seen me play it before we're gonna be facing down some pretty terrifying prehistoric creatures and perhaps some uh some bloops and megalodons and we're gonna try to chop them in half but for now I'm gonna just spray some spray paint at a T-Rex oh my gosh oh God looks like you got like a little mustard on your on your on your lip there bud yeah you go you need to wipe that off how are we gonna take care of T-Rex we're gonna shoot a fire extinguisher at him here here you go Bud is that good is that good it's not working it's not doing anything a leaf blower oh gosh oh gosh okay yeah no you can't really can't really hide huh yeah I could just just get under some of these trees here okay this is not working um I'm a firefighter oh my gosh that's awesome that is so much water and he does not care at all he's about to eat us I'm stuck on a tree please please no all right I gotta get out the heavy Weaponry I got a blow torch I'm gonna light this guy on fire it's not working it's not working at all okay perhaps this heavy Weaponry wasn't quite heavy enough listen I will use this if I have to please just can we talk I think we're past the talking phase all right I'm busting out the lightsaber lightsaber versus T-Rex oh I just chopped off his lick oh no I feel bad hey hey bud hey you good he's not he's not good well we're eating T-Rex tonight cook him up oh my gosh oh oh okay oh yep yum that'll be delicious I brought him back I want to use the uh the the sword that just like slices stuff in half although I kind of want to hit him with an asteroid too you know that seems very fitting for a dinosaur do you think I can get him I don't know like I got a I think I have to like lead it because he he follows me oh gosh oh buddy buddy buddy oh I just took out his his tail oh gosh okay let's just let the asteroid finish the job going extinct just uh recreating the extinction of the dinosaurs here and tear down okay now I have to do the slicy thing what is it it's this one it's uh where'd you go where'd you go where'd you go there this is the one okay oh gosh I'm so sorry Hood my computer is very mad at me understandably that's fair this weapon always does this just give it a second just has to work it through it's taking a little bit longer than I uh had anticipated we may have broke the game all right so I had to restart the game but hey on bright side uh the more dinosaurs uh hello oh yeah okay yeah no cool great that's a very effective cage awesome uh gosh uh there's a there's a Jeep um okay I'm gonna get in the Jeep and try to get away from this thing yeah just uh just go ahead and back up maybe don't crash into the trees maybe don't get eaten maybe just go this way all right so cutting dinosaurs in half with a laser Katana I guess maybe it's not possible I don't know but oh there's there's a uh a Raptor I I gotta try though I gotta try get him ah oops all right that was my bad um okay I'm gonna do this again I just okay yeah no that's that's just chop the head off of a Velociraptor uh Chris Pratt is not gonna be happy with me that was his pet this weapon is way too powerful it's currently like cutting the entire world in half I suspect I mean you could see all these trees that we've destroyed here's the big boy I don't know what you're called but I think you were from Jurassic Park two you're like meaner than T-Rex you're like a genetically modified monster Dino I don't know anyways I I gotta I gotta take him out I don't I guess this is the best way to go oh hey Bud don't attack me destroyed time why is it why does the dinosaurs still have to move why you gotta keep moving oh I don't think he's moving anymore oh I think I spawned more than one I may have spawned more than one asteroid [Music] oops hey yay I could understand why you're upset with me I'm gonna Kamehameha you so I can go into this spawn menu and I can spawn just about any creature that I've downloaded from the Steam Workshop like a straight up xenom morph oh gosh oh that is so terrifying you you're coming after me you're gonna melt me with your acid spit no you're not because I'm Goku wait you're okay oh my gosh he actually oh my goodness I don't like that disruptive the world is this thing it it's not breaking oh I don't like this I don't like this at all can I hit you with the disintegrator yeah get it oh uh lightsaber I miss it I've made a terrible mistake not even four can stop a Xenomorph I mean you could definitely send him flying I'm upset I'm so upset I don't like that you're totally fine I think I knocked the xenomorph off the map but it's still alive you think I can hit this guy with the the katana oh I can't I can't get out all right well problem solved send them into the fourth dimension found this lovely peaceful cabin certainly nothing bad will happen here right seems very very nice [Music] that was great how do I get in I guess I'll just use a shotgun that's one way to get in oh wow what's that noise what is that oh I just tried to turn the light on and the the house kind of blew up also there's a there's a strange noise I hear a strange noise I don't know what does that means is that hello what is that what is that what I don't want to be here anymore are you you're a giant snake what are you doing you're coming after me no what the heck man no why are you so big and angry no bad bad oh my gosh he's Invincible the snake this giant snake is Invincible what is this no just gotta gotta Goku him Goku him it's not working please why are these things so strong oh that's it I'm getting the katana you don't scare me I should scare you but duh do what it didn't chop him in half I hate that oh good now he's a flying snake cool no that's that's awesome that's really really awesome oh gosh he's chasing me again please go away he's not going away bad snake bad so we've dealt with T-Rex genetically modified dinosaurs straight up Xenomorphs and indestructible giant snakes what about bloop yeah that's a bloop and a Megalodon now actually a fellow YouTuber Finn pyre made these you should definitely go check out his channel I don't know how he did this but it's very impressive I really really want to chop a bloop in half and see what happens although I kind of wanna see what's inside oh he swallowed us well this is my life now I live in the belly of a bloop help help oh gosh I can see the light it's slowly fading away no no wait I'm fine I'm fine I'll just swim out that's one of the advantages of getting eaten by bloop he never closes his smell so if you can swim faster than bloop you never have to worry about getting eaten by bloop now I will say it's still very unpleasant and very stinky I kind of want to check out this Megalodon though can we get inside of your mouth I think the best way to do that is to just blast out a few teeth oh he didn't like that hey hey I wanna I wanna swim down yeah can I oh gosh sorry sorry I'm sorry I'm kind of sorry I'm just I'm trying to okay this is not working oh why is this Megalodon split in half I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that all right we have to do this take this Megalodon there oh my what the heck dude that is so crazy I just turned Megalodon into a sushi don't always we split some pieces off oh yeah that's that's a nicely cut fillet of Megalodon a few moments later oh what a lovely Beach let's go ahead and ruin it by uh spawning bloop that would be just terrifying you know what we can we can actually spawn more than one bloop I kind of want to put bloop on dry land just so that we can see him a little bit better just gonna drop bloop right here a beached bloop there's nothing sadder than a beached bloop gosh you're so big I really want to chop this guy in half let's chop him this way first just gonna do one of these right here right down the center is that gonna work oh I think that's gonna work oh my goodness gracious [Music] oh bloopy poor bloop there's another bloop out here I'm gonna chop this one in half right down the center facing him directly go all right yeah yep that uh I think that did it oh that definitely did it oh man oh gosh I gotta do the same thing to the Megalodon there he is gosh he's a big boy too you think that's good I think that's pretty good they are kind of bobbing up and down which makes things a little interesting but oh gosh that was so good oh buddy I'm so sorry I hope your face fell off sorry about that gosh look at look at this this is so creepy but also very cool but what about space bloop I want to see space bloop let's go to space okay why does my rocket have a hand break anyways we're going oh dear oh gosh oh we're not going we're not going we we did not go I mean we went but kind of the wrong direction all right let's try this again but we're actually on flat ground now oh gosh what is happening oh oh okay I got I got you I got you [Music] oh boy to space [Music] a workout in space oh what um all right that's amazing can I get out of this thing I mean it seems like a terrible idea but I kind of want to experience space now that we're here I'm getting out that was a bad idea right space bloop space bloop come back space bloop no my rocket is gone I'm stuck in space space bloop just passed me by didn't even say hello so sad now I lost space bloop but I found this guy hey it's a giant Among Us I gotta chop him in half right he's an imposter get him oh I'm so sorry Among Us oh oh the game oh wait are among us are they green on the inside he's split apart oh gosh he's so green I was not expecting that space floop you're back oh I missed you I mean mostly just because I I want to chop you in half again so I'm just gonna go ahead and do that let's see what happens oh oh [Music] all right I think I've chopped enough stuff in half I am thoroughly grossed out
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,005,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, bloop, massive bloop, bloop eating, max level bloop, teardown, tear down, game, teardown game, new, destroying bloop, bloop game
Id: Kd522UWWQ4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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