BEST GAME EVER! The Amazing Frog that Farts Part 1 w/ FGTEEV Duddy (I Stole a Cop!) HA HA HA

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[Laughter] sprin farting because he did it no it's not what is up all my peoples so what uh hey man what's going on well that was Carney all right after TVs we're playing this game called the amazing fraud question mark and I don't know much about it so let's go ahead and figure it out together the hideout welcome home FG TV we got some couch potato frogs okay every frog now has an F phone open and close your f phone with the menu button okay cool hello ha I don't speak frog okay so here I am I can't jump with the enter button hello look at me I'm in a frog a lip hey guys check out my belly what what what if I oh goodness I'm interrupting everyone else on the couch well if you guys are gonna check out my belly then is four oh how do you do that I'm going all over the ground here oh I feel like this is like animal cruelty kilo like it stand up by pressing control what am i what did my mouse do nothing ooh huh what is that liquid fly that's the most tasty thing I've seen ever what does that say toilet pass oh can I go to the toilet [Laughter] oh my goodness standout oh my goodness I'm gonna throw up I don't feel so good are you praying for the wall good group group hug all right guys listen I'm gonna go into the convenience store and I'll rob the cache of his money you get to getaway car let's do this you ready on three yes stand up zoom aim shoot throw switch shoulder holster weapon kay I don't have a weapon I want a weapon how do you get a weapon Q I can't do anything yet interact pick up and drop that's the e key oh my goodness this is so awesome I feel like it's gonna take me a year to look whoa the back door open you're such a good boy you're such a good boy little garbage can where's the pad where's the bathroom where's the bet oh wait move out of the way I gotta go potty oh yeah what what am i I can't see anything what this is in the bathroom oh oh it's a bad genius porta potty is a door portal into a other porta potties wait can I go into this one Hey yes babe the dressing wait dressing room oh I would not want to get choiced in here hey sort of make up your beer are ahead how do we pet I make up oh yes okay there we go oh yeah like that guy eyeliner why would a frog wear eyeliner oh hey cute there lipstick okay I guess I gotta I got a girl frog now hey how's it going uh never mind it's just a guy that wears lipstick all right this is where let's let's take off the lipstick cuz I let the most - he is for my friends he's a French frog huh oh my goodness you're gonna cool color well he's far it's how his sick clothes oh my goodness my frog is so awesome he is from France underwear there we go - like his trousers oh he's from France and he's doing wee-wee hey just like karate ninja kicked himself out of his wart dude this dude is so awesome I wish after I got dressed I was like it just bum rushed out of my closet to nowhere he's got cool little leg clothes in there what no no don't fall that he's sleeping dude this is almost better than Octodad I saw inside of your head let's see how I look you ready and wait wait right and then how do we there we go Wow you lookin fancy what kind of mirror is this oh there we go okay okay okay okay my dude is so fresh what is it are these my ancestors Oh Tory story what's the middle guy of my Mary Poppins oh my gosh frog Wolverine frog craft The Nightmare Before crime miss Bobo frog oh my good a spider frog man a spider Fran what is this game I loved it what's in here Oh is this must be the actual bathroom Wow - Jessie oh it's all the dressing room oh why can you play with like two people that was so sick stand up bro you can do this alright I don't even know what this game is about but it's so sick and I play Frogger get to the blimp what is this game why is it why do I have a light bulb there's no way a frog can have a light bulb frogs are like feet they're just about how do I encase there's a frog watching I don't want to offend him but frogs are not very smart I'm sorry to all my frog subscribers out there but it's true and you guys should know that don't be living in denial frog could live in the Nile Wow what's this box can I just oh dude don't get into a fight with them box need ammo is this where I get my weapons what what was that he's like oh look at my kidneys look at his legs I love oh you just farted again that's so sick like in both literal ways like I love this game II oh there we go oh my goodness dude is cheering right now since through this jamming well I throaty no no cute that's how you throw oh my goodness II okay that's how we pros II I can't get it all can I like stack stuff up right there yeah I mean like how would I get up there I don't think I can get up anything inside of here oh my goodness I just pick oh my goodness throw the dumpster boom oh it's so not that guy wanted that to be a little bit cooler all right all right so it looks like we have to exit you get to the game I'm sorry like half of this like this whole gameplay is gonna be like inside here but this game is odd this is just fun like just doing this holster a weapon sprint oh I can run fast we got to see that you're ready and go like a really bad morning this morning is like a really bad day like one of the worst days in a while and this games just talking this game is brighten up my day all right well I think we've had enough practice practice let's run to the door yeah poro of Swing done so this little tiny frog lives in a town called Swindon twinned with the moon I have no idea what we have to do but I'm so ready to do it we're in sews yes women swing ducks like London okay frog milk coffee company are offering rewards via their FFF visit the store for more info no thanks I got I have I got yo I got some ad stuff to learn brah so I can't be checking out the other stuff right now till I get they came down pack huh so how you doing I'm good man how are you chillin bro alright so Pat is chillin with me today wait we act wait okay so my joke wasn't funny so my joke wasn't funny we actually are in France what is this guy oh it's a robber no he's gonna think it's me cuz we have the same shirt on I hope that cop is not colored black still legit think that I am the robber cuz I look like look I'm almost going up through walk in the can I can I get can I pick this other frog up wait no no stand up stand up okay ready and II get him no I'm sorry bro ah I got oh I'm gonna so deliver him to the cop right now papa hey cap I gotcha why is the cop not Carolee I caught either this is a mime or someone that escaped from jail I really cannot tell cut oh my goodness I'm just throwing him this is a Mini Cooper alright what the getup I can't get in all that stick okay oh my god I am riding a vehicular transportation device wait how do you actually go now get back in there get back in there i legit have no idea how to ride the car well hey jet recline is dead maybe I can't drive cars oh he's so so chilly right there oh all right we're guys I am such a France knew I was legit trying to drive in the past to see chassé in case you don't know I'm from how do you say America and we don't I just crashed we we don't drive on the on the right side of the car oh my goodness why doesn't my door shut let's crash into a car boom oh my goodness that is so sick is there like any ramps I could drive off of that would be oh my gosh right dear I am so about to turn bow dismount you ready on your mark get set and go not as cool as I thought it would be seriously to fart or not to fuss oh my goodness Javad oh my goodness that is shift that dude holy smuggles die so cool ouch yo what is this right here forget going up the stairs there's forgot can I get can I get like blown away wait what oh just a little bit oh that's so slow I want it I'm levitating Frogg what I just want to know what is the purpose of this game like delivering the lap what what am i doing roadwork signs and markings coming okay okay you know what can we like legit get the cop yes this time I'm taking a cop yes I got the cop Swindon Borough Council can I go in here oh yes wait what's in it what is what a camera okay you just got the Swindon Town Planning app you can check the chain lock for information regarding regeneration program I feel like I'm supposed to check this out all right let's just check it out real quick Maps all right I don't know what that is and all right I don't really care for that whoa I just stood JIT head-butted the cop I'm gonna let him go before I end up in jail he's like is that a camera is this a camera is this what it looks like oh no he fainted because he loves cameras so much he's never seen one before live from Swindon reporters they're from Swindon from swimming reporting there's my name is frogmen Fraggle Sun I'm the clumsiest reporter live I feel like I don't know what to report on there like there's nothing going on except front court I was going to court we're gonna see if there's any criminales escape go set up set up dude you don't know how to walk hit poor frog never learned how to where's the core dad okay let me in ah alright there is seriously no one at the courts today alright taking the easy way down because there's no one at the courts today so what what am I supposed to do here don't ask this guy excuse me sir wow he looks like he has to go poop look at this guy what do a hose at a trampoline I was gonna ask him what do I have to do but there's a trampoline we all know what's more important Oh flagellation oh there it is yeah there it is wait wait HW whoa what da what am i doing what and okay oh my goodness what is this I have a sick trampoline right here oh my goodness okay Fraggles make Fraggles yes there we go Noah we gotta get a high jump ouch get out of my way thank you for this trampoline I hope that it lives a long prosperous life he's praying again and we're jumping up oh baby no way I wait can I pull this trampoline oh I can't pull the trampoline what it's like Wow here's what we're doing because this is so sick that you can blow up cars when you bounce on trampolines we need to get you stand up get it there you go we are going well I'm in the backseat dude you have to drive walk up walk up a little bit okay right there there we go guess who's got his license back this frog is frog I we are going to write up this parking garage let's do this man no no goodness oh goodness oh forget that I'm legit stuck all right I guess we're walking we are so good luck of it oh we're going so everybody farts he falls down Missy we are going to the rooftops we are going to try to ain't all it's gonna stink perfect timing we are good seriously we're going to see if I can get on the trampoline by jumping all we only have one shot at this we cannot mess this up here we are blue skies fart guys oh my goodness what no no okay wait well oh I have to wait okay there's a trampoline up here already no no this is gonna be tough to do no no no okay just stay there no no no no don't fall down please okay you know what I don't think I'll be able to make that we have to bring the vehicle up here it does it go faster it doesn't Oh other side of the car right and let's see if I can do it all trying to fart into the door okay II II there we go babe oh we need to get a head start for this forget this guys I was gonna try this what what are you doing get back to the car we are going to see if we get a head start forget the whole trampoline think no no no there we go okay we are so gonna nail this right now way nice mustache I'm liking it but up up up alright here we go one two I'm in third gear fourth gear oh my gosh there's a chant believe there's a gym buddy do it you make me sick Oh Danny Boy no sick dog that was so cool oh my goodness in my car's still operating my car is missing whoever made this game i legit blank have mad heart for you bro all right here we go we're going into the wall we're doing it yeah I wish you'd blow up that's alright are we about to play what I think we're about to play I think we are basically procrastinating cuz I forgot the name of the game here Sakura Lee rocket Lee we're playing rocket League oh my goodness we're playing frankly its Frogger you're you're horrible driver yes I don't all right students that's a bad joke we are legit playing Frogger soccer rocket League right now here we go five four three two one all right life is so long me playing about me said oh I can't reverse it to it two point and legit need somebody to play with is there multiplayer whoa hit this guy hit him that dude so deserves to be here he is way too goofy to just he's way too goofy to live one two three now I wish he ran into the pole but because he didn't no he's not oh he's switching oh my goodness that's the most happy comeback ever he died that he waddled his way back to life I'm just I'm just relieved because I definitely would have had a whole squad of police officers at my door later why is it what do what do what are we looking at [Music] do you need help sir you know what you are coming with me sir I need friends and because I don't have them you are coming my goodness he's gonna ride wit he's coming in the car with me please throw him please throw him in the kit please throw them in the key are please q no I can't force him to get in the car get in the car sir sir sir come I can't what are you eating can I have some you're coming with me bro no please please he can't wait okay II know it won't work well if it won't work it's hot you'll be alive in three wattles oh wow this guy he doesn't even wattle his head boom box my cart needs a stereo boom wow guys thank you so much for watching that was me playing this amazing game I absolutely love it I want to play it again I probably will play it again if I don't play it again then that would make me crazy crazier than I already am boom check you guys later thumbs up peace for watching and yeah bow-bow belief bop Balilla bop have a funnel we're going to get the magic carpet and I'll be back with the Gyarados you can't leave me here like this this is not you've made an example
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 27,787,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family gaming channel, fgteev, minecraft gameplay, fgteev minecraft, skylander boy and girl minecraft, Family Gaming, youtube kids, gameplay skit, funny videos, family friendly videos, amazing frog gameplay, rocket league
Id: 1QFBR_L39Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2016
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