Feed and Grow Fish Ep 8 (Aigialosaurus)

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hello everybody Welcome to episode 8 of feed and grow fish [Music] and I have something fortunate news to tell you so if you remember in the last episode we killed some bosses all the bosses on the map and we unlocked all the new all the creatures that come with them the problem is when I checked later I'm going down so when I checked later they were on they were locked again but seems like we're all right so we're gonna get to play as this guy after all let's see his stats Health 88 damage Vibes it just seems like more Health than the angler fish same amount of damage environmental temperature to keep their metabolism or take damage take advantage of an accumulated heat above water source to gain extra Saloon speed also if we go like to the surface we swim faster okay well I guess let's try this out [Music] oh my God oh my God [Music] why it's so cool [Music] this is so weird I'm like crawling around okay these are my savings so much easier spreads oh God I'm trying to Let Me In The Water oh God I can already see how this is going to go okay we did it oh because I can go like really fast so let's just use our nice little tip okay we're like pretty big like those fish are super huge like they're like like a little smaller than the bibos so we're decent resides like not huge but we're big it's for like a level one creature it's pretty strong hold on give me a second all right there we are we're back oh yeah sorry it took me a while to post anything again I just kind of ran some problems but we've hit 36 subscribers I know you remember if you guys want hardcore or Minecraft by I think I said May just remind me in the comments when I said but we had to hit I think 100 subscribers by May and we're at 36 so it's it's not an impossible dream like at the time between I posted my last video I gained 30 from 33 to 36. so I gave three subscribers but just nothing just letting my channel sit for a little while but I'm thinking the more content I get out the more people will see and so feeding girl famous videos seem to do super well so I thought hey why not do another one [Music] but this thing is good we already got one level on it and so you do swim a little bit faster we're just kind of fast I think so we're not really ready for anything too strong yet I don't think I don't actually know how much damage we do I don't know the stability thing actually works do I don't feel like I'm swimming that faster up at the top it may be a little bit but not a whole lot not nearly as good as I feel like it'd be worth [Music] I don't have to breathe like I'm a lizard I don't like just not a fish how am I in the water okay damage at level two which is pretty good but once again he's in kind of a slower experienced game so it takes a little bit longer to level up but I think we're about to yeah okay so now how much damage we need 10 damage we've gained about like two damage per level that's really good God these fish are so fast online all right I'm gonna go look for some slightly larger prey because we do 10 damage and 10 damage is quite a bit of damage and you guys remember I killed like the promethodon and the Megalodon with an anglerfish so why couldn't I do it with a giant lizard [Music] holy crap oh those things those are like some higher tier creatures I don't know if I can beat though [Music] all right let's see can I get back out of the water I can't okay we can chill out around here all right I'm gonna get up here so we can take a few of the map actually looks like we're above so this is like the regular part of the map because there aren't oh there's the Arctic I guess it looks like a lot of ice that's probably where the argument is we're so slow on it yes hey should I just full send it off the cliff oh it's like we don't have a choice die [Music] oh flip that guy's actually strong that's like one of the best creatures besides like the Megalodon okay I'm gonna see if I can take these guys on [Music] dang it okay so take those things on they did 17 damage okay I'm gonna do like level eight yeah okay okay we're gonna try this again but this time I think I'll wait till like level eight before I'll try and take on anything that's strong and this feature is pretty good like it can kind of Escape like if it was a little bit faster I think it was a faster swimmer and if after Walker it was the faster in general would be better because I feel like speed is like the best thing this is why is it so hard okay now we're inside perfect [Music] [Music] um this is a great video so far oh yeah do you guys like if we can do it oh my God oh my God I didn't realize I didn't realize I didn't realize it was here [Music] [Music] holy crap that was almost really bad oh my God I just see that didn't fly in front of me and I accidentally bit it oh no [Music] looks like you got some more fish right over there though God those guys here you guys see that right over there like right above my head right now you see that they're moving I don't know are those things yeah that's me it's like their tails taken over they're trying to get out of the water like I am right now pain and suffering suffering pain all right let's just kill some fish [Music] eat them all I want you to get to my turtle spot I feel like that would be the play but I don't is that right over here is this it [Music] call me insane do I think it is no no it's not no it's not [Music] that's right over there is the Arctic area this is where I want to be I think it's on like the opposite side of the map like over there but I think I have to cross through like Megalodon area so I don't know if that's a good idea [Music] ones to get like to play every time last time I didn't make you own and on my money back so I kind of need to equally thirty five coins back so hopefully we can do that do you guys watch these episodes like one of them has like one point like almost 2 000 views like if this ain't got almost 2 000 views we can get this one to 3 000 views and if each and every one of you subscribed who did that go easily like literally just scroll down like a tiny bit click that subscribe button like and comment and also go check out my other series I got a Minecraft series let's play going I don't know if you comment on that one you might just win and you'll be put a sign in my on a sign in my house and as of my recording I'm gonna be recording my next I have my episode three video so right after this so um once you see that I'm trying to see this that one will be out soon and maybe if you come Below on that one I'll pick you next or maybe if you're fast I'll pick you if you're quick I don't know Maybe oh my God am I dying oh my God I do have to resurface for air I do actually have to breathe okay another possible downside to this creature can't stay deep for very long which isn't very good [Music] oh can you guys not wait until we get to play as like the Megalodon oh wait the newly redfish I might actually be able to do something with these guys I don't remember I think they have a lot of Health though don't remember how much help they have hopefully it's not too much [Music] it's like the worst thing about it I'm biting them just only one time each come back here you're the one it's him it's you [Music] come on so I could actually do something oh God through the stairs we've been a whole lot easier I was just for getting some stamina real fast [Music] [Music] yeah okay I'm leveling up okay I Gotta Get Air I Gotta Get Air I Gotta Get Air I Gotta Get Air I Gotta Get Air I don't know how I actually what happens if I run out of air I don't really know probably nothing good do I die I don't know all right let's slip that baby up I think the reason that angler fish was so like overly strong was simply because like it literally like even bosses would weren't able to protect me [Music] 10 seconds [Music] for your enjoyment but it also makes the game slightly more balanced because a creature that she shouldn't be able to beat every boss on the map [Music] God these things stunned it's so annoying [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] with them do we want to try and take on the Orca I don't think so um [Music] thank you [Music] I don't know if I'm gonna do anything over here with it around so the camera's gonna have to go ahead of time bye maybe this thing is [Music] oh my God oh my God this game is hard okay this time we're not going to the ice area I'm gonna go this way to find my turtle spot we're gonna form half levels and then we're gonna go kill stupid orca [Music] seem to be good it should be really good because then again it's it's supposed to be above the angle but it should be better so I don't see why it's this hard I don't really get it like it's supposed to be pretty simple overpowered lizard and so far it's just weaker than a whale it's air like the whales have to do if basically got the worst part of the whales and got rid of the only good part of them than being strong [Music] right there we go I think I jutted out of there okay I think this is the ability of working it's magic where I get to go faster actually I think I just regained the standard faster up here which is actually useful jet okay okay [Music] [Music] um I might just suck at the game [Music] can I just like the puppy in front of the land just like lets you take into perspective how big the map actually is and I feel like it's that big like [Music] it's like I'm explorers [Music] this is kind of hilarious looking for I think I think I'm like over there but I'd rather stay near the edges where I'm safer then be unsafe yeah here's like all the skulls garbage okay I don't think I ever have seen one of these like in my video but actually I don't think I've ever seen this guy I don't know if I just never went over the area he's bonded or or like it wasn't because I hadn't it it was because like I hadn't Beat the Boss yet they didn't spawn on the map even I don't really know all I do know is that I'm kind of scared of this thing if I like found it as like a Bibles this is terrifying like a tiny fish you see this and you're just like hmm but [Music] I don't know for something that needs a whole lot of XP to level up it's gonna take me a while but but they're not good XP crabs are not worth fighting they almost got our first level out of just like starfish do you guys think I'm like you guys get upset whenever you see me coming back to the exact same place to farm like I'm gonna leave I'll leave this area once I get a Little Bit Stronger is that not what fish do they when they're small they go to a place where they can survive and then they come back and then they eat everything it's basically the life of fish [Music] [Music] but honestly I can't wait until we get to move on to the other Maps like sure we'll repeat some creatures a couple times but it'll be on a completely new map and it'll be crazy oh and just a reminder like subscribe oh and also this uh if you're trying to play this game for yourself download it on Steam and you're worried about the reviews about it not working I'm not launching but what you have to do after you find the game you have to turn off your internet and then try the launcher and it'll work you just can't play the internet I don't know why I think there's some kind of firewall that needs internet to work that blocks the game for running for some reason it's not because there's anything bad in the game it's just because like it's like a setting you can't change it's like in most computers like it's just unfixable it's just kind of like the way the computers are built also found my turtles yeah if you just turn off your internet most like recording software is not requiring that so you can still make videos on the game like there's some really good reviews like it works fine for some people but for others it doesn't oh crap I'm about to die lack of oxygen do I go up there back here get near the top of the water [Music] hey wait just get like a lot oh man stupid breath that's frustrating all right well I think we can Corner this guy yeah God I'm just not fast enough [Music] all right down this I'm on it oh he's trying to get away but I don't know if they spawn in here super fast [Music] uh brings me back by bows and basically every other creature no [Music] no don't leave okay wait wait wait hold on [Music] in this game play is every creature in this game right starfish series I've seen Turtles too there's one on sea turtles huh [Music] all right we can really use the crabs and like crab Mania oh crap my oxygen thing's running low I can probably kill this thing first though Maybe like it's unconscious so I think I just gotta find it a little bit it'll die okay okay so here's the thing now I do more damage so now I can kill things more effectively but the hard part about killing Turtles is because they take like a reduced percentage damage not just a regular number advantage so like they only take like I think it's like 70 of your max damn it like your damage so that means if you were doing 10 damage they only take seven which I think I do 10 damage [Music] maybe it is just subtract three I don't know but the thing is they just take less damage than they're supposed to which makes them annoying but they don't really fight back so you know better cannot be choosers okay you're not escaping me no one can only knowing about these stupid Turtles is that they eat starfish oh my God I just gotta eat it did anyone else see that oh by the way we made all our money back so your hair stones okay [Music] my man just flew [Music] why let's all go get him like I can just crawl out right [Music] here [Music] [Music] well that's unfortunate sometimes you're just like sure [Music] foreign [Music] 's annoying isn't quite fast enough enemies a better XP rates like more XP like less XP per level it's basically what I'm saying it needs to level up faster because like I'm sure this creature can be good it's just gonna take you so much more time than if you just picked a different creature so at that point it's not really worth using but it is a really cool and fun creature to play around with like it's very interesting because like it's not really another creature you can just go on land with but it is unfortunate about the breathing I wonder if I'm gonna like the swamp map they have like you know the fish known as the mud skipper they like jump out of the water and like kind of flop around on land but they can like breathe for like 15 minutes so like what if it was like reverse like I I'm using the water to breathe but I could go out of the water and still be alive for a while I don't know just a thought and I think I've understood why this game did some reviews it's because people that really like to watch those people play this game not a whole lot of people play this game on YouTube and so whenever you search it up my videos just come up because not a whole lot of other people play this game I can think of like two like decently sized YouTubers like like from like 100k to a million ish like well no one of them's like two mil so but they play other games and I haven't played this game in a while so [Music] I wouldn't say that this is that's why but hey if this game can help carry me to 100 subscribers by may I am happy [Music] I'll remember the hundred subscribers to May is to get hardcore mining hey maybe in this game we could do uh a challenge of some kind like I have to survive as a bibos to tell like level 100. that's good ideas for a series like like that like trying to get every creature to level 100. like I had to play a camera speaker and like basically make a video on like attempts to get them to level 100. and I would just take all of the videoing and put it into one like nine hour video so that's something you can watch like just like in the background if you're doing homework or something or just like I don't know I have a question for all of you I'd like to come you guys to comment this on this video do you guys think you want me to express more energy like yelling board making a little more noise or do you guys kind of like this more laid back talking like am I got a good point do I need more emotion or even less like you're just like shut up and play the game some people say they would have a hard time with doing this thing and I'm like oh so hard about you doing just play video games and they're like well I can play video games part but I just can't like just talk or just so long to me it doesn't seem very hard like you just talk and about the things that just makes sense [Music] and also if anyone else wants to be a YouTuber I encourage you it's it's a lot of fun super cool thing to do but back to the game okay so I've been farming for a little bit we're at level six air I'm not quite sure what I want to do just yet I'm gonna quickly check and see if I can slurp those fish I doubt it but if I could make everything that easier because they give me a solid bit after me and I could take them all out faster so let's see are you guys no you're not are you with your handshot you're like a two shot [Music] but I think they're spawning here so I can just kind of find [Music] all right that was only seven and we do 20 damage these guys have no resistance though so like on a turtle I think you do like like 15 damage maybe so still good damage I don't know where should we go from here those um these are called oh man I forget what they're called the dolphin I guess like I know they're like an ancient dolphin like a dinosaur times dolphin I know that from playing art but um they didn't ruined 17 damage the Orca did 88. and I only have 187 health so I can survive like two hits so that's not exactly what we're looking for but the Dolphins I could fight I promise I can't really go deep because I breathe so I guess we'll go on a little bit of exploration like oh should we stay and get some levels I'll try and hit Level 10 real quick I almost to level eight so it shouldn't be that long but then we'll do in probably 30 damage at least this last fish should give me to level nine eight this is actually so so eight or nine I don't know it'll be correct in the title I'm just not sure as of recording I think it's nine I have real little I used to have a toy that looks a lot like this lizard and basically it was like real it was like kind of made out of a weird like spongy material it was real small too but if you put it in water for like an hour it would get like really big and it was really cool this was like five years old so it was like really cool so I was just like how does it get that big I think it's like it absorbs the water and so it wasn't really big I don't know it was really cool though so every time I look at this creature it looks just like it so I like to think about it all right we got another spongy boy over here when you get bigger creatures like they get slower like because I was faster with this guy earlier I just got him slower jumping out of the water right here but now slowly sinking I can barely do like look at that like that is maximum speed [Music] good night I've got time for that [Music] I'm not quite sure what is in this old forward [Music] go away oh that guy just got mold oh crap oh crap I died to Dory all right well then I'll conclude today's video and it and it was which is four five six seven okay okay so that was the aggielosaurus [Music] great name next will be the black tip shark and eventually we'll get to um the chronosaurus which was I think they added recently um we'll have to kill the great white shark and we're going to place him the prognathodon and then the Megalodon which I'm really excited for that 6424 base Health 330 damage [Music] that's really good all right well I guess I'll see you guys next time in another video like And subscribe [Music]
Channel: ShadowManGB
Views: 33,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b_onZcKRNpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 41sec (2441 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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