AMAZING FROG in SPACE! Creepy Kitten on Moon w/ Superman Kryptonite Laser? || FGTEEV Part 8

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I'm doing tricks my car splits I like this time pretzels though actually let's go on back but more amazing frog the last time we say what's up it's my big fan right here yeah last time we left off we're ahead in this space but we had some gas issues at the fueling station saller now let's see if we can actually get to space this time can we go in the meters not all the way filled up dog Ditka we need some more gas we're gonna try this oh geez I'm sorry yes oh yes see it whoa it's kind of nice in there whoo it's got like a little kitchen all right hopefully this is the last we need I heard the door open I can't see the doors open okay so you need to have full gas all right do is that my blast-off ah what don't even what are you kidding no pets allowed what's this well this uh travel link this space really makes me hungry oh look at that fish I have no money though Digga empty TV Mertz in here - link in description sup bro I mean you got a dial-up know if I just ate my last one what's this airlock airlock I'm outside I'm on the moon we're I'm dead water I need a Spieth helmet not in real life there we go we gotta find a space helmet yo space helmet space helmets right here right here right here right I'm afraid to step on it what's this - oh whoa I have a feeling I'm supposed to be pushing this down there great yep go we're gonna try it teleporting oh where am I oh there's another one of these things right here oh all right we have to do something with this oh man just backed it into a corner can i teleport to froggy science stuff no I can't now why do I want to go in here okay other than that we're back on the moon baby so we might as well face it up no wait move out the door oh that opened alright we're going what's down here oh no there's two exits that's the worst Oh what is this a video game oh so I'm playing a video game on the moon what is the point why would I just know out here get this guy I have a feeling I'm supposed to be out there with this thing yeah what is that oh that's the cam that is cool car dude get the weapon back oh wow okay pick up pick up nothing all right I have a feeling I'm not supposed to be doing this game right now we just gotta find it whoa whoa whoa I have a spacesuit on is my helmet you go technically I just needed to come here to get my spacesuit on let's go press the air look five four three two one [Music] we can control the rover there is this oh I just messed up elevator student can I write it oh come on a box quick dude okay I keep forgetting this takes place in the UK and you drive on the right side even though what's up talking do what is a tough game all you just fallin okay oh oh gosh gasps I'm just gonna throw it Joe no you know what I need to put this in my car wait no yes took it what do these do it's like telling football kind of just like space food and those buggies probably won't make it up this hill let's try we're doing it or doing it yes all right no go fall all right so we are up here now we're on birth sorry on space do we go look at that laser right here that's Rob it's a interesting as long as I don't I'm doing tricks Makar splits I like those calm pretzels though actually you know chocolate-covered this is looking interesting this is so bumpy no please don't they don't think don't night all right I don't know what this is I think it's like what is this is this green if it is is it a beam of Kryptonite if it is is that Superman Superman to stay I don't have a car put it but I still got mine I'm sorry guys am I gonna get laser eye let's see can I do laser what is the point of this hello can you laser me oh no where am I gonna restart where am I gonna restart don't make me restart at the hub no I restarted at the opposite of a wife here's what I'm gonna do this time I want to pick up this propane tank I'm gonna run up here I'm just gonna go forward oh this was so bad no please I blow up lord WAP still flying no don't hit that rock dude I'm just flying without a car this is kind of Awesome who needs a car when I could just damage my cranium don't like picking up speed this is pretty cool here we go don't get tasered is that like a boundary line you looking up that's earth joy yes come on come on do I want a gold deer how do I do that who needs an engine using my head oh no butts a crater what is that it's a dinosaur fossil yo identites or fossil or not just a rock oh my god a final walkie I still know what this propane tank is for maybe this is for this hello do I go inside there seems kind of cruel and unusual maybe I put this in the rocket stop playing [Music] do I don't know what I'm supposed to put in here I know they usually sent monkeys in his face upbeat funky poppy to go know where I saw people on the moon before I wanna I gotta I want to get to them I don't know where that was my sister was what's this Oh a frog zapper laser rifle too cool names in one what does it do oh it was that a stick figure person go way back there it's trying not a good idea what happens if I shoot at no I want to ride off that where'd it go oh I don't think this is gonna do anything but I'm just gonna try it and yeah no that didn't do anything okay cool wait can I land on this satellite yes don't fall get up you good boy yeah I don't know why I'm so happy about it there's legit nothing to on this thing is anyone alive sounds cool I guess while I lasted [Music] oh I just got yours kebab ladies and gentlemen start your engines all right back down at the base none else he's gonna send me right back no don't send me right back what's up here what's this Oh another frog Zephyr what oh my gosh I thought it was like a camera what is this oh my god I got scared I thought it was like a security camera with like a big head like trapped inside I didn't know if it is time to go back to that little machine because I thought that little rocket was for puppymonkeybaby but it is for baby all right get ready [Applause] what is that okay this thing is purring up a storm it's raining cats and dogs I just can't remember where it was I think it was this week all right little kitty cat don't you worry we're gonna trap you in a rocket that seems kind of big all right is it here yes ah quit your whining you're about to go into space I'm pretty sure this is it this has to be come on don't even play good so just like Oh get off it look where did it go oh my goodness my mission is that was kind of cool kind of rude oh is this for me can I go in this one dude oh wait let me see oh I get it Hello Kitty goodbye kitty I gotta find a bunch of Kitty's hidden through space no oh my goodness that is so creepy I barely even recognize the first one all right now we're on a kiddy mission Wow I launched a cat into space all right I'm looking for more kitties kittens if you to fix that I'm sending kids into space this videos probably gonna get flagged come on who sends their kid into space I'm getting a phone call hey hey Sean yeah lines a little staticky are you still on Mars okay cool make sure you bring back that step Oh hold on yeah not just role play were just messing around it wasn't definitely not Sean oh snap those are frogs right there hello frogs I come in peace what's up man oh hey oh my gosh I forgot I have poisonous hugs take your damn in Oh Mike well guys I think I'm gonna end this video here it is pretty good ending I like I like been able to find a kitty kitten geez weird YouTube as soon as this video reaches the normal 1 billion likes that we get then maybe I'll play a part too but it's got to be a billion likes that wasn't sarcastic [Applause] [Music] oh my goodness that is so cool I just nail like three flips before I leave as the as the outro I'm going to see if I can land in the teleporter with my car and yes yes yes yes yeah no no no no let's try this let's try this where I can't see okay that was bad cuz I couldn't see all right that's definitely not gonna work so forget it but you know what we have to do trying the frogs appart even though these guys are my friends I didn't find any hostile civilians let me try this out [Music] don't run away so fast I just wanna ask you can I just try this at food I didn't even try it yet that's it you leave me no choice hey it barely zaps a frog Oh exams a frog alright wow yeah see a time man thanks for helping me out my experiment I'm gonna buy you lunch tomorrow oh you're just you're just gonna dis me like that and just leave fine not buy a lunch tomorrow whatever guys I'm about y'all wish tomorrow meet me at 1 2 3 F gtv Street in funnel land yep and yeah lunch is on me alright guys peace out thank for watching be really popular lucky don't forget we got merchants description don't forget you got a thumbs up this video don't you don't have to I'm just asking you if you liked it consider it make sure it if you not subscribe to you subscribe and yeah we're gonna check it later P that we live it up up a little bit up I'm Billy zombie bowlegged nut shot zombie arms both no my turn I tried to take off yeah
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 30,935,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games for kids, youtube kids, kid friendly videos, fgteev, minecraft gameplay, fgteev minecraft, Family Gaming, gameplay skit, funny videos, kids gaming, amazing frog moon gameplay, amazing frog in space, space program amazing frog game, cats amazing frog, moon kittens, kitty cats
Id: YcMuvPY4WtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2017
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