I found a GIANT SPACE WORM! | Amazing Frog

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hey it's me i'm a frog but i'm in outer space it's pretty cool [Music] [Music] hello everybody i am kindly kid welcome back to the amazing frog and this frog never ceases to amaze me in the previous episode we managed to make it to the moon and it was quite a process but now that we've made it to outer space and the moon we have what i assume is a lot of exploring to do i mean there's a giant frog statue on the moon who knew and i'm sure there's other stuff too also what are these things this seems dangerous i'm gonna jump into it because why not i should have known i should have known i mean it's a quick way to get out of that crater that we were in but also i saw rovers and and i want to drive a rover there was also jumps in there i want to do some sick moon rover jumps so let's fly back down also there's like a little tiny rocket i don't know what that is wait wait wait wait wait what is that on top of the building wait is this is this a there's a cat there's a cat hanging out on top of the the space building okay but i want to know what this is oh it's crossbow i've got a crossbow there you go shoot some croak cans all right but here's what i'm really here for let's go it's not going why oh i'm i'm sitting on the wrong side frogs drive on the left side of the road i got it all messed up there you go okay yeah oh we're doing this there's a jump directly in front of us and we are going to jump it and maybe do a backflip do a back flip but that wasn't backflip at all but it was still pretty cool all right i gotta say driving a rover on the moon it's it's pretty sweet oh my gosh 360. 540 720 900 take that tony hawk okay so now that i have the sweet moon rover uh we can actually get around the moon a lot quicker so that's pretty sweet let's get out of the crater oh my gosh i was not planning on launching out of the crater but i mean that's one way to do it i do want to go over to this giant frog statue and then also i see like what appears to be some kind of laser or something over there you see that green thing way off in the distance we need to go check that out giant frog statue what why why are you here what what does it all mean is there anything else here it's like just a giant statue but there's there's nothing here wait wait what is that over there that's a thing oh it's one of those viewer thingies okay yeah let's let's let's see what we can see can i not use it yeah there you go okay i do see something over there it's some kind of ring maybe a teleporter i see like maybe like a red line or something it's way out there oh i can zoom in oh we got some kind of wire running across the moon there okay also that thing is straight out of star wars if we go there maybe we'll find luke skywalker we found darth vader let's find out what's going on with this green laser kind of scared seems kind of dangerous but i want to drive into it and i i can't really explain why it might be mining it's real bumpy terrain over here it's kind of hard to drive on not gonna lie this seems like a terrible idea i'm gonna get this thing blown up and i'm and i'm gonna be happy about it yep yep that that's what happens when you drive your moon rover into a space laser it blows up but now we know for sure and and now i'm kind of stranded there's a launcher thingymabobber and i do see the red wire over here you know what it might actually be like the the border of of the explorable area of the moon maybe like you can't go past it oh what are you oh my gosh what is that it's a space worm who puts space worms on the moon i was just running over here minding my own business and suddenly there's some kind of sarlacc monster get away from me okay okay there are s space worms on the moon and i had no idea why you warn me so now i don't know if the space worm killed me or if it was the strange red moon fence that killed me now i need to know what do you got what do you got a rover that's not luke skywalker that's just a remote controlled car okay well i'm officially disappointed i kind of want to drive back to the area with the space worms although it's probably not a great idea wait this is a big old crater is there anything in this big old crater i just need to flip back over please thank you there appears to be nothing in this big old crater it's kind of disappointing oh hello you're a space worm please leave me alone okay i'm being chased by a space worm and i don't like it i'm going this way i'm going to the frog statue oh my gosh that one was bigger than the other one oh i don't like this i don't i don't like space worms okay hear me out space laser plus space worm equals dead space worm it blew up my rover why wouldn't it blow up a space worm okay okay this is my plan it's not a good one they're falling from the sky stop get away from me this is a really hard area to drive my rover okay okay he's getting a little bit closer doing doing some flips cool good for you space worm now just don't drive yourself into the space laser that's that's probably a pretty good pro tip right oh i see i i see the dust i saw you how do we get these dudes to go into the laser i need to get closer i need to get closer and they need to jump out right next to the laser okay okay don't go into the laser just go next to the laser and then and then and then come on jump in jump in space worm they're they're not jumping into it all that effort and the space worms are immune to space lasers rude very rude that space laser was supposed to vaporize those space worms and it did not and i'm mad so instead of dealing with the space worms i'm just gonna see what this red wire is it's got to be an invisible wall right right oh yeah yeah it is it is okay don't touch it i touched it i touched it that's what happens when you touch it so my space rovers they're gone and i'm sad i feel like there's still more to see on the moon let's do some more exploring by launching our bodies at extremely high speeds and crashing him into the side of the planet moon whatever what the heck is that is this galaga what is going on okay uh i come in peace hello eight-bit aliens what is happening there's a pink glowy thingy over here let's grab it kind of crystal oh gosh am i dying i'm oh i'm dying lesson learned i found a new way to explore the moon at a very fast pace uh just just slide on your face who would have known frog travel is so efficient on the moon it's incredible although it doesn't do great going up hills but once you get over that hill you're you're jamming okay so there is a bit of a legend here on the moon that i've been made aware of i don't know exactly how it works but those worms that were chasing us oh those were small fries there's a real mama worm here on the moon and uh there's there's some kind of way to spawn it what happened the last time i touched this didn't it teleport me no it gave me a gun a nerf gun take that giant space worm so i am in the process of trying to find the legendary giant space worm because i want to see this thing and probably get eaten by it i do feel like we were onto something with the tiny space worms and luring them into the laser cause like why else would the laser be there to protect you against space worms so what if we took the legendary giant space worm and ran it into that giant green laser vaporized it i think that sounds pretty cool but first things first gotta find the giant space mark i haven't been over to this area before so oh there's a rover and a lunar lander okay can i fly that thing please tell me i can fly that thing let's frog slide over to it oh there's another item over here let's see what this is oh we gotta drop this thing okay frog zapper yo i got a laser we got more luke skywalker's over here these things have been nothing but disappointment this one whoa whoa okay please let me go let me go let me go thank you very much all right cool oh my gosh big mama's base worm where the heck did you come from okay um yeah i'm i'm shooting it i'm no i forgot how to shoot it's a bad time to forget how to shoot okay um we got it we gotta get out of here um get get away get away from me get away from me please don't or i i've lost words i was gonna say please don't eat me and i just said please don't ear that was a surprise i gotta say uh that worm came out of nowhere where'd it go did it leave no it did not leave it's underneath me okay uh uh whoa you're so big and scary and gross we're gonna take this thing to laser you're you're coming with me to the giant laser cannon that's what's happening oh i really hope this works where is it oh gosh it's disgusting this thing is truly disgusting ah get away stop trying to eat me you think it can eat the the whole thing like me and the the rover get away i'm stuck i'm stuck please let me out let me out i don't want to be here with this giant space worm no let me go oh my gosh i escaped get in the rover you dumb frog please just just get in just just get in you you just it's is it really is it really that hard to just get in the rover come on man please please please please i'm gonna get eat i'm dead i'm dead i'm uh why why do you have to do this to me all i had to do was get in the rover was this so much to ask okay so i think i came from up there so i probably died somewhere over here oh yeah yeah i see the giant space worm i see the dust i don't see it but i see the dust yeah there it goes oh my gosh i hate it so much okay okay we just need to get in to the rover and then drive towards the laser it's easy it's so easy okay yeah neat trick cool yeah show off joe why okay okay we have a very very important decision to make here do we get out of the rover and lure the space worm that way or oh i don't think it's working i feel like he went through it maybe i just maybe i just didn't do it good enough okay you know what i'm i'm getting out this is a huge risk but i'm a little bit more maneuverable don't do it don't just just stand between the worm and the laser it's science no it's not science this is this is very unsciency come on get me i dare you oh look at that i farted in the worms face chase me you fool here we go we got it lined up he's over there he's coming for me he's gotta jump out though he's gotta jump out into the laser this is the issue he's not he's not jumping into the laser what are you doing what are you doing space worm doing flips and stuff now you're just showing off oh no get me out get me out we're okay we're flying into space that's that's pretty cool i somehow survived that space one what are you doing okay he's sinking back into the ground he's coming back for more he loves the frog meat tastes like chicken at least that's what i've heard i've never actually eaten frog before please just jump into the laser if i could get him to like attack me he he seems to like when he latches on to me he really jumps out of the oh what am i dead no the space worm is dead the giant moon worm got fried by the giant laser sweet this outfit is in his stomach i killed the giant moon worm i did it that's right moon worm you got nothing on this frog holy cow my heart is racing i had no idea what what happened there i think he like grabbed me and and just kind of fell into the laser and blew up i mean he literally got vaporized we just became boba fett that's incredible that is so awesome that that actually worked i'm unbelievably happy i want to go back to the base and become boba fett and then is there a costume changey thingymabobber in here somewhere maybe we can teleport okay let's teleport whoop yes can i change here [Music] yes special outfits bounty frog what are you serious that is so cool i i'm i'm boba fett frog incredible whoa what he's got a jet pack that doesn't even seem fair but that's incredible holy cow okay this this is awesome i have become the bounty hunter frog i always knew i could be so is big mama worm like gone forever that kind of bums me out you see how fast i can move on the moon now this is so cool i'm just gonna quickly grab my laser rifle seems appropriate oh it's just a crossbow that's a little disappointing i think she's gone for good which kind of makes sense because i i did kind of vaporize her in a giant space laser but on the bright side i mean look at this suit i have a jet pack i have a crossbow i am boba fett the frog and it is it is truly incredible space did not let me down let's just say that but that was quite the adventure for this episode i think that's gonna do it for this one if you guys enjoyed it be sure to hit that like button and if you have suggestions for other things that we can do an amazing frog let me know in the comment section down below i still feel like there's more to see more to do more weirdness to be had but that is gonna do it for this episode thank you for watching see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,337,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazing frog, the amazing frog, amazing frog gameplay, amazing frog pc, amazing frog shark, amazing frog sharks, funny pc game, sandbox games pc, amazing frog part 1, amazing frog giant shark, lets play, amazing frog update, amazing frog?, amazing frog game, keyin, kindly keyin, amazing frog worm, giant space worm, space worm
Id: Otyu7UDUAp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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