EATEN BY A CROCODILE in Amazing Frog...

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i'm a frog again and i'm still amazing [Music] [Music] hello everybody i am kindly keen welcome back to amazing frog i'm still not exactly sure what i'm doing in this game all i really know for sure is that i'm a frog and i'm kind of stinky but aside from that there's still an entire world to explore around us and actually i did get a hot tip apparently there is a way to escape from town so big thanks to lily for helping me out with that now we need to execute it and my understanding is that uh we'll need a car or hear me out we could just slide on our faces that's pretty cool too no we definitely need a car i just don't know exactly where we need to take that car also what is this handyman the frog world version of pokemon okay i do see a car over there so i'm just gonna you know do what frogs do to get to cars this is exactly what they do hello carr i kind of forget how to drive you but uh i think we'll we'll manage we hit okay yes ah look at me expert frog driver you should probably close that door dude why can't i close the doors okay you know what we won't worry about the doors so what we're looking for are wood planks on the outside of this wall oh gosh it is the grass is very slippery to drive on so that's why they build roads oh is this okay we crash into this no those were just pallets those were not the plywood that we were looking for let's keep searching and while we search let's do some insane jumps let's go here we go oh gosh oh that is actually kind of amazing you have a ton of control while you're in the air that's awesome or is this what i'm looking for oh i didn't know that cars blew up i mean i knew that cars blew up in real life i didn't know they blew up in frog life now i know okay what is what did i reveal some kind of frog graffiti that's interesting i don't know what that means and i probably won't find out for a while but it's there notably we are going to need another car though okay remember we drive on the left side of the road in swindon get in there you go all right let's continue our hunt for whatever it is we're looking for there's the big old door oh gosh oh don't don't crash okay we lost our door that's fine who needs doors whoa what does that say escape swindon yes i would love to but you're not helping me by just riding that on the wall uh that's a toilet and there is something peeking out of it notice mayor's toilet temporarily out of order um gross wait what what is that what are you there's something on the ground here maybe it's a hint or maybe it's not it's a letter of some sort i don't care about a letter i got to escape this crazy town found another message this wall is a lie just like all the cake all right so most of you are in the comment section right now screaming at me because we we did it we found the planks that we were supposed to remove from the wall i think just at this angle it was very hard to see you could imagine why i missed it we removed the pallets but then this is all i saw so i i assumed that we were in the wrong spot dumb on my part but at least we figured it out eventually this is our grand escape from the swindon wall that's amazing and there's even a convenient car right here i like the hollywood swindon sign okay now where do we go we can play on this giant spinny thingymabobber oh yeah it's gonna it's gonna spin oh i just keep falling over though all right let's let's grab this car and um i guess we'll just kind of explore the outside world i do see that there's kind of like a road over there i don't know how far this this is gonna let us go there might be like an invisible wall right but i do kind of want to see where that road is going also this car sounds like it's running on bubbles what is happening i do recognize that we're no longer heading for that road but i was kind of hoping that we would find a connecting road to that going this direction oh oh careful careful be careful i i do see water out there so that must be the ocean maybe i don't know what's oh there's a lake okay can i go to the lake i really don't want to lose this car cause getting here took a long time in a car you could imagine how long it would take in flippers oh this is scary this is scary this is not oh this is not safe this is definitely not safe okay maybe maybe if i go up and over here like that okay yeah i see i see water i don't know if i want to go down there wait there's stuff down there is that a jet ski i think that's a jet ski we must experience frog jet skiing careful careful okay okay okay good good okay okay we've made it to the jet skis we're we're at the beach it's there's my face all right cool um i'm definitely grabbing the purple jet ski you know for the sake of uh what oh my gosh okay uh there these are alligators do i did not even realize what was chasing me for a moment there i was so fixated on getting the cool jet ski that was purple oh my gosh there's an entire squad of alligators chasing me i hate it why and you guys are so fast did you see the way they were zipping in and out of the water that is terrifying now where am i going i'm i'm just trying to get away from these stinking alligators there's an island over there that seems pretty cool please alligators stop stop chasing me they're never going to give up are they they are fixated on eating me and turning me into a delicious frog snack and i do not approve i see something on top of this island oh oh what is that that looks like some kind of alien device or something oh wait no actually you know what it looks like a giant crown now that i'm looking at it okay i i i want to park the jet ski in a spot where i can not get eaten by crocodiles uh cool cool welcome back to swindon i'm a little upset oh it's a joker frog you want to know how i got these scars all right see you later um we got to get back there right we have to and i'm i think we we need to go over there like directly behind us also though i really hope that a car respond on the other side of this escape hatch oh bad news no car okay maybe there's another car somewhere else whoa is that a giant golden frog okay there's some weird stuff going on out here in case you hadn't noticed already what is this what why why are you here it's just like a shipping container isn't it but it's up on its side sure okay so i've decided what i'm gonna do here i'm gonna run back to the water and hopefully not get eaten by crocodiles again i don't know if they were alligators or crocodiles it doesn't really matter they are large reptiles that are trying to eat me that's what it boils down to also this frog seriously needs to work on his diet because this is not working out for me you're falling over too much because of your flatulence stop i think that travel like this is actually significantly faster so i don't know why i was using my feet when i have the greatest transportation service ever known to frog kind their bellies we've made it back to the water this this is actually a fantastic way to get around okay there's my purple car um can't help but notice that my purple jet ski though isn't here but that's that's kind of to be expected okay keep an eye out for you know crocodiles and and all that please get on the jet ski okay thank you all right so what happened last time though that messed it all up was that i tried to like gently park my jet ski on the beach we ain't doing that this time we're taking this thing to the top of that island i feel like that's the only way we're going to escape from the crocodiles if they do show up and they might actually be hanging out where they got me oh yeah oh yeah i see the pod of crocodiles i don't even know what a group of crocodiles is called but we're calling it a pod oh look at them look at them they're still eating my previous body that's messed up dudes you need to back off okay all right did they not see me oh they saw me they saw me all right oh my gosh i hate it so much all right oh get out of there get out of there man just just don't oh my gosh oh i hate it stop sliding no no no gosh these alligators are insane okay yeah it is a giant crown get away from me i don't know what kind of damage they do to me i don't know oh gosh these crocodiles are insane on the bright side we did discover a remarkable way of transportation as a frog and that of course is by just sliding on our face so with that in mind let's do it again i think we should go over kind of in this direction because if we keep going back to where we were it's not gonna work because there's no jet skis there and i don't think we're gonna swim to that island also i am discovering though that that sliding is not great for going up hills so i think we are gonna have to run up this mountain i'm starting to think that that giant statue over there is actually a dog oh there's like a wind power plant or something over there i it's hard to tell from this distance but it's actually kind of amazing so actually i think what i want to do is get to the top of this mountain just so that we can get kind of a bird's eye view of what to expect in our adventures in frog land i managed to make it to the top of the mountain so off in that direction we see the swindon sign there's also that road that we need to kind of explore it does kind of look like we're on an island oh there's another blimp over there let's kind of look off in this direction see what's going on over here okay so there's the island that we've been trying to get to we might actually be able to jump to it from here i don't know let's try i mean why not what's there to lose do it frog guy no this is okay maybe not maybe not maybe not okay so so frogs can kind of glide but not enough not nearly enough okay that hurts um but they they can swim right frogs can swim frogs are pretty pretty good swimmers i'm feeling like of all the skills that i have as an amazing frog swimming is like the thing that i'm worst at oh wait we can kind of like dolphin it we can we can we can jump out of the water okay there's something to be said about this technique it's taking some time but we'll get there we have finally made it the crocodiles are back though oh my gosh flying over the top of the hill oh they're gonna come for me i'm so scared okay okay i really just no get away i maybe i can go into that porta potty and hide in it maybe that's the secret no oh please don't eat me is it so much to ask to not get eaten by a pot of crocodiles oh they're so angry they're so angry gosh get away okay to the porta potty to the porta potty please protect me port-a-potty they're coming back they're coming back they're coming over the hill look at them oh my gosh no no please i okay i dodged them somehow i don't know how that worked but it did and they're coming back they're they're flying all over the place and it is absolutely horrifying please let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in kermit the frog please please we got in what oh i'm kermit the frog now it was all worth it in the end i love that there's a little zipper in the back a frog dressing up as kermit the frog is pretty much the perfect thing it's actually beautiful get away please there's my jet ski that's that's nice i love how scared i look oh hi everybody that oh this is this is great yeah that's yeah honestly it was all worth it in the end we got kermit the frog suit which is pretty awesome but there is so much more to find in this game and i'm having a great time i hope that you guys are too but that's gonna do it for this episode if you did enjoy it be sure to hit that like button and as always thank you for watching kermit says bye [Music] you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 220,815
Rating: 4.9181776 out of 5
Keywords: amazing frog, the amazing frog, amazing frog gameplay, amazing frog pc, amazing frog shark, amazing frog sharks, funny pc game, sandbox games pc, amazing frog part 1, amazing frog giant shark, lets play, amazing frog update, amazing frog?, amazing frog game, keyin, kindly keyin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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