I found secret foreshore MUDLARKING on the THAMES incredible finds

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here we go again day three of the supermodel arc on the superb unlock tide and put my muddy boots on on the steps of this here institution rather leave a long trail of dried Tim's mud food place but we'll be on our way shortly to get well you'll see in a minute a little surprise I think you'll like it here we are at a bridge and we're about to walk down some stairs they're gonna go by boat me and the Nugget to the gracious melty Texas assists not betrassus paid my trusty dais and nuggies going their own way we go down here past the dust bin down the bloomin stairs to the river and our boat now this is bottlers wolf no partners in it there didn't import and export partners for it but this is one of the first buildings they turned into incredibly expensive apartments and over that wall is a river up here and down there is another foreshore that's where I took dr. tones my secret location is to the right there unfortunate soul sounded in it's not to be found but we're going a little bit further it should be here by now I think there's a lack of water I think the way for the tides coming up the street it's like a canal here mr. police mr. police armed police again so the mighty mug larks and the mighty american civil war relic finder are going through this dark and dangerous passage where Sherlock Holmes and dr. Watson once roamed maybe and there is the queen of mod locking Nicola [Music] so I bought the boat nugget brought the audience some and brought the expertise and Nicola brought the pasties and champagne and strawberries and cream Wow over delivery there wonderful you're not going now you're not going you've missed my boat now the key thing about this boat apart from the fact that nugget ceases a baby which is it's the front part goes down it's like a landing craft and there's a reason for that is because there's no way I'm getting out of a boat without a bit that falls off the end that enables me to walk down like royalty because drop and fall for off a boat or into whatever that's not gonna happen with me not oh well it will only once a special special both for that there we are landing craft loving it yes there is a fridge on it it's called the river summers goes live you gonna need to extend it for me I tell you very fetching with nickel are very fetching we're ready to rock slow and steady wins the race safe and sound between two boats and they separated which was not good for me but I can now hear a higher sea so what are we gonna find today well I think you can find the least expense [Music] [Music] [Music] this is where we were day one don't tell them all the secrets [Music] nugget flying a drone [Music] and that's the prospector with me famous part where we have this chips on day one old pirates Baba [Music] [Music] I'm ready as I'll ever be and that's not really that ready [Music] gonna guess awake for this boy [Music] [Music] the police folks used to be in there police launches all apartment animals and that was the empty car park when I used to do it back in the day [Music] [Music] we've made it [Music] that's my kind of boat so here we are the foreshore of dreams and the mud crew the mud Larkin team of dreams and a man in orange well actually it's not a class ring it's a top of a Victorian lemonade bottle in that rather pretty that I think I'll leave it though it's kind of tempting that's one well everyone else gets excited when they find these so I'm gonna get excited excited this is my excited face so down here we got the first find of the day can you see it it's an old child marble now think the reason you'll find a lot of these in the river is that kids love to throw min for a sploosh so first find of the day in the pocket it goes good isn't it so I just picked up something over here who's right on top of the ground wasn't sure what it was this is a great find it's an ally god that child's toy from say late 19th early 20th century play with those in the street they just have like a set of five huh my bones it's like I would have never known what that was it just looks like a cube alagar boom yeah [Laughter] thanks for identifying that very cool and it was only like three feet away from that marble so this is a great area great flowing thank you well done let's go get some more look at all this pottery here bits of pipe it's a glass bits of blue where bits of stoneware lots and lots a nugget just found a child's toy called an alley cog which is basically a clay pottery dice like Roman bones extraction I can see something there as well yes it's in one piece it's not that great fantastic coin or is it or is it well it's what its gonna look it's got a decoration on it is something look part of a five I like the face you see that's a smaller one so it's early told ya awesome it's nice right nugget you're on fire thank you okay guys can you handle this look at that flagon handle they got nothing look at that oh oh not too old 1,800 1,700 odhner yep that's the nice one that's gonna go in the bag not so lovely pottery and as the Tigers ever start to get to the iron and hopefully the copper and silver and gold on YouTube oh I thought you gonna say you'd found a really large pipe yes we do we do PI over here perhaps Tim well sponsored wells faucet that's a nice for some lovely little pottery pieces down here very nice but lots and lots of them look at that carpeted and down there too actually there's one and there's the other right next to each other a little bit of Chinese pot there look at all that China so there you go - really rather old pipes and then I spit I mean great so really old one 1600 pipes - right next to each other nice little bit of Chinese pottery but you're spoiled for choice here let's look at all that and I can see another one from here I'm gonna go over and get it no I'm just lying there a little bit chip but again quite old 1600s for our London and so time three on this little patch oh the other one up there but that looks like it's broken and we choose either we're cheesy yeah now it's broken I'm excited I'm excited it's not a coin it's a thingamajig but it's looking like an interesting thing Ameche let's go get it there's a couple thing mystery item number one if you know post below probably something like old telephone or something I dunno could be a brooch unlikely Roman tea strainer if you know your post below this is looking like a coin and this is looking like a gold coin but of course it can't be a gold coin because it can't be a gold coin I haven't picked it up but it's gold and it's a coin and it's right down there so I mean probably French coin some French when it's playing a trick on me let's go to see you never know who it's not gonna be but it is gold looking this is my I'm gonna be disappointed face you know here's our gold coin no you wouldn't know what it's actually really going to be just get it oh it's not even a coin it's not even metal I told you this is by disappointed face oh no sadly not it look like it for a bit it's not a coin I know it's not but you look at four-foot it look like 100 okay this is where the face gold coin size it so there you go that's another really old one that's a really old one that is 1600s there you go no get that's how much tobacco you could smoke in the 1600s even if you're well-off [Laughter] that's 1600s yeah by the ones you're picking up these tiny little balls and we're getting them thick and fast just oddly anyone can get on here what a nice to check to find first one of the journey that's a nice little button there it's gonna be a Victorian I would have thought and amongst all this muck I found a nice metal fine amongst all the other signals so that's good but actually the second fine first find of the day with a detector but yesterday I found that big LED token it's here just a question of Wendling how well that's interesting that's a bit of a thin copper like a bowl or tea spoon or something but it's very thin it might have some markings on it when it dries out that's going in the pocket maybe just a piece of copper sheet but maybe something else I know you're finding mode now that is a watch GOG from an old pocket watch that's really nice good to find that very very good indeed just a musket ball right here I was looking over in the rocks and it seen it it's crazy meanwhile down here I got a big bit of lid a huge chunk of it I put that in the bag it might be something on a look at it yeah oscillate how's it going guys you don't wanna come down here is too much stuff oh I bored stuff got a few things just right put one of them up here's what I just found a musket ball cool this thing even Babur nice and I did find a coin probably a team George copper sometime look now that's a bit of a silver knife I reckon that's a bit of a silver knife blade silver knife for the silver yes we like it but a copper they're like no and chill feel are on a musket ball though is if I need to go kneepads I think Nuggets having a treasure gasm musket balls everywhere he's seeing there's like 10 of them right there I'll leave no for you a spoon river police knife that's that's the station behind there the red the red building there's much less of a station every word down here fish knife how refined of them now they used to live up there that red brick building that's the where the police stations to be and that entrance to where the police place used to come out and this is where they obviously ate their fish there's musket balls everywhere down here look at that I found one right there and there's more on them laying all over the place we have a big one probably a 69 or 70 caliber a bunch of little small ones Wow picking them up like candy this is crazy I walked right over them earlier oh look there's another little pistol ball wow you got a token there's a token LED token nice nice let's see if there's any more here's some more LED right here that's another little yep another musket ball I need a bigger hand a specific piece of liver I think nuts Rock oh nothing musket-ball must give alright they're all gonna be all over this flat mud patch look at all that so rich here two of us to find stuff look at that nice tag copper tag that's probably got a saying on one of the sides number two you see it so now getting all get in spot is in the musket balls and I'm in the tags oh yes oh yes that is a Roman coin that's gotta be a Roman coin buddy right Nick that's a Roman coin isn't it yeah definitely hey nugget you'll get musket balls I'm getting Roman that Roman that's Roman nice you reckon yeah yes all right they're awesome but when you do find the Roman remember to give them to me a small musket ball big one you feel the weight of it's definitely weird I found a Roman I know your Romans are like they usually flatter made a lid well mr. butch see if we can bend this one not that one I said a little copper bag you can bend that one let me see if I can find is that a challenge yeah I think it is this is definitely challenge bend this one I had a Roman I lost it got so much stuff could be could be very thick though right yeah well that's good for an ass pain in the ass clean it up and then I'll be convinced bend it then come on I see you bend it's definitely definitely all good shape lozenge copper thing yeah Robbie barberries head on there a little bit barbarous and this going on I think that's aroma yes give it a little clean up I think until I'm told I'm deluded once more until Simon Hercules bends it that is a Roman and there's a bit of shrapnel from our hot patch just found little coin not sure what it is it could be French Ashley do you know what I've just as you said that Clem he's just bail out over that it could be French but he's actually got the woman Liberty or whatever she is yeah gliding to one side so it's obviously a feels very light so I think some modern version yeah so yeah Oh let's be frank about this that's a Frank if you can see the date they'll be silver who's very light for silver yeah now it does feel very light and I can't see the date so I'm guessing it's a not quite old enough it's very warm though there's two coins where I was trying to find any and didn't find any so there you are who needs the man he's the man with the arms that's right here you go this is how you do it you see this little patch here nice copper now that is a bit of a bomb that is probably 1,800 1700s so it's all here nuggets got like half a military ration of cannonballs for that Roman coin that's my hunt right there [Music] [Applause] and that's a spoon hand no it's not so why spoon each there there's a bud lock-in that's found a silver coin on down that's an older okay yeah that's a real opener beautiful it's sixpence Oh Vicki yeah Vicki sixpence yes congratulations mr. silver sixpence no it's cold and if nuggie will accept it I like to give it to him my collection so if you like that's for you so how old is this one maybe 18 it's young hits obesity's yeah nice good deal awesome pure silver hundred percent see over that one yeah edge of said silver yeah and I missing win the Victorian times I made make good stuff yeah so yeah hundreds in sit there so it's pretty nice that'll clean up alright fantastic no might be totally wrong but I think I can see a coin there no I'm totally wrong but this is an ice scraper it's a nice creeper what's that it's a thing goes in the pocket well no gets left on for me it's a musket ball I'll be clearing it all up before you get here there's something don't know what it is I think it's a quad round ball nice nugget go you see that speed and agility Oh musket ball hey give me that thing you just thrown away tonight now you were out for very very small things yeah because there's tiny little coins like I think I just found one then that might be a little coin there so you see same almost round it's very very small give it a second look there's a little pistol ball and lots of the lead fragments down here token that's a really nice thing that's a gaming counter maybe Oh button see the button yeah Victorian if his jet so you tell us down I definitely stone or glass or patented patented tooth test Kill Bill depending food technology just definitely works I'll control it already and succour metate sighs get over traffic there's the musket ball don't think that's the coin when I pick it up I think that is a coin no yes maybe no it's all going in the pocket Oh TC usually Randhir you know that's was TC stands for so it's a topic at dinner and the most effectual Top Cat the dirt you talk you're too young for that what do you remember Top Cat definitely well that's easily a token for his close friends now this is how it works you see I've got my little scraper and I scrape that to one side look there's a musket ball well it's a nice little button Salman found and donated it to me because he feels and he was quite great I was heading that way so anywhere he goes to find a gold coin that story I said if he has to give it to me that's the deal I know we were to do some padlock knocking it's called a restoration from restoration in the field full restoration of what is a padlock possibly a possibly a padlock it's a little present and we're gonna see if we can crack her open and see if we can if there's anything inside it might be completely murdered but I suspect it will become pretty muttered and it certainly will be after we crack it so let's get cracking oh look at that much beer and access Oh open hmm must be a purse of gold coins I think it's a nothing he's now anyway I think he's just a bit molten molten rock so as a brick tile attached to it so no next one will be a padlock well that's a musket-ball need another 100 on that look at this Pru on that amazing amazing you see that it's very very interesting very very interesting could be just a bit of a now probably she's just afraid one actually probably not coin we can see how much metal is down there that's a bit of spoon each I should think a bit of Aspen Andale or just a bit of lead but it's everywhere here absolutely everywhere well that's a little SIL I should think on that flan that goes in the pouch now I'm thinking that something almost Canabalt sorry that's Norma's musket ball and it isn't it's a stone well that's a bit of copper so that's a bit of copper just lying there no coin know what be worth more than the coin but not quite it's a big old lump OLED keeping that just because it's so big very unusual in the back Nuggets having a musket ball a chasm he's got 50 polished soundings sums off down the end he's found a silver sixpence giving it to nugget noggin as a memento and nickel is down that end down there doing her thing has found her typically amazing pipe well certainly looks like no that's a to the 7th to train my I would say that said with the seventh and that would be therefore was it Alexandra it could even be George v but it's looking a little bit old for when he got coronated so I guess that's Princess Alexandra and Edward the seventh who had one of the first ever appendectomies before he got a crown because he got appendicitis would have died and they didn't really have that operation then so he had the experimental operation and survived to become King for ten years 1900 or 1901 to 1910 that is of course him well if you look at loads of coin so long enough you'll get the Kings heads worked out that'll be my wild guess it's not so wild but definitely guess so I got a signal here it was reading in and the high 80s I dug down about the inch scooped it out you can see it right there go to beautiful pine on it beautiful play on there but it could have the little dinger inside no awesome fine that is what we're looking for let's get some more only wind chill Phil well your house underground you see that's chill bill foyer takes you to the beach that no one else can get to find the good stuff a thousand musket balls crow two barrels Romans you name it and pipes with a seventh on and we're only halfway done I've got mud on my lens well this is at least a button this one or I guess it could be now hit connect no no it's the button well-well find out about that one later but I think it's just plain fun thought was a coin but we liked it anyway so Simon's got a nice coin what I'd be fishing around for over about two hours he's but his magic prints a bug like eyes has found a little thin very thin coin so I'll show what it could be I mean I looks like it could be possibly the bust of Victoria there that is definitely Buster Victoria I could see that even there from there but that's a half solid know what you have 40 I yeah it's probably a father but it might actually be something else might actually be a token loads of tokens and that's too thin for a farthing I would say so I'm guessing that's a token nice one all right now when I say the word coin people find coins trying to say gold coin o gold coin not that no i'm say gold coin and if she'd find one now Oh like style yeah see so some has been scraping away so basically gets down on his knees on kneepads and then takes the top I don't know quarter of an inch off where we was down here where it was all shown up because it's actually on its way across the mud he's taking it up another for to where the coins that we found all the bits of what we found would be being turned down for he I found this nice little button doing that doing what you just saw and there's just a bit somebody what's that bit Bob we pulled up soin nice one Sierra got all excited when that came up see that's actually a Roman coin with rusty there you go guys that is how you scrape on Syfy's he's got an amazing My Luck channel mystery item number two I said happen but it probably isn't but you city's all that decoration down the shop and there's writing on the rivet on the top so that will release mysteries probably see sighs scraping away finding all this good stuff and he just found a bit of silver anyway so sorry he's caring I'll scrape and he's got a livery barn you've got that lovely hatpin and now he's got a livery button and I can't remember who that is but yeah it's it it has significance so try not by Infante at 30 this is a let's see let's say a few these same area be on the outside no sale okay that's not why God - let's open those pudding crank not Hyman is prospecting this little spot to see whether it might hold anything he's not expecting much we have two quick lovers so you just get rid of the loose see if there's any metalworker if another that's how hard packed the area is beneath it if the sand just sinks and sinks you know there's gonna be a long way to anything in the silt got about an inch or two there's a good chance things might be sitting on the hardpack that's what we're doing today so try this coming in we've had it well see I think it's in English you see how it's been molded into a shape there's no fixing point so now be my guess so that linger but Simon doesn't believe in ingots he's got a silver one in his pocket and he thinks it's trash but of course bulk metal is shipped in ingots and they'll be shipping bolt mail up and down here for sure if someone knows what it is post below so Suns got some old spoon edge now this is a mudlark detector because it's a fisher and look at that coil it's tiny you won't be able to see what's what with a big hole down here so yeah that would have been the tip of a spoon you can see the little finish on it there that's right the ears peuta father end of a few spins so nice pattern on it I like to pick I find unless it's cold of course singing give it to me that's really nice that's really nice that's old that's 1700s maybe he's nerdy I was all rugged Americans they're not stopped by Sonic like the tide it's gonna go of his boots this time oh yes it did so Simon is to teach me how to sieve and you got an a hey hey hey hey so this is what your sieve looks like and you poked through that you play where as Wally I've got screwed ace it's you just poke through that and maybe you'll find it maybe you don't maybe it's there maybe isn't but you don't miss much that way it's a thread of evidence how many pumps in finding one who you summoned almost infinite mm-hmm and the washer it's hard work and you get them muddy and wet there's no stopping this guy tides coming up now Nikolas making art sci-fi sips and Kill Bill chills nugget noggin nuggets my pouch was so heavy that I had to take it off it was wearing me down had all the musket balls in there ah brilliant so now get noggins pouch was so heavy had to take it off with all the fines he's got he was wearing him down he was gonna sink to the mud so I reckon I'm seeing s and very faintly see s see by the order of the Senate now I might be completely wrong about that but I'm seeing that and I want to see it so the more I want to see it the more I see it but that's a carved edges is a lozenge calf to the right weight filed properly at some point but when I give it a little bit of attention we might get some detail we might not but I'm pretty keen on that SC this is there that's the scene you get right after it probably get it better than Iowa so are these young tykes are fighting on against the elements I'm say here on a rock chilling out and there's our boat with our crew with a landing door down so I can make my stave your way up it I don't have to pole-vault everyone else onto the prow so now we're going to have some Nicola made pasties to finish the day fight teeny tiny bit pipe it says lock on it amazing how do they know now everybody's pasty it's got their names on it so there's no perfusing with a pasty with your name on it chill bill look at that has my name on it nugget noggin isn't that amazing yeah is it good bill chill bill but it's probably for this pristine the grandmother's own recipe oh the landing craft coming to get us the water's coming up real fast five minutes it will be up to where I sit right now so we're aggressing in that word egressing hey a mad people why not magnet fishing I don't know could we leave in this Beach as the tide comes in it's gonna be gone in a few minutes now this is my kind of boat you see sick nope not be and that's not like me at all I tell you even if I step inside a boat I can heal dogs like to see all moving around on fine kidneys so sighs got magnate Nikolas got a magnet back there Oh Nuggets got magnum one why does that no luck it's coming towards us we don't like we're moving but it looks like it's coming at us that's impressive but hey whoosh I heard him go blue if you say look it's driving bias and nobody on board well a bit of a very small lump Oh on the middle of the Thames that's what we're getting off the bottom of the Thames cuz iron down there I am from the Thames I found silver colored metal so Nuggets really mean is what we found at the bottom of the Thames is solid black iron filings and we're certainly pushing around in it so you see a black sand always it on fire I mean yeah took black sand do that yeah that's what they have I don't know what it's called but the internet little used to be a little person you'd make the moustache off a little thing yeah yeah yeah that's what's in there I'm finding exactly the cool line and then you can separate it to wear so they might be combed another yeah Oh give me good if God was attracted to a magnet what could just the small particles could just be getting cold hold up with it yeah when there's black seeing there's usually gold it's just a lot of time that'll be just all the arm that's gonna need and just breaking down as fast yeah no it's just flex and it's like you can literally find it out that's it so you think it's natural yeah natural what we get going is for black sands funnily enough I wouldn't think I like a gun it's quite dick to Nick you seen this it's not much right yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] typical they're in a hurry now please calling gentlemen that's where we were yesterday [Music] a job [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a 5p there in the corner that's the second coin I found today
Channel: Chill Bill
Views: 181,569
Rating: 4.8062062 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking, mudlarking video, mudlarks, mudlark 2019, mudlarking 2019, london, thames, i found, thames boat, boat on the thames, thames adventure, thames mudlark, family friendly, magnet fishing, magnet fishing thames, magnet fishing 2019, nugget noggin, nicola white, sifinds, chill bill, chill bill treasure, chill bill 2019, river thames footage, river treasure, river hunter, river thames cruise, find, finds, found
Id: RHNTu4ESey4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 25sec (2905 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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