Lost Roman HOARD coins found with $10000 Invenio metal detector

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Brice's got the inventio half of the event oh I got the other half of the n'ver neo and we about to go in to the woods in my opinion the inventors crew-served I you need two people to actually surface the weapon and it's going to be doable now because there's two mighty chaps to do all the work right let's go for the in videos booting and this is its booting and this is switched on there's our on switch there so now this is running takes a bit of time to boot boot it and here we go now we're gonna run in deep mode I think that's the way to go just look deep don't care what it is if it's not obviously on we're gonna dig it up simple as that so got a really deep signal here and we're digging I think it's in the middle further away from you yeah yeah so I thought around there this is in an area where all the coins have been found apart from this one price strikes Oh huge Roman yeah about foot deep good no got to cut this in half this coin day we're sharing we're sure I'll take the first yeah in video strikes this is why I paid $10,000 for this machine because I could go on sighs which had been detected out and find the really deep stuff and potentially the hoards so I'm still looking for those farmers hammers but if I find the occasional Roman while we're going well I mean what am I meant to do leave it in the hole I don't think so oh yes oh we've only been doing it for five minutes anyway on we go you it was a bit noisy so this is a big or not that big but nonetheless a Roman now run nice show everybody how deep that hole is okay so yeah so it's about a foot and at the bottom of that foot was this little Roman coin oh I've got it there's a classic one Oh dropping the coin I've got these gloves on so I cut my fingers don't operate there yeah there's a little Roman Emperor on the top so that at a foot that's amazing that's actually amazing I should keep all the fines in my pocket so if if they get lost it's all my fault so that's pretty amazing huh yeah wasn't that at a foot you okay so this is an iron now about a foot a Roman iron now so well worth digging up I thought it was an irony signal but it was borderline now as I wasn't digging I thought yes if you want to dig it you can dig it so are you big aroma now on the surface give a pretty are any signal but had a little bit of an on are any in there okay swing away of rice and there's your coin Wow silly classic I'm actually huh you do the rubbing I'll do the film never fantastic absolutely fantastic good what exactly deep though was it didn't prove proves the inventio can go down to a least modern millimeter as well as a thousand millimeters nice beautiful yeah it's absolutely beautiful so this is where a load of farmers hammers will come up so we're gonna be focusing on this bit to see if we can get any more just saying that the in vino is amazing because I came over time and it was just at the surface [Music] who knows first of all yeah that's another one yeah it was a signal there no it was right by a large piece of iron so maybe it's just one of those things there couldn't pick it up because it saw the iron and didn't see the coin but anyway that's the way detectors are sometimes you win sometimes you lose but anyway if any I've got it free yes look at that that's amazing spoken yes fantastic brush of brilliant well done shake that's some design did I tell you you got the site I got the detector let's make plenty of money nice you now I've got to say that this is not sponsored by Noctor this is completely independently done so there you go I'm not getting paid but I knock to have to show what a great machine this is I could be though come on doctor pay me you got another one oh look at that that's not so little as the other one yeah she's a big gun in my eyes anyways look at that so it's two in the same spot basically they're on top of each other give or take yes Wow fantastic so look at this up you see the only drawback with the inventor is it's a difficult thing to blog about don't move for in video part wise it's a clear now well we should clean these up and get nice photographs of them this is fantastic so that's four so far yeah before I'll let you look after that unless you've got any more in the hole oh maybe is just saying we got together we give me the detector and then I then you'll be free to bigger market hole that says that sign but we might as well give it give it another look is one no it's not showing the same as it was before well actually it might be a very large bit of iron that is a coin I thought it's at the front oh that wasn't it what wasn't at the front towards me yeah I thought it was okay okay I'm bad at it you're bad at it we're all bad at it yeah y'all doing the digging so you get to choose your support I say yeah that's why I thought it was we just dropped it we just chopped that gold coin in half I'll give it to me out there's no egg without the way your pinpointer towards me I'd say yeah yeah but as iron in there as well as an OS that bloomin big ones something really big head no heads hobnails Roman hobnails yeah but it up you should write over again because I think they might be together yeah well you never know come on this is making our marble coin noise yeah you're right brush you're right let's get this on the in-video right go for it all the iron on I 9 i9 not ok let's get digging any chocolate candid yeah video box then I probably carrying the inventio is he a feet freeze but I'm prepared to suffer the freezing toes ob2 foot down come on get the suede out you wouldn't pink and then you dropped it pin pointer justice back near the hole no no that is no that's not gonna be it it's not gonna be it [Music] dude the pinpointer oh I got it you may have may not got it come over here and I'll shift the map mud and then dropped in there no I think we have to put up let's check with the yeah there coin I don't know it's round I don't know thank you care heavy but I don't think there's a coin you can write about that or not as the case may be never look closer that is a coin musket ball more derriere let's say on PS De Mornay yes fantastique oh yeah it's gonna be nice one because it's got lots of dirt on it which means you have a great pan yeah maybe hey I told you look on car number 5 yeah fantastic thank you in video thank you so now we need to find a few gold ones to pay for the bloom thing you're right yes but inventing a set design and it's a big iron roman now hollowed lovely yeah there it is mm-hmm nice is that head I think so terrific number five for number six number six oh yeah and so much so much iron how much iron so the iron didn't totally confuse the inventio we spotted it and we got in there and we got it it was a mixture of iron and non-ferrous in the signal and that's what made us dig it and there it was brilliant so this is where it was this is the iron big lump of iron and put on top of the iron there pretty impressive huh you so this big old Roman a hobnail was saying as iron but you just had a little bit of a halo so he dug getting on he got to dig it when there's so much good stuff around of me I'm not telling Bryce why I'm loving these nails that were a bit for halo but they say I know 900 halo halo but you know look at the size of that and that is a 2000 year old now from the Roman Empire what they were Nadine I don't know yep that is looking good sounding good annoying and looking good yeah I agree on your choice of space placement there there's not a good sign because I always get it wrong pin pot is not getting it no quick wave over it ain't changing this for 100 hold it only stupid collapse holdin so I'll take it off but then I'd freeze yeah there we go lovely little coin at well probably about six inches yeah at six inches and we knew what it was as soon as we've got that like that sound you so iron with a aura are these huge Roman nails which a rather lovely did you take the - what's a coin it - coin uni it's a coin in it sure yes when cast appears on it yes I think it's a coin yeah yeah I think it's a minion well when I clean them up with find out what's on them yes fantastic that's the biggest hole in there now it's a bigger derriere hole that's awful isn't it 35 centimeters well you pays your money and you hope you get what you paid for and I think I've got what I've paid for it's great to be out here with Bryce Oh digging down a foot for a little coin like this yeah look at this put your hand in the hole everybody how these days yeah right at the bottom of that a little come on going yeah you have to clean that up yeah seven or eight yeah something like that Severn hey hey yes of right haja lint so nine coins so that one over twenty minutes a movie not we've been going at it for four four hours 19 four hours one movie third you in it's amazing look at that well done the inventio mmm this is good interesting woman this is the first one we found yeah I don't know what's got on it but it's interesting very been my fingers are so cold yeah big one thanks for that dig in Bryce you're welcome so to finish off a brilliant day I want a filled with brushes friends and treasure magnet aurelion and I've got a bit of a thimble there you go really nice piece thought I got myself Celtic there but it's just a nice button have a look rather lovely even though it's old it's still a button sad to say but you can see from that detail why thought that might be but rather nice you it's hard to judge who the guns but I think that's a shot ramble my lot B might just be a bit of round crud but I think that's what that is it's a shot round ball not funny much but I've got a coin down here or I'm a monkey's uncle this is so easy sake it's beautiful absolutely beautiful so that should be out you'd hope anyway it is pinpoint a time that's it it's a heavy lump oh I don't know what though this is the lump Oh and it's a who could be a badge looks like a patent I don't know what that is it's looking like it's got some sort of design on it so that's kind of go in the pocket remember it's a piece of furniture ornamentation okay the lip off and leg you know like that don't know what it is but I'll find out and I can't see but I'm hoping that that isn't a seal and that that's actually a bit of a Roman coin I can't actually see from this thing if it is a Roman coin I'd be a bit of a Denarius I don't know oh just let seal but I'm hopeful strong possibility of a coil under here it's in the 80s no poorly sound no aluminium diagonal on it or vertical I should say I'm guessing this out here to kept the sprit well that means it's falling in the hole which is a good sign of it being heavy anyway if it's not in there I'll be surprised [Laughter] well it's over or bronze or maybe better but is it a coin no it's a lump and that's a symbol it's thimble day today hey not a terribly old one but looking rather black which I'm hoping means it might be silver I think it could be there be tremendous ever years but it's still a thimble and we like them you like I'm a lot that's really nice it's not if it's copper but it's nicer if it's silver you this is a massive signal 95 I just wanted this that was it well it certainly looks like it could have been it let me run the detector over it nope nope I'm talking rubbish it is here as I thought I take another spoonful out all right that should be that nope yes oh look at the size of that coin look at the size of that coin that's gonna be I don't know what it that's been dealing with small coins all day that's not this brilliant wha don't think it is no it's not enough money into well nothing luck in the funny and while it's a Luthor what not I don't know Erica nose wipe it on the pants she'll walk it on Bryce's jacket he wouldn't notice he's only standing right here so Louie it's got me a Louise but which one I don't know they go this is how you do it you see see soon as I said I was going home you find a coin though this something say yeah which was the one that got you said cough 16th or 17th I can never remember this 16 Luther 16 of course course it was Louie that's 16 oh I knew this so this is him yeah yeah Louie the decapitated yeah really nice there are oh yeah it's so it's the one with a crown on it and the shield yeah what's that one called our soul single soul in soul triple e knows his soul you here we go surface find a few feet away from that soul 1/2 soul don't know what it is to be honest with you that looks Roman that's a Roman that Israel Obon Ramayana oh man look there your man code you gotta kind of see it you can get back to your bit foil ha ha ha how about one minute to big bronzes oh yes sir fish find as well this is my happy face it's a big one you bring me your omen luck you do Thank You Brice and always you remember you're the person that first brought me to a Roman coin yeah look at that that's an SN as isn't it yes and ya know is anyway he wants to cut that right yeah hmm these Romans sorry I'm not doing this right that was the surface fine and that was a Roman I mean how amazing is that a Roman surface fine and I bigger like that you this is a this is I go say I Roman I'd be so lucky but this is a few feet on from the Roman and a few for on for the lui coin who went straight to it and it's not a coin done it oh this is looking like another Roman or button no it's a coin and I don't know what coin that is also he's got two axes on it oh let me take a closer look stay away from my iPad for your detector no in the video no it's a do need two more you have the double O and then you - mwah it's got a crush on it this is a hay with to this flower is it oh yeah okay cool three copper coins in six prices all from different eras so this one's 1500 1600 and then we had a Roman and then we had a eighteenth-century one a lot I'm gonna I'm gonna live here oh stop camp oh so you're sorry for yourself earlier I'm not a find and then suddenly I'm in the money Oh as they say out here dollar money dollar our jean though you got a deal get all but at the end of the day when you're naked and you're getting 40 signals you don't dig it all then up comes price behind you and digs it out because he's fit and strong and young and it's a Roman coin so one little bit of fall and I've tested it on deep but it said it was foiled is this Roma coin and he's giving it back to me because it's my kind really it's his job to dig up my finds but look at that that's fantastic thank you for giving it back to me it's a fabulous condition see that that's absolutely mint look tiny little coin I feel rotten now for missing that it's about only the third thing I've said it was a bit of foil I left alone but that will learn you fantastic we got Tunney's no wonder it came out like foil that's the condition well done Bryce you're following up behind me yeah Carine my derriere fantastic well done thank you I think we share that one because at the end of that I found it and Bryce thought I'll gonna go and I gotta dig that up he's gonna be a Roman coin and he didn't it was so it's a 50-50 he wouldn't gone there I hadn't have done it I rang maybe you I should just dug this hole which means it's 16 times bigger than if I would have dug it and the coin is here now thanks sharp is kicking in my finger Oh strike a light oh oh look at that oh you said dropping it you out look right this is what we found [Music] no no idea either no I mean looks like it's looking like it might be modern bits actually could be old I think it is probably old and I've seen anything quite like that excellent we love this field I love this field I've got a nice signal well it's not nice it was a tiny deep signal and I started digging it and I said Bryce are gonna be all day how about you give it a go so he's dug half of the Channel Tunnel there and it came out here so it's here somewhere so let's go and get it what's your reckon what is it coming out what's the signal oh the number on it 72 that's got Bitcoin it's your wedding ring finger isn't it oh yeah and it's a nut but it's a flaming finding all day and oh maybe not I don't know was it it's a I don't know of a symbol I don't know so deeper oh it's got a screw thread on it so I have no idea what it is but it's got a screw thread on it but observe it so we've been screw threaded so this is a guy that stick in every signal for sure look at all these lovely coins a fantastic condition absolutely a fantastic condition not at what is this sir this is a hammer sir oh no no copper copper beautiful condition on that look at a condition amazing you see me spray for it rubbish old ones well there you go that's how they look like when they come out this field collectible no so that was an awesome awesome day of detecting 9 plus 2 so that's that can't even think all Evan Roman coins just just a fabulous day anyway off by home for a nice dinner thank you very much for watching please subscribe like see you again soon bye now you
Channel: Chill Bill
Views: 79,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: treasure hunting video, treasure hunting, metal detecting, metal detecting video, mudlark, deus xp, roman, roman treasure, roman coins, sesterius, As, sestertius, lost treasure, lost, find, artifact, real treasure hunter, cache, hoard, stash, invenio, nokta, nokta invenio, invenio test, roman hoard, roman hoard found, detecting in eoods, chill bill, most expensive metal detector
Id: S-RY6hAYwD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 45sec (2565 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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