How much are these 200 year-old FOUND coins worth?

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all right my lovers here we are today we're out metal detecting back on the gold fields if you haven't seen that video check it out it's pretty cool check out that link and see the golden white cat up this is new for terry he's here today with me hello uh so together let's get some luck in the market [Music] [Music] [Music] well the first vine of the day is full well i thought was a coin it's actually a button still not bad nice old bun we've gotta make his mark on that so i might see if that's anything we're talking about so i'm using the equinox today got that from leisure promotions so if you ever want any metal detecting gear so just go to them and i'm getting a signal that's in the 30s so it could even be gold so let's go and check it out [Music] that's a nice nice number don't usually get in that high could be higher conductive it could just be a coke can i have to find out let's do a live dig somewhere around here quite deep as well nice and easy digging today oh wow look at that that is a massive awesome nose cone fuse fuse tip fuse timer off of world war ii that's so cool these don't come up all that often i found to be fair i found personally i found a few um i think they're bloody brilliant these things because uh they clean up really nicely they're brass they're world war two and they've got a time around the edge so you'd set this to whatever time you wanted to go off if he was in the um using the artillery and uh yeah this would have blown up above our heads right here oh man that's actually blown up in the sky above me and landed here [Music] hotel's come over to show me his big reveal where you got in your endead it's still coated in mud but i think it's possibly a silver thimble oh nice it's a bit crushed but i do believe that's lovely there's going to be a that's silver shame still might have well you know what if you ever wanted it restored and it's not too ancient we could always let wendy have a go yeah you could do that but there's a section missing i'd like a thing is the tip made of different different metal because it look the tip looks like it might be slightly often is something a bit harder on the tip oh yeah like a little bit of um because the silver was being soft the pins would fall their way through it right so uh yeah a little bit of them often they have a harder chip oh how they attached it i don't know that's a great find though nice bit of silver don't mind that i can't i've got my reading glasses on but i can't see any decoration um let's have a look well there's um there is a little dotted decoration in fact there is there is some decoration around it it's like it's hand engraved um you know like a little maybe like little snowflake or a little leaf design yeah yeah we'll put it in and there might be a there might be a space there to have to have your own initials engraved on it almost like a little um yeah you know blank area that's right yeah little cartoon hold on you want to see my phone tell just show me show me i've got a bang bang a bang bang bang bang oh yes love it well terry's actually cut one in half for me before not completely half but he's taking the top segment off and uh it shows the inner workings which is really cool and these can be cleaned up quite easily can't they just put them on a wheel yeah and um brush them and they turn up really beautifully so stick around for the cleanup and i'll show you that as it's uh lovely and shiny once again nice well done cheers yeah that was nice and deep yeah it was actually gave a really good signal in the 30s i thought for a second i could either hide conducting or be glump or something and it was a big lump or something i was kind of hoping it might have been a bit of gold but you can get the tones changing with this sort of stuff for the settings i've got time goes up down up down up down oh that's exciting all right but yeah nice love those until found this as well the last little georgian half benny probably george the third is it 16 sorry 1806 i think that's is that the right sort of time anyway we're going to clean a little bit of water this isn't the hand sanitizer this is i fill this up with water so we can uh clean the fines on the go without um yeah give that a little uh little rub and rub your patina off but it's nice if you get a little bit of detail on yeah i can see you can see the head the head's forming forming in front of me he's got soft gloves on as well so it's not gonna there we go look at that 1806 george's third so tell you you're smashing it today mate so far smashing it what's the other side britannia no doubt yeah it's gotta be britannia and she's in good nick even i can see her sitting there yeah chewing the card she is excellent that'll clean up nice so what would you do with that then would you would you um would you give it a scrubbing or would you just leave it with the patina on no i mean i take the green off but leave the age on yeah and i'll do a gentle wire brush it just removes the green that leaves the dark is that a brass wire brush or just a just a steel it's a steel one but it's it's yeah and then i'll brass wire brush it after it puts a bit of color back in cool but yeah that gets the green off which i don't really like and it'll reveal the detail cool cool well you show me a picture that when you're done hey lid musket ball well this was just sitting on the surface i think because i uh dug over the spoil and it was still sort of half a little bit dryer so i think it was maybe it's just poking out a little bit at the uh and saw there but it looks like a lovely buckle it's got some decoration on that half a buckle we would have carried on going around here which is what he was broken off probably i'd say georgian anyway let me clean up a little bit of water yeah definitely decoration on now and i think he would have been guilt at some point as well got a bit of gold finishing on there just there nice half a buckle well in the hole is a coin unfortunately it's green with the first silver but nevertheless coins are coin might be the same as terry's or yeah i think it is let's give a little wash yeah same as terry's george third half penny 1806 sweet well i've got a similar signal to earlier late 20s early 30s let's do a live dig for you do one-handed so um you can see it come up still in the hole it was a lovely tone and i was uh a little bit above the um stubble as well which means that it was a really popped out that signal she's out there he is hey there no it's a stone surely yeah right let's get the pinpointer out pinpoint our signal there it is hmm more shrapnel how funny same similar signal lovely bit of bronzer or copper yeah this is the center inside of a timer fuse so you saw me find this earlier and i thought it might be a piece of shrapnel and look it does actually fit right inside it's a bit bent but yeah look it goes right in there so that definitely is part of world war two shrapnel and that's complete check it out guys i've got signal did this and there's the coin george i think he's usually our war georgians and it makes sense because there's been another couple of georgians nearby but i'll give it a quick wash and uh show you clean yeah pretty much a blank georgia never mind well we've got a lovely little signal just in there though that's a 30 32 it's in that clod see what it is a coin that's another one of those oh so now it's a children or is it feels like a georgian hmm pretty sure it's jordan penney george the third i'll give a quick clean up come back to you yeah i think it's a georgian penny he's looking right there it's not the best of nick but still lovely chunky bit of copper pretending on the back there seated nice big old coin [Music] straight away he's on a target good man it's on the surface hang on i'm trying to keep you in frame and walk and talk right so so it's just a little bit of b-roll just uh said terry just filmed me being a detective you know once he went over here and started teaching let's come over here start doing some detecting off and uh first signal we'll do it again yeah i run one down [Music] see what else he can do now he's under pressure with the camera on him oh look it's on the signal as well let's close in on him if you signal yeah good enough [Music] you make a good swinger [Music] oh nice silver royal navy that is lovely they'll rod the back of it yeah it's got the word silver on it well that doesn't age it very well does it oh my dear they know that's lovely they tell you yeah it was during his little sweetheart badge or no i think that's that's a cat badge or a small for a cat badge yeah or maybe you know the house the little kick things on the lapels possibly yeah are they sealed within as far as they must be well it depends if your um officer it's great or not than that definitely yeah that's awesome what a mate top fine that's a bit that's the find of the day so far so lovely yeah sweet that is a gorgeous little find nice one second silver well i've just had a really cool find look it's just there it came out the club as i picked it up beautiful crotal bell nice oh it's a shame it's not all there but that's been broken a long time i'll have a little scat around see if there's any in the area but that's a beautiful one lovely markings there so that would have so that would have been hung from a pack animal or sheep horse cow whatever so they could see so they could hear where they were at night or they went missing and they sometimes had really big bells and really elaborate bells as well to show off their wealth on some of the um the owners but it's a nice uh nice base on that shane's not complete but still happy with that i am well till says he's got a third bit of silver can you believe it tell show me more is it going to be oh nice spoon head that's really cool it's a nice one actually that's nice in it whether there's any marks on it excellent oh man three pieces of silver i'm gonna call you uh long terry silva what are mate right is the other bits and bobs this morning yeah oh there's a silver corner all right show off oh yes and um and and ryman grop oh really i'm gonna have to knit your settings off your machine i think welcome that's cool and you didn't see this earlier but terry's had a little thimble but if your little finger oh grass yeah oh no me oh no he lost that yeah was a stunning little buckle all intact look the pins obviously corroded away and in the bag it's falling apart yeah that was a lovely little buckle that just like that it was really shame there you let's go a little collection so far lunchtime you know it's uh really good shrapnel shrapnel shrapnel decoration there um oh 303 bullet tip yeah uh little two two bullet a couple of bullet cases yeah i've got a few of them i've got a complete one actually oh yeah new coins yes a couple of worn georgians oh yeah and a nice half penny that's right not bad morning what's up it's been the world i'm not sure it's an old lead washer basically isn't it i did wonder if it was i think it's a spindle mate yeah it's got a bit of decoration around it slightly yeah because you don't often find them with decoration down this neck of the woods they're quite commonly decorated but not down here yeah but double check that one it looks like it could be could be a washer could be a spindle yeah chunky bit of shrapnel yeah with the top bit timer fuse that's right not bad morning still this is my favorite fine though love that sweet well they're not not a bad little morning i reckon chin oh buckle that's that was a fancy buckle that was a nice buckle at one point that's nice all right mate lunch time [Music] is [Music] well as you can tell we've moved on to this more rougher stuff just to change it up a little bit and uh i pulled up a coin stuck with shoveling gave it a rough around this popped up probably a penny yeah i wonder what age is oh yeah one penny 1930s 1930 not bad there's terry on the other side spitting image very regal well terry's not doing cartwheels but he has found a cartwheel penny ah look at that that is a big old was it one ounce i think it is a pure copper yeah uh 17 97. i remember correctly that's a lovely coin you know if we got all the coins out we could probably get oh we've got a half penny a penny and our cartwheel penny that's that's awesome i love these coins and i really wish i'd found it so wouldn't it nice it's a boy thank you so i've just dug this up it's actually a finger ring how cool is that it's actually got some letters on let's take a closer look that's actually got some letters on the side oh can't read it pigeon number fat leg pigeon yeah ah that's nate that could be really good i think it's got letters i keep maybe it's like a little bit of latin or something it could be pattern i think the no does look like letters although it's hard to say at this point i'll tell you what guys i'll clean this up and let you know what it says later on so stick around for the cleanup at the end because i want to carry on detecting ever there we go there is one word on there it says eva so maybe it's like a you know like a lover's ring ever after or happily ever after or i don't know ever i'll clean it up and shape it and then show you later well sometimes you don't even need to use a detector look at that big old pool shoe that's pretty cool that's quite early as well i think just by the crew shape of it i don't know maybe like 200 year old horseshoe maybe even older big shy horse that's lovely i think i might actually take that one well i'm heading towards that dark patch so you can see at the top of the screen terry's got the same idea because it could be an old pond and maybe things have gone swimming in it got drinking in it collecting water bathing maybe even a bit of a landmark so let's go and check it out well i just spilled out this uh find here and look it's rolled out lovely look it's a incomplete croatal sadly but you know what they ain't too bad because you can do still display them really nicely just like that and they won't roll around so there's always a bonus always look on the bright side of life and again this is probably a 16th or 17th century pewter bell 16 or 72 pewter cradle bell bigger than the other that's still a lovely thing might be more never know well terry's got iron so it's just me and you but i've got something here in the cloth let's see what it is oh yeah i can see coinage oh oh nice i don't know what it is that's an oldie what is it oh man that is nice i don't recognize it you know give it a quick wash that's amazing what great condition i think it says 1750 on it as the daily one seven five oh now this looks foreign i'd say that it's either spanish or portuguese see if there's any clues we can gather from the legend it's upside down i think oh is it it does remind me of the sort of uh spanish flags a throat card a bald maybe it's dutch nice coin what if it's silver okay guys well i'll do some research into this and let you know exactly what it is happy days now i'm really happy with that awesome well another coin that just fell out the clod little hammered rose farthing find quite a few of these on the thames as you well know but very rarely do you find them in the field well i i don't find them in the field that often yep definitely rose farthing excellent that's really good [Music] yes that's me done what a good day that was nice to get out on the fields again uh definitely be coming back so if you like metal detecting uh please subscribe because i will be coming out back on these fields so thanks for watching and uh see you in the round up later on i'll show you some fines cleaned up [Music] [Music] i thought it would be interesting to check out the value of these coins and share it with you you think that 200 coins should be worth a few bob so let's see i'll be referring to coins of england from for valuations so let's start with the george's the most warm coin and probably least valuable is his georgia second hate me which both me and terry found and it dates to the mid 1700s these coins range from between 11 pounds and 365 pounds the top end have to be in extremely fine condition and the rarity depends on different dates based on the condition of this coin i'd be lucky to get 50p for it next up is georgia third the smallest of the bunch of this is a half penny from 1806. again me and terry both found one each they range from eight pounds up to 225 pounds in very fine or uncirculated condition i wouldn't expect much from these probably one to two pounds let's be generous and say two pounds each its bigger brother the georgia third penny is a fourth issue version and in very fine condition it would range between 10 pounds to 475 pounds if uncirculated however my one is quite worn and probably worth about a pound and not forgetting terry's georgia third cartwheel penny called as such because it has a large raised edge that looks like a cartwheel they range between 12 pound in fine condition up to 1750 pounds for the rarer uncirculated ones teres one is a bit rough however and it's probably worth about four pounds next up is the george the fifth penny from 1930. now if it was a 1933 penny it would be worth thousands because only about eight were known to be minted a coin in this year fetches between five pounds in very fine condition to 75 pounds if uncirculated therefore i think while one is probably worth about a pound my earliest coin is this charles the first rose farthing these vary between five pounds up to 300 pounds with lots of variations most are worth between 10 and 20 pounds in good condition my one isn't very good so i value it at a quid and finally that foreign coin now this is quite rare but rare doesn't necessarily mean valuable it was only made for a few years 1750 to 1752 and is a one leonard from liarge in belgium the legend translates to john theodore by gods of grace duke quite a nice and attractive coin but they only range between two to ten pounds but one recently did sell for nine pounds on ebay in a similar state to mine so i value mine at the same 9 pounds so taking that all into account we wouldn't make very much money if we sold these coins as they are and terry did fantastically well finding his little silver royal navy badge which we now believe is a sweetheart broach this would have been bought with the intention of giving it to a loved one before going off to war and may have even had enamel in it too and on the subject of romance the ring i found cleaned up very nicely despite it suffering from a small break it revealed the words ever thine this ring probably dates to the early 1900s possibly victorian but the origins of the phrase goes back even further and was made famous in beethoven's letter immortal beloved addressed to his soulmate he ends this poem with ever thine ever mine ever ours reflect on the fact that he is always hers and she is always his and they are for each other forever these last two items for many of us are priceless so there we go mud lovers i hope you enjoyed this adventure it's not all about the money it's about the storage behind the fines i hope you agree and i'll see you on the next mud venture if you'd like to see another video where i find the sweetheart brooch myself please click this link
Channel: Si-finds Thames Mudlark
Views: 167,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thames, london, England, uk, River, Mudlarking, mudlarks, archeology, treasure, metal detecting, gold, silver, old coins, Simon Bourne, clay pipes, history, relics, seaglass, mudlark, beach combing, Mudlarking best finds, pipes, magnet fishing, Georgian, Victorian, artefacts, mudlovers, tesoro, monedas, London Mudlark, river hunters, mud men, lost and found, Lara Maiklem, luck in the muck, 宝藏, mudlarking without permit, wellies, thames tours 2020, mudlarking locations, value coins, spink, ever thine
Id: PPcql993DII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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