Treasures in a Bottle Dump - Searching for history with Nicola White

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hi everyone well today we  have come out to a very large   dump full of bottles and pottery and  who knows what there's matt over there there's Monika we've got Florrie over there and of course we've got mr Si-Finds just disappearing over the edge   just down there and also anna is  here somewhere so there's a whole   group of us and we're gonna  go and see what we can find there's just so much here much  of it very broken what's this old newspaper bottles jars fragments of pottery oh now that looks like galloway's  chemist i found a few of these actually   um i don't think i've ever really  researched galloways yeah it's h galloway limited london so i think  it's about time i looked him up let's have a look at this oh  there's nothing on this bottle   oh it's just a little um teaspoons  bottle it's quite sweet though isn't it   it makes you wonder whether people are going to  be searching through our junk in 100 years time but they're not going to be finding things  like this it's going to be a lot more plastic just a little stopper there's anna over there anna's usually a bit of a  whiz in this kind of place   what have you got then anna okay a nice find i  like it because it's odd and a freaky find so i   like this little figurine i like figurines  oh it's got spectacles actually brilliant   he's really wonderful oh that's really cute a  little bespectacled person in a dressing gown well   i thought he was a monk do you think he's meant to  be japanese or something because there was a big   trend for uh japanese stuff at this period wasn't  there so it's possible very nice and then i did   love this it was peering out of the mud like face  first but it's oh my god the little eyes look   at that yeah oh my goodness yeah she's got her  eyes i've never had one with eyes before oh my   i don't want to take the dirt off cause her eyes  fall out look at that a little doll with eyes in   i don't want to say anything negative about  her just in case she's listening oh she's   lovely she is lovely i don't know you could  um she's just planting some cress in my head   that's a good idea that's a good  idea it's a really good idea well   done well those are my two favorite  finds otherwise i've been amassing   bottles i don't need i've already got loads in the  garden i've just spotted something down here which   looks interesting i have found fragments  of these on the thames let's have a look oh now that's quite nice it's like a hunting jug look at that i'm pretty pleased with that lovely that is nice i bet anna will like this well  i'm going to put that in my bag made by Doulton in lambeth what a great find well it's funny i wanted to find a flask from  a pub or a tavern or something and i've just   found this one from the falcon hotel it's  like west west west high burn or something i shall keep that and look it up falcon hotel now look i can see over here  a jug as well which has got   some lettering around it let's see what it says something the days seem limp and long when all goes right and nothing wrong that's quite fun  i'll have to take that because i want to know   what it said in its entirety the days seem limp  and long when all goes right and nothing wrong now i've actually just found um a fork here   which somebody must have left someone who's been  here before but i've also just seen this little   bottle i've never seen one like this before  it's just got weights on it it's quite nice it's like a little pot in glass just put that in my bag and um what's  this little perfume bottle i expect it's quite cute isn't it i don't want to disturb that any more than  i already have you can see how overgrown   it is i'm trying to find some areas that  haven't been searched for a while in the hope   that i might find something really special i can't see down here what looks like a coin probably a penny i'll clean that up when i get home pop that in my bag see what else we've got here i  shall use my new found oh look that's so funny we   were just talking about the the lack of lead  animals here and look here's a little donkey or a cow or something or a  horse huh isn't that cute right drop it again oh here it is it's easy to get disorientated here i've probably  already looked at this patch but it's so big   i'm bound to have missed something so let's see  if we can find some little bits and pieces in here   so many bottles but i must admit  oh haha look i can see a pipe   i can see a pipe down there can you see it it is just there let's go  and take a closer look at it always a joy to find a pipe that's lovely look at  that oh that's really nice it's so weird isn't it   wherever i go those pipes  well i'm very happy with that okay let's go slowly over this area and see what else we can see it's really um tough sometimes having  to climb through this undergrowth and i'm   i'm uh stinging a bit because i've been stung  quite a lot by stinging nettles and this really   nasty um prickly things as well it's quite hard  terrain but it's fun though it's a lot of fun you have to be careful around here actually  because if there's been some holes dug and then   you can't see that and the  undergrowth has grown you   could just go disappearing  into a great big man trap after a while when you've been  walking around in this place you   do slightly lose your sense of direction i'm gonna head over to this direction now i've just seen something down there i'll zoom in and see if you can see  what i've seen it's a little hand   or rather it's an arm well look look at that a very delicate slender fingered hand looks like i've stumbled on an interesting  little area here actually let's have a look oh let's go and look down here  oh look we've got some toadstools look at this it's quite nice isn't  it i don't actually want it though   but it is pretty i shall put it here what's this oh that's an old gordon's  gin bottle that's quite nice there's a way of dating these but certainly that  bull's head is quite old i mean it's got to be late   19th early 20th century at least  nothing like a nice cool gin and tonic this is so pretty here it's like a little uh  amazonian river flowing through the bottle dump   I almost expect a crocodile to come crawling out  but look down here as well isn't that sweet   a lovely thing to see amongst  all the leaves and the grass very pretty and look what i found here  look a little pot with a man on the side that side's broken what's that  i wonder i quite like that i wonder what was in there what does that say brom nervacit brom nervacit i don't know what that is has anybody heard of that? i've just seen what looks like a cute  little bottle down here just here look i wonder if it's intact it's  got some lettering on it prize it out um and yes it is yes it is  that's good news oh it's yardley it's an   old perfume bottle yardley london but  that's a really pretty bottle actually established 1770 London who's this then oh that's another galloways bottle slightly  different though isn't it galloways oh now that's interesting oh and  i can see a pipe bowl as well oh galloways celebrated cough  syrup woohoo well i haven't found one like   that before that's very nice the great london remedy is it the great something  remedy well that's a lovely bottle i shall take   that one i found about well i found several  galloway's bottles today and Florrie gave me   one too so i'll have a little collection i'll  be able to start my own Galloway's chemist shop   that's beautiful and i just saw this  pipe bowl here it's a real biggen that i don't think there's any kind of design on it could be wrong i could be wrong it  has been known nice couple of finds well actually i've just found something for  anna because it's got your initials on it anna oh that's brilliant that's fantastic they have  that as a presence i love it a b for anna borzello   i wasn't sure if he was riding a dolphin or  something holding a pig that seems appropriate   somehow maybe for anna i absolutely love it look  at his cheeky little face it is quite fun isn't it   weird thank you so much it's okay my  pleasure that's really nice of you oh that's quite cool it looks  like some old advertising   what's that rinso the dirt dispeller r s hudson i think that's london  no that's great i like that   the dirt dispeller i'm going to need some of that   well it's raining now this place is going to turn  into a big muddy mire so we've been here for quite   a few hours so we're on our way home now and sai  has already done a roundup so i'll find out what   everybody found and update you later it was great  bottling around in the bottle dump with you all   thank you everyone's done really well really good  finds okay well that's brilliant well what a great   day off home to an open fire i'm hoping oh yeah?  open fire well i won't have an open fire but i   will I lit one before i left oh lovely! what a real fire? yeah  You have to come home to an open fire!   well i'm going to go  home and look at all my things and clean them!!   hi everyone thank you very much for watching  i hope that 2021 is going well for you so far   i can't believe that we're nearly into  february already this year seems to be   going by at a rate of knots and actually  this video was filmed last year in between   lockdowns and if you want to see what everybody  else found during that outing then scifines did a   video i think a few months ago because i wandered  off into the undergrowth got slightly lost and way   laid in different parts of that huge place by the  time i got back to where everybody else had met up   the roundup for them had been done and so  i'm just going to show you what i found   which is uh a nice little selection of  bottles and treasures from the victorian   edwardian georgian era which is what that dump  really dates to so the mid 19th to early 20th   century so all these things that i've got here  in front of me all my little treasures would   have been played with or bought by appreciated by  drunk by eaten by smoked by people who lived in   the victorian edwardian georgian times so first  of all let's have a look at this funny little   partial pot here and of course the reason it drew  my attention was because of the little poem on it   the days seem limp and long when all goes  right and nothing wrong so it actually comes   from a verse written by william gilbert who  was one half of the comic opera duo gilbert and   sullivan and so his version of the uh ryam because  they have changed uh one of the words in there   is oh don't the day seem lank and long when all  goes right and nothing wrong and isn't your life   extremely flat with nothing whatever to grumble at  so maybe it's a vase for drama queens that like it   when things are all up in the air and dramatic and  who aren't very good when everything is just going   nice and flat and smooth sailing i'm sure we're  all like that some of the time i know that i am   so that's where that comes from so for some reason  they have changed the word a lank to a limp and   yeah it seems like quite a strange little verse  to have on a vars really doesn't it but it was   nice to find the the origin of the verse and  find out that it was written by w gilbert of   gilbert and sullivan i'm not quite sure which  opera it comes from but one of them in any case   so i've got quite a few bottles here and how  can we make some old not very well washed and   slightly chipped bottles a little bit more  intriguing well it's always great because these   era of bottles like victorian georgia and  edwardian they often have nice embossed   names on them and my favorite one here is this   acid etched bottle which is marked with the  falcon hotel west kilburn which is in london   i did manage to find a nice picture of the falcon  hotel in about 1920 so i'm going to show you that   and at about that time the landlord was a mr frank  hobbs and it's quite nice because i found on the   good old internet a postcard that was sent to  frank hobbs around about that time and so we get a   good sense of what people were doing and what they  were looking like so we get a really nice idea   of the sort of person who may have taken this  flask away with them from the falcon hotel   full of wine or brandy or something so so that's  very nice and that will join my little collection   of pub flasks that i've found over the years  so that's that one now i have got my own little   ph galloway pharmacy starting here and ph galloway  it's quite a common bottle to find over here   actually they were obviously a very successful  chemist and his name was let me see here   philip henry galloway he was a victorian druggist  chemist and he was born in 1858 and died in 1936.   he had five children actually and one of them  was in the air force during world war one and   he died when he was just 22. but going back  to his profession as a druggist and a chemist   he was very good like many others of these  um chemists from back then very good with his   advertising and i'm sure that's one of the reasons  why he did so well if you look at some of these   hilarious very persuasive adverts and he even  had a little book which he prepared for school   children which had lots and lots of little facts  in but the bottom of the pages it's got all about   his cough medicine and how good it is and how  it cures all the coughs etc and so i think   one of my favorite things actually about  these old cough mixture bottles like his   is the is the old advertising i love it it's  so politically incorrect it's just so um   let's say sensational isn't it you know  claiming to cure absolutely everything and   for absolutely everyone and  telling everyone how much children   love this cough mixture so i do love the ads and  talking of ads for cough mixture the other day i   was out with sci finds and i found this bottle  which is for zoots and i love their ads too i   looked them up and i was really laughing to myself  because they just really are quite over the top   now i didn't manage to find out too much about  brom nervasset the bottle i found and in fact i   don't even have the bottle here with me i  must have left it there but when i looked   it up because the name is quite strange when i  looked it up all that i could find out about it   is that hitler used to have it before he went  to sleep and it's some kind of very very strong   tranquilizer now what else have we got here  that i can show you um oh this little bottle   here and it's got weights on it i couldn't find  anything out about that so i don't know what it   is it's probably also some kind of medicine or  maybe even some cosmetics i'm not quite sure um what else check my notes to make sure i  haven't forgotten anything absolutely essential i think that's it really um i did want to talk to  you though about rinso because i actually learned   something today when i was researching rinso and  many of you probably know this already maybe i'm   just a little bit slow on the uptake but i hadn't  realized that soap operas were called soap operas   because soaps used to sponsor radio programs now  rinso was introduced in about 1908 and it was   really widely used in the usa and the uk and  australia and it also used to sponsor a lot of   radio programs and so my my amazing fact that i  found out today for myself is that um that's why   soap operas are called soap operas because  they were sponsored by soap powders like rinso   so rinso was very very popular i feel like i'm  doing an advertising campaign for rinso myself now   rinse those rinsos the dirt dispeller very very  good let me see how clean i'm looking but anyway   rinser's the dirt speller they were very very  popular until about 1950 when it was replaced   by wait for it i'm tied and i just so happen to  have a really lovely old tide box empty that i   found in a junk shop years ago so there we are  we go from rinse over dirt to speller to tide   and um aren't they aren't they just  uh great i just love old ads i just   think they're so much more  fun than our modern day ads so that's just about it really um there's some  other little bits of pieces of pipes and coins   and my hunting jug and oh this little hand which  i found which is quite fun because a few years ago   i found another little hand and so now i've  got the two little hands so i'll be able to   do something with those so that's quite fun oh  and also the the wasp the hornet that um was   there in the mud it was unfortunately uncovered  which is a shame because she was hibernating i   found out afterwards that it was probably a queen  hornet and they generally hibernate throughout   the winter and then wake up again in spring so  hopefully she went back to sleep again i did   cover her up with mud so i'm hoping that she  went back to sleep and that everything's okay   so i think that's just about it i'm going to leave  you with some really nice old photographs somebody   gave me a box recently full of old photos from  victorian georgian edwardian times i thought it   would be quite fun to finish with those because  they are the sort of people that would be using   all these objects which i found and which the  other guys found that you can see on simon's video   there's something really evocative about old black  and white sepia photographs and so i hope you   enjoy having a quick look at those now so thanks  again for watching everyone and i hope that you   have a great week i'm really looking forward  to seeing you again very soon thank you for   all your comments and your feedback and your  suggestions and i do have a kofi account if   you'd like to treat me to a virtual cup of earl  grey tea that would be great um and of course   you don't have to but if you want to it's there  the link will be in the description of this video   and until i see you again take care of yourself  stay safe and i'm sending you much love thanks bye you
Channel: nicola white mudlark - Tideline Art
Views: 45,994
Rating: 4.9656701 out of 5
Keywords: bottle digging, mudlarking, thames, uk mudlarking, mudlarking in london, bottle dump
Id: StI97IlxdZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 49sec (2029 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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