Victorian doll parts found in field! Amazing historic treasures on the Field of Dreams!!!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] look how beautiful so happy that's so beautiful as far as they could go meet something Wow it's like a pirate on it I love that that's so cute it's like gremlin [Music] [Music] but she's holding like a little cape around with blue ribbons on it [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] so far today we found at the same time [Music] [Music] [Music] one of our Roman beads lovely it's very Oh that bead no no it's a white bead I think it might be crack though might not be hole stuck oh no it's just half of Eid it's just half on its ground it's just like you go the sod six other disrobing yeah guys it's so hot it's so dry and so hot no wonder the grass is struggling to grow clean pipestem is just so much everywhere isn't that I just found a button it's got they still got a little shank on the back it's like got a funky cut glass kind of design on the front that's great three weird it's just like a random it's like a clay marble but it's all squished up it's a bit strange a floor Alex I think it's a teacup handle what no isn't it really that's the tiniest foot I've ever seen look I'm tiny it's not even broken that's actually just how tiny it is well maybe you had a foot sewed on like a cloth maybe sewed on top of the veiny foot Orlick it's a tooth front - it's a front tooth oh I like teeth it's Rangeley oh there's a bit of a quick bit of lint and that's a bit of handle I just bent down to pick this up and it looks like a very trunky cut glass I can't even look I think that amber oh no wait I think it's glass I can't tell oh I haven't found a bead like that here before Wow look how pretty this Wow it's beautiful look I think I found an Amber bead I'm not even joking look yeah I know I know right I know isn't amazing that's the most beautiful bead I'm speechless isn't it you know that could be really really old accent Wow oh look I bent down to pick this up and then I found mom but what he found wait I can't get you I can't get you quick I can't get you quickly because I'm looking at the ground really what is it it's what is it tiny oh it is its Moss agate wow that must be Victor out victim where's the rest of it where's the gold or the silver that it come out of it's probably still here in the field you can make light of jewelry I think this might have just got hit by the pile recently Oh unless it's too oh yeah there you go that's a ginger beer bottle I don't wear ginger beer bottle lip oh that's a very large bone cow bone actually mum could carve that it's really thick I might keep that they're like two lions like two lions bye to each other or dogs like playing with each other all the mics not even on the right way around good turn the mic around you can't hear me that's really cool I did I wondered what that was I thought always part of a handle there's another cool find no drop my camera no he's got a leg are you joking is unluck I was just about to show you this it's like two lions like snogging that's cat or playing as kittens it'll be kittens all they do they look a bit fierce to be kittens look at that lad gosh I'm so happy in the kadai fans and dogs oh don't they have the running dogs on bahtman yeah wants German Zoomer Oh so cool this is this is a good this is a good day I can't believe that leg and my son my snogging kittens Alliance I don't know what they are it looks like they're biting each other one that's got like a stripe down its head look yeah I think they're kittens and they're wrestling Staffordshire behind you that looks suspiciously like a stopple Bopper oh it's broken I just found oh I can't see it properly I have to put it on the ground a very old pipestem and you can see words that'll be the pipe maker this will be 18th century you can see it quite well actually just there so we'll be able to look at that at home and tell you just about the guy who made it how cool is that oh this is a bit odd that is a very odd I don't know even know what that is oh I'm zoomed in sorry harelip that's odd I don't know what that is some kind of knob or something hmm it's a bit tricky walking on this field because obviously I can't go over there because of the grass so I'm really being strict with where I go and not walking on any of the grass or plants because really you shouldn't field walk when there's stuff planted in a field but mum and I are really desperate and since it's only partially growing we thought we might be able to get away with it I I hope that is what I think it is just down there can you see that a little white dot please be what his brains are hanging out but I just feeling I just had a feeling in my waters today has been my head day that's for sure [Music] oh let me have a look what oh oh how cute is all my so cute little tiny joke yeah as it go they go like a face oh is that a little bird oh yeah look it looks like a little bird it's got some yeah oh I think that one's yeah flying facing the opposite direction Oh Oh what now I really need the time what what are you what I'm so excited oh my is literally the whole body it just needs some little legs and arms but we have yeah is it's got a little bit of a disturbing face but you know through the walls can you say that is route so cool now you just need to find the legs well I think the legs are a little bit big it's gonna look a bit it's gonna be the widow's baby you've ever seen oh look oh it's a really messed up Cod marble seen better days that Cod marble no it's not another one it's not it's not it won't be Oh No are you joking it's broken it's broken but it is it is still a little head it's a little girl with a bonnet on but she's missing half of her head look see a children's home seriously I've never never found so many heads before having Lady Bird intermissions throughout the video this is number seven [Music] what-ho see no it's missing everything it probably had a little like carriage on the back well that's a shame what is it is it a mod Kabul it's a mod Kabul look it's another leg but I don't think it's got it's a foot or an arm no it's a leg it hasn't quite foot maybe we could make a foot out of clay like you know that epoxy clay that we have maybe we could make a little foot I think that's one of the largest dolls legs we found actually what you having fun really it is it's just like it is literally just like that one you just found maybe it is maybe it's the other leg you can try it you can try it can match your on achieve her fits we'll have to see at home it's buried that is so cool another leg how many legs have we found today oh I think I found a little marble yep it's a little clay marble this is so much fun just sitting on the surface there I think that might be my third cut marble today broken it's really old one as well that's cute I don't know what these things are but it's the third one I think that this is a full one that I found today ceramic I have no idea what it is just saw this really strange thing down here and I had no idea what it was until I looked at it and realized it was glass and I think it's a bottle stopper but it looks like it's painted white which is the most unusual thing kind of looks like a mushroom little mushroom bottle stopper hello we've had the most powerful day the most amazing as we have found just like I can't believe it we have found that the most amazing thing back we can't wait to get hurt so many heads and leg and and bodies and feeds and things gemstones I can't wait to get home and look at everything I imagine it's getting quite late now a lot of this is pipes and pottery for projects but yeah pottery pottery projects and I got you a big better bone there thank you Mike you know for carving yeah yeah okay anyway we're really tired now we are a long day and I think it's quite low very happy I think it's quite late axe it I think we've been on here for hours actually anyway we're gonna go home now and we'll see you around up [Music] so here are all of our amazing finds field walk okay and we didn't think we were going to find anything but look we found a lot actually yeah load all the pipes so um I don't know where we're gonna start I don't know what this is if anyone knows what that is because I have no idea what it is let us know below are Flint's we always seem to find bits of works Flint on that field potteries oh this is a big glass button oh yeah Potteries that's look kinda looks like Damian Webb but we don't think it is it's um it's terracotta and it's very fine but no idea what it is it's a funny shape as well it's sort of a dish shape not sure what that is Oh whatever it is it could be Sunderland slipware we think this is um what did you think it was a royal Dalton but it does look great reminiscent of the Roman drinking cups that I had pictures of hunting scenes on and dog was inspired by yeah it's also similar to Derbyshire where and we've got a loads of cod marbles but this time there's a lot of like burnt ones whoops and that one has like a whitish kind of coating on it as long along with this stopper which also has a strange white coating on and they've obviously been an affront yeah this is a well you found this one of the first things we found yeah that's some sort of the bezel offer pocket watch that is a 18th or maybe even 17th century bottle lip and other oddments acid really pretty actually and well got pipes yeah these ones here are all named and we think mostly tenants either barrack or Newcastle and there are a couple though from Newcastle or Gateshead here which we could talk about we've actually got a few more that we're going to talk about as well but you're going to start with that one yes this one is Arthur Hastings and he operated about between 1680 and 1722 in Gateshead and he was baptized in 1661 and he was the son of James Hastings so that's quite interesting another old pipe we seem to get a lot from Gateshead in in that field yeah we do yeah Newcastle and he's known to have used two stamps two different types of stamp but that one's very hard to see but I just make out his name so the next one here is a lot later and this pipe was probably made for not by John Sinclair who was a tobacconist so I don't think he made the pie but it probably had the pipes made for him for his shop he was in partnership with his brother and they were originally from Orkney but they dissolved their partnership in 1885 and John opens a new tobacco manufactory in Bath Lane in Newcastle so that's quite interesting there's so many pipe manufacturers and back nests it's obviously very common and the next fight well that was two by the same person I don't know if they're from by the same person but they have a similar mark and it's quite an early one and it's a large or diamond shape and a small but influential group of Gateshead pipemakers introduced the this diamond or thousand shape stamp and it either had a fleur-de-lis or crown rose and stars design and they used as their own exclusive stamp type but this doubt this type only existed between 1670 and 1675 because it was then replaced with the oval design so that dates those two pipes within five years in the 17th century so that's quite interesting and the the the man who the pipe makers who used that shape were John Bowman George Carter one of those has G C on it Edward Craig's learn at home so we've talked about before Luke Maxwell Thomas Park Michael swaddle and Henry Walker and you can see actually this one is the oval shape when we're just talking oh so that's the later one so that's what replaced these diamond shape one yeah yeah okay well I think we should talk about some of the pottery I think most fast you can see is just blue and why isn't it being collecting blue and white because I have a project that I like I like this flower that's cute there's um I think there's some porcelain in here but a lot of it sponge wear as well Scottish sponge where there's more sponge wear as well and that's more over here beautiful colors I love this it looks like a shell yeah stoneware I think yes but it's all very beautiful as you can see these are favorite pieces well some with words on yeah we always find a wicked and Creamery yeah for some cream jar this is little one here it's something and B and it's got Versailles on it I'm trying to find that particular mark but I can't and the one with Pullum on it oh this is GW plum tree home potted meats Southport that's what that would have been you can kind of work out there as potted meats because it says imported willow pattern birds and there's a little and this is just a little guy pointing it's the same little man in the boat he's pointing as well and then there's gremlin rambling and they Harriet funny shaped bits of pottery you think this is the top of a Pepper Potts this is a sort of it looks like a snail it's cute mysterious pieces of pottery but all of these it's like the bottom of an egg cup that might be for mixing painting yeah there's a little watercolors child but yeah these will at least be for this beautiful pottery will come in handy for crafts yeah we're gonna make a path one day um buttons yeah I've got this giant Joe mongers button it's a shame it's broke I know it's broken it may be not of a coat or something it's kind of really really dark pepper you can't really see it and I found this glass button as well with this chunk on the back see that's funny because it's got two hulls on one side and only one on the other oh yeah yeah buttons three buttons probably Victorian and then we've got our beads and this amazing incredible Moss agate yeah Moss agate cabochon you can see why it's called Moss agate because it's beautiful I don't even know how I spotted it just I'm glad I did though it's so cool yeah you can definitely see why it's called Moss because it was quite popular in Victorian times mostly made brooches out of bigger bits than that so I'm guessing the societal part of a more complex necklace or just a pendant yeah yeah it looks like moss I'm definitely going to make something it's so beautiful and then we've got another one of our blue beads which up here we've got quite a lot of them yeah another bead for our all of these blue beads we found on the field of dreams and that's one to go with it and they look strikingly similar to Roman beads and I'll put a picture up on the screen of these Roman beads that were also found beads are very hard to date so we're going to say it's Roman yeah Alex we've actually added some of our other beads on here like kitten caboodle is because they've got a bead string so we decided so that the bead string we wanted this amazing amber colored glass button button know that a button it's a bead yeah it's definitely glass and it looks really old and you can see how it's been spun yeah run around on a stick or rod and then the melted glass would have been applied to it while the rod was being turned let's see the swirl it's gorgeous I love for one of these things yeah and then last but by no means least our very favorite friend isn't it yeah it's um we found loads of really interesting figures and doll pots and things are so cool legs and heads and the body I found this on [Music] bless I love ribbons or face that's so cute they're all bit battered and bruised but that's why we love them see that there's a little girl with a bonnet on and that's a few injuries that looks like a little boy maybe with its brains hanging out yeah there were frozen Charlotte's and frozen Charlie's and then this one which I think was a frozen Charlotte type that's very finely done look I think I'm gonna make Cass jewelry it's got a flaw in the yeah right where the mouth is reminds me of the Joker yeah but I can fix that up with a little bit of cement like epoxy cement I mean this which is so cool never found anything like cool terrifying at the same time it's like a creepy baby face it's a creepy baby [Music] [Laughter] disturbing no we've actually got four legs sadly one of them does not have a foot and the two I found that are almost identical are unfortunately both pointing yeah too right legs I think and then I've got another one of these tiny little dolls legs with boots on I know I love these ones and then strange kittens or lions or dogs or whatever they are like wrestling and then you turn the ugliness a horsey horses tossers just was like no head no legs no tail just the torso but oh yeah and their little jug look it's got a bird you can see little birdie likes do you want a brownie Oh cute we talked about the mystery items are you we don't know what these are yes I'm on tires what these are oh and a tooth horse tooth Oh coughs I think but yeah what are these I found three of them I laugh more than their cuz it's a bit too broken but they're ceramic and they're complete in themselves yeah anyone any idea I don't even know where to start to look for these I feel like someone go oh that's one of those will be like ah so please let us know what they are and um I really want to know what this thing is as well and yeah anything basically anything else that you think we got wrong or you think differently of and then yeah I wanted to show you guys if you follow us on Instagram you'd have seen a few months ago now I posted a picture of this leg I made a cast of that one of the first legs that we found in the field of dreams on one of our previous videos and it was similar to this one yeah it was similar to that one a little bit smaller this one we actually found at Queen sorry but we can't actually put her finger on the other one at the moon yeah we're not sure but yeah so that is the very similar one we found recently and that is the an Alex is my beautiful cast one is now in our shop it is and it's got a little green boot on it solid sterling silver is it yeah I cast it a sun cast it in staring someone's got a little I put a little green boot on it I was gonna make others with like different colored boots like what little wellies little wellies how cute it was great fun making anyway I thought I'd show you since we found quite a few eggs on this lock well this field walk rather so that's better yeah that concludes all of our finds and this was amazing because it was the first time we got to come out lock to lock down it was such fun we didn't go near any people we didn't touch anything around yeah and so yeah we're very very cautious and so yeah well thank you guys thank you for watching thank you thank you to everyone who donated for our laptop as well which sadly hasn't arrived yet but when it does we're going to film yeah and you guys can see it's gonna be very excited weird you a few new wellies as well because mine yesterday when we went mud Larkin on the river found out that has massive split in its well huh so yeah with some of the extra money we're gonna put it towards some new alleys as well yeah so thank you for everybody to who donated and thank you to all of our patrons and all of our subscribers and everyone who watches everyone and for commenting and everything thank you so much hopefully we'll be revealing our new laptop soon yes very soon hopefully and so we'll see you good bye [Music] you
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 38,035
Rating: 4.9591837 out of 5
Keywords: northern mudlarking, treasure hunting uk, ancient artefacts, treasure hunting scotland, mudlarking england, field of dreams, gem hunting, treasure hunting, victorian dump, victorian dolls, relic hunting, lockdown entertainment, mudlarking uk, northern mudlarks, victorian england, mudlarking, frozen charlotte, field walking, creepy dolls
Id: xdtvVcofCxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 8sec (2888 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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