Magnet Fishing Jackpot - Bags Of Cash & Gun Found

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oh my God look at what I found last cast look at that so guys we're bucking let's do it again our favorite bridge behind us we're under two guns that's going magnet out already he's super keen say yeah we'll see what we can find but a zip my jacket up you know arms are the last t-shirt it got destroyed it was black ass now literally got 10 pence finally I have treasure impossible to get off a magnet but oh that's massive look at the size of that I've just found this look it looks like a 50 caliber bullet tip that's the big one Jesus browning machine gun 50 browning machine guns hey it's rifled as well gasps it's been fired don't know if you can see that there's some very fine ridges on this bit that means it's been fired where it's engaged with the rifling that makes it spin gives it stability yeah his rifle and that would have been fired Warner if this place was heavily bombed in the world war ii yeah i was probably fired up an aircraft I don't know what I found it's wrapped up in tape so you find it out I'm gonna open this not money let me bring you down here bag of money it's got a candle a stick egg in it say that another Campbell was he got loads of candles in it really big curse now for the rest of your life there's another candle were they oh oh no he's got a cross in it oh no it's a bag with a cross see with beads and all that more money I'm happy about that I'm not happy about the spirit stuff in it is it why is he got candles in it this is dead creepy look at this it's got a bag with a bloody sacred thing in it it's gone Oh daddy's got a crucifix on it it's got another one in it the cross crucifix on it this is some holy stuff I don't think that one will fit only merde we potentially have a dagger here's the bit where it will go into like wood or plastic there's the other end which sharp blades that side got me another thing off a lantern lot there's a little under and there's the burner that's what I like about these well it hath felt a bit but that's the remnants of it we'll give that up when we get home these things usually clean up work quite well because the paraffin that they used to burn with them it kind of coats it in gives it a protective coating so I mean it's helped the rust off it looks really nice so clean that when we get home and I'll show you probably insert picture that's got some money well some religious bag thing I don't know seems to be what all these things are wrapped in I hope it's not a bag of bombs go this is real stuck to it it's capper start will wrapped up cards in thanks oh my god daddy's full of foreign coins it's full of foreign coins they're not English well alright if we go to Spain they're all euro coins mixed with oh wait leave your money in the purse and leave my money oh just found this I think it's like a boat or a white gap this one's not very exciting one but it's actually handmade nails by an early one that one it's got mail in that lot probably off a roofing tile magnetic that sleep what kind of what this is might actually be part of oh wow what the hell this is the funny one Oh God well on earth well what I've got for the camera lady Oh she'll love it she's gonna love that look and then they've got diamonds in it for God's sake but then I've probably one carat diamonds are these modern or something from the 1970s seventies so with yours they're all diamonds may look yeah I'm rich you did it again was it Bolton the 303 is it come on but no one can see it where is it I've just found this I think it's the bolt off a 303 where's the bolt - cartridge rifle that probably LEM field probably awfully unfilled 303 characteristic nice one looky - finds another bag of money I'm gonna take note where he's throwing this magnet bag full of they are money I'm not bothered dad it's only coppers just found two keys stuck together okay see this two little keys hey guys what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go up on the bridge so I can fish underneath where is it that tree there that tree because that's where all the money is just found this cassette tape you don't see many of these around now George family's a while ago and he didn't recognize that anything found two more big bags of money half of these are fell out I just found these it looks like somebody's house keys have been a sad day when they lost those I think I've just found the trigger mechanism offer another gun I don't know what it is I don't know it's a pistol or a rifle or what it looks like some moving part of a trigger mechanism I've just found another one of these little iron crosses seems to be a lot of religious things thrown in it it's made of iron [Music] I don't know if he caught that George's just pulled out a what looks like a parasail bass or something big everything he's dropped it three times this weird little thing maybe religious like something and a knife blade on their gun barrel it's like a rifle barrel and got miss thing Oh wait yeah that's it that's a an old waiter weighing scale what's that like three pounds yeah it's like Christmas this says got a couple of packages bring you down here bring you down okay see this I think up there yeah all right yeah moments of truth guys what do we have in thing I think I've got a whole box full of money oh it is what the hell box inside oh it's religious geez we've got a box with elastic bands oh my god it's like Christmas day look at this oh he's got pound just fell out two beads three beads for beads some candles and a lot of high denomination money fifty peas loads of pound coins with all these pine cones and everything up 50 peas you get overlooked I need there's a pattern look there's another pound another coin in the 20p we look 52 another pound coin another 20 P 10 P punch pounds we got 1 2 3 5 pound coins and the rest so I've got about 10 quid in that bag and on these religious beads and then what we've got in this one [Music] and then we've got this package for all the plastic in there don't trip me be - oh no don't cut my box one shoes no good without the other unless you've got one leg and then little buddy money oh cool isn't more babies I'm just pretty serious hero I'm rich if we go to Spain not something look at all of that in that book there is tons of money and you look down there so even legal tough on them I don't look that is it good luck or is it bad luck I don't know like that really all right guys I'm gonna keep this keep this on for the rest of the video put down the some on audience on the bridge as you can see this is a bit different from your usual modern scoot so this one's made of wood yeah we're not sure but we might have a mine look at that it's got these weird wires going to it you can see that hope it's not a mine I just found somebody else's key again to plea and five cents think I've got a another shotgun barrel see that certainly looks like a shotgun barrel there's no telling really I would just be a piece of pie but it's very good steel very old little padlock very old bike chain this is just one for the kids that are thinking to jump it off these bridges into the water on a hot day if you landed on this this is about five foot long you've been paled on that and that's just one of many many things to end up in these rivers are really sharp and sticking up in the water just don't do it I wouldn't jump in there if it couldn't see the bottom so guys there we have this thing says good Gil do lane closed until front no wait Gilda lane closed till cement-like brother no Monday the 13th of August or like Monday the 5th of August 2013 the scan on a bit that's all we now 2019 six years old we've got a six year old sign here sir it just shows you how long this stuff is in the river got myself a fleur-de-lis off that castle over there you see that's a 14th century castle and here is what I found I'm guessing that Soph the castle you'll find just found this it look it looks to me like an old pocket watch it's not a first come on today that's quite interesting let's go hinge in the back so all this hinges up but I can't get it - can't get that part because it's a it's a solid at the minute see that are all little container holding something boat turning around here bit of a maneuver blue bar biting good luck may I found this in armor-piercing in sindri thing we're not sure but this this looks possibly like it could be an artillery shell with maybe an armor-piercing tip on there very high point on looks like it looks like a shell could be wrong don't I want to really mr. George found this so she's like a fancy foot off something at the table [Music] [Music] [Music] you like this one everybody full sign it's even wired up still are the illuminating ones you would chuck that in the river Thanks take dad talking in the back of the Landrum what do you think no definitely not probably worth a fortune that I got bring it home got sir hi 7 yellow this side I'm on this way down here dinner all right oh my god look at what I found last that's my third gun all right that is my third third gun I found get out what the heck look at that another gun oh I am the luckiest person in the world right now that beats your bloody 50 Cal bullet look at that I am amazed that's a nice one that is amazing best finder you
Channel: Magnetic g
Views: 1,103,004
Rating: 4.516644 out of 5
Keywords: Magnet fishing, Magnet fishing finds, Magnet fishing uk, Magnet fishing best finds, We went magnet fishing, Magnet fishing in the river, Magnet fishing jackpot, Jackpot, Found bags of cash magnet fishing, Found bags of money magnet fishing, Bags of money, Found a gun magnet fishing, Found a gun in the river, Treasure hunting, Bags of cash, Drastic g, Magnetic g, George tindale, Underwater treasure, uk magnet fishing, magnet fishing uk 2019, river treasure, found money
Id: eeZETrIvYCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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