I Found Palworld's Easiest Alpha Pal Bosses To Farm! - Palworld Nuzlocke 100 Days #4

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the power world Alpha pals are some of the best ways to get ancient civilization Parts rare schematics for more powerful gear XP to level up and also some good options to put in your party or your base to increase production or have good powers to fight alongside with now there are so many different Alpha powers and they all have different attack patterns so in this episode of my Nuzlocke 100 day series I went out on a bit of an adventure to hunt as many as I could and also share some tips on how we defeated them and how best to counter their attacks and Dodge their different attack patterns there are many different powers in this video so if you want to watch the whole Nuzlocke Adventure you can but if you're here just for the alpha pal fights you can skip with the time stamps below now before we get into it here's a quick reminder of the Nuzlocke challenge rules I can only capture one pal per area I must name my pals to build a stronger emotional bond with them for pal dies they are dead forever and I must and I mean must butcher them I cannot have to of the same pal I cannot quit to the title screen to save myself from death and if I die it's game over so in 100 in-game days I must carefully capture the most useful Pals build a functioning Work Camp and fight all five bosses without dying once so let's get into it okay today's episode is all about fighting bosses we are going to fight as many bosses as possible in this video now we've already done chillet but uh we're going to attempt to eliminate many other bosses pen King dumad uh quiv essentially all of the sort of lower level bosses King Paca and try and get some rare drops just going to be an absolute Farm Fest all right so interestingly Ice Cube is now becoming more powerful than Woody which makes sense it's an alpha pal so I guess we'll uh use Ice Cube Today and see how that goes but yeah we're going to start right at home do king Paca and then pen King and then maybe alphad dran we'll see we'll see how it goes CIS you know we're just going to go and do this for like a few days in a row and see how it goes so starting up with King Paca now King peka has a chance to drop a legendary old bow super rare chance it's about a 4% chance but uh you know what I'm saying is there's a chance so let's first take out these Mal Pacers and then we'll go from there take out king Packer after King Packer's attacks are really easy to dodge so that's pretty good that pretty straightforward right how much damage are we doing to this thing 12 not great fine though we can do of it that's the body slam attack so pretty easy to dodge then we got to dodge this one that's pretty much it for this thing I'm basically doing no damage though is interesting for some reason chillit just likes to throw them around it's really weird chillit will just get right up in their face and just be really annoying it's it's so funny so we're just going to dodge it here we go 600 damage that's not bad watch that there we go very straightforward very easy boss pattern just two attacks and then it does the body slam as long as you keep your distance you'll have an easy time dealing with this I CU pretty damaged so we're going to go like that send out the next pal it's moving far closer to us so we want to get away really want to get away nice go what his health is fine keeping an eye on that basically we're just going to dodge the attacks there's a body slam and when it gets body slammed that's a great time to catch it cuz it can get stunned but that is basically pretty straightforward right keep waiting for our po to do work hopefully we can get a legendary bow see there you get stunned really interesting that's a higher chance to catch do we have any higher SP spheres we do so we're going to try and catch this King Packer uh we haven't have one giga sphere and a hypersphere I guess we'll start with a megasphere though come on Woody it seems like Woody's attacks are better even though um my tillet is higher attack stats and higher damage overall Woody just seems to be doing more effective attacks uh it's just the skills that Woody has so in that regard I do think um we got to really look at the abilities of your o poers not just the stats all right we're coming close to being able to capture this one body took a lot of damage just send it back send out David right I don't know if David's going to do much he's pretty weak to be honest just a little bit more damage will be good long as David doesn't die David almost died okay it's Time mega sphere time all right 8% chance not too bad let's get a bow shot ready this is a great thing right if you're really struggling with PALS like we can actually go with a normal P sphere right CH is going to be like oh my God okay charge is going to be low but then we can charge up the bow shot you know if it's like neck and neck go again okay charge up a bow shot blam missed it but on H ly I'm not too worried I mean oh we hit take a took a shot there okay so I'm going to go to the megasphere now I don't want to waste too many 2% chance still okay it's a 10% going to make sure that they don't die oh that's not good see this is what I mean by King peka like we're so close now it's easier for them to hit the shots so be careful for that come on okay got to be careful cuz these powers are really low remember this is a nuzlock challenge all right I might just take it on one by one now I don't want my powers to die this is where it's going to focus on me entirely just doing the body slam B shakes like that you notice the body slam okay here we go 25% that's my last gigas spere well that to we might have to hypersphere it the end of the day we can always just kill these I want to try and get a double chance for Loot on this one so we can kill it and then butcher it for the legendary bow all right I got five bows left all right here we go then Mega sphere time right now 54% capture rate come on there we go there we go nice and did we get the bow we didn't okay no problem next time I'm just going to kill it I'm going to straight up kill it so let's now go to the next boss going to need to make some more arrows though first of course okay the arrows are done it's actually a new day so that took a wow now before I go any further I think it's really important we uh upgrade our armor a little bit um because our biggest challenge is we can get one shot by these bosses right now I'm just going to quickly level up before we do some more boss fights once again we got this spot here we can capture them I've been capturing some uh jolt Hogs I think I need one more now to level up so let's just get this and then we can get that armor cuz basically if we get one shot while it's not worth the risk we can dodge the attacks but this next one like if you get hit just when you least expect it it's a bit of a pain all right nice so we want to go level three I'm going to put a tiny bit on health now and then we are also going to go down here and unlock metal armor the difference is 70 defense and 250 Health versus 15 and 70 Health like that is a massive difference okay next fight a AOE this one is pretty straightforward although it's going to be hard to hit this one let me show you what I mean it just spawns in the open water but you can walk in this water as long as you don't go in that deep end you'll be fine so here's the boss I'm going to send out the king Packer which I've affectionately called Pac-Man we captured from the last area I've also upgraded to I've fixed my old bow and I upgraded to level 23 and got metal armor cuz it's going to help a lot so here we go this has three attacks as well and the first one is just like a ranged attack it's pretty fast so you want to keep your distance uh pretty straightforward and then this one is a b bubble attack now you just want to kind of walk away from them until they get close and then they just kind of disappear so basically wherever you're standing is where the bubbles will hit and as long as you just walk away uh whilst they're being formed then they'll just disappear so watch now they're coming and then we just run away and they just disappear easiest way to do it instead of trying to dodge all those bubbles and they miss now the only other thing about this fight is its hit box is really small so it's kind of like a waste of arrows until you wait like there's some moments you can wait here's the bubbles again and then we just run around really easy and now when it throws the bubbles it has that moment where it's dizzy and that's when you want to try and go for a crit heart chot sorry and then the other time you just die the Dodge the range attack and it's pretty straightforward Packer is hungry so I'm going to try and feed him real quick uh that was a risky move but we did it once again just keep your distance keep your distance so you don't accidentally get hit by these things it's so hard to hit I mean now we need to get further away ow that's why that is why we want to be further away just really hard to dodge if the attack super fast you know right next to it honestly we may as well just let this p I'll do all the damage and we just dodge the attacks cuz it's just a waste of arrows the hit box is so small we do hardly any damage you know bear our time even even King Pacer had a difficult time hitting that shot is quite funny pretty straightforward there really it doesn't even like do that much damage to your pal so as long as we just make sure it focuses on us pretty chill so yeah really easy boss to be honest probably like you could do this a really low level if you wanted to as long as you dodge the uh hits once again if you're in a dangerous situation oh that's what I mean don't go too far cuz then you go into the water and you'll just get hit but um you're in a dangerous situation you can always just throw out your uh Health spere to buy yourself a bit more time there's bubbles run away from those we're so close that they can almost hit us so we do need to be really careful and get a bit more distance TR house feere now okay 27% not bad all right nice first try precious Dragon Stone not anything useful though now we caught a pal here in this area as well next boss fight pen King now pen King has two little fairly high level penguins and it's a sort of like a different spawn it's not a world spawn it's kind of like a um I don't know how to call it it's like a dungeon spawn I've already caught a pal here so I can't use this one but it's a pretty lowlevel boss but it it's not to be messed with so we'll send out king Packer again here we go honestly Dodge the attacks and deal with the penguins like they are annoying just keep your distance and focus on the Penguins first they will they will freeze you and then you're kind of screwed uh it's the best thing you can do here and if you get Frozen then pinking will hit you and you're kind of screw like that's what I mean that we could have got got frozen there we'll just take out those Penguins luckily pen King is dealing with the actual h of mine and not me right now able to just keep our distance the further you are away the more time you'll have to just chill by the way Pac-Man is taking a lot of damage hang on a minute that's what I mean you just get targeted by ooh yeah you kind of want to keep an eye on panking at all times cuz that Dash move will mess you up just want to try and get those done okay now we can focus oh he's up there so he does this rush move and that can do a lot of damage and it can also turn like it doesn't just go in One Direction so it's hard to dodge and then you have these which are really easy to dodge you see a red circle below you but that one's honestly not a problem it's just the rush move and the uh that's it really um to be honest everything else is really easy to deal with as long as you kill the pen gullets first and keep your distance as much as possible that one can freeze you everything can freeze you dude Dodge out of those red circles he's going to rush towards me in a minute we got to get ready for that it's pretty low Health compared to the other bosses here it comes this is really annoying okay now he's stunned and we can get a back shot as well so this is a perfect time to capture him didn't manage to get him that time though pretty high chance already though there it is nice and that's pinking now you wouldn't think this but there's another boss really far away which is dumad which is only level 14 and this one is so straightforward oh I just found a gold chest how armor schematic oh it's only a wow it's an uncommon that's pretty good so the Duma just spawns right in the center of this massive Lake and this is what happens if you try and go in the lake it's uh not too bad honestly as you can see you can still walk in it uh hly this is probably one of the easiest bosses I mean let's just send this out uh I don't think you have to worry look at him he just throws little mud balls the only thing is he jumps around a lot but then he stops he jumps a few times stops stand still probably the easiest boss like I don't think there's anything you need to worry about honestly like you got a mud ball you got a water ball and that's it and look it's almost dead already dude I actually have to send back King Pacer cuz he's that weak I shouldn't have even used a meas sphere on him okay maybe maybe we should I don't know only 4% challenge but this is the easiest boss in the game it's so weird that it's so far away like you'd think this boss would be hard because it's so far from the rest of the like early game Pals yeah really really straightforward here I almost got him you can even tank a couple hits if you really want to you know if you're doing a nuzlock challenge maybe advise not to there we go very easy oh we've killed a few Pals but also these are Pals that we can actually use is pretty awesome so it's time to go on a bit of a naming spree ping we can't use unfortunately I mean look at that nose I mean and Dad I'm going to call him Blobby now we're going to go fight quiver next which is a dragon type and ice is the Dragon weakness so I'm going to use chillet even though you know chill's a little weaker so you do want to think about these things sometimes but this one's uh pretty straightforward as well it looks like a big one it looks like something that you need to be worried about but honestly I don't know watch this it has a flame attack but it just kind of stands there uh for the most part basically it has like these large sort of flame attacks that last a long time just keep your distance and then just um boost away from him he's running towards me now just need to run he's going to try and Flame me oh let's see if I take it's like a little wispy whistle thing like once it's above your head It Will Rain acid just keep dodging dude keep dodging and you're good to go honestly got to watch out cuz Ice Cube's got quite weak stats in terms of like defense so weird chill it does that dude let's keep it away from that flame attack there you go there's another variation of that flame attack that will happen again in a minute honestly just keep your distance and you are chilling really is that simple and it's quite easy to uh get quick shots on this one all right we send back Ice Cube now don't want Ice Cube to die you do get hit it's a little bit painful so just don't lose focus L to run towards you which is a bit of a pain I guess one tip as well is like try not to turn your back like that but it will mess you up here we go come on then Pac-Man almost dead here it comes run run run run run run run keep an eye on what he's doing here dodge dodge dodge he about to attack there we go the flame attack keep dodging there we go this is simple we're almost there on now I'm going to just throw a ball out uh get a bit further away going to need to use a meas Sphere for this one for sure oh no that was a 0.02% chance wow next we have bushy which is also inside a dungeon this is a level 23 one I feel like the dungeon ones do have pretty more complex attacks most of the time this guy is pretty funny looking got big hats you actually want to try and shoot his head which is kind of hard to do but he moves pretty slowly you know but oh he will teleport on you like that so if you see him standing still and about to pull out his sword you need to be ready to uh Dodge essentially all right there goes okay dodge dodge dodge there we go is pretty like as long as you can hit his head is about to do it it does take a bit of practice you can do quite a bit of damage over time is so hard actually okay he's going to do the teleport thing soon another attack is like an ice blade honestly like most bosses keep your distance all they saw there we he was about to teleport and we wait for him to teleport and then Dodge otherwise he's just going to teleport you on you after you dodge which obviously is not [Music] ideal pretty straightforward really nothing too crazy it's kind of a bit of practice to hit him in the head here we go maybe go for a capture here only 2% chance let's see let's see remember we can charge a shot with that capture he's about to teleport get ready Dodge like that even though he swings a sword right in his face you still Dodge the attack which is pretty cool honestly I I think like range weapons even just a bow like this is better than a sword otherwise you're going to just take so much damage you know all right about to die yeah that's fine what do we get nothing crazy I'm glad we got the ancient uh technology shards cuz look at how many we need to use every single time now whilst I'm kind of coming back to my base here just for a quick reset on materials and stuff I'm going to make as many ingots as I can not that we have many to be honest um with the goal being to turn them into nails and explain later why W 175 wood we actually have a lot of wood wow just no one ever picked it up this is crazy dude all right everyone fine we okay there's one more over there where you going nice just realized we got a lot of pal SS from all of these bosses and chests so it is time to enhance our Pals now um pamman seems to be doing really good look at Pac-Man stats okay Pac-Man attack 273 it's the best we got right now and the health is so crazy so I think we're going to do packman and just increase the attack all right there we go I've got 300 attack look at that so we got a lot more arrows fixed up our stuff got some baked berries I also want to see one thing I got Pelt armor schematic it costs three ancient civilization Parts I'm hoping this is good okay so let's have a look at this Pelt armor 45 182 ooh no it's just not better it is a lower level armor so it makes sense that's a shame though that normal armor so yeah one thing I'm going to do is smell a bunch of ingots and later turn it into nails and there's a bit of an interesting reason why which you'll see in later episodes right we're ready to go this next boss is sort of a lowlevel boss oh a red chest hang on tropical outfit [Music] schematic I don't think we've captured many T funs so let's do that now got more XP you know what it's like I feel like one of the things that's slowing me down right now is my own player level and we really need to get that up I need to go and C capture uh a lot of sort of house that I haven't had the opportunity to see yet these are all low levels so there's literally no reason not to I just going to die what the come on there we go that should be that try and get 10 of these real quick and then we'll go to more boss fights oh 31% great but there we go [Music] nice exra there ooh we haven't caught any of these now we don't need this as a mount but might as well and goomas as well try and just get as many as we possibly can here oh that's tough backck in the trees I'm just trying to get an angle on this oh I'm ex there quite a lot of Health they pretty t tanky luckily we are also starting to get pretty tanky ourselves which is nice probably going to respect my stats late game though I mean obviously I have a lot in weight and stuff L game I'll get all attack and he come on let's get one of these we need a lift monk as well okay wow come on now really low chance hey come on that's crazy it's almost dead literally can't attack it anymore there we go come on now sir about to go and fight another boss uh there's a fast Shel point there there's so many poers I haven't captured yet have to two M I think we need two more just fast sh point this is what I call leveling oopsie haven't got many quacks go 28% on that oh you hit me I'll R we go oh need to do like a little tiny bit of damage there yeah let's see what we got nice it's just capture capture capture 1,000 XP for one pretty good going all the Goos over there we haven't caught that might be my 10th goomas this is why having that Vixie is really good when you come to a place like this so many P spheres that we didn't even craft one more goomas is needed is over there crazy we haven't even got any Effigies yet cuz they don't yeah when you reset your stats they um capture rate gets deleted and the Effigies don't spawn back you can't reuse them there we go now all of those Pals I'm just going to put on the Butcher Block we're of course going to capture the boss here I believe it's somewhere over here we eat some berries definitely going to send out packman into this fight we've can massively upgrad the Pac-Man um I mean I think we just need wait for late game and we need to grab a bunch of resources together okayy here we go is that a skill tree did I just see a skill tree no it's just a palm tree oh wait okay one more and then we'll fight this boss sorry trying to get as much as we can out of this you know this little Island's pretty good XP you know pretty awesome where you going T quack as well oh he just hit the Flack that's hilarious okay you do that no problem dude it's got crazy what is it doing come on don't make it hard for me there we go hi Lambo bye oh what the what the there we go there we go we still alive come on look stacked nice all right almost level 25 okay let's go for this boss this one's low level I don't think we need to worry much let's see what attack patterns are like though got a crit H hit shot on its hat no on its head 400 damage yeah crit shot on its face no ears hat it's his face yeah it's quite hard to get a crit shot hit on this guy you know it's fine though runs towards you interesting and then fires a Dark Orb a very slow moving one that seems to home on it just kind of never disappears can you shoot it oh it goes away eventually all right is that the only attack it has I think so this is a very easy boss wow oh it has a fire attack I think or was that my Pac-Man I don't know this is extremely easy guys like you don't even have to worry like yeah there is a flame attack but you could come here pretty low level oh so it mostly does that small slow move but it does have another fire attack just be aware of that if you do come to low level but honestly it's not much a threat runs towards you and then throws a slow moving orb in your face just very strange oh okay if you get too close then it does a well wnd it actually has four different attacks but they just so slow paced that wouldn't really need to worry here we go oh here's the yeah so if it gets close to when it starts running then it will do the attack otherwise it would just stop okay P's chilling got quite a lot of like defense though hasn't it jeez takes a while going try to go for a back shot here wow do we have a Cen with me no we don't I'm going to get ice cube out Ice Cube would be more effective with some dragon attacks yeah there we go so bring a dragon pal if you got one so much easier not sure if we're going to capture this one I've only got normal Power Spears keep trying but like oh if it hits you with the flames it's damage over time oh be careful of that yeah uh I'm going to just this I actually yeah wow surprise surprise damage all right pess hair okay nothing crazy that's actually kind of dangerous okay watch out for that but um you know that's the only thing you need to worry about you know I was trying to go for one day one level per day right so by level 50 we are prepared at level you know we have 50 more days to prepare for the boss fights um to complete the nuzlock challenge but uh we kind of got a little bit ahead of s we're level 23 and we are like Day 26 so this is really useful to catch up right finally we can get this boss we have five P here so this is a little worrying little woring ing be right here somewhere ah this open oh what is this a Gren tail okay come on there Pac-Man let's get our step points first we'll go for Waits I'm waiting man I'm I'm waiting for my weight to be useful cuz it will people might be thinking it's a bit silly to do but yeah it's a good idea okay here we go gril attack the same enemy let's go got crit right on its face I know maybe it's eyes I think so so it has a large belly slam attack yeah the crits on its eyes and it has a rock P attack so looks quite similar to the attack patterns of uh King Packer honestly nothing crazy oh yeah I mean it's pretty low level boss so I wouldn't worry too much okay I'm doing two damage to it with this bow so I'm almost thinking it's not even worth it I'm just going to wait for King peka to do his thing really really slow pace attacks you know you can just sit here to be honest H yeah they have like almost similar attacks don't they basically the same you basically have to just occasionally Dodge out of the way of the belly slam is nothing more than that nothing more maybe we should try send out Woody you know it's been a while Woody let's see what you can do probably going to one shot it isn't it no okay fa enough on yes let's go I got uh rooted so I thought I'd try didn't work out so well just a little bit more damage Wy there we go got it to like one HP little bit more little bit more one more shot all right send it back hardly any damage crazy dude so it's just a waste of arrows to be honest but you know that back shot oh so we go this way get this back shot we got two sp's left so come on come on it's so hard to capture I don't think we can do it just try and get one more shot off this let's try and be smart here ready it's going to be damage over time oh no got counted okay 14 damage oh no I pressed the wrong button oh wellow yeah pretty easy that one all right so quite some progress from the last episode we're now day 27 which means we're almost a third of the way through this Challenge and we haven't even fought a single main trainer boss and remember that's the goal to defeat all five before 100 days is over but we're now level 25 and I think with a bit more speed leveling and boss farming uh in the next episode which will be posted next week we can catch up and try and just Spam out those levels so we can start crafting high level gear and then go for those boss fights the good thing about going for these Alpha Pals is we are essentially getting some really good options for using in our party late game thanks for watching I'll see you next week there out
Channel: The Survival Merchant
Views: 5,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld tips, palworld news, palworld secrets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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