Did I Draw the CUTEST Character of ALL TIME??... (Character Design!)

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get everyone I'm jaza and in this video I am on a mission to create the cutest character designer Potter asked you guys on Twitter who is the cutest cartoon puppet comic character of all time why go huge amount of responses here so I'm gonna go through all of them and create a bit of a mood board by the way if you ever want to participate in these things I tend to vary randomly like ask a question like this on Twitter and it's an easy way to get involved in a video or help out or have a bit of fun with me so follow me on Twitter at Josiah Brooks Jesse Hammonds are just stitch very cute character from lilo & stitch boards in says you don't stop as flattering but it's simply not true except for when I use my tick-tock filters so there's a beauty press the beauty mode is it on cut town oh oh look at me oh boy ah no no no this is not cute what oh yeah that's pretty cute look at me I'm cute I'm gonna place that cuz I haven't posted it picked up in your ages there is a waif 117,000 tic TOCs followers oh yeah mood board whoops I'm getting distracted oh well he's well he's pretty cute and so is Evie as well so let's let's copy this big guy there's my boy Evie Pikachu obviously a lot of pokemons could fit on this this mood board but I think Pikachu's definitely one of the originals you think you there you go but no more Pokemon that's it it's enough for you Lucas the spider isn't is a spider which by most people's accounts separate weird people it's cute what makes him cute that's what we're gonna be dissecting and using ha baby Yoda is something about baby odor that has captured the hearts and imaginations of everyone baby Yoda absolutely adorable fifl from Fievel goes west and other fifl based movies I forget all of them but here's another great example so let's start to break down what some of those traits ah here are the main ones that stand out in nearly all of them big dark bighead sort of like chubby proportions and should be of course being the manga / anime style that accentuates the proportions that essentially we're breaking down here right there guys kilo chibi character they look would you loo you you're not a good level of cuteness when words start turning into mumble jumble you you go now obviously stitch is an exception here but a lot of them noticing us tiny hands and actually I think there's got to be an element of color not always again there are exceptions to all of this they all have a fairly strong color about rosy cheeks big ears I think they're my basic notes I'm gonna use these as a rough guide and follow my mood board for inspiration I'm going to play around with all sorts of combinations of these and hopefully I'll end up with a handful that I think a pretty strong contender is still out of them I'll pick the winning one to polish up and push it out that sounds not a good way to say before jumping into designing characters I wanted to play with the elements and options of cuteness to see what I preferred and which lent themselves to the most cute appeal possible starting off with the head and body proportions clearly the bigger the head and the smaller the body the cue to the character in general it's really easy to see with these three sketches lined up that the one on the right has the most cute factor of the three and as I mentioned there will always be exceptions to this rule but it is the rule for a reason I mean look at him this is so cute it's just free silhouette next the eyes which is interesting because I assume that the first pair of you would be the cutest but actually I found that the simpler the better now I'm sure it depends heavily on the character big eyes may not always be appealing for example but I was quickly learning that simplicity pretty much always is appealing as you can see with the hands I drew all of them are cute but the simplicity of the one that I've outlined were there're no clear indications of where the wrist is makes it kind of marshmallowy but I also thought that the hand having tiny fingers was cuter than the super simple mitten style hand I think because they're just that little bit more human but the cutest possible of human ads finally with the mouths again simplicity and Thai ninis with the things I found most effective so next I tried to put these elements in context figuring I'd start with humans and break away with each page this first page Oh drew kids as cute as possible throwing in different elements and expressions but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was designing a generic cuter dolly one of those stupid toy babies that you feed a bottle to and when you squeeze they say remember as cute as some of them were they seemed to be trying too hard to be cute so I moved on to a new page with more animalistic attempts at cuteness keeping them reasonably human in their features but simplifying the detail adding little features to make them less human I also broke away from the more conventional human head shape where possible but something was working me I didn't care about any of these characters or designs even as a starting point none of them spoke to me has been cute enough to further develop so I tried to push it further in the next page this time I was playing with more extreme head shapes animal bases and the head proportions but just a handful of sketches in I knew I was approaching this the wrong way which got me thinking about cuteness and why we attach to the characters we think of as cute in the first place and then I was struck with a sudden powerful realization okay so I'm stopping my process here because I've actually had a bit of a realization and that is that there's no such thing as objective cuteness cuteness relies on context and if I'm just trying to create cuteness in a vacuum it's not gonna work so yeah I might take these elements like big dark eyes big head small mouth tiny hands John carbon these are these are ingredients that you can use to mix and create your flavor all of these characters that you see here have a context that amplifies their cuteness and also often a juxtaposition or something opposing that our expectations have that it then subverts maybe odorous cute and everyone everyone knows Yoda and so I think in the context of everyone knowing Yoda as the wise old slightly quirky space goat when you then take that and make the baby cute version which no one's ever seen before there's no winning that I invent something even if it is very visually cute and I can create a context I can't in this video when you over and create a story that's gonna outdo the nostalgia and the attachment that we have with these characters it's actually not possible unless I take a story and I take a context that exists and then I subvert that with these tools that at the moment though there are some things that are definitely working in the cuteness realm of things subjectively aren't cuter and these characters I need to pick something that I can make cute out of so that cuteness can be conveyed I'm gonna actually interject here with a random plug I'm realizing obviously it's been a couple of years since I've done a proper character design session which frankly this is sort of turned out to be but also because it's been a couple of years since I've plugs my book which means that there will be people watching this who don't know I actually have a book on character design so if you find this stuff really interesting and you like the way that I present it you're gonna love the book that's why I wanted to just bring it up and just share it with you it's called draw with jazzer creating characters and I'm gonna put the link in the description and as you can see with just a little book here it actually goes through the steps of the design process that not only am I going through in this video but I go through in every phase of design that I go through whether it be four characters or logos or whatever it's going through that exploration research then planning and playing around developing and refining him and finally executing a final polished result so if you love watching that process you want to learn more about it and you also like the way I share it go check it out it's a support to the channel of course but most of all I'm hoping it's a big support to you so links in the description and back to the video in the animal kingdom there is very little uglier or more unappealing than the blobfish look at it yeah gross I mean it's like a wreckage of creation you can't look away from but I thought the feelings of repulsion for something that looks like this might be a great starting point to create a cute design out of hear me out I think especially because it's visually simple as a creature but also because using that base of emotion to juxtapose might be really effective so I sketched out a few mixes of features and proportions and I found that again simplicity is king and I also liked the way that the big eyes made the character look so rather than beady and gaunt it looks more plump and a little bit Derby [Music] next the king of the dinosaurs the Tyrannosaurus Rex which in most representations are badass terrifying and powerful I thought the adorable version would be pretty compelling so I sketched out rough proportions for a normal t-rex to visualize the elements I'd accentuate and the rest I would shrink and soften in the end opting for a really large soft and goofy snout and nose with a massive underbite and cute rounded teeth underneath the top jaw but then also for the body of really plump lower body always making the weight of the character sit like a pear or almost like a squishy water balloon actually like with most of the mass in the legs the tail [Music] next I thought was time to play around with an actual existing character and I chose Quasimodo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame I mean think about it the characters whole story is that his ugly however his animated design is made to be appealing enough for us as viewers to like him and want to watch him so I said about making a baby Quasimodo figuring out how to keep the same elements of ugliness that made the character who he is but amp up the cuteness enough that you'd want to do nothing more than blow raspberries on his tummy and pictures cheeks [Music] next I picked another character but with a different emotional foundation pure terror and disgust none other then Pennywise the clown people who love to be freaked out by this clown and with such a brilliant design in the recent movies and a performance that has people shuddering when they think about him I thought an adorable version would serve as a tickle of relief to the viewer for the cute version I played around with the features of the face and found again that simplicity was absolutely critical to making him cute I mean if I kept the shape of his mouth or cheeks or proportions that they had too reminiscent of the original too much of that creep factor would very quickly sneak in people are just too ready to be creeped out by Pennywise so chubby and simple were my mantras as were minimizing the size of his mouth and smile while emphasizing big round eyes and a big soft [Music] last but not least my avatar I mean you're watching my channel and I've drawn him a thousand times there's enough context for most of you viewers to have some kind of emotional response to seeing him a beard irritation or amusement an adorable version would surely feel fresh and fun and different and hopefully cute but this was trickier than I expected as I found making the eyes too big or the hair too small the character would just sort of looked like a baby and for this design I didn't want him to look like an infant just a super cute version of the same character but by turning the eyes into little shiny buttons and then keeping the general silhouette intact but just softening and widening it and also sitting things proportionally lower in the face I got much closer to a version that I thought was pretty gosh darn cute if I don't if if you don't mind if I don't do say so myself [Music] here we are at the end of my attempt to create the cutest character ever drawn and not only do I feel like I've had a pretty good swing about I've actually drawn five as you saw starting off with the blobfish all mud gourd is disgusting and adorable and is only adorable because blob fish are disgusting I really feel like there's quite the realization today here we have the t-rex we've seen cute and cartoony t-rex's before so it's not a new concept but I wanted to see if I could make it as cute as possible and I think he's pretty cute there but I actually think the most effective ones the ones based on characters because they have a story Quasimodo is a character that people know he has a story and he's a very likable character so baby Quasimodo has all that likeability and the feelings people have about the Hunchback of Notre Dom but he's so cute look at him and you wouldn't think to have a baby causing motor but there was a baby he was braised in the you could totally do a baby Quasimodo series and it would be friggin awesome Pennywise is not appealing I mean he's an appealing villain but is not someone you would ever ever ever ever [Music] I didn't think it was a fun experiment just to say how I would reinvent the Jezza avatar character if the only goal would be to make him cute based on the previous design and as you know anyone who's been around this channel for a long time knows I've drawn this guy a lot so he comes associated mentally with a lot of shenanigans and a lot of stuff on this channel and just sort of creativity in general so this is where I want to hand it off to you guys because I attempted to create the cutest character ever and I've got five here I'm gonna open up a poll in the card and you have five options to tell me who you think is the cutest blobfish is option one t-rex is option two then we Quasimodo who as you know has a story has a name and now is friggin adorable option for penny wise and an option 5 the jaza avatar go vote in the card let me know in the comments who is your favorite and this has been a really fun exercise so let me know in the comments some other characters you'd like to see made absolutely adorable and maybe that'll be a future video but for now I want to thank you for watching this video I sincerely hope you've enjoyed it and I have had a blast making these reinterpretations and inventions of cute characters and maybe one of them is the cutest character ever drawn that's it for now thank you for watching subscribe for more fun with art and creativity and ring that Bell so you don't miss out on a future video there are more videos you might enjoy over there otherwise that's it for now and until next time [Music]
Channel: Jazza
Views: 2,121,371
Rating: 4.9111285 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, character design, session, cute, adorable, baby yoda, yoda, baby, chibi, tiny, teeny, pikachu, stitch, lilo and stitch, disney, star wars, how to draw, cartoon character, tips and tricks, how to design a character, character design tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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