YouTube Story Time Animators, THEN and NOW...

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g'day everyone i'm jazza and i don't do a lot of animation these days but it's been really interesting to see the landscape for animation on various platforms change over over a decade i thought it'd be fun to look at some of the most popular animators that are currently on youtube and go back a little bit to sort of when they started and see how things have changed so let's start back in 2014 with jaden animations hey everyone my name is jayden and welcome to my new youtube channel i am working really hard and i'm gonna try to get animations out as soon as possible it's so interesting like going back and seeing this way more like i'm just gonna say simpler obviously the style is the same but the biggest way it's the same as the tone you watch this and it still feels exactly like the current jaden animations content which we'll get to in a second but it's really about the whimsy and the personality and you immediately get an idea of what the content is going to be like animation so here's a few little things that stand out like that's that's one right from an animation perspective not very difficult there's one drawing that's just rotating about eight times and over the course of an hour and it just goes to show how animation is a tool is really just about punctuating the right thing now we're moving forward 2021 immediately look at that we go from this single frames and simple tweens so like full scenes like and this is so interesting because it's the same style it's really simplistic but we've got depth here through the line weight and size sort of getting thicker as we get closer to the foreground so your eyes guided where you need it to go so this is an interesting shot right like we've got this guy in the park about to throw a frisbee got these subtle motions we step into it and then we have this gag right that's the unexpected thing that's where the humor comes from so in this instance rather than just having one frame where the satellite appears we have one frame alluding to the satellite appearing there it is and the next frame is that's it when it all is quickly played together boom like it's really really smooth this is uncanny this monkey is now taller than the kitchen countertops go out and take a look at the counters in your kitchen right now and really just take in how big of a monkey that is what i find interesting is as the quality of the animation has just gotten better a lot of the humor from that is by necessity gonna go away because it's not gonna stay sort of quirky and simple but i love that the way that that's evolved and the humor is sort of kept or moved elsewhere is through the intensity we've got jaden here with our arm reaching out sort of holding or positioning the camera and the intensity of her movements and poses really emphasize the jokes and the humor six years later the heart and soul of what made jaden animation's channel appealing still makes jaden animation's channel appealing and it's just this charm not taking itself too seriously there's a huge amount of appeal there but it's also really focused on the unpredictability and sort of the extremity making a lot out of personal opinions and funny stories all right next we've got something else yt so you know it was a normal day i was i was you know waking up smelling the flowers seeing the sun so if i watch this and this is my intro to something else yt i am surprised it is different it is less polished than i might have expected which makes me laugh because flowers shoved up the noses we've got these shake frames like a few frames in and out while the flowers and the nose appear it's all sort of emphasizing that surprising charm and jankiness like the line of the bed overlapping the foot there so how did adam adapt this dog i found on the street a couple months ago no name tag no address no nothing this is crazy was there so i took them home everything is like we've got full color in all of the frames the full scenes all laid out which is really cool he was this incredibly well behaved beautiful siberian husky mix that was so smart that instead of eating your homework he'd not only finish it for you but then eat it oh no it's so high quality like looking at this if i just go frame by frame through this you can see the subtle changes even looking at the eyes and the edges of the lines around his skin it's being really subtly softened and sort of reshaped it gives the whole thing a living breathing dynamic oh my god we have to frame by frame this one really dynamic look at that squash and stretch and release the pose sort of scrunches up and then slams down i love that it's so cool and that's a transition shot which takes us away to the next frame adam well done what a triumphant rise from this to this like oh my god all right james the odd one out in the mix because his name is the odd ones out on youtube but i wrote a story that had the title of i do not like this family i don't know for sure but i bet this title made my teacher very worried this is so fascinating to me because it's basically a comic like there is very little animation and the humor then therefore absolutely comes from the story so let's see how in 2021 james's style is different is it super animation heavy or does it still really lean on the comic book that sort of the frames of the story whether it's conspiracy theories or horoscopes i love watching people pour their heart into something they genuinely believe in only for me to go i disagree it's a lot better like visually there's so much more happening look at these gorgeous scenes the the amount of peripheral characters most interesting to me though is it really still is like panels of a comic each is a self-contained image there's not a lot of transitions it really is about telling that story and it still is through these scenes that are presented one after the other i unfortunately fell down a rabbit hole and discovered a community of mostly kids on a phone application called tick tock doing something called reality shifting this by the way is not a small community of like 20 people it's a pretty clear story right it takes you on this journey but it's almost like the visuals of that story being told are constantly so amplified or quirky in a way that is a joke against what he's saying or is just a joke in and of itself that your brain has so much more to think about in order to both keep up and get what you're seeing and then think oh and then you realize ah that's funny then you get the next load of interesting visuals to sort of soak in but then you're somewhere completely different this is part of the same story you know what here's an experiment we're going to listen to the odd ones out story and then we're going to watch it and i think this will emphasize my point you say that schrodinger's cat is both alive and dead but cats have nine lives so are 4.5 cats dead how is a cat half dead either way someone supposedly very smart has said that every decision you've ever made has caused the universe to copy itself and create a new reality where you made the different decision now i'm gonna mute it and we're gonna watch it knowing what he says so we're talking about schrodinger's cat is the cat both alive and dead the visuals of what is happening are constantly moving and unpredictable like you you wouldn't naturally pair what you just listened to with what you're watching and it's we've gone from the bathroom to straight straightening his cat in a lab to that to this to just keeps moving from one place to another and there's so much squishiness and intensity and humor it's really fun all right domex time i'll be talking to my friend and he'd be like dude dude how do you spell charizard again and i'd be like are you dumb it's c-h-a-r-i-z and he cut me off right there z what are you american it's zed stupid so fast forward nine years i frequently insert the fact that i went to architecture school and just look how refined that it's probably boastful it's so it's so polished oh i get it so it's like trying to reach the eight minute mark in a youtube video so it can qualify for mid-roll ads oh no no no it's not like that it is that again all the gags are sort of different but there is this constancy of moving the visual which animation gives the the power to do when a lot of other mediums don't have to be able to switch from different visuals to one another with huge intensities and it's just really cool all right swoozie time 2013. my senior year we had this teacher who didn't want to grade any of our tests after each test she would tell us to pass it to our neighbor she would say all the answers out loud we grade it and then pass it back there's a similar style of almost feeling like comic panels sort of what james does it's like we're moving between visuals but they're so stylistically independent and swoozy's early work here is really painterly so there's not a lot of like physical motion in the characters there's motion to tell the story and it's almost again like panel by panel but it's presented almost like a storybook so it feels more like page by page than a comic strip like the odd ones out all right 20 20 swoozy look at that difference in style immediately like we've switched to the modern stuff and look how sharp it is i know you're like me you'll be sitting at home playing games and then somewhere in the house you hear it's the ups man and i yell deka our game's here so obviously the way swoozie wanted to tell his stories through the characters so as a result over those five years the heads have become huge so that the faces can be expressive but then the arms have become almost non-existent almost like stick figure limbs but actually to their advantage because then their position is so much clearer because it's just a solid black line within the hands on the end so it's simplifying very decisively in certain areas but amplifying in others ah that's so good it's so intense i love it all right early motion remember how i said i have family all over the states and how flying is really expensive i guess i'll fly not delta there's a softness about her style from the very beginning that's really intentional like she hasn't used black as the outline color it's sort of like a soft gray which makes everything sort of feel just a little bit more gentle you know what further to that when you look at a whole scene full of people look at that what stands out illy right so she's using these choices in style and color to create the emphasis where it needs to be all right 20 21 we're not soft anymore they're not black lines but they're much darker everyone was trading cards on the playground arguing over i love the textures though every scene has these really cool like patterns and textures throughout it there's so much more happening visually and it's really cool it's so appealing this is the quality of a tv show like this could be on nickelodeon there's so much quality here which is so phenomenal to me but that is actually where the platform is at and so to compete with this level of animation even though story time animation is more approachable than the old guard of youtube animation still a lot especially if you want to start now but my advice would be to start because you don't know what the next way of telling a story and getting people's attention is gonna be and the reality is story time animation as we've observed with all of these wonderful people who have gone through various different phases and i'm going to say huge transformations of quality to creating content that holds people's attention all with such unique styles and with their own evolution and journey that when you subscribe to them you can just see them improve and improve and improve well that brings me to the end of this video i hope you have enjoyed some of my observations on some of my favorite animators on youtube and my peers and the people who i really respect and admire and i think you're huge examples of what you can do if you just do it and it just goes to show that if you just get in there and make stuff even if it's not as high quality as what people have expected when you start quality comes as with growth and budget and being able to build it into something more and more people enjoy you then get more and more resources to put into making something better you just gotta start anyways i hope you did enjoy this video and if you did please consider subscribing to follow me on my journey and click like so other people who have enjoyed these animators over the years can see how they've progressed and how that might influence them go check out other videos over there otherwise that is it for now until next time i'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 350,041
Rating: 4.9691358 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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