Crying and Laughing Opening my Childhood Art and Memories Box...

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you know everyone I'm jaza and in the past I've done a video here or there showing my old art works when I was a teenager and I've always considered myself a bit of a bit of an ass cord I've held on to pretty much every illustration I've made since I was 11 but what about the illustrations I did before then the mum has lent me my childhood treasures box theme I have got some artworks and some various other things I thought I'd take you guys through a little bit of a stroll through my childhood and stroll through it myself because I have not seen this stuff since I did it if you're looking for a little bit of context to some of this stuff it might be worth going to watch it to draw my life video I did quite a while back I'll link to that in the description into the card but it gives you a bit of a rough overview as to what I saw my childhood as look yeah this way yeah no landscapes never were my thing were they five guys I've been doing Bob Ross paintings since I first started painting I mean look at that that is Bob Ross in the making 93 I was four years old I've hated that I mean I'm gonna say I don't mean to toot my own horn but that's not bad for a for you I know this is like let's find my art but we have to look at that we'll have to look at cute little jazzy jazz oh look at that right that is the Fresh Prince era right there that's weird I am as old in that photo as MJ is right now now we made a video the other day making some art together and that was really fun but it's just it actually blows my mind looking at this and thinking that is me where he is now and I'm never matured so you know you win some you lose some this is what my childhood looked a lot I am so grateful that I grew up out in the country with the fresh air and a bit of mud but stayed indoors a lot and drew pictures and learnt to animate but also always just being out there made me appreciate just space and I mean to this day I love camping and I love space so I'm also a bit of a city slicker at heart so best of both worlds oh wow this we've got the the first vestiges of the cool F that I drew I've made a video using thousands of cool asses to make a picture obviously this is where it was starting to make a bit of an impact on me the GI Joe oh here we go once upon a time there was a king his name was Roger he was very sad because he had no charge the king became happy because for now he had a child that's wow that's how the tables turn he interviewed the whole kingdom the robber was jealous of the child one day a GI Joe came to earth the robber knew they you would gum so the robber fought the GI Joe dragon fought the GI Joe where did where did I introduce the dragon just visually I didn't mention him in the tag but the dragon won the GI Joe died even though the dragon turned into a polar bear the king put the GI Joe in the grave the GI Joe was really alive then the GI Joe shot the bad dragon and other bad baby bad baddies and other bodies the end what happened is a robber that took me places that was really an adventure not bad for a 7 year old is this like a design of a future house I've got a teleportation booth super entertainment system which looks like a very old entertainment system there's the bed it's very cool space-saving technologically clever though there's a food creator we've got a robot made that was before feminism really took hold say even the back of my app robots were a little misogynistic oh my god reality when did I draw this I was eight years old guys come on I'm a visionary I saw the future all we need a vertical beds and and and sexist robots here's a diagram of crutches and then there's this bar he broke his leg there's picture of Bart Simpson with crutches and he's saying I hate crutches two weeks later is Bart in bed and a foots healing minutes and they got better at the end it's truly epic journey we got a little more little pictures oh my god I say I'm a cool dude yes I do look at this this is the Builder mattock this is where there's the raw materials I believe and there's this is the Rio titanium alloy that goes along it is the brushing the painting the thing and the arms that move the things - mm thick and super duper duper glue over here we have the wall bass maker and over here we have the magical thingy and it makes walls and how is it it's a house builder slighly nine hundred ninety nine trillion nine hundred ninety nine billion nine hundred ninety nine million nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine dollars and ninety nine cents steel that's what I'm talking about that's the camping I remember look at that setting up tents in the middle of nowhere all driving through rivers and making big rope swings into the rivers good times you do a bit about where my kids except I can fall drive to save a life a lot of photos and stuff I don't want to bore you too much with with photos unless it's somewhat noteworthy that like here when I had my own motorbike and I was a cool god I mean I grew up and got an even bigger motorbike and there's my little brother or my old boat boy and we were both cool guys about me I love drawing and I am destined to become a famous cartoonist and a well-known artist this is just so fun for me I think the thing I'm most grateful for and in really just enjoying is that I always knew what I loved in who I was and that I get to do that like I am literally living my childhood dream it's mind-blowing oh my god is this I wrote a book obviously I've been working on my story writing skills and now we're getting a little more professional the aliens that came to once a long time ago in the dark ages there were four people Tyler just Jamie and Anthony err couldn't tell they're these kids are girly one day they were at the beach surfing and swimming after an hour they went home at 12 o'clock they went for a picnic outside and they saw a meteorite that landed in Sydney it was too late not one standing building except a gunshot hang on those was the dark ages I'm getting distracted let's just suspend this plate so all they could do was kick some butt but before they could even take a step a huge alien jumped out and he was already prepared to kick their butt limb who's kid he could attack to the Hauer and and dagger and sure aerosol wood and a match in a tentacle each too good held a fine throw but he just remember that that's why they quickly ran into the gun shop they gathered up all the weapons they could gather they also threw some army clothes on the first toilet got out his RPG and then shot him in the heart nothing happened he was just even more power the monster grabs just by the leg while Tyler got his laser beam kicked off of the aliens glasses and shined the laser in his eyes and the alien melted he found the weak spot Atala said well it's time to go home but then Jamie said let's make a base so they did on the super sensor it said there was an alien that had heaps of brain so much brains he was going to make a city vanish city is going to be mowie rural Victoria of course cuz if there's an alien spaceship full of brains the first place that can go in Australia to deal with the real threats fastest that quickly flew to Maui then they saw the brain then Anthony went up to the monster and said time to die but instead the brain zapped Anthony and then Anthony just beard just shout it out it doesn't like music how do they come to this conclusion so Jamie played electric guitar tyler dance to just put classical music on football that's the guy that's that that's how cool I was but you know of course the monster burst into flames so it worked after that they tried to find their base but instead they were lost in a forest as they were in the dark and gloomy forest storm came and Tyler said there's a perfect tree it's shady so they went under the tree and tried to climb to the top to be a lookout but the last bread she pulled on fell suddenly they were in a base with eyes in the eyes catched him except Tyler was only finger cuffed and he the aliens were like quick kept finger cuffs and then our heroes were clearly trapped this needs to be a movie this needs to be real Tyler was only finger cuffed and he knew he could escape easily but then they saw the slave Tyler quickly escaped from his finger cuffs and ripped off the other people's cuffs in they left and they got the slave eye for information then they found out that the i's name was max and he was a human turned into an AI so they turned him into a normal nine-year-old kid max grew up to be a member of the filing force and he was an expert at jumping and throwing and lifting after that max Tyler Jos Jamie and Anthony went back to surfing and swimming to the beach but once they were on the deep end of the ocean something pulled them under the water and suddenly silence the jail was full of loud footsteps but it was a beast they quickly kicked his butt they were known as the fighting force I mean I don't know about you but I have a new favorite now we move on to the high school years hey this is the first competition I ever won the flash animation story of a loser which I animate it you can actually still see it it's on YouTube I'll link to that in the description and I won first prize for my animation oh my god it's greg that award night is the night I met my now very good friend Greg Bartlett who is an amazing environment artist we work together on loads of projects including the tale teller Greg was the environment artist of that animation project which took over ten months and is one of the things I'm most proud of and it all started there this is a little more bitter for me this is um anyone who's watched the draw my life video this is Alex so um Alex was my best friend in high school we were we were very close friends and a couple years after high school she actually died in her whole process it's making me really vulnerable and emotion I don't want this video to like get heavy to be honest and I've excluded some things just because it's more serious than other things but I think this is one of those things that I feel like I should include mainly because I've mentioned it before the draw my life video but but also cause it because when I jokingly refer to not having many friends in high school this was sort of the era I'm referring to I was pretty socially awkward and I had one true friend and that was Alex and about about two years after we graduated she died in a car crash and I didn't want this video to get heavy and this has come out of nowhere which is probably why it's affecting me so much but much in the same way that I've really taken back to how vivid things were in all of these these moments I've just reminded of how much her friendship mattered to me and at a time that could have been quite dark for me when I didn't really have any friends she was a true friend and I think I'm just gonna include this simply because people say that you you live as long as you're remembered before and I'd like Alex to be remembered because she banned it so much to me sorry Alex I'm not sure how I wrap up this video after that curveball so I'm sorry for the tone of this video changing very unexpectedly which I can't help and at the same time I didn't want it but didn't want to diverge from because I believe in being honest yeah yes that's the trade-off is like I genuinely like I like to make these videos in a way that I don't look at or even peek at the things I'm about to look at so you guys get an authentic reaction from me so you know you got that but I think if there's a way to wrap it up I think it's with gratitude because if there's one thing I'm taking from the experience of just going through all of those treasures its how grateful I am for the life I had the childhood I had in my upbringing and my family mum for saving all of those things and giving me that wonderful childhood and my dad for making life fun and going camping and my friends for those times in my life that they mattered so much and I helped in affected me as a person and and the fact that I've been lucky enough to know who I am since I was very young and yourselves you guys have changed my life you know when I meet you in person or when I read your stories online or when I get to interact with you I'm just so beyond grateful that I get to share my life with you yeah there are certainly ups and downs you know to say the least but at the same time these are the things that make us I think sometimes do you think you move on from this stuff cootie garland you live your life and you don't carry it with you day to day but every now and then when it comes back to you it just hits you the last time this hit me especially the loss of my friend Alex was when I watched that movie by Bo Burnham that eighth grade one because it took me back to hell vulnerable and isolated and stupid I felt so much like as a teenager but it kept reminding me of Alex and how I would have been stuck in that miserable place in my life if I didn't have a friend who appreciated me for me so yeah that's Alex if you saw the draw my life video that's that's what I was referring to I am at this point blabbering and repeating myself especially because I'm feeling incredibly sentimental and quite emotional right I'm just gonna wrap it up but let me just wrap it up by saying thank you for watching this video or other videos were just being a part of my story and for sharing yours with me I hope you enjoyed it and it would feel a little weird to just do like the normal sign-off of saying click videos and subscribe and all that stuff so I'm just gonna wrap it up by thanking you for watching and I guess for now that'll do and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 432,362
Rating: 4.9827132 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, memories, sad
Id: EvPbCzSvx2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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