CORRUPTING MOVIES Using A.I?? - I can't believe this WORKS!!

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get everyone on Java and today I'm going to be using artificial intelligence to vandalize Hollywood blockbusters you see this is program called EB synth which I've dabbled with once in a previous video link to that lower in the description where I tweaked the cat's trailer to be a little more animated it didn't fix it and in that video I actually uploaded a bunch of frames of yours truly for you guys to play around with the program so I think it's only fair to show Hollywood that I'm willing to take the brunt of it as well and see what people have done to me it's it's me as a the b-movie guard under the name but then wow just wow oh my god that's horrifying they can be so weird and so wonderful but also mostly weird so anyway so obviously you didn't click on this video to see this you wanted to see me do this to other people so we're gonna be doing that and I'm actually gonna be doing this on as you can tell the Asus Zenbook Pro duo so this is it the Asus Zenbook Pro duo check that out now value calling this the laptop of tomorrow honestly I agree with them so does Linus tech tips who did a review of it and said this is the direction the industry is going the real reason I say that is because of the extra screen it has one big 4k screen and another mini half-height 4k with screen both screens are touchscreen and work with active styluses with pressure sensitivity but by far my favorite feature of the multi display laptop is the fact that you can set pre setup workspace arrangements so I have one for web browsing and file organization I also have one for Photoshop and I have one for video editing and it's really just the press of two buttons that will switch you into any of those pre-configured workflow it's incredible for video editing on the go which is really what I need a laptop for most of the time and it even comes with an active stylist so you really can't go wrong with this thing there's a core I nine eight core processor an RT X 26 T graphics card one terabyte of PCIe SSD storage m2 32 gigs of RAM I want to thank of course issues for sponsoring this video and there are more details and product links in the description go check it out if you're looking for the best of the best with the best utility of on the market today this is it and it's gonna be particularly useful in today's video because there's a lot of different parts that are going to the Hollywood vandalization process so I have the perfect thing to test this out with Henry Cavill who you probably know play Superman at all the recent Justice League and Superman movies needed to grow a mustache for his role in Mission Impossible fall out so ever had him to come back and do some reshoots later in the process of filming Justice League he was growing out his mustache and a cost of millions of dollars to CGI out the mustache well I've got good news for you today we're going to recreate what Justice League would have looked like if you just kept the bloody mustache what sane should we pick to recreate now I know this isn't Justice League but I feel like scene is so bad it's just really lacks a mustache I don't know if this is gonna work but you're gonna try there we go I got a glorious secrets of images of one of the worst scenes in movie history right now just need a remind myself how to use this just a base seems program you've got to pick the right key frame or key frames and paint them basically what I think I'm looking for is a frame that shows the most referable detail in the characters face so we need eyes and winning teeth that's a good one there we go I'm just going to drag this into sketchbook and have a bit of a play if I don't want to draw like this I might put it on the bottom screen just so it's more comfortable to draw yeah we that's real Superman that's perfect love it look at that alright let's save this alright next part of the tutorial teach me this is not some artificial intelligence what I thought this was artificial intelligence like use the intertidal after I learnt this world recording the video I mean that just makes me look misleading well if it isn't IO then what the bloody hell is this EB synth respects your style to the point that if you want to stylize a frame that contains objects that are not in your reference painting it will explode oh my god I didn't read the fine print it's a literal reinterpretation of style but it always references the original so if there are things that are in your drawing that weren't in the video or that are in your video that weren't in your drawing it's going to drag video there that work on this I just dragged it into the user interface in the YouTube video it doesn't work that way there's per program video boom keyframes boom don't f is good work so I'm just gonna hit the sim working think it's working it's working ooh - is that it's done it's done sin what is it what did we ha ha hey yes dragon our original video and let's grab our simple frames this is per se there is the first frame is across this is who are you ready oh yeah now let's get started for real I am going to create a new Zenbook duo layout thing for the the process that I use to do this evcp Photoshop in the bottom and I'm just removing the drawing window and moving that to the right so I have as much drawing space as possible under my hand and then all the tools on the left just gonna try that you already I'm gonna save this as a layout number 4 bills and now I can go between my premiere setup to watch the silly videos and then I can go back to my EB since set up to make the silly videos speaking of what silly video are we gonna go with top 100 blockbusters can make me something to worldwide gross Avengers in gay alright stuff it let's do feathers I want to see everything well that's a good one that's a good one definitely work with that but you know what I want to now that we know what we're doing I want to I want to do a few in a row so next I like that because in the recent Star Wars trailer there's like a teaser that Rey who's gonna be like a baddie so I'm gonna only see if I can find good footage of reh to turn her into my own version of a bat oh this is sort of a cool scene I could I could play with both of them here okay that's good for this area who spy man get another superhero one but this is topical because the whole Marvel and Disney Gowan huh I won't spot away or know of what's part of it well our main spider-man well I bought spider-man spider-man it's good oh oh charging money for spot I'm in but I don't want to keep spider-man I should probably stop doing all right we've got some videos let's start off with our friend Thanos let's bring him in here is the bit over us bring this into Photoshop and it's time to have a play let's amp it up a bit let's go a bit more dramatic and starting off with a lie it's very dark and gloomy so let's really give it some designs I'm gonna tweak the levels a bit let's ring it up and make it a bit bright out on the saturation that's very nice and you know what I'm getting a bit of a grimace vibe and I've always thought that uh looks like grimace so I mean why not just go all in with that this has these big eyebrows but Thanos doesn't have any up here so I'm just gonna draw them and I'm just hoping a besom doesn't freak out or god forbid does the other use he doesn't have ears sorry buddy the years ago and now you know how nebula feels tear you apart piece by piece all right now for the outline let's do the frame of grimace grimace like fusses oh this is good this is good content oh that's looking pretty good there anything else that makes him grimace particular grimace see I guess he's got like these big cheeks so I might pull that out there guy who's got a real grimace on his face haha an expression as well as a character in case you didn't pick a nice grimacing color here dude I like a flat color like that were otherwise we're wasting all the the beautiful work we've done so let's find a good sort of overall more more that's good that's good video we have the key frames what's this I know what I'm doing now it's working the first time cuz I'm a genius now that's running in the background and we know what we're doing now so I'm gonna do all of these videos one at a time and then just convert them in the background as I move on to the next one so that we can bring all of these in and enjoy them all together at the very end next let's do some Star Wars oh this is fun everyone's been assuming that these are the good guys in the movie so far obviously there's big bit of a surprise at the end of the recent teaser trailer for the upcoming Star Wars whatever then there's something I don't know what the title is it's I don't even care anymore I think we should join in with the subverting people's expectations which is all the rage I'm making these guys as evil as we possibly can I think the overall colour tweaking to start off with to set a nice foundation was a good idea with so let's do that here sweet four levels making nice and contrasty and we're gonna make it nice and evil-looking you know what maybe before we paint we should have a play with the liquefies after all evil people are more angry so let's make them look at you with you or look the dark side cuz I'm evil think that's a very good so far now we can actually have a bit of a proper play I think it's gonna be more impactful if Ray has her eyes open in this section should be looking ahead she'll be contemplative let's give her some proper like slits for nose like an any evil person you'd have to do the same with Luke here but not the same when I say the same we're gonna corrupt in but we're not gonna look into making the same this guy's gonna have a bit of a unique look to its go for a more lizard aesthetic been drinking too much green milk and it's got to it I'm gonna get a little bit fancy here we'll give him some little teeth I don't know if this is gonna work if anything's gonna go bad it's probably gonna be these teeth because there has nothing to attach it to you because remember it's not a I flipped through these lifestyles and what bingo perfect love it do you saturate the background bit push it away keep the focus on our beautiful character recreations here and I'm pretty happy with that all right boom video boom keyframes and there's been work yes it is cuz I know what I'm doing alright last but not least spider-man and this is a short clip but I have a little idea I want to try what I want to do and this probably won't work is see if I can make a deep fake specifically I want to see if I can put Tobey Maguire's face on here and if it will render it properly so I'm gonna try and find a picture of Tobey Maguire and he's gonna be in roughly the same sort of position and expression what someone's already done it ah that's right we'll see how am I compares how am I gonna do this well let's just grab the face copy that yeah this is gonna be good now the question is how well does it align that looks like it lines up really well oh boy that looks pretty good okay let's save that now look it's not different is you guys ever care about that no cuz this is fun as hell alright it's time everything is rendered let's remind ourselves the power of what we're about to witness this is gonna be so good we just we barely scratched the surface and now it's time to dive in the deep end starting with grimace you ready you're not ready I'm not ready I'm scared I want to see [Music] that didn't animate his odds because they weren't attached to his eyes so they weren't moving the way his eyes work cuz it's not AI all right starwars let's get dramatic Oh this bodes well you ready and between it all energy Wow a source it's amazing his mouth is great and between it all oh that's amazing look at that magic look at this muck what is this magic oh I love it nice Potter man let's see if ABCs can do deep face we know we can vandalize but can we swap people all right spider-man what have you got for me bad man but did it work oh maybe it didn't work wait did I even do it it didn't work because I forgot do it alright synthesized I have hope so I have high hopes for this one what are we done we're done synthesis complete since watch a funny name of spider-man spider-man but you know what today we have been on a real gin we have Rima stashed Henry Cavill the way he should have been we've created the ultimate villain in grimace we've recreated the Star Wars franchise this is amazing this is absolutely my favorite and the last but not least we have attempted to deep bank it doesn't really work did you know well it's been fun trying I would let that this sort of compositing recreating tool can be used for how full or even destructive things do you know what they say great power comes great responsibility it's a phrase I should have had in my head before I showed a huge amount of my audience how to do this and now they can do it to anyone now massive credit where credit is due Isis whoever sponsored this video and provided me with the Zenbook pro duo this thing has run After Effects premiere several web browsers and EB Civ compositing in the background and screen recorded two 4k screens for this video all at once for hours straight and hasn't battered an eyelid this thing is powerful and it's really really useful for creative purposes and super customizable the extra screen real estate is just beyond useful and then the added functionality of having preset saves for how you lay all your programs out and switching between those workflows with simply a tap of a couple of buttons there we go let's open up our Photoshop layer boom there we go we're in Photoshop you're looking for an incredible laptop that can handle anything you're gonna throw at it and have a lot of creative power and versatility I can definitely recommend this so of course a huge thank you to Asus and the Zen book team for sponsoring this video make sure to go check them out the link is in the description that is it for this video if you enjoyed it make sure to hit that like button and subscribe for more fun without creativity if you haven't the only thing that is for other ways that I can use this in the future this this whole uh you know defacing things let me know in the comments otherwise there are more videos over there for you to check out thank you so much for watching and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,116,127
Rating: 4.9010811 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, amazingnewzenbooks, asus30, zenbookproduo, zenbookduo, intel10thgen, AI, artificial intelligence, ebsynth, deepfake, composite, corrupt, deface, vandalize
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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