THIS VIDEO!?! - Deep Web Browsing 82

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hello guys and gals me mudarra and welcome to another episode of deep web browsing dark web browsing dank web browsing whatever you want to call it ladies and gentlemen this is episode number 82 this fine week I hope you've been enjoying series so far once again we return to the world of free net and tour I think we're gonna mix and match as much as we can this week just to get a little bit of both worlds alongside that I don't really know what the themes are and of course it's not actually Sunday I feel like I have to put that as a little disclaimer there's actually the latest I've recorded a deep web video it's at it actually is Sunday is literally the night like I am recording I'm gonna be editing this in like an hour - but ladies and gentlemen this is deep web browsing episode number 80 - of course no common theme but we get to sit back relax and see a part of the internet that's a little too dank for regular viewing with that intro said I think we'll go right into our very first website so the first site we've actually found is apparently the fly plane ladies and gentlemen now of course this is about building a model plane but not just any old model plane also about taking flies cryogenically freezing them and then putting them on to set planes so that the plane will fly ladies and gentlemen why am I not [ __ ] surprised anymore but here we go ladies and gentlemen the fly plane split a wooden matchstick take a wooden matchstick and slice a thin silver from one side I don't even think if I had to make this video I can't because it's like isn't it [ __ ] cruel we'll get into it hold on then cut the remaining sticks into lengthwise make sure you leave a little bit of the red tip intact for effect discard one half say a mathematic very [ __ ] small of course but here we go ladies and gentlemen we have a matchstick it's actually like a really nice like [ __ ] illustration by the way - I like that art style god damn you know now let's go let's go into this make the aircraft by gluing the sliver of wood the wing across the remaining part of the matchstick the fuselage if you want you can use little scraps to make a tail section or you can make a biplane you can [ __ ] go any way you want dude this is this is all up to you or you can use a couple of thin slices of balsa to make a huge wing one that will carry maybe 20 engines and wait until I get those [ __ ] engines to indulge your aeronautical winds think of lyft think of thrust think of innovation without the benefits of an industrial policy can we just [ __ ] don't let's not get cool okay let's go and do it you have a friend that really got political she's not a friend anymore but let's go catch some flies catch a bunch of flies put them in a jar and put the jar in the freezer in a few seconds the Flies will be chilled out completely this is called cryogenics and it has its drawbacks for example the Flies will be dead flies if you freeze them too long a dead flies are no good so if you're a tinkerer refrigerate your flies it takes longer to make them comatose but they have a higher recovery rate than the ones you leave in the freezer next to the burritos all right so ladies and gentlemen we now know basic cryogenics when it comes to this kind of stuff now it's almost the same principles like if you're cooking lobster like a lot of people like what they would use what a lot of people do is like they put the lobster into like like boiling water and [ __ ] right like they kill it that way or they steam it or whatever the [ __ ] right some people what they do is they like put a lobster into like the fridge right or like the freezer section so like if the lobster gets cold right it's almost like this principle in a way - it's not dead but it slows down so much to the point where it doesn't really feel anything so when you got to like jab the knife and do its head to like kill it right because that's what like most people it'll like butcher lobster the lobster doesn't feel a [ __ ] thing because it's like it's so like slowed down to a point where like it won't [ __ ] react to it at all it's gone and that's like what some people consider to be the most humane way to do it and it's almost the same principle as this - so it's like I still don't know if it's humane or not gluing flies to [ __ ] matchbook and just like letting that [ __ ] rip through the air well let's go anyway so here we go we're attaching the flies using a little like drop of rubber cement all right so these things are [ __ ] stuck for good [ __ ] now you connect the Flies now you take the flies out of the freezer attach the abdomen of one frigid fly to each drop of glue make sure all the flies are facing the same direction and then breathe life into the fly that's actually so [ __ ] poetic and magical a gentle puff of your warm breath lore assesses tape the Flies could you imagine though being the Flies it's almost like the movie human centipede and [ __ ] but instead of like humans its flies right so it's like like they could [ __ ] get passed out and [ __ ] and they wake up knowing that they're attached to this thing for the rest of their [ __ ] like existence that's that's really [ __ ] man this is it has gotten depressing when I didn't think I could get depressing launch the aircraft it should fly like a charm and far from being cruel to the Flies you'll be teaching them a new and valuable thing okay one that brings a degree this one that brings us the virtue of this existence for we see that while flies think a lot alike they have a great deal in common share many of the same hopes and dreams they never act in concert as a team with regard for the worth of other neighboring flies until forced to by grim circumstance us for example when they are harnessed to fly an either first experience the exhilaration of high-altitude cooperation or die Wow redeemed by such a critical choice they soar like a glider race like a stealth and when over flying a barnyard or kennel turned into a wicked awesome dive bomber Oh Kenny ladies and gentlemen that was [ __ ] interesting I will tell you that right now I don't know what to [ __ ] say really you want to come when it comes down to all this [ __ ] other than holy [ __ ] all right ladies and gentlemen they took the magic of [ __ ] flies and like they combined them to so basically over here it's like flies have a choice now that they're flying when when you throw them out you make the [ __ ] choice like either they fall and die or they work together within the moment they like connect they're like oh they look at the other fly brethren God forbid yeah like 20 flies in [ __ ] right they're all like looking at each other like guys we better work together all right otherwise we're dead this sick human has attached us to a [ __ ] matchbox Blaine and we got it that's actually really [ __ ] beautiful but I wouldn't try this because frankly I don't know where I'm gonna really capture these many flies and frankly I don't know if I have the time and energy to really [ __ ] freeze flies and attach them to a [ __ ] matchbook plane that's that's a lot of effort for a pretty [ __ ] Crimmins ladies and gentlemen at was the fly plane I think we're gonna back out of it and then we're gonna go to something else cuz I was a great start but you know what so much more to come the NSA is building the country's biggest spy center here we got some Illuminati [ __ ] now we haven't covered the NSA in a while but you know for those of you don't know what the NSA is typically outside of America they are the National Security Agency for the United States basically what they do is they do a lot of analytical work cryptography work things like for US intelligence services to basically track down bad people or just to do general surveillance and they basically had a major scandal kick in when with the whole prism experiment where for them and many other facets of the military intelligence community that's super weird I'm getting a call hold on ladies and gentlemen that was a little weird interruption I got a call for apparently no reason and think somebody was just like [ __ ] some weird Mike [ __ ] I don't know it was like breathing or whatever it's nothing major sorry ladies and gentlemen I had a little call to attend to but I am back with the NSA building the country's biggest buy center where I left off was essentially the prism system which was multiple groups of US intelligence services basically running a giant like [ __ ] surveillance operation not just in the US but in the rest of the world and basically what they did was like it really did piss off a lot of countries because it found out that the u.s. was like surveying surveying unlike other big major world leaders and [ __ ] and they were I mean of course you're gonna be [ __ ] pissed when people are trying to see what you're doing right especially if you're a [ __ ] world leader too but anyways that's not the whole point of it let's go into what the NSA is building so they got a photo where the name is withheld and the digital manipulation is by Jesse Lance at least they're given an actual name or a stage name that seems like the u.s. is biggest [ __ ] spy sooner but let's go into it the spring air and the small sand dust a town as a soft haze to it and clumps of green gray sagebrush rustle in the breeze okay buff Dale alright whatever it is buff Dale sits in the bowl shaped valley of the shadow of Utah's Wasatch Range to the east and the okay okay or mountains to the west it is a heart of Mormon country where religious pioneers first arrived more than 160 years ago they came to escape the rest of the world to understand the mysterious word sent down from their God as revealed on burial golden plates into practice what has been known as the principle marriage to multiple wives yeah Utah's pretty much for those of you don't know the state where a lot of Mormonism is I think that is one of the states and also Ohio where there's a lot of uh there's a big Mormon population from what I met they're very nice people but you know that's not what this article is about today Bluffdale is holding one of those in the largest sect of polygamists the apostle Hostel ik a United Brethren with upwards of nine thousand members anyways let's go on further and further and further well let's go into a data center now under construction by contractors with top-secret clearances the Branly named Utah data center that's a very [ __ ] blatant name to is built for the National Security Agency a project of immense secrecy it is a final piece in a complex puzzle assembled over the past decade its purpose to analyze intercept decipher and storm vast swaths of the world's communication as a SAP down from satellites and zipped through the underground and undersea cables of international foreign and domestic networks the heavily fortified two billion dollar Center Wow should be up and running in September 2013 Pardee boy passed a date flowing through its servers and routers and stored is near bottomless databases will be all forms of communication including the complete contents of private emails cell phone calls and Google searches as well as all sorts of personal data trails parking receipts travel itineraries booking purchases and other digital pocket litter it is in some measure the realization of the Total Information Awareness program created during the first term of the Bush administration an effort that was killed by Congress after it caused an outcry over its potential for invading Americans privacy I think that's actually like they would mirror the internet away so that they like they could basically have a one-to-one copy of all Internet traffic and they would just and that's [ __ ] up they do like goddamned I know I don't want to think about it man like I have nothing to hide personally I don't really care but it's like it's so [ __ ] up those videos but here's the data center so they're there saying this is the visitor control this almost feels like we're looking at area 51 except it's all for data so number one is a visitor control center which is a nine point seven million facility of ensuring that only cleared personal gain access so it's like a giant [ __ ] security gate number two is administration number three is two data halls 25,000 square foot facility house rows and rows of server that's that's a lot of processing power and storage backup generators and fuel are interesting a water storage and pumping so basically that's for like cool the systems out which is what you do for a lot of servers and supercomputer stuff chiller plants which again aid to cooling these [ __ ] rigs power substation of course to meet for all the power demands of this [ __ ] massive server supercomputer and eight is video surveillance and security services which so if you happen to break in they'll know the [ __ ] did it and they'll send out a hit squad maybe or at least that's what they do in the movies I don't know if they you know what actually knowing how [ __ ] weird the government can be sometimes I guarantee you they probably send out a [ __ ] hit squad and [ __ ] you know somebody to your house [ __ ] waste you anyways a SWAT the freezing fog blanked at Salt Lake City on the morning of January 6 2011 mixing with a week-long coating of heavy gray smog red air alerts warning people to stay indoors unless absolutely necessary had become almost daily occurrences and the temperature was in the bone-chilling 20s what I smell in taste is like coal smoke so essentially what we got over here is like yeah I think we're gonna look at the flow charts instead so basically what's going on is they have satellites right from like aerospace data facilities the NSA headquarters and Fort Meade White House okay so basically how it works is this so the NSA Texas division NSA a Hawaii domestic listening-posts domestic overseas listening post basically where they have like a little listening like devices to capture as much data from anywhere else as they can and I say Georgia even all the way from like satellites up in the air sending data to the aerospace data facility all the way it goes to this giant Center in Utah and from the Utah Center it goes to this research facility in Oak Ridge which is where one of the biggest supercomputers by the United States is hosted so maybe they might be pulling [ __ ] out of that then it can go all the way to the NSA headquarters as well part of that flow chart all in Fort Meade and then it goes from there to the White House CIA and Pentagon so holy [ __ ] [ __ ] here's the thing if this is legit which it's so hard for me to say if it is legit that's really [ __ ] up dude I think we came across some of the more depressing sides who of like our world and like the Deep Web in essence because like this is the kind of stuff you would see on the Deep Web look I know a lot of people like I always like to say that we always have like freedom to say what we want but there's got to be limits to everything there's always a limit to something this is something that I feel is a limit to people like this is some exposure level [ __ ] and it's actually really popular got 861 comments and she lets go to the specified link oh it goes all the way to the actual wired article oh ok so basically it's a wired article but they reimaged it on to the D on to like the Freenet servers and stuff interesting ladies and gentlemen I I think what I'm reading here is ultimately pretty [ __ ] up you know like a grand scheme of things like it's like there's limits to everything and you know what I mean like I feel like this this is some real [ __ ] you know what I mean and the other thing is it is real I'm not gonna be some sap and tell you they're not doing it everyone's listening in to what you say it's the most valuable [ __ ] thing it's more valuable than gold now ladies and gentlemen be careful and frankly if this is actually a thing it really doesn't matter how carefully you are at this point because [ __ ] man people can listen in whenever they [ __ ] want it's [ __ ] up dude it really is goddamn just be careful on the internet and frankly don't do [ __ ] that you shouldn't be doing I guess because people like this are watching man it's like all a server has to do is flag your ass and you know you're all you're on some [ __ ] tickets where you you know your honor you're on a flight to somewhere you don't want to be what I'm now you're trying to scare you let's back out and go to something else god damn ah ladies and gentlemen here we got some for insights this time we have a Chinese website and you might be wondering why you showing Chinese muda har you don't even know how to speak Chinese very astute you are a friend and you know what I'm totally gonna use Google Translate it might [ __ ] up whatever's written over here but frankly what you need to know is the site is dedicated to ways that you can assassinate Chinese President or premier or lievable leader of their Communist Party which is basically the President Xi Jinping um further you don't know he [ __ ] runs China's Communist Party you know what I mean and China has always gotten a very interesting rap you know it's one of the world's leading superpowers but the thing is is that it's very unfriendly when it comes to freedom of speech a lot of the freedoms that I think we take for granted don't [ __ ] exist in China they definitely don't I've traveled there a few times I myself have always really liked the people over there liked and stuff I mean I've definitely seen the extent of how firewall blocked their internet is and you know in some ways it can be very dangerous to be a certain type of person in China that's unfortunately something that is I think going to stay there for a while but this is a site dedicated telling you how to assassinate a [ __ ] world leader uh you know if I was in China this is just [ __ ] video wouldn't belied have to I I'd probably get [ __ ] killed I'd probably be flogged and [ __ ] right now dude I'd be dead is what I'd be fine there would be a bullet flying into my head all right that's what would happen in some like secret government facility in China but ladies and gentlemen I think I'm gonna highlight this stuff I'm gonna fire up a Google Translate can be one second real quick where is a Google Translate let me just start it up with some quickness yeah let's get the whole app it's gonna basically ruin stuff but you know it's the best we got so in Chinese what we essentially have is if it's trying to yes go to English please translate assassination is easy and paying the dictators ijen pingzhi jimping ass leaders at all levels to support his position to the core the collective leadership to abandon standing committee sees you in pain openly violated the Communist Party's own party Constitution convience support for personal worship letting others call themselves big I think the proper word is think the spread of songs on the song nauseating or even completely disregard of the history of the Communist Party so basically this dude is like you know [ __ ] he's been [ __ ] on party ideals which you know I feel like if that was to happen they'd a [ __ ] accident instantly man the Chinese are [ __ ] known for this kind of [ __ ] they don't they don't take [ __ ] is what goes on very very very straight up [ __ ] devoted people I will say well I mentioned something about why they think zgn ping is bad I want to see a methods on killing the dude though so if I go down over here this seems like a list that I want to read so let me just highlight this list please and let me read a ways that we're gonna [ __ ] take care of this this lie let me just copy all of it in one stellar go oh my god dude I'm literally typing this into Google Translate like I'm typing kills even ping dude it doesn't [ __ ] matter if I'm in China I'm already on a watch with somewhere all right so some suggestions on assassination all right so this is like [ __ ] this is some kid killing world leader 101 if it's not prepared the action will fall senior citizens what why get a map and check where the action is right understand the guard situation security arrangement specially the location of the camera should pay attention plan with plan ahead with at least two escape routes if a gun is used a muffler should be fitted to the gun I think it's like a flat flash suppressors and stuff if possible to avoid the area where the public is located using a sound sir prevents the guards from finding the firing position yeah because you're getting rid of a suppressor really I mean if the silencer is not gonna get rid of any like major sound but it's definitely gonna hide your [ __ ] [ __ ] but anyways let's go that that's yeah I'm getting too into Micheal tube but anyways it may take a few minutes or even hours to prepare for the assassination I mean if you're taking over a [ __ ] world leader dude it's just gonna take a long yeah I think it takes more than even if even hours to prep that [ __ ] and you gotta balls you need to reserve enough time to hit the deadly shooting the gun should be aimed at the head or the heart each either of which is fatal oh no [ __ ] no [ __ ] shooting someone in the head of the hardest fatal I thought shooting him in the toenail was gonna wipe the dude clean god damn this is the most a lot we know this either which is fatal weapon should be so used shooting other players will only increase the risk of failure you have only one chance if the target is critical you can only shoot once fatal never spend time reloading shots this only exposes the location and causes it to be caught other weapons are the same repeat shoot only once hit a fatal pay attention to camouflage yourself do not shoot guards do not hesitate statistically the probability of a shot being instantly detected is 15 percent the probability of being fired twice is 67% and the probability of a fire being detected three times is 91% quick or you will regret it I think you're [ __ ] dead the moment you fire the trigger so you might as well just [ __ ] give up and like go ham I would say like they're gonna kill you other assassination so whether it is poison or explosion it can also kill in a good way apparently something called total lion whatever the [ __ ] that is although the gun is most efficient way there are many other options here are just a few examples car bombs with what am i reading the disadvantages that car bombs can be easily traced cameras and informants everywhere trace the source of the car is not very difficult poisoning the method is risky poison food may be eaten by other people poisons also need to choose not easy to probe or automatically decompose after the death of the victim is better moreover go to Z shipping to eat food is also very I mean I guess you know long-range sniper the safest way this is the occupation killers favorite but also need professional skills and equipment okay I mean here's the thing look alright I think trying to do this is fun not only is it wrong don't don't try to kill a [ __ ] world leader okay I don't have to explain this I don't have to give this as a disclaimer but uh there's a reason why this is on Freenet if you thought we were kinda mean we're pretty free and open and [ __ ] I mean if you talked about killing like a president over here you bet the Secret Service would be on your ass but like this they found this [ __ ] oh my god this is zip files are sending unknown and potentially dangerous content Freenet cannot guarantee this file safely may cost you browser to give away your IP address and breach around anybody the data is of an unknown type oh man I don't want to open liber8 or dot snip dude it's like oh yeah wait what is it let me see what the [ __ ] it is I think we can just get by the name of it - I'm not gonna download anything that's like [ __ ] that I shouldn't be even tala I shouldn't even [ __ ] be on the site really but you know I am and that's that's all fine some of the old data on open source 3d printing pistols oh my god it's like the it's like that slightly saw the DEF CON what was at the DEF CON library or some [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen 3d printed pistols right here if you need [ __ ] 3d printed guns if I can get 3d printed guns oh my god it's like holy [ __ ] dude you think [ __ ] supply everything it's like it's so we're Li live at an age where you can print [ __ ] assassin tools zi Jinping has a major murder suspect oh so this is like evidence against him I guess interesting indeed ladies and gentlemen I I don't think I should really be here anymore let me tell you kill Department oh my god they're gonna open that what is this I know it takes us back here wait a minute uh oh uh just takes us like separate parts of the page ladies and gentlemen I am on a website dedicated to the assassination attempts and tips and tricks of killing one of the biggest world leaders on the planet ladies and gentlemen there's a surreal nough stew the series that I feel I've always had since day one and this site proves it even in episode number 82 we've had so many sites about wasting people and [ __ ] but sometimes they seem like jokes here not only do we have like plans and tips and tricks but the [ __ ] we even gave 3d printed pistol files I mean this this is [ __ ] up like this is a surreal location that I'm in right now like I feel kind of [ __ ] dirty looking at this but you know we're gonna we're gonna back out all right we're gonna back out and go to something else dude ladies and gentlemen we have our deep web video of the week and frankly I am deathly afraid of whatever we're about to see because not only is recorded an ever glorious iPhone resolution you know the ever lovely [ __ ] aspect ratio it's got we got this handsome looking gold fellow right here and I don't know what the [ __ ] to expect ladies and gentlemen we got about a minute and 12 seconds of this and I really hope nothing [ __ ] up a weird happens because frankly it's late at night and just looking at that kind of spooks me already it's in some sense some bad vibes but let's hit play and see what it's all about here we got a handsome young lad I think he's [ __ ] shirtless to be honest all right what is he looking at us for like it's so weird but he's clearly not saying anything dude if I see your [ __ ] this is like some elaborate chatroulette thing I'm not excited what the [ __ ] is he got he's got like a note down there the [ __ ] naughty naughty gesture telling secrets but what the [ __ ] six smiley faces and [ __ ] weight telling secrets again there's like something okay that's very weird I don't know what the [ __ ] to say about that okay clearly nothing evil or depressing or dark happened in it but we got a note here and I can't really get to know clearly unfortunately let me try try [ __ ] figuring this out okay hold on well the fact is he's pointing a flashlight at I'm trying to read the bottom so let's read the note first basically no says naughty naughty gesture telling secrets again and it's got a bunch of these weird smiley face I think like that one in the middle though that's weird it's got like a [ __ ] like a little cross thing on its head earth but if you go around over here he's got like Salim's or something like that and he's got like 40 bracket it with something but he's also got 2002 - like 2012 wait wait hold on 40 more to come and Saleem it's like aunt silly is it could it be in a different language there huh hold on yeah so basically it's 97 2002 2012 40 so int Salim's is what we got we got like a bunch of these smiley faces and [ __ ] but this person's like clearly just sitting in the dark with that mask on trying to like I guess maybe scare ya 1997 is what it is alright that's what it's a first for some reason like it's too blurry to pick up over here there's like some words like down in this section that I'm trying to figure out but I can't get to just because of the capture of it I think what's written over there is of so like oh and F and Salim's 19 97 I think these are years that are correlating is something 2000 to 2012 and you have 40 more to come I don't know how to feel about this ladies and gentlemen I feel like we're supposed to get a message from this individual over here but that's really all we get the dude is sitting shirtless with this creepy [ __ ] mask on with this note that he's written and it's like what is the ultimate goal of all this know nothing ever gets said dude point to flashlights shows us the note and that's it it just ends right yep like here's the thing man this is an edger project but it's like at the same time it's always the same thing I ask it's like why you know what I mean like sometimes you sit there you're like why the [ __ ] you know what I mean would you like [ __ ] do this sometimes it's like it's just you know [ __ ] you is so [ __ ] weird it really is it's like whoo you know this is fake being filmed it's like why what no what the hell but if it's like if it's not fake it's like clearly it's like we're getting a message but the thing is I don't know if the message is super old ladies and gentlemen because like if we get we get what seems to be years and it ends at 2012 2012 when I started my whole YouTube channel but then the dude says 40 more to come what are 40 more to come what like 40 like in 40 years 40 times in 2012 like what the hell are we supposed to expect and who is a jester that is telling dirty dirty secrets I think there's not much more for me to analyze over here other than other than just being confused really but clearly what we're stepping into here is an arc we're stepping into somebody trying to send a message I don't know whether it's bad or whether it's good frankly I think we're just being jerked off but I welcome it because it's some fun stuff to get into but let's back out of here and go out go somewhere else this is things that would complicate my life all right this is somebody this is somebody's website that basically talks about things that front awake cat flogs wait let me see this ladies and gentlemen this is things that are complicating this individual's life I'm gonna open up a page real quick let that fire up this is gonna give me something but ladies and gentlemen they got a bunch of text files over here they got 0 0 0 0 text 0 0 1 text 0 0:02 text zero zero zero three text I know I missed one of those zeros and zero zero zero one I apologize for that wholeheartedly ladies and gentlemen that is still loading all the way through but here it is I have a rule that I follow and that I never say anything that sounds like I'm asking for help I can't play a game where people know I'm following a pattern which will get them to do something for me people have to want to help me I can't say what I just said at least not when I'm hurting and there's something I need I can say it here even though I'm thinking about this because my heart is in my throat and something is very wrong I can say it here because you can't comment and you can't find me this is my rule because everything that comes to me from another being has to be completely real I don't want to wonder not for an instant but if they would rather not deal with me and feel compelled to I wonder what I wonder that anyway which is fudged up which is part of the problem which is why I'm thinking about this in writing 0 3 3 9 8 8 meta I don't like the idea that the 0 0 0 0 blog entry is emo but that but it is and the main reason I have this blog I have another blog that has comment enabled on the unfree net and not anonymous ok so that there's a place where I won't apologize because no one has a face to judge I do have stuff of a different nature to not apologize about though I don't plan on writing an entirely email blog please do it's actually really enticing come back or don't I don't know in that in an uncomfortable way it's so damn refreshing alright so basically this is a dude that doesn't feel like apologizing and I guess I guess don't one of it was vlog by the way is just unavailable unfortunately I will try retrying it but I don't think I'm gonna get it but God has no significance to us in any way that doesn't have any everything to do with us does that sound a name or does that sound profound or do you not buy any that higher power crap if you choose number 3 save your time and move on if you chose one or two I think you're right in a way that sentence says that things that are significant to us are significant for us which is redundant but the point of this quote is exactly the redundancy it's saying that service to God benefits us it's saying that since everything about God is important to us everything important has personal significance it says that our separation from God is imaginary and our significance and God's significance are the same you heard anything about God is something about us and God is everything well I've said enough dude your why is it that like either I find conspiracies killing world leaders but God please just give me like Care Bear [ __ ] or like [ __ ] I don't know hand tires goddamn here we go we got 0 3 3 9 88 mm 706 19 be easier I think it's like some weird cipher code let's go to like the second one oh it always changes my number I think that might be 2007 oh seven sixteen sixty I think it's how you got date moniker uh I don't know what it is just like a signature I wonder if my interest in the girl I met for lunch is genuine I wonder if my interest in anyone is completely genuine I have a view of the world and the people when I come in contact with an actual situation that would correlate with an imagined situation life plays out completely differently dude story of my [ __ ] life the girl I met for lunch is one of the sexiest honeys I know of I fell in love with her before but I don't know about her significant other I thought I had a chance she's a friend now oh friend-zoned but what kind but friends owns don't exist come on now but what kind of friend is she sometimes I think I love her but it's been months since we saw each other and now it seemed extremely low key which is what I was shooting for I like to lunch a lot I like that she wanted to meet me after all the time and wants to do it again I like that I'm not a problem for her I like that I don't want more than to have jokes and conversation but it was different in my head how much of life is different than what is in my head but I don't notice because it's more passive yeah I think that's fine dude just have good times I guess it's like Keanu Reeves and he spell Keanu he who is really a blank slate he doesn't act he just follows the plot and goes whoa that's actually the truest [ __ ] thing imaginable honestly Keanu Reeves like [ __ ] can't act for [ __ ] honestly like there's a lot of times by the way no disrespect I love Keanu Reeves but god damn dude that was actually the truest [ __ ] statement of 2017 so far he literally just goes whoa it's kind of [ __ ] John wicked nutshell dude if you watch that guys can identify with them and girls can fall in love with him because he doesn't give you reasons not to he's 50 percent gray a blank piece of paper but surely as rocks hurt when you hit them against your head and Bush's stupid keanu less personal issues he deals with he has quirks like how he spits his toothpaste into the sink and grudges he holds against old friends and opinions had burned inside of him you might like but only if you agree you don't see that I want to make a difference in the world I want to bring people together so they can have a power as an organization I want to take a step how we're small in how our futile towards a utopian ideal of universal peace and even if I do in my ideas work they'll turn out completely differently than there are in my head won't they will I be happy with that will it look back and say I would make all the same choices point being we're blind guys this is this is again heavy man to bring in Keanu Reeves into this [ __ ] I believe in manifesting things via willpower or a connection to something higher or I don't know actually and quite frankly I don't give a damn how it works it's a feeling a concept that is ridiculously old but also almost completely undescribable with any verbiage that has made it into my English vocabulary I think your vocabulary says sniff your own [ __ ] I believe that you meet the love of your life and other amazing opportunities when you're least expecting it for a reason I do agree on that you know in my life personally when I came to like amazing opportunities and like finding genuine love and stuff it has been when I least expected it so I do agree on that I think when you aren't chasing things you know and you just act like a good person generally you end up getting some really [ __ ] good [ __ ] you end up getting some good stuff anyways it's like it's actually pretty [ __ ] decent I will say that you know it's weird it really is weird but you know it's like what the [ __ ] I don't know anyways I believe that you will meet the love of your life and other amazing opportunities when you're least expecting it I don't know what the reason is but it's there it probably has something to do with the resistance you have to your own will you know why everyone has little demons telling you that you can't have what you want and you have to be realistic about it but not only expect the same thing that uh no yesterday I think that when you're not trying so hard is when you stop hating yourself or it and when forgive the cliche phrasing your connection with destiny can work its magic but how does one use this connection with destiny the Rosicrucians had the best idea about it that I've come across their approach to prayer as much like a coaches approach to the psychological aspect of training you first relax let go of your problems for the moment clear your mind of distracting thoughts as much as possible then visualize your goal as clearly as possible for as long as it takes to flush it out and solidify your conception of it and then you forget about it let it go think about something else and don't get your hopes up but have faith that something happened and that your slip of paper isn't put into a big request box of God or the Earth Mother or they'll [ __ ] you don't believe in hopefully I'll soon get to try out doing a Shimon asta shamanistic journey when I was awful which involves coercing your brainwaves into a sleep-like state while remaining conscious my god just got deep I really do like this flogged man I mean we spent a lot of time on it but it's like a lot of what was said here is actually true you know the series is like weird it's like both it's like you find funny stuff you find weird stuff you find like scary stuff you find weird videos but I think one of the cool things that you do also find is like the stuff that like makes you sort of think about yourself I love these moments like whenever I'm on the site and I can like leave whenever I finish a recording I hit the end and I'm like and I look at it and say I actually [ __ ] learn something that day or like this really didn't mean a lot this is one of those moments and frankly I think all of these little things come on into the deep web series is what makes me ultimately do it on a weekly basis it's [ __ ] great dude I gotta say like it's you know it's sometimes it could be chilling sometimes it can be laughable and sometimes it can be downright you know if I can giving you an epiphany and [ __ ] this really does speak out to me but you know what I think we've spent way too much time on this lovely man's or woman's words and I think it's time we go into something else and just see what it's all about dude point is Keanu Reeves can't act let's go California sky watch protecting your right to know ladies and gentlemen you ever heard of [ __ ] chemtrails and [ __ ] for those of you don't know what chemtrails is a giant conspiracy where people really believe that the government is spraying stuff into the [ __ ] air and [ __ ] like some people go as far as to say it's like fluoride or whatever that drives people into this brainwashed state or like kills them or something like it so it's a really weird situation for those of you who kind of want to know what I'm talking about look up in the air whenever you see like a jet flying right like a plane or whatever and they have like this trail alright they just build this trail of like like just just exhaust from their plane and I guess that's the closest thing to I guess chemtrails I would really say something like what you're seeing in this photo right here - is I guess a giant trail left behind by a [ __ ] you know plane and whatnot no one no government agency or private corporation is a right to pollute our air or drinking water supplies modify our weather or impact the living environment around us including the upper atmosphere which is very true you know I don't think like if such a conspiracy was to happen like if the government was polluting stuff creating random [ __ ] clouds or really ingesting things into the air that shouldn't really be there in the first place whatever good or bad it might be I don't think they should do it I think it's kind of [ __ ] shady and weird but you know what that's a whole different [ __ ] video and that's not on this channel but let's go into this 2008 by the way a lot of these sites are really really [ __ ] old like holy crap 2010 2011 those like the most recent we're getting but anyways here we go aviation environment the US Government Accountability Office states aviation emissions are a potential significant and growing percentage of greenhouse gases and other emissions that are thought to contribute to global warming please don't turn this into a political battlefield I don't care what people's thoughts are on global warming right now okay we're talking about chemtrails and [ __ ] but let's go into like jet fuel emissions jet trail let's fire up Arizona or you know no we're gonna give jet feel [ __ ] rocket fuel actually no let's keep Canada sky wajal some of that I'm gonna go to like rocket fuel and [ __ ] um I want to see jet fuel every time I hear jet fuel I just remember the [ __ ] 911 meme or whatever it's like jet fuel can't melt steel beams and [ __ ] it's almost like that but anyways look these sites load up yeah a lot of these sites from run on like free nun stuff I don't know why you have to typically hide this like this kind of stuff like maybe it's just a mirror like that whole article with the NSA for some people he would just leave on here and it's like I guess to maybe keep it always up there or something I don't know it's interesting the bees are disappearing interesting they're bottled water another new fad one of the most successful advertising hypes Americans pay seven point seven billion in bottled water Panem I'm drinking a meme right here on this site but here they got some natural man-made chemtrails right over here see this is what I'm talking about like when you see a plane fly they leave these these gases and stuff behind - and I always really looked at it more or so like just exhaust to be honest but I can kind of see why it really [ __ ] with the environment a little bit too because it's like it just lingers there and wouldn't such a normal length - but here you can almost feel like it's a little bit of a [ __ ] art form and she had black trails so that's a little weird it's like they're really putting [ __ ] into the air but ladies and gentlemen they've got some interesting though they got like the toothpaste trail they've got a propeller so that's a weird chemtrails like mark on both of them x.x dates this is it what the twist looks like some DNA [ __ ] Sawtooths feather knots on a rope it almost seems like the engine is pooping itself as a flies through ocean wave a ribbed trickle I'm [ __ ] child x-large trail expanded X large propeller feather blah blah blah the zig zag ladies and gentlemen we have the artistic forms of [ __ ] chemtrails right over here and they got a lot more and I think the site this whole site is basically Florida oriented oh no no no no it seems like the site's health is really really bad that's unfortunately the problem with a lot of the Freenet sites is the health of many of these sites are really really bad how it works is basically you need to have like a bunch of redundancies to really create the web page from unfortunately they don't exist anymore over here so I really just have this page to go off of and I'm just gonna go up a little bit to the top I feel like this is just a mirror they even have something called dolphins dancing we're gonna [ __ ] that's all about alright you can basically create yourself a log and over here and I guess join a community of people that are basically all about the exposing of chemtrails and man-made skies it asks you do you like your whether natural or man-made no I don't think the government really controls the weather and [ __ ] I don't I don't think about that that's a I don't like to think that [ __ ] you know what I mean I don't like to think that the government can conjure up tornadoes or whatever but you know whatever right what is this the agricultural defense coalition yeah holy crap it's actually like just a mirror of life [ __ ] look at what that is so weird it's a wait hold on if I can just go over here and like enter this webpage am i going oh it's a totally different webpage than what they got over here California sky watches one thing and they got one thing over here and actually it seems like a lot of stuff for example like the jet trails apparently Canada rocket fuel isn't actually available on this webpage anyways but they got stuff like honeybees and weather modification let me actually click weather modification yeah blood they're gonna talk about weather mods they're gonna talk about oh my god the site is slow as [ __ ] it's a big [ __ ] it's a big boy site holy crap they got a whole thing about honeybees and apparently our honeybees are like disappearing or something I don't know much about that but apparently this is the agricultural defense coalition a site that shows one face on the clear web and then one face behind the world of Freenet interesting indeed and it almost seems like this oh yeah it's trying to run flash don't don't run flash ladies and gentlemen interesting stuff indeed I think I think if you're really interested in keeping our environment and stuff safe or trying to learn about what the government could be doing to the sky know where but I think the theme of this whole [ __ ] episode has been the government the government the government the NSA the [ __ ] killing of Z Jinping and California sky watching all peppered in between a person and their lovely expose into like weird aspects of life god I left I love deep web of soda at 82 so far dude it's it's actually it's this is a very pleasant episode so far let's hope it continues that way so this is something written on the November 1st of 2011 windows zero-day kernel exploit dooku installer contains Windows kernel 0 day I have no idea why this article is mirrored on here by the way but this is by Dennis Fisher apparently a newly discovered installer for the dooku malware and includes an exploit for a previously unknown vulnerability in the Windows kernel that allowed remote code execution Microsoft is working on a fix to the kernel vulnerability right now the exact location oh my god Wow it's totally not word wrapped these application of the nature of the flaw isn't clear right now the Installer discovered by researchers of the Hungarian lab that first found Dooku is a word document that once open exploits the kernel flaw and then installs the Dooku code on the machine in an analyst of the Installer and analysis of the Installer to the attack semantics researchers found that the Installer discovered by crisis labs at the Budapest University of Technology and economics was specifically written to be useful against one organizations environment it was only designed to be installed during a period of eight days in August interesting all right once deku is able to get a foothold in an organization through this year I swear I remember hearing about Zuka did I swear I heard about it but I'm like I never really went into him trying to figure it out but go through a zero to exploit the attackers can command it to spread to other computers in one organization evidence was found that showed that attackers commanding zu ku was spread across SMB shares interestingly though some of the newly infected computers had not had the ability to connect to the Internet and thereby the command and control CNC server the dooku configuration files on these computers were instead configured not to communicate directly to the CNC server but to use a file sharing CNC protocol with another compromised computer that has the ability to allow so basically it keeps finding code so basically what it does is it will spread across a local area network even though like if it's not connected to a global master server it'll still like if the computers are connected in the same local network to each other it will keep spreading around until it finds a proper link to go to where it needs to that's very interesting very very interesting Microsoft official said they're working on a patch to fix a kernel bug right now Microsoft is collaborating with various partners bla bla bla bla bla there's been a lot of discussion in the security community about the origins and intent of Dooku with some researcher speculating that it might be somewhat similar to Stuxnet and may have in fact been written by the same people that's [ __ ] scary others have said that the newer malware is owned like Stuxnet in many ways to Dooku is more likely a customizable attack framework designed to be used as needed in different environments the discovery of a previously unknown Windows kernel bug in use by Dooku will Stratton the comparisons a Stuxnet included several window several windows zero days semantic it also said in your example habla alright ladies and gentlemen what this is is basically an article detailing a [ __ ] windows zero day hack for those of you don't know what a zero day hack is the zero day hacks are essentially hacks where it's a basically it's basically a vulnerability whatever you wanna call it that gets discovered but it's it's one of those discoveries that never makes it public so basically what happens is like say for example let's say the iPhone gets a hack right like a zero day vulnerability right like to remotely jailbreak and like you know [ __ ] pull files out of a write and Isis for example like a terrorist organization take buys that and kernel alike exploit write a kernel exploit that nobody knows hence the term zero day cuz nobody knows if the exploit really exists the people that are coding the OS the people that are coding a lot they don't even know the exploit exists they have just no idea of it so basically they keep using that like they'll buy the exploit for like millions of dollars right they'll buy it for a large sum of cash and they'll use the exploit enough to do whatever they [ __ ] want until eventually it one day gets fixed because most of these exploits as time goes on it gets discovered some people white hat hackers will essentially find these and they'll report them publicly or they'll send it over as bound uses let's say like Apple right and Apple will be like well thank you sometimes they'll give it a reward and frankly they'll patch up the issue so that nothing untoward can really happen that's essentially what a zero-day basically comes out to be so this was an article that was focusing on something called Dooku which apparently is something designed to really infiltrate into security networks for like big corporations big enterprises really and that's actually pretty scary because we live in a day and age where like everything is connected to the internet right everything is connected and the thing is that I like everyone's files gets shared everything should especially now the fact that we're running on things such as the cloud every time you use YouTube use Facebook you use like Google photos for example every time you take like a photo say and like for example let's say you have you again I'm using Apple as a primary example you take a photo and you have iCloud enabled that photo gets saved to the eye gets saved to a cloud it gets saved to a set of servers somewhere far off in the world let's say [ __ ] Santa Monica or some [ __ ] like that and they stay there they're backed up all over the world and the thing is because all of this information is just spread out all over the world this is the information people dying crave to steal and access and why viruses like this exploits that people don't know if exists wholeheartedly on everything there's like no way to figure this out these will always exist and people always find a way to use them and the thing is no one mean to scare you but out there there could literally be hundreds of thousands millions of zero-days that exist for a lot of common devices and the thing is you wouldn't know right and one day they'll probably get patched or maybe they might not who [ __ ] knows but ladies and gentlemen and this was a zero-day kernel exploit apparently a lot of these exists are kept very hidden within communities just so that they can be exploited for as long as they really can I know this might not be interesting to a lot of people but this is the kind of stuff that exists on the internet over here and I wanted to show you a little bit of the scarier side too to be honest but I feel like we're getting way into the technicals of a lot of things so we're gonna back out and get out of here scary stuff indeed I will say from a very it's very chilling once you understand the true extent of how dangerous this kind of stuff and how like what what what really is at stake right I don't mean to fear monger but it's just I'm giving you a realistic portrait of what to expect from viruses like this not just now in 2011 but like well now it's 2017 but as time goes on and on and and more things get sent to the cloud this was written at a time where we didn't have cloud infrastructure not as intense as they are now and right now with all the information flowing everywhere it's even more scary for it to be around there it needs to be way more encryption and [ __ ] but all that set aside let's go out and see something else and ladies and gentlemen that brings us to the end of the deep web browsing episode number 82 ladies and gentlemen that was an interesting episode a lot of government stuff a lot of interesting life altering life realizing quests and I guess you could say we learned something about chemtrails and whatnot basically was very informative episode very eye-opening episode and we got a video that frankly leaves me with so many questions that I'm not even gonna [ __ ] bother going into that but as always I did want to ask what you thought of the episode because frankly I did rather enjoy it I think we had moments in this where it just it was one of those memorable moments of the entire series and 82 is definitely a very very interesting episode for me so far but I'm gonna end it over here if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it ladies and gentlemen this has been deep web browsing episode number 82 see roast mood ahora and I am [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 660,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SomeOrdinaryGamers, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, deep web, dark web, deep, dark, dank, web, internet, browsing, exploration, 82, this, video, message
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 21sec (3081 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2017
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