I Found an Antique 20th Century Trunk in the Dumpster!! I couldn't get it out by myself!

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what's up everybody welcome back okay today i am at a dumpster that i normally always find bread at and i say like normally i always do the last few times i haven't and i'm just like really hoping that today is different so we're gonna find out there is nothing and it smells bad all right moving on okay a scarf so here's a bowl it just has one little chip right there but it's like a pretty planter okay so we got this planter beautiful and this is a scarf i think twig and no twig twig and arrow so a pretty like cheetah print scarf and a bowl all right there we go okay so i just stopped at uh b b and b um and i grabbed so they always spray paint their stuff but i um don't think it's gonna be that big of a deal with some of this stuff so brand new um these are insulated fleece curtains they're these and then we got uh this chopper which they opened up and spray painted down into the top of it but i mean i don't really think that's gonna matter when you're just like chopping onions and stuff it has like a dicer it has a grater it's got all kinds of stuff so hopefully some of those haven't been ruined by the spray paint and then i also got this and it's a king-sized um skirt so king-size bedding skirt also they did open it and spray painted a little bit in there uh so we'll just have to see you know after watching it how much comes out i know a lot of people do have like suggestions on how to get the spray paint out so i haven't tried anything yet other than just washing the stuff so um and that's that has kind of worked in the past so i'll do that if it doesn't get it all out then i can try some different things but yeah there we go a skirt for a king-sized bed it's a 15-inch drop and it's beautiful so three things from that retail store these were all returns you can tell because they have like the receipts taped onto them and then they just um spray paint and throw away returns why not just have like a sales section or like be like these were returns but they're 50 off so there's all that stuff not bad so far let's keep going okay well this is a is a grocery store um and i did find a couple things not a whole bunch but a few bell peppers uh i don't even know what those things are maybe like peaches or something i think they're called like donut peaches a few apples and then this thing of tomatoes that i'm not sure if it's gonna be good or not um because i'm not sure how long this stuff has been out here but there we go a few food items not bad okay i know i haven't been filming like actually in the dumpster as much for this video um i have a tripod on the way but in the meantime it's like kind of difficult sometimes to hold my phone and film and grab stuff so i have something to show you though i found tada it's all of these bags of cat food they were 75 off uh because they were [Music] five days out of date so they um this is just like purina now this isn't purina canada canada food i don't know we don't have cats but here's this i got four bags of it there they all are and i'm pretty sure they're all cat food i was kind of hoping that one of them was going to be dog food because pilgrim got his like last scoop today so we have to go buy him more food um i don't think that there are dog food though except for maybe this one no that has a cat on it too so here's this other brand natural balance so there's a whole bunch of cat food um i told y'all on the facebook page when i found like all of this fishing stuff for on the curb it's like all this cool like unopened fishing gear uh one of my like really good friends loves to fish and then i also have a cat so i'm dropping the fishing stuff off on his porch later and i'll probably just drop off the cat food too so that they can have free cat food for probably like a while i don't know how long bags last for cats but four bags of that uh not bad and that's from this like pet place right behind me um so yeah today's been pretty good i'm excited to lay it all out and show you guys everything all together but i'm gonna go to a couple more spots first i'm just like kind of driving around like vibing hanging out listening to music so i'm like going for a longer time today i've probably been to like 20 places so it's been a really good day i'm super excited about everything uh so yeah let me go to a couple more spots and then we'll go home all right check in here okay nothing there let's keep going okay i just peeked in here and it looks like there's like a bunch of snacks so two bags of flaming cheetos and some hamburger ones all right so to add to our food for the day the two flaming hot cheeto fries two of those and hamburger buns and then i also grabbed this bag of clothes it's just like they're all folded up in there they look like they like just got washed and then someone just tossed them so there's a little bag of clothes and some snacks okay so i just got to this apartment complex i am not in the truck today because i had to drive like 25 miles so i wanted to just take the car but maybe we'll find some smaller stuff there's just like a pan with like food still in it okay so maybe not anything's in here this thing's honestly really cool huh so just a futon which is honestly i like it a lot but can't take it and probably might honestly even wouldn't if i was in the truck um just because it's too big for me to take on my own but all right so it looks like nothing here one more spot and then we'll be done [Music] all right last stop of the day oh my gosh that chest okay hold on whoa oh my gosh i don't think that i'm gonna be able to get this out that is so heavy okay isn't it so cool yeah i don't think it's i don't know i don't think i'm gonna be getting it out of here you you wanna i can help you would you well no don't because i have to go back with a truck anyways so maybe it'll just still be here yeah i'm pretty sure they pick it up on tuesdays let's see tuesday uh-oh well maybe this is yeah or usually they pick it up by now i don't know dang i'll figure it out maybe thank you have a good one okay that's like the coolest thing ever that was really nice he offered to help me get out but since i don't have the truck um i don't want to just like get it out just for no reason so uh alex gets home in like an hour from work so i'll probably ask him to bring the truck and help me get it out then cause that thing's awesome okay well cool but i'm leaving it for now um okay i looked the trunk up that chest it's an eagle lock co made in usa i think it's like an antique all of the ones that i'm finding on the internet are like very expensive like at least a couple hundred dollars up to like a few thousand dollars so now i'm like really torn i wish i just would have had that kid help me get it out because uh at least then i could like you know look at it a little bit more that was probably a mistake but i'm just gonna call alex maybe he's on his way home already and he'll come help me get it out because that thing is crazy heavy and it's like really cool and it might have stuff in it like what if it's you know just like full of also cool stuff so i'm just gonna stay parked right here and like yell at anyone who tries to get it out i'll be like that's mine um wow okay i'll keep you updated okay i'm really impatient right now so i'm just gonna try to get it out myself i'm probably gonna like end up hurting myself but here we go let's see so okay that's not happening that thing is incredibly heavy it's so cool obviously it's like in bad condition like it's like you know kind of falling apart okay well i'm just gonna have to be patient then and wait for alex dang that thing's cool i was sitting in the car and literally someone just backed their truck up to the dumpster to like come get stuff so i think the truck uh the trunk might just have to be theirs because i'm not actually gonna like tell them not to take it but i am just gonna keep sitting here but i'm pretty sure that they're gonna take it because they have like a bunch of other stuff in there truck bed i've been here for like 30 minutes i don't think i'm gonna get it i think it's gonna be theirs okay they drove away and they didn't take the trunk so and alex just texted me that he's on his way so unless anyone comes in like 10 minutes and and gets it i think it's gonna be ours who it is the truck i'm just going to set this up over here so that it can film here i can get in and you know what i mean like i can get it back again oh okay so first let's get it like that yay thank you you're welcome all right i'll see you at home yay we got it okay okay so here it is and i'm starting to think the reason that somebody threw it away is because it doesn't have the key you know so like these ones that don't require keys they open up but to actually see what's in it you have to have the key so i got these two open let's see this one it looks like it's blue on the inside [Music] there's the interior but hey hey come here piggy hi hi good boy so i'm just going to close that back up there's that and this is what i looked up it says eagle lock co terryville so there it is i am really excited because even just like these things are selling online like the individual locks um and like a lot of like places like etsy they're having like people are selling just like the individual parts of these trunks this was a leather strap right there but it's broken obviously it's pretty beat up it would be like someone who would want to have like a restoration project but i really really like it it's really big and as you can see really heavy so there it is it's wood underneath there that's so cool all right well we got it we'll just see if anyone wants to buy it yay and one thing i just noticed in here through this little crack you can kind of tell that there's like these little places that also have locks on them in there it's kind of hard to show but i was looking online and a lot of these are like um traveling wardrobes you know like you picture it like on a ship of people like taking their clothes and i think that that's what it is in there because i can see that there's like some it looks like little shelves i wish i could show it better so you can kind of see it there so i don't know maybe we could like pick this lock maybe we could get it open and look in it that way but i think that that may be what it is is like a traveling uh wardrobe so it would have like shelves all down this side and then like an open space for the rest of your luggage so that's so cool okay good morning it's like a couple days later and i just woke up but my friend sent me a video on how to pick these like old antique locks with a screwdriver so i am gonna actually try to do that right now um i'm really really wanting to see the interior of this thing so i'm just gonna go for it without like you know breaking the locks or anything and then if this doesn't work then maybe you guys can comment some some suggestions for me so apparently all you do is tilt it in like this i wasn't expecting the metal to be so hot [Music] i thought that got it but okay let me try the secondary lock down on the other side oh my god i really thought that that got it it's like it's like it feels like it works [Music] hmm this isn't working in the guys video and obviously he's like you know a pro at it he just like did it so easily and it just like opened right up but you're supposed to like angle it in there like down a little bit oh wait i actually think his trunk was the other way around so i think that means i would angle mine up [Music] so ah [Music] so [Music] [Music] hmm well i'm not thinking that this is gonna work [Music] okay well i'm going with this is not gonna work so any uh tips on what to do take it to the locksmith sell it as is and just never find out what's inside of it which makes me like anxious because what if it's like really cool and also i just really want to know what's inside of it um just break it open with like a hammer because i could totally do that you know like this metal is like rusted you can see like on the edges it wouldn't be that difficult to just like completely break but i don't know if i want to just like break it you know so y'all tell me what to do break into it and damage it sell it as is and never find out what's in there or take it to a locksmith which costs money and i kind of don't want to do that one so hmm all right tell me what i should do i'm so sad i thought it would be like the best ending to this video like a big reveal of like here's what's inside oh my gosh but i guess not this is just the end of this video oh i will show you though some of the other things that we found i already dropped off the cat food at my friend's house um but let me see doesn't sparking at me [Music] what are you barking at what are you barking at you're so cute you're so cute you're all blurry you're fuzzy blurry dog there you are hi hi good boy that close up okay so some of the other stuff that we found i think it's like just still in the boxes um well we found this planter which i have listed on marketplace for 15 i'm hoping someone will offer like 10 or something it really is in like perfect unused condition other than that little chip and then the other stuff i still have in this box because i've been focused on the trunk so i haven't really cared much about this stuff this is let's see if this oh actually oh very cool so this isn't a scarf it's actually a shawl it can you see it goes like down the back and it also goes over the sides so it's kind of like a triangular scarf so there's that we did find that and it's really pretty um i'm not seeing any like major holes or anything like that so there is a cute shawl and then the other stuff i think actually is gonna be fine there's the spray paint from the draft blockers and this spray paint on the king-sized uh bed skirt but this this is kind of totally fine in here other than one part of it this is the grater and it's still in the plastic so the only thing that i spray painted was the plastic um everything inside of it's totally fine then there's the actual chopper and it does have the spray paint on that corner there but the interior is totally fine there's nothing else in there but so like that's fine you can still use maybe this is why they returned it oh no there that's fine and yeah that's everything in there so the only damage is that it's not as cosmetically pretty um and after i run it through the dishwasher this because this kind of stuff i don't know if you can tell but when you like rub it it ends up like getting on your like hands and stuff so once i run it through the dishwasher though that'll like it'll still be stained on there but at least it won't like come up on your hands anymore so there's those two things which will keep super easy for chopping and everything so there's that like i said the cat food i already took to my friend um this video i originally shot the first half of this actually like a couple days ago so i'm trying to remember everything that i even found um i really think that that was kind of it and then like obviously the trunk is like my favorite thing so really do please comment and tell me like what you think i should do if i should just sell it as is unopened and like whoever buys it can try to get into it if i should take it to a locksmith and just invest the money because i'll get it back if y'all think i'll make that back or if i should just like take a hammer to it and break one of the locks to see inside of it so yes there's the options i'd love to know what you all think i should do and yeah that's pretty much it i hope that y'all have a really awesome friday it's the weekend uh just get you know relax enjoy yourself hang out go dumpster diving and yeah i'll see y'all next time bye
Channel: breafkast
Views: 94,851
Rating: 4.9116621 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diver, kelly sparks, flipping, reseller, reselling, flipper, trash, upcycling, recycling, waste, american, garbage, dumpster, diving, scrapping, haul, dumpster haul, clothing haul, texas, trash picking, salvaging, reduce waste, throw away culture, budgeting, save money, couponing, dumpsters, trash flipping, breafkast, antique, 20th century, vintage
Id: 36Fb-lVAlBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 13sec (1993 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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