Dumpster Diving in Texas – I Found a Bike and 42 Bottles of Vape Juice?!

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hi everybody welcome back to my channel or hi and welcome to any brand new subscribers thank y'all so much for watching today it is Monday and I'm gonna go dumpster diving in Denton Texas so Monday's are one of my favorite days to go and one of my least favorite is to go trash gets picked up on Mondays in like the majority of the city and so a lot of the dumpsters are already empty by the time I get there which is unfortunate but one of my favorite reasons for going on Mondays is because it's trash day which I already but because it's trash day people put out like on the curb good stuff and you can drive around and go pick it up so it's a really great way if you want to resell stuff and you like finding stuff for free but you don't want to climb into a dumpster which is completely understandable than driving around on trash pickup days is a really great way I was driving through my neighborhood and I found this it's a um magazine Rath thing it's really big it's super pretty it's nice wicker it definitely needs to be like cleaned up a little bit but overall it's in really nice condition here's the full thing and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it and it's probably gonna sell on Facebook market place relatively easily so that's one other reasons that I love going on Mondays is picking up stuff people left out on the curb all that being said I'm still gonna try doing some diving just because I really like it and sometimes you find it dumpsters to have it then picked up yet so let's get into it okay so this is my first stop of the day it's an apartment complex they are empty I thought that this place picked up on Tuesday but it looks like they already got picked up but it's one thing that I see [Music] I don't know um if link is this trash error tires have air in it and is it trash oh sweet I'll take it thank you yeah awesome thanks okay so the person who put this bike out here just tell me that it just has flat three fixable so I'm gonna take it something I don't know shouldn't shim mano something six-speed dope it honestly looks so nice and he said the only thing wrong with it is that it has a flat tire which it does sort I mean it's flat it's not like a flat but I don't need a bike I mean I'd kind of love the bike that this one is it just is really tall and I think it's maybe a man's bike because I can't really write it but there's a shop in town if it buys bikes so how about I just drive over there right now and see what they give me for it okay don't hate me but this is how I got it from the cover so it's sticking out the back I've got pilgrims leash holding it here and then up here I tied a sweater to the chair no I'm gonna drive really slow with my hazards on and just go to the bike shop straight away and hopefully I bought it because that's what me forever to get it in there so okay okay well that was a little bit of a bumpy ride but I did make it I am outside of second-hand sports I'm curious how much they'll get for it that's flat tire it has some chips on it and that's not in the best condition but it's in pretty good condition I literally know nothing about it right they were gonna throw it away so I mean I'm not very knowledge in bikes a dog I looked up online and it was like a ton of varieties with prices yes so honestly I would just trust if you all wanted to buy it I'd take whatever you would usually give out like ten bucks for these oh okay yeah yeah I'll take it yeah I copy um I do dumpster diving yeah so I just like dumpster dive full-time and resell what I find yeah [Music] thank you so much yeah you too thank you all right ten bucks so I didn't really know all what to expect I would get but when something is that quick of a turnaround for his fail I mean it took me like 10 minutes to get in the car and then like five minutes of driving over here I'll take $10 for it so there we go pull the bike awesome this is O'Reilly which is like auto parts store I don't know if they're nationwide I just pulled this air filter mitts in there hi [Music] so I was curious about the air filter that I got from the auto shop I looked it up there are 15 dollars at the store that I got this from but this one looks used um not like super badly used but there's like some dirt and then on the other side you can tell there's like leaves stuck in there so I'm not really sure it doesn't look bad but it definitely is used so I don't know if you can resell used filters or not um but I'm not really sure if anyone knows if you can sell used filters I kind of doubt that you can this is the micro guard air filter so that's why it was thrown out I thought that it was brand new when I first looked at it but indeed it is not so I drove back to the same apartment complex that I found the bike because I was gonna come back for that air compressor tank thing I don't know what it is but it looks industrial and specialized and I don't know it looked like it was worth something so I came back um it's gone so oh well I was gonna try to come back and get that but I did [Music] [Music] like returns so I'm just looking right now for that bag I kept thinking that I was hearing an employee or like a door open so that one is a little too full to really dig in unless it was maybe you wanted to spend a long time here it was night or the store was closed or something so you really could spend a lot of time but in this specific dumpster I like going to multiple ones and so I'm not seeing anything right off the bat I am taking this nice big tofu that'll be awesome helping me like when I find more stuff I always love reusable bags to put all the stuff that I find in so not bad one thing and it's something that I can use in this practical so happy about that so this is Ulta which I've talked about before I don't really like looking in because it's really gross there's always just like makeup everywhere but today it's pretty full and I can just reach in so I'm gonna give it a try or empty I don't know if someone buy the box no wonder I'm actually gonna grab the box it's just in case display case but it's cracked pretty bad more Kylee boxes this was a tester and this one too here's a gift card I'll take it to check it I'm not gonna take these testers because I won't wear them and I doubt anyone would buy them and I'm not gonna not gonna take these the reason I take the gift cards is because sometimes like that last gift card had $100 on it if that person's purchase was like ninety seven dollars or something like that sometimes I don't know wire that sometimes people will just say like oh just top it I don't need that last day on it and sometimes there actually is a good amount of money on there so I do take the gift card just to check them at home like highly boxes I really don't know how people live by these I know like old iPhone or just any iPhone people buy the boxes sometimes but I just don't know if you'll buy the boxes for stuff like that but I know people really like makeup this is what I'm talking about why I don't like diving here look inside this bag and this is always where the good stuff is and I just really don't see you look at that would you want to touch that okay so I only took gift cards but maybe they'll have something on them which is always fun to find out I'll let you know I might call them right now to find out I might wait till I get home but hopefully there's stuff on them [Music] a bunch of lemons they're cut [Music] dumpster apparently a lot of GameStop's are going out of business and so I've seen other divers that have been having really good scores from them but if I was getting soaps toaster they share it with somewhere that smells really good like a restaurant maybe you're like a daycare it's like full of diapers I don't know something smells really really bad in there I don't want to touch it and it was kind of Lee grossing me out a lot so I don't know if it's game stops and there's I don't know I'm just I'm not gonna mess with it so there's also though there's another dumpster behind it you can see it right there and it has a lock on it so that one might actually be their dumpster because I could see them locking it as opposed to just a restaurant who's just throwing my actual trash so I'm not 100% sure but whatever it is to me it's not worth it and I'm just gonna move on so this is me and be they also have this dumpster I'm serious about that beverage tower in the back anything yet but I just I just got in here you want to climb in with Mika morien I know mine just broke oh yeah but you can see a that's how you can't return it finally do it [Music] have a good lesson all right nothing in that one so the reason that I even jumped into that one in the first place was because there were boxes in there that I thought might have something in them well I don't know if y'all could hear but then that woman came up and she said she dives here too and she said that if there's gonna be something in those boxes then they put red spray paint over them like over the barcode or they put like a red X on it so that's a good way to know that they're like if you look in there and you see boxes that do have red X's on them then I would jump in again in the future since now I know that I probably wouldn't jump in if I was just seeing boxes because I didn't really see anything right off the bat other than those boxes and I just thought they might have something in them so a really good tip I figured I'd share that with y'all I don't know if that's nationwide but hopefully that helps them out I don't even know who's dumpster this is but since it's so full I'm gonna look at it just so I'm just gonna casually walk Manley's I'm out behind a smoke shop big of eight I've never looked in these before but I just moved a box and all of these I think they've a boy almost art which there's one more there that looks full but I can't reach it without my grab so this one's already been torn open [Music] so this is my god on open I wonder if they expired I don't know I I really don't know about those a lot of them seem completely full still a lot of them do look like they've been used but a lot of them are full and I think that it's the oil and the different flavors that you put into a cartridge and then you vape it so I don't know if those would sell but that seems like a pretty good find it's it's so Meany I don't know I'll have to figure out what's wrong with it maybe they were recalled maybe they expired no clue but maybe they'll be worth something and all its money base that's pretty good stuff I think that's actually gonna be my last stop it's almost well it's 2:30 now I'm kind of ready to go home and I'm curious about the vapes and so I kind of I just want to go home and look what I got so today overall really awesome day all the vape stuff the bike that I already made $10 for um I got the Kylie boxes but I did look them up on eBay and no one's buying just the boxes so I'm just gonna recycle those I got the cute with your basket that I found earlier this morning and then oh I need to call about the Ulta gift cards so I'll call if you have any other gift cards have anything left on them and then that'll be the last thing that I tell you so thanks for watching and hopefully we'll find something on the gift cards okay so I'm back home I've got a ghost here next to me we decorated for Halloween yesterday I don't know if you can yeah if you can't see we got a light so you got bats so okay I looked at the gift card nothing on any of them that's okay it happens literally all the time so not a big deal um okay and then I looked up the vape oils and got him out here on the table these are all 16-ounce bottles this one's clear so it's hard to tell but it's full to the brim here's one that's darker so Turkish type I don't know what that would taste like but completely full some of them are less than completely full like maybe they've been used a little bit this one's like only half full 3/4 full or whatever so I'm not sure what is going on with all of these but these little small bottles these 4 ounce bottles are selling for about $4 apiece online at like vape store online shops and then these large bottles are selling for $24 some places and $29 other places I can't find anywhere if they were recalled it doesn't say anything about it nothing pops up on the flavor apprentice website they're selling the exact same flavors they are in the bottle design is different and so the only thing I can think is that those are an outdated design of that bottle or those flavors and so they switched to the upgraded new labels and tossed all the old ones that's my best guess I really don't know maybe somebody watching this will know and will be able to tell me but as far as I can tell there's nothing wrong with them especially the ones that are completely new I don't know if anybody would buy like ones that are just these leftovers but I'm assuming that people would buy these full ones definitely so yeah let me know if you know anything about these it's pretty cool like I said I've never dove at a vape shop before so that was um an exciting surprise I didn't think I would find anything so it's somewhere all I have to check in but let me know if y'all know anything about those baits uh and yeah there you have it pretty good day I mean it was super fun it wasn't the biggest hole ever but it was a blast in the weather was really nice and I really really love even though $10 isn't that much it's like I got that immediately and I really love when that happens I don't have to list anything I don't have to worry about it I just go and take it and do it that way so really good day I'm super pumped we're gonna keep decorating for Halloween now and that's about it I'll see y'all next time thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: breafkast
Views: 77,309
Rating: 4.9228268 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diver, kelly sparks, flipping, reseller, reselling, flipper, trash, upcycling, recycling, waste, american, garbage, dumpster, diving, scrapping, haul, dumpster haul, clothing haul, texas
Id: H35sBy-rEyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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