Testing Clickbait Minecraft Shorts That Are Actually Real

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these are the most clickbait Minecraft acts of all time and I'm going to be testing to see which ones are facted or C rails in Minecraft use a lot of iron and wood if you place fre Ms on top of each other on a power rail it won't need any more rails to move what even better is you can leave one block gaps and they float what's this Hogwarts my body is not ready but I really want it to work back him yeah only three huh okay one two three okay before we break the blocks and see if it works with The Gap does it just work normally oh wait this is so cool n dog bro I've been building mine carts the wrong way the whole time okay now we got to see does it work with The Gap come on gappy Flappy dude if this works I'm so pumped show me the flying mine cart in three 2 1 no way 10 out of 10 this is not cap you can get invisible armor in Minecraft right now I'm completely invisible and all wait wait wait so you can make just the armor invisible on your body dude to get this amazing armor all you have to do is type this command what is this attribute at s Minecraft all right whoever puts this first in the comments will pin it 100 armor points the same as a full set of neite armor except totally invis no way so we've got the command loaded up in this command block but first I want to test it with just netherite armor on how much damage do we take from a zombie okay basically nothing we've been hit six times and we took half a heart of damage okay now we're going to take all the netherite armor off okay versus now we got no armor yeah okay so we take a full heart of damage with one hit now but what about our new command all right at s so it's armor and then it's base set 100 okay so the command's been set now we got to activate a little button and boom base value for attribute armor for entity T FR egg set to 100 and what half a Hearts wait I'm taking damage though it took six hits from the zombie to do half a heart of damage with the netherite armor but now now every two hits we're taking half a heart so it is working but it's not as strong as the netherite armor can you go higher than 100 can you go to 1,000 yeah okay we did one to the power of 12 oh we still take damage I mean it works but it's not as good as netherite we're going to do half cap if you're ever underground with a pig and a saddle you can actually use x-ray if you will cross I did not another x-ray we've already busted this once half step on the ground on the peig you can see all the caves in the area no pry helpful how bro my caves never look like this I know it's fake before I test it no Pig come back here but we got to test it for science but dude okay but if you're not in creative mode you're going to bro no this shouldn't work wait but okay but if you're in survival mode aren't you just going to you can do it in survival mode you don't take damage this is freaking nuts so to do x-ray you just need a pig I respect pigs so much more now if you're ever completely surrounded by lava have no fire resistance potion if you place a bed and go to sleep you'll be protected and won't get set on fire but you'll be stuck there but you'll be stuck there so it's kind of useful bed's down uh server please fill this hole with lava oh my gosh okay now can we click into the bed nope you can only sleep at night the server said t okay you can click through the lava all we're taking no out but as soon as daytime hits you just die so like is it even helpful like I've got an idea like what if okay server teleport me to you so again it's it's true but I don't know when you're going to ever use this ever wondered what causes those creepy cave sounds to play it's actually not R yes I have actually it relies on this section of the what I've never noticed this so if the mood hits 60% have three screen called mood that increases over time when you're underground and decreases when you're near light want to guess someone wait this is like a sanity function in a game I didn't know Minecraft add this when it gets to 100% a random cave sound will play and it'll reset back to zero what what when did they add this oh my god dude this is It's oh my God this is crazy look at my mood now does it go up if I don't move it does so if you're just standing in a cave your mood is going up now if I walk does it go up faster no okay so it's the same no matter what once this hits 100% though is when we're supposed to hear a random cave sound oh wait it's going down is it cuz I found diamonds did I wish no I think it's going down cuz of the light source 0% so if I go away does it go back up oh it's going back up so we know it's not the diamonds now we know money can't be happiness so the Torches should work too then right oh it's going down dude bro this is wild I've been playing Minecraft for over 10 years and I had no idea that there was a mood okay I wanted to go to 100% I haven't heard I haven't heard a cave sound yet speaking of mood I need to know are my new glasses of mood no these are not blue blockers I have prescription glasses I'm apparently blind without them and I just found out after 29 years of living so there's a new predent in town and he's got glasses now if you like them comment the uh glass Emoji you know the eyeglass Emoji this guy yeah the handsome looking nerd oh we're almost there hold on 97% I've been here for 5 minutes so if this doesn't work I'm going to be real triggered don't waste my time it worked that's freaking crazy and look at it it starts all the way back from 0% this is fact giving a wolf maximum regeneration help boost an absorption effect makes its tail spin in circles this is because tail Ang represent a wolf's health so stacking all these effects makes the tail go crazy man this is bro you know way turn into a helicopter oh dude helicopter helicopter Okay so we've got all the effect blocks over here try this out now all right come here dogy all we got to tame him first yeah let me look at that tail okay we're going to give him absorption to start tail all right we're not really we're not really moving right now okay how about this we got absorption let me see that tail nothing's happening okay finally regeneration let me see oh wait look at it go it's like really slow oh that's creepy that is so weird dude that is facto ladies and gentlemen if you want to turn your dog's tail into a helicopter you can do it no golems in Minecraft will actively try to leave any confined space they are in they check oh yeah they want to be free like wil every few seconds and walk out two bad villagers aren't that smart what snow golems have the biggest IQ no way all right let's see how cooped up this guy is so is he really brilant or what man Mr snowman all right one by one now what happens when we open it oh he turned now did he turn to face me no he want dude he wanted to be free and free oh immediately okay this honestly this is not big enough server please spawn in the Maze We need a better test oh Snow Golem all right well death aside okay I'm going to block the exit of the maze now we spawn in the Golem did he just look down it's like he's telling me to open the maze so as soon as we open this does he know how to get out what no no wait so if I block it again does he get confused no he doesn't he knows dude bro Snow Golems are the smartest thing in Minecraft all right this is uh this is B bro this is fact we freed Golem bubble colums are one of the best ways to travel quickly upwards but you can also create one of the deadliest traps with them just Spam a bunch of Harmon potions at the top of the bubble column hey yo and then block it off with obsidian and whoever this guy's evil and Brilliant wait so you just put a bunch of them at the top no way dude okay so we go up to the top throw them down and let them they just like float in here oh dude that's so freaking evil oh they're like ender pearls They Don't splash until they make contact like I'm telling you right now if I sent a pig look at this pig get in pig get in there Pig you got to go I'm 90% wait a second I got to see that again Pig wait for me and bro this is the death elevator you know what's sick about this too is you get the XP ow but you take damage that is fact man that's a way to autofarm and get the XP know that in 119 Mojang added four hidden paintings to MRA now see this guy looks like I believe him cuz he he's such a like a distinguished looking gentleman hidden paintings to m Java Edition but you can only get them via commands for mding the game it's water Earth fire air wait this this avatar the Last air bender reference I've rig command blocks to hopefully summon all four paintings if it works I'm turning my back cuz actually like I haven't tested this yet oh and wait that's so sick wait this is honestly I love these two like I couldn't shoot okay this one is trash like this one looks like like Earth Benders y'all cool but like y'all Y like dirty the air one's pretty sick tooo but I don't like it a lot it's kind of it's too it's too creamy for me well there you have it ladies and gentlemen this is fact I thought it was going to be a c can actually use enchanting tables as a way to catch Intruders in your base anyone trying to Snoop around and wait steal your items is probably going to be invisible but the enchanting table's magical power wait that is brilliant I've never thought of this actually show you there's someone nearby by opening up and facing straight towards them Grandma why is this not in bedwar wait this is perfect so if you get within like is it two oh okay so it only opens up if you're like three blocks away from it look it's facing me so from this distance you're fine but if you get within like three blocks starts following you this is the power of knowledge ladies and gentlemen when they speak what hello server server I know you're [Music] there W I'm just watching dude that's so cool what did they do they did did a smithing table oh no man no no no no no no you can't make chain armor like that no you can't you you can't you can't make chain armor it's just not craftable okay that the elytra is G dude okay wait what did we do wait whoo oh no okay what no no dude there are so many things in this one I got to test I'm like 900% sure this is all fake all right you know before we test this comment Factor cap cuz like I just I know it's cap dude I'm starting with the chain armor I freaking knew it we we knew it but like we wanted to believe it you know like we wanted to believe this just like I wanted to believe I had perfect vision when I went to the doctor I really want to believe the elyton work too but it's not I hold on wait a second at the very least hold on hold on cuz one thing he did have is he had the elytra and he had the chain mail and he turned the elytra into a different variant okay now I got to add this and then yeah dude like dude you can't even add this Mythic table everything about this was freaking cap in Minecraft is now non banable if you play Java Edition you may know that there are some secret Keyes using F3 F3 and B turns on hit boxes F3 and G turns on chunk borders and F3 and H turns on tool tips but none of these are as overpowered as F3 just show us what you're doing these people are he's letting me cook which simply reloads the chunks around you how does that even help and how is it powerful well it doesn't reload entities meaning if you just Spam F3 and a you can see mobs through walls but not just mobs mine carts chest spawner particles and even other players can be seen throughs when you reload the wa wait w hold on rewind what the heck why toast sucker wearing a bikini see this is why x-ray is too powerful literally built in Pay to Win to Minecraft okay okay all right well you can hear we've got a I've got a big box set up with uh we got mine cart and a chest and a zombie inside this giant box and he just said all you got to do is Click f3a now let's see f3a um dog I don't think this works does it work from the top nope bro this is garbage this does not work hey yo server what are you doing in here just just just hiding just checking out server this is not even work like I can kind of see nah dude this is this is like this is straight up C you're welcome I saved you no free x-ray hack stop looking in 1.9.2 there was a glitch that allowed you to completely bypass fall damage if you came from 35 blocks or higher and hit crouched exactly the right time you'd be able to walk away like nothing happened what wait that's all we got all right now we got to go to version 1.9.2 Oh dog dude this is hard oh shoot come on come on oh no damage wait so you have to perfectly time this it does work but it's really hard to do plus it's part of an older version so it's fact but it's old pyramid is a structure that of course generates in jungle biome so many of us know the jungle temple contains two chests one chest is on the bottom floor while avoiding the arrows while the other chest is found on the top floor when you reveal it with the lever combination but did you guys also know there is another secret chest found within the temp dude this is killing me that's right if you break the stairs within the temple it reveals a hole for you to drop into into the room you'll be no it doesn't people try to build these fake secret rooms inside of these natural spawning places and there you go enjoy the extra diamond yeah bro we know it's fake D okay so first chest Crack the Code we we already cracked it okay boom Oh smithing templates I actually didn't even know that these came in here so that's the first chest you get from the levers then once you go past the arot Trap you get this chest bamboo but then now he's saying you go back to the stairs break these and there's going to be a magical where's the magical place under here huh these are always fake to every freaking time you guys have got to stop it did you know in Minecraft that if you go into spectator mode and left click like on a painting you can actually see a Minecraft world to the eyes of that what why the painting's an entity wait but okay so if you go in spectator mode you can't go into the wooden block that's freaking crazy like I'm inside the painting right now oh no are the paintings watching us dude this is like a like a genuinely terrifying myth cuz if you can go inside of the paintings in spectator mode that means they're entities which means they would be technically living like you can go into a sheep cuz it's alive what if the paintings are alive and have been watching us every single moment moment we've been playing this game for the past 10 years okay this one's fact and I'm scared that it is this on half heart know that you can milk the rare mushroom with a bll for unlimited mushroom stew yeah and most people know about suspicious stew what most people don't realize is that you can get suspicious stew by feeding your mushro of flow what flower suspicious stew correlates with a different type of FL wait no you can get different stews so using this you can gain easy access to wait wait wait okay like low key freaking hold on go rewind take a screenshot of this if you're on your phone or tablet a different type of flower so using this you can gain did you figure this out this makes the cows so much more useful all right I'm sorry cows you must become brown cows thank you oh don't die though only the strongest will survive they say all right well at least we have one cow left all right like without looking at the cheat sheet can you tell me which one was night vision all right and I'm going to pretend like you guys just said it was Lily of the Valley so thank you cuz I think that's the one it was hey look if it's strength it's not not a big deal right like poison really huh now I want to blame you guys for this but I feel like it's my memory that got me into this wait but it worked so lily of the valley I would never feed that okay lily of the valley is bad what about alium dog so this supposed to give me fire resistance for 30 seconds no freaking way dude give me the corn corn flour get the jump boost dude this is wait this is cool man bro okay even though they don't last long this is fact and it's freaking amazing no way this would be sick but there's no shot I feel like I would have known this by now though right like if this works okay buddy I'm going to give you welcome to the barber shop no but he's alive can you put it back on him you can't bro I just gave this guy the worst fate of his life I'm so sorry save this part in the video right now for Christmas 2024 that's all I'm saying nobody the Mr be nobody knows this when I see that I just think it's fake right away I I don't know why okay so we make a make a what is this like a portal what okay okay dude you're making it look to like what this is so many steps wait wait did you just see that go back rewind did you just not cool not cool man that hits that hits deep oh oh man like it's just there so many steps too freaking boom boom boom go boom boom boom put the little portal outline down I want to he filled this with lava like what's the point of this but he does it and we got to follow it and then he covers it all up with slime blocks and then decides to place this in the center do you know how many dragon heads you need to do this like is it even so dumb okay and now now listen listen before you water log it hold on we're missing an item we're missing splash potion of healing Splash it water log it you can't even water log the portal I freaking hate these people when you don't have enough space in your inventory you can use the crafting slots to hold blocks what if you turn on touchscreen mode in controls you can put items in these slots your device doesn't even need to be touched what no you get four free spots wait dog that's crazy cuz there's 36 what the Chase's pickle okay this is I'm sick of Chase mess with my Minecraft anyways there are 36 slots in your inventory this would mean that you would get a perfect 40 if this works how do I get even I don't even know where the touchcreen mode is what mouse setting uh oh oh oh okay it's in Mouse settings touchscreen mode on and you're telling me that I can what what no oh but it goes away okay so they go in there but they go back in wait so does this not work hold on should I throw them out in the ground first oh hold on and it doesn't work buto I thought the this was actually such a big brain thing this is Cap but I will tell you something that actually expands your inventory space for free give yourself a bundle this little bad boy right here you can actually put stuff inside of it it only has two spots but that's better than no spots and speaking of two spots which Spot Will you click left or right you got to make a choice make one so I have to keep standing here doing the TST please okay thank you gold
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 1,703,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: 40CM2LelnNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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