I Fixed The Worst Voice Acting In Anime AGAIN!

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hi and welcome to anime job fixing check the last episode up there but today we're going to be fixing some of the worst anime dubs out there yes that's not hard there's a lot of them really wasn't hard to find clips for this video apparently what i do lately is just fix stuff i fix anime dubs i fix hentai i can't fix my life though but that's okay because we can keep fixing anime dubs this is anime dub fixing 2. we are fixing a total of five clips today i'm sure many of you know most of these series such as crystal triangle right you definitely know what that is you totally know what that is and i'm very excited for you to fix it right you know something is moving up laboratory from the bottom of the sea it's heading for the fair value but if you don't know that that's okay because we have devilman which i hope you know the original which is like 1980 or 70 dub g it's getting old it's terrible and we're gonna fix it hey kid you're a stupid little [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] but don't worry if you don't know that because we have ones like dragon ball they were determined to get his crystal ball no matter what did they say why did they say we also have the yu-gi-oh singapore dub which is um you can just watch hey looking good dude are you you sure it's not too much looks like too little to me dude and finally we have the dub from clannad which if you've seen this anime you probably remember the dub being actually pretty damn good and it is except for this one character that they cast uh questionably this is supposed to be a teacher enjoy is somebody in here class is already starting the rules of this challenge are simple as always we cannot change any of the music we cannot change any of the sound effects we cannot change any of the scripting and we cannot change any of the animation all we are changing today is the voice acting we want to see if the voice acting is the problem and you bet it is in some of these clips boy i'm looking at you crystal triangle look where the f did you find those actors we forgot their defendable who told you that that was okay to let those people speak that kind of english that ain't english that target is the movie but some of them i actually think that it's not the main issue so with our rules firmly in place we have a checklist of things that we need to do one find the voice actors as you know i am an amazing voice actor arguably the best voice actor zooming on my face with that tape i'm sure you're probably thinking connor i would love to see you dub every single character in all of these clips that would be very funny but that probably wouldn't fix it it would probably make it much worse so we need to go and find the voice actors we can do this easily i just tweet out asking who wants to be a part of it i'm very lucky i have a following so this is really easy but obviously this isn't a solution for everyone if you do need actors yourself for a project for free casting call club is a good website honestly twitter is also a great website i'll link to a few others down below once we have our actors we need to go on call with them and direct them to get the lines that we need and once we have the lines we are set to start tearing this project apart we need to get the clips rip out all of the audio and then replace all of the sound effects and music we are a bit unlucky because in most modern dubs that you watch for example the original japanese will have their own sound effects and music and they will just give those all to the english side so that all they have to do is record the audio for the voice actors that is so they have it easy obviously we're not doing that because the japanese studio from 1972 doesn't want to give me their sound effects so that i can call their voice acting it is so we need to build the sound effects from the ground up finding them ourselves and putting them in place and if we can't find the original soundtrack to the project we have to find a replacement if the soundtrack isn't available finding a replacement is a nightmare but that's my problem not yours you get to sit back and have fun enough of me talking let's hand it off to the voice actors god i love doing that that's just like ugh get away from me peasant hiya i'm daisy i am a youtuber and occasionally do voice work yuki did i hear you talking to someone else someone else what's up connor thanks for letting me do this dude the target is moving to the north towards hokkaido the target is moving to the north towards kaido yo but who is that blonde chick i'm about to move north towards that booty hello everybody this is kevin kudo your favorite florida man voice actor little bastard teddy for the fenny balls something's moving up from the bottom of the sea it's headed for the ferryboat i just recorded my intro to this part of the video without my microphone on so let's do it again hi what's up i'm recording my dialogue today for this project and i'm voicing in three of the clips i'm voicing in crystal triangle devil man and the yu-gi-oh i often get asked connor how far should i be away from the microphone do this with your hand as you all know go about here and record why not wear a silver bracelet or something looking good dude looking good dude here are some pictures that match google just [ __ ] brought up shirtless men are you kidding me all right let's do one over the top hey yugi i think tears in love with you hi everybody my name is patrick mealy and i'm a voice actor for animation and video games and today i'm gonna be dubbing over this scene from clinad it sounds like he's being choked like sorry i was playing hide and seek with some friends of mine and i guess i lost track of the time ah flip flap goddammit hello my name is natalie i am a voice actress i go by we be meezy on twitter why what's he doing what have they done to you cowards you filthy scum oh spicy i like that hi my name is ben i am a voice actor which is the main reason why i'm here um you've probably you've probably heard me on this channel before i was daigo in the yowie audiobook hell yeah yeah you can we have one where you're a little like caught off guard you know like school bully you bastards oh that's perfect actually professional as always ben the best thing about recording projects when you've just woken up is that you don't need to wear any underwear none at all you can direct from the comfort of your underwear isn't that amazing i love voice acting hello uh i'm coffin jockey also known as chase he's busy he'll talk to you later oh that's perfect i'm like a step away from krillin hi everybody i'm mina v.a is somebody in here a natural teacher voice you're natural danuta there's somebody in here hello everybody it is i pmc moore i have returned this man's always here this man's just a jack-of-all-trades i just have to get him back i approve the deployment of the pacific fleet for the moses plan it's gonna be huge big [ __ ] missiles gonna blow them all up it's gonna be the best shots it's gonna be great today we're here with sydney syd snap you guys have seen her before she's been in every single one i've got you to do another one because i think that the submarine woman looks like you right that's that's a good way to cast people like kind of right i get what is the blonde hair blue eyes that effort that looks just like you call me shiro i don't think it sounds so weird to pronounce it so badly stop it we've got to defend that vote by all means hello uh my name is izanami va otherwise known as tara and i am a voice actress and writer it's it's go on our son was kidnapped he was taken away from some horrible creatures [Laughter] oh my god [Laughter] hi we are currently now in the sound effects stage so one thing you want to do when you're editing sound effects is just go through the original audio hey looking good and just make a mental note of where all the sound effects are and what they sound like you'll notice on mine i always have these like orange lines that are really [ __ ] annoying i i hate them by the way why does the lion go all the way through why can't you put it up there sorry vegas i know i should edit with a better program but it's all i know once you have an idea of the sound effects that you need luckily for this yu-gi-oh clip it's pretty much footsteps bags rustling leather really really common [ __ ] you can go to a sound effect website i use soundsnap i'm not sponsored by them sponsor me we type in leather 1400 results that come up there'll be so many leather-esque sounds that we can use that just sounds like a far what the [ __ ] that so that's the impact noise we can use that noise easily that's closed right in like five seconds we've already found sound effects that we can use not difficult at all you could make these sound effects yourself we know you're not gonna make the sound effect yourself be lazy be like me make your life easier come on man just use money to make life go by quicker there's only one sound in this clip that really gave me a little bit of trouble listen hey that's a really weird sound it's got like four things going on it's like a low buoying and then like a little crinkle what natural thing do you know makes that sound and these tend to be the more annoying sound effects the ones that are cartoonish but also you don't really know how to describe it's a boy but you need a really specific kind of boring let me show you what i mean if i go to this website and i type in boing we'll get a ton of sounds and none of them are going to sound close to what we need again not even close maybe a little bit no no no let's have a look what i did i think i got like a guitar whammy sound in the end that kind of did the same thing there's gonna be sound effects in this video that aren't even remotely close that you guys are not gonna notice the yu-gi-oh clip was really easy to fix not much going on not much sound effects super easy like your mother the dragon ball one had pretty much no sound effects which is great we like that loads of footsteps right away you'll notice also there's cicadas in the background i have a bunch of cicada noises on my pc but if i wanted to i could just open my window and listen to those [ __ ] all the time don't believe me that i could get this sound effect like that i bet you can hear these [ __ ] so the devilman clip actually gave me a tad bit of trouble it was kind of annoying in the original there's this chain of sound effects that happens there's like four or five sounds happening at once there's a little whip anime sound there's a lunge there's a hit there's like there's a lot of sound so it's really hard to replicate that so you'll notice we have like six sound effects here in the space of like five seconds and you know sometimes that does happen don't be afraid to layer that [ __ ] on like a cage i use this microphone this is the neumann tlm-103 this mic is so good at picking up everything that it can actually hear my thoughts sometimes fantastic stuff i know but that actually does mean as a consequence that it will pick up all of my mouth sounds so i have to do a lot of fixing to my audio but that's really not a problem if you know what you're doing don't name your files the way i have named my files i bought a plugin that will do it for me because uh i don't have all day plugging called mouth d-click but i'll admit one thing you got is plenty of guts you see right there it's actually repaired 52 clicks in just that small audio that it's played and the problem is is that i'm a little too bassy traditionally you would just cast better we don't have that option right now because uh we don't have much time left i'm actually going to do something like this to it what you'll see here is that i've actually cut off a bit of my base so let's listen to it now but i'll admit one thing you got is plenty of guts so we don't do anything very impressive here a lot of the sound effects are really easy to get one thing that we did do here which i'm sure many of you are interested to find out is in the original clip when they're on the bay you'll notice that they have a kind of filter on their voice it sounds like it's coming through you know like a channel or some kind of low quality speaker and these speakers are normally meant to make it as loud as possible not make the audio quality good we can actually really easily do this ourselves let's say you want to make a meme or you want to reenact that one kid on xbox you won't stop swearing at you we can easily do that let's let's do that right now wow it sounds like i want to call with my parents right that's that i'm sure many of you at home are wondering but connor i really need to know how difficult was it to find the soundtracks i need to know i'm sure all of you are dying to know here's the report chief two of them didn't have any music thank you funny enough crystal triangle i actually found that soundtrack can you believe that i found it it's like a 1972 movie so i could easily just plop that in why is that easy to find how is yu-gi-oh impossible to find it's [ __ ] yugioh rather than going insane and trying to find the soundtrack and then just wasting a whole day like i did in the previous video i simply went to fiverr.com gave someone the audio clip and told them hey his 20 bucks remake that [ __ ] and also the devilman dub i actually had to pay him to redo that one which is a pain in the ass so i hired the same seller from the one on the hentai video i'll link down below to him so i gave him the yu-gi-oh soundtrack which sounded like this hey looking good dude like a beat that's kind of all over the place and he actually came up with this so it's not exactly one for one the exact same sound but it's close enough where you know we're pretty happy with that and for the devilman one let me show you what that came out to be [Music] i really wanted this exact same beat and all the same twangs to it but it sounded like the original one got kind of compressed or like i don't really know what happened to it i had the guy on fiverr again to fix it and he came up with [Music] so yeah pretty spot on overall i actually didn't have too many difficulties with doing all of this i think i've gotten pretty good at finding the solutions to the common problems that i've been having throughout this series so if you do want to watch me cry at my previous struggles you can go and click up there to go and watch those but for now it's on to the reaction did i do well did we succeed how amazing am i cut to the future and we're done so let's listen to all the clips right now let's see which ones we like see which ones we improved let's see which ones we didn't do anything good to at all oh god i hope it's none of them all right let's listen to uh the clan ad clip first okay hey i think someone's coming is somebody in here [Music] give me a break that's the best hiding spot he could find class is already starting sorry i was playing hide and seek with some friends of mine and i guess i lost track of the time hide and seek and where are your friends right now hey okay it's time for class apart from the teacher casting it's it's all fine it's all fine here's our remake hey i think someone's coming is somebody in here huh [Music] give me a break that's the best hiding spot he could find class is already starting sorry i was playing hide and seek with some friends of mine and i guess i lost track of the time hide and seek and where are your friends right now hey okazaki it's time for class little bastard i think the voice acting we didn't improve that much except for obviously the teacher okazaki and uh sunohara i think it's called those are already perfect to begin with you know like greg ass did an amazing job and i can't remember the other actor's name but they they killed him i think the mixing on the vocals on my part could have been a lot stronger and also the sound effects were decent enough but overall i'd say we improved it on a scale of one to ten i'd have to say like a six or a seven you know it's like a clear improvement with the taking out the teacher and fixing that just this one clip in this one great show with a great job it was bad and the voice acting was to blame i don't think anything else was wrong with it it was purely purely that that casting you know sometimes that does happen it'll come up later in the video where i think even you know i miss cast so we'll see let's go on to the next clip which is uh crystal triangle as you guys remember um it wasn't good something is moving up laboratory from the bottom of the sea it's heading for the fair boat oh stop it we've got that defender boat by all means [Music] enjoy your last performance [Music] the turret is moving to the nearest hotel i approve to deploy the perfect flip in motherboard this is an emergency [Music] yeah so it's great i just think we could you know touch it up a little bit kamishiro something's moving up level from the bottom of the sea it's headed for the ferryboat erga stop it we've got to defend the boat by all means [Music] enjoy your last quiet evening the target is moving to the north towards hokkaido [Music] i approve the deployment of the pacific fleet for the moses play this is an emergency prepare to set sail for hokkaido japan immediately with a lot of these clips today i'd say it's minor nitpicks or very slight things that are wrong with them that just make them sound jank but that one obviously was just completely broken and needed completely redoing but the 10 out of 10. well done conor well done so far the two clips we've had all the voice actors have done a fantastic job including myself obviously because i'm the number one voice actor on earth i'm kidding i'm kidding the joke let's listen to the original devilman clip now again i think this dub was done in the 70s or the 80s so please bear that in mind [Music] don't be an idiot the kid's not worth it hey kid you're a stupid little but i'll admit one thing you got was plenty of guts so i guess it would be only fair for us to overlook this nasty little incident but don't be an [ __ ] in the future he's busy he'll talk to you later why what's he doing hey akira hey come on let's leave the happy couple are you all right what have they done to you they're rotten bullies you filthy scum oh i'm so scared bastards i love it i think it's amazing it's so charming and i don't really know why so this is the fixed version by me if you will don't be an idiot a kid's not worth it hey kid you're a stupid little but i'll admit one thing you got is plenty of guts so i guess it would only be fair for us to overlook this nasty little incident but don't be an [ __ ] in the future he's busy he'll talk to you later why what's he doing hey akira hey come on let's leave the happy couple are you all right what have they done to you they're rotten bullies [Music] cowards you filthy scum oh i'm so scared bastards i actually think i miscast myself here what ended up happening was i want to give myself enough roles throughout these videos to just kind of one make it easier for me because i can do the lines way quicker than getting someone else matching a schedule getting them to record their lines get them to send me them but this one actually when i was recording it and i was recording last i actually think i did a pretty bad job at it maybe you at home disagree maybe you agree i don't think i did a great job and also i'm not really sure what happened to my audio i don't know why it's a little distorted overall i do think it's improved not by much like a two or three at best sound of it is cleaner but again that's just due to the fact that it was done in the 80s if i spent more time doing it and not trying to rush this video out because i'm very behind on videos i would have spent more time fixing it but hey here we are it is what it is all right next up is uh the dragon ball clip chichi what is it what happened answer me yes it's gone our son was kidnapped he was taken away by some horrible creatures i don't believe it but which way did they go impossible to tell but they were determined to get his crystal balls no matter what did they say why did they say i love this did they say this is my favorite part they say and this is our fixed version gt what is it what happened answer me it's gohan our son was kidnapped he was taken away by some horrible creatures i don't believe it which way did they go impossible to tell but they were determined to get his crystal ball no matter what did they say why did they say gigi directing gigi was by far the hardest part of this video i think because these lines are so incredibly tight timing they do not allow for any slip ups on the actors part and they need to deliver these lines perfectly perfectly spaced lines with the perfect delivery it's so difficult shout out to tara for killing these lions because my god they're hard they leave no time for any emotions to develop you know any you know none of those sounds you guys are probably thinking that was hentai that wasn't hentai moaning don't do monetization if you fix the script a little this could be a good job if i had to give a rating out of tanner how much we fixed it i would have to say a solid six or seven i think we really did a good job on this one the singapore dub of yugioh which is uh one of my personal favorites hey looking good dude are you sure you sure it's not too much looks like too little to me dude why not wear a silver bracelet or something that's not my style you know hey tia's waiting huh show her how cool you are don't be silly uh yuki did i hear you talking to someone else uh no no one i i gotta go hey yugi i think t is in love with you huh hey i love that dub anyway so this is how we fixed it hey looking good dude are you sure you sure it's not too much looks like too little to me dude why not wear a silver bracelet or something uh that's not my style you know hey tia's waiting huh show her how cool you are don't be silly yugi did i hear you talking to someone else uh no no one i i i gotta go hey yugi i think tia's in love with you hey stop teasing yeah so i mean it's fine we made yugi definitely sound better and more realistic i tried a few different approaches when i was recording my own lines for this project but again we're not allowed to change the script so when i ended up recording the lines seriously in a more of hey dude looking good you know like a more of a elderly brother it ended up sounding more weird because it was like wear a silver bracelet or something it didn't really sound even remotely right in the scene so i ended up just going similarly to what the original was which is more of this exaggerated hey looking good dude if we iron out all the kinks of the performance it'll sound a little better it's not going to sound great because unfortunately the limiting factor in this aspect is is 100 described the script here is [ __ ] garbage overall i'd say we did a pretty good job i think we fixed these enough let me know down below which clips you enjoyed the most and which ones you think we improved the most and which ones you think we didn't improve why would you like what you didn't let me know down below it's all cool and give me requests of clips that you want me to fix in future as i want to keep doing these as i love love the challenge and it's really fun getting to collaborate with other voice actors a huge thank you to all the voice actors involved as always pm seymour for always coming in clutch and fixing my my shitty anime dubs thank you great folks uh kevin koto always amazing staff kevin patrick neely as you guys know he voiced in my yowie audiobook great voice actor sydney as always we always get sydney coffin jockey amazing amazing voice actor tara thank you better matrix again he's voicing our yowie audiobook of ours an amazing voice actor and ends with va as well for doing a great job on the devilman clip and also daisy bainsey for voicing the mom of yugi shout out to all those amazing amazing voice actors and shout out to you the viewers for just being beautiful and enjoying the ride i hope you had fun let me know down below if you did and click there to watch the previous episodes and also to maybe support me on patreon if you want to do that and shout out to mudan for editing this video i guess and i hope you beautifully enjoyed this video goodbye i'm going bye [Music] do bye
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 793,153
Rating: 4.9667554 out of 5
Keywords: Bad Voice Acting, Voice Acting, Fixed Voice Acting, Voice Over, Redubbing, Dubbing, I Fixed, Voice Actors, CDawgVA, Anime, Bad Anime Dubs, Worst anime Dubs, Dragon Ball Z, Crystal Triangle, Yu-Gi-Oh, Devilman Original, Devilman, Clannad, Goku, Yugi, Yami Yugi, CDawg
Id: OBbXiQomOcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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