I Renovated the Sad Foxbury Dorms in The Sims 4: University

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I know I've said some nice things about University because I do love bright Chester but there are some interesting lots and the dorms and Fox berry are some of them i renovated these on stream and my title was literally the Fox berry dorms are giving me a headache because I cannot express to you how annoying it was to try and fix them they're so weird and just like a giant box so to make him look good is impossible it was a whole thing but I think I got there it just took me a while to jog your memory this is what the build looks like beforehand like I said it's literally a giant box just a big ol box and then they have four bedrooms a bathroom and then like a living room right here also this poor room has three beds in it terrible absolutely terrible so I fixed it I made this building two stories there's a cafeteria in it now it is very different than how it originally looks I tried to keep some of the vibe from the original build the same but I am I definitely made some big changes and then of course they're gonna make this one next door I want it to mirror it but then I was like I cannot build this again so I just flipped it backwards so they're the same but but different but anyway as you can see we are getting started on evading now this build took me like almost three hours to do and that's just my footage was three hours I think it actually took me like two streams so anywhere close to six hours potentially that's not true maybe it was just like four or five I I can't express to you how stressed I was with this it isn't even like a fancy build like it's fine and the furnishing is pretty generic it's just like the actual shape of it I found to be very stressful in my experience trying to renovate because I was like trying to make it look modern and cool but also different than how it looks now and we all know that lil stims he can't do modern builds so it was a real struggle I also made the inside very red it's all like red white and black I tried to make all the fox burling's that I did like very red and the Rochester ones very green I was just really like going for it with the school spirit stuff I had fun it's kind of fun to make like the dorms look like cheapy furniture with just like school decorations everywhere cuz I mean it's fitting right it's your one chance to make him look a little bit ridiculous so I definitely took advantage of that I'm gonna be honest but I had a lot of fun envisioning what I wanted this building to look like when I was playing in it because I added a cafeteria to it so it's like a functioning cafeteria object so your students can actually get food here there'll be a person working it and you can use the cafeteria there there's also five beggars for but there's four double bedrooms and two single rooms so your Sims can share a room with someone or have their own review if you wish and so I did that then there's like again the two stories there's whole bedrooms upstairs and also like a study space upstairs and there's a living room there's all kinds of things there's like a ping-pong table there's definitely a lot more to do here if you have your sims live here which is good because generally there isn't much to do in your door it's just it's just a box by default and I only use the base game and university in this lots if you want to download it and play in it you can so my gallery easy to find it's just like I don't know titled Tower run o or something Fox very dorms I forget you'll find it somewhere on there it's up there but I loved how they did the dorms which I've got a bunch of my channel like how the dorms work and how they're penthouse lots and stuff I think this is really good I love that I can edit the lot and then play in it but also not edit it when my sim is there and so I try to keep a lot of space in the rooms with them being pretty generic like sort of how the original dorm was how the rooms just kind of have like basic default furniture like a bed desk and nightstand and dresser because your sims populate it with clutter when they come here it's like a function of the roommates they bring clutter around so they like have little objects pop up on the desks and things like that and so I didn't put any clutter in because I figured your sims one would themselves but also if you moved in here you could pick a room and then decorate it yourself and I wouldn't like have messed with your plants there's also space for a mini-fridge and like all of the rooms there's like enough space for the one tile for a mini-fridge in microwave I got you guys don't worry I left space for it on purpose I know in my own gameplay I like to put a mini-fridge of my son's rooms so I made sure to do that for you too I like having mini fridges for my sins I think it's really fun I've been having a lot of fun playing University like genuinely one of my favorite packs I've ever made gameplay wise because I don't really feel the need to like constantly replay and and try again with different aspects of the expansion pack when it comes out like generally when I suspension pack comes out I like play it once and then mostly build and then it just kind of like folds into my gameplay a little bit I mean like with things like seasons I guess I mean what you might get excited and tried the scouting career stuff once and then be like okay maybe next I got a thing who's gonna be a scout we'll play with it but you don't like feel the need to like obsessively have all your Sims scouts constantly right now I'm like yes University what are you in a study and then I keep making Sims to go to university and I think I haven't felt this excited about a pack in a long time it's really fun to be like very passionate about Sims game play again because I've been doing so much building recently so I kind of just haven't really cared about expansion Paks recently like with get famous is one that has a good example for me because like I really didn't care about get famous game play I mean like I played it once I I played it on stream for a few days I probably stream like 12 hours worth of it but still I kind of was just like okay and I genuinely haven't touched the Fame system since then and that's kind of sad I just don't really care about that whereas with the university I find myself like constantly replaying it with new Sims I've had like three different Sims go to university which is big for me because I don't even play the game I just build that off but anyway as we're building that the shell of this build I thought I would tell you guys a funny story about what just happened in my family's group chat cuz I asked him I was like hey guys like got any Christmas list ideas for me cuz I'm gonna like buy gifts my family soon when I was kind of like trying to scope out what they wanted you know and my sister sent a list like presumably to my mom to just with like things she wanted had like socks and makeup and like room decorations but it was kind of generic and the mom was like hey Shanna if you want these things can you like give us some more info like what kind of makeup what kind of decorations and she's like no I wanted to be a surprise I missed the link surprise of Christmas because when she was little you know it like you really know you're gonna get I guess what she's thinking but here's the thing Shanna and I said this in the group chat I was like if you want it to be a surprise then good stuff going through about my mom's stuff to find what she bought you for Christmas like last year my sister like dug around through my mom's closet and found all of her presents and then was like mad that they were spoiled for her but you spoiled them for yourself you're the one who went digging around and the fact that she's like I want it to be a surprise but like you're the one who who finds out I can't believe it anyway that was really funny I asked my mom and she asked me the other day what I want for Christmas and I told her I wanted kitchen stuff again that's all I got last year for Christmas and I feel so lame listen this is what I want though like last year I literally got up like a pizza cutter for Christmas in mixing bowls but this year I was like mom I want like serving dishes because I like to cook and I like to have my family over for dinner as like last year I had like a Christmas my house and I cooked like a whole vegetarian Christmas dinner I was really proud of myself I'm gonna do a thanks getting one again this year like that and I was really proud of myself and I have serving dishes but like they're ones that I bought from Ross and they were literally four dollars each and I want like more now that my Ross ones are bad but like my Ross ones are kind of bad so what I want like nicer serving dishes so I was like mom I want like one of those like two tiered like little serving trays want one of those I want like a better casserole type dish and this is just who I am now I mean I guess there comes a point in your life where all you want is kitchen stuff and I'm at that point now so god I'm getting old that's not true I'm only 20 it's fine I'm only 20 years old it's just like last year I just moved out I didn't really have any kitchen stuff you know I'm still kind of in that phase where it's like I just moved out I lived here for a year but like I don't really have that much stuff like I think over the years you get more things in your kitchens but like I'm not at that point yet I don't have all those things yet and I love things oh one more thing I cut my hair yesterday and I've been pre recording because I'm going my grandparents house for Thanksgiving and so I've done like half of it with long hair longer hair my hair was late a couple inches longer whatever and I cut it yesterday um and now I'm gonna do some more pre recording but the videos are gonna go up out of order so my hair's gonna change links like every day and I'm just warning you right now like tomorrow my hair will be longer so I think it's funny when I do that cuz it happens to me a lot we're like I don't know I'll be pre recording this off and get my haircut like before I go somewhere it's like out god yeah my hair is getting kind of weird and longer and flippy I need to like get it back above my shoulders you know in it I'll do it before I travel somewhere like to my grandparents or whatever and then I'm obviously pre recording at that time the six of my videos are all like out of order yeah than when I dyed my hair to I had pink hair for a little bit and I had like pre-recorded a couple videos and so I like had pink hair on Tuesday but on Wednesday was back to brown and then Simone Friday was brown again too like it's just yeah I know it's weird okay but it's fine it isn't that noticeable I mean my hair is usually this short but likes it I cut it like every couple months so it kind of goes through phases of like being like down to like here and then back up again so anyway this this build was really stressful for me especially the layout of it because I wanted to have a bunch of bedrooms but have them be pretty small and I also wanted to have a really nice big bathroom and I just had a hard time trying to make it work and fit properly it was really stressful the bathroom was like my biggest concern I spent so long fiddling with the stupid bathroom it was just so dumb like it's just a bathroom but that was like the biggest problem I had was trying to make the bathroom work nicely it ended up being huge but I think it looks good because it's got like a separate shower area and stuff so you'll see us get to that in a little bit but the biggest issues were at the bathroom and also this open area in the front because the the trim of the built on the outside was glitching so much and it was so annoying because you have like these weird like fake rooms the room system the game kind of glitches out when you have like open areas and stuff cuz doesn't counted as a room properly and so the trim wasn't working and so I had the trim on the outside it was like coming through on the inside and I just it looked so dumb usually you can kind of pull it off but it wouldn't place in all the areas like it wouldn't place on the right side of it though for some reason it just wouldn't work and I I you guys I was so annoyed I could not express you the rage I was feeling this is why I was like this bills giving me a headache because it just mmm these dumb glitches and also the columns there's a lot of things that I keep thinking I can do with them but then the update has changed them it's so you can't do it anymore so yeah you can like click and drag them straight up and they can mist tell as you want but there's like other things about them that I can't make work as well as I used to be able to and I'm still like learning the new column system and it's been a very stressful experience so bear with me guys we're all in this together it's it's certainly been an experience please help me also speaking of the University and my real-life University I cannot express to you guys how stressed I am right now one because of this terrible build but two because of the timing of Thanksgiving this year now I know that many of you aren't from America and so I'll just give you some context but it's always on like this something-something Thursday of November right ish I don't know but essentially it kind of moves every year where it is and this year it happens to fall the week before my finals and so I got Thanksgiving this week and then next week final exams but the thing is I'm taking all history classes and I don't really have any exams I only have big papers and final projects do and so well that's fun and like yeah you don't have to study I do have giant papers and projects do and three of them are doing the same day and it's the week after I get back from Thanksgiving and I'm like trying to do them now because I don't want to do them at my grandparents house cuz like I obviously done a lot of work for them like Blake prep work and stuff I have like a lit review I had to do two weeks ago for like this other things I've got like half of it done for a lot of them but I don't want to do them at my grandparents house because like my grandparents are very old okay my grandparents are turning 90 this year one other house for Thanksgiving like I got it just like work we're celebrating things having with my grandparents okay it's very important but also but also I can't do them all the week after I get back so I'm like trying to do them now and I'm just losing my mind like it I'll be fine it's fine okay I'm fine and one of my idiot professors you guys I don't mean to attack her but this person is terrible this is I think one of the worst professors I've ever had in my entire life and I've taken a lot of classes in my day okay and this professor she doesn't ever like post the assignments until like right before they're due I think that she thinks they're posted but they're never actually posted and so for example we have a final project like on our calendar schedule that I can see is gonna be due in two weeks but she didn't post it until yesterday and still like I could see that it was gonna be due but the actual assignment wasn't posted until yesterday she never said anything about it the syllabus is broken and doesn't load like you can't click on it on like so I couldn't read the syllabus like her class is just so horribly set up she graded our midterm exams literally yesterday and I took it on October 22nd and she graded them yesterday I mean like come on come on it's so frustrating she's just so behind with everything I mean it's one thing it was like big papers but it was an exam and we took it online and you didn't post the grades until yesterday it was a month ago I she really frustrates me you guys I can't even begin to explain how annoyed I was about this exam thing because I was stressed about it for like a month and she just didn't post the grades and this like Generic like oh you got a thing do like some final project but too bad you can't see what it is you just have title of it do and it's like a big thing that's gonna take me a long time but you just never mentioned it or put it in the syllabus and we can't even see the syllabus anymore I don't understand her like you go to the course homepage online and you like click syllabus and it's like this page is locked why why would you lock the syllabus page huh anyway she does know what she's doing so but it's fine I'll be fine it's just one of those things where it's like come on so you're not making this easier for any of us you're making everything harder for us and it's for yourself too lady I'm okay it's fine if I just keep saying it's fine maybe I'll feel that way it's it's okay we'll be done in a couple weeks and then I have one semester and then it were over it's we're done we're gone one semester I'm totally fine you'll see that I cut out some things as far as like wall painting and maybe some window placement I forget what exactly parts I cut up but there was like some kind of generic parts that just took me forever to decide on I kept changing them and I was like you know what no point to include this in the build like this it's just it's bad and so I just cut it all out and we're keeping it like this so I'm furnishing it now finally and you'll see there's like a kitchen area but really it's like a cafeteria sort of hall space there's a TV and living room downstairs there's the three bedrooms downstairs the main bathroom and then upstairs there's like a study space and then some more bedrooms which I think works out really well to be honest I'm pretty pleased with this style also you know what's really annoying the fact that elevators there's one up into this building but you can't use it to get to the second floor of the building I wish that we had functional elevators in the sames it's kind of sad that we don't have them in the sims 4 I know like you can place them on penthouses lots to like be the front door sort of because that's how it works they don't actually work within the lodge which is really annoying although there was a person that made a mod for this by the way I saw it on Twitter yesterday there's an elevator mod so maybe we maybe this is our time maybe there is a chance for us but anyway I'm not gonna use that mod I don't really use like mods like that I'll just complain about it even though there are ways to fix it it's just it's one of those things we're like with the content that I make there's a lot of build mods and mods like that we're like most people that are gonna download my builds don't have those mods and like the process you guys understand number of people don't know how to install CC I know that many of you guys are like oh yeah I've been play the sims 3 whatever I've been playing Sims forever I know about mods you just rubber the mods folder but there are so many people that watch my videos that don't even understand what like custom content is and like that's oh that's fine no people just they all have their stages of playing The Sims but like the number of comments is that I'm trying to tell you if I use a mod like that in my builds they'd all be like oh what could I see it on the gallery because I have it like check and clue custom content they wouldn't get that they wouldn't understand how to install the mod they just we're better off not using it and then I have more fun playing the game vanilla to be honest because I think it's kind of like a fun challenge to use what we have but I love you guys that don't know how to install mods you're great it's cute if you don't solve mods by the way um you can down them on my tumblr that's a good spot to start looking but tumblr is a great place there's a few other websites online they'll give you package files and you can put them in Electronic Arts the sims 4 mods go to that folder and then you can put them right in there just drop them in and then enable them in your game and then boom they work it's super cool to just give game options enable custom content it's super easy I understand that it's probably confusing people haven't started playing I mean I know that I was confused back in the day although I used to play the sims 3 on my family's old Mac so I feel like Mac's are just I don't know stuff like trying to install mods for games I think it's not hard in the same but like games for mods on Mac Mac's just not good for gaming don't buy a Mac if you want to play games I I'm warning you right now half the games you want to play more than half 80% of the games you want to play don't even work on Mac they just you can't play them on Mac and also Mac's just not good for gaming you've been warned ok don't buy it that people ask about computers to buy for the game all all the time you're like hey Kayla what's a good laptop to get and first like I don't know I don't know what laptops are good there's many but don't buy Mac I mean if you if you need a Mac that's great but like for if you're trying to play games especially games other than the Sims don't buy Mac know where anyone in the comments will agree trust me also if you can buy a desktop computer instead of a laptop you'll get a lot more for your money I know that not everyone has like a physical setup they can use all the time than I have to like move around and things like that or use their computer for school and bring it places but if you have the ability to get like a physical setup like at a desk like a a pc you'll get so much more more for your money a way better computer for your money laptops are ridiculously expensive so if I can offer you any suggestions if you can don't buy a laptop and go buy Mac you'll save yourself a lot of money I have a macbook by the way so I'm one to talk but I don't game on it I use it for school and sometimes video editing but anyway you'll see that I'm working on the bedrooms now I had a lot of fun furnishing these rooms by the way like I really had fun decorating them because I was making them also generic looking on the inside and I was trying to fit in nightstands and dusts and dressers and trying to like match all that stuff but also have two beds in the rooms and of course there are two single rooms on the right side of the house to the house it's a dorm it's a dorm not a house not even close to be in a house there isn't even a kitchen that's not a house I think this dorm is too fancy for me to be honest I I think playing and it would be so easy because you have everything you need there's computers around you could even get a single bedroom if you wanted it and like the colors are all cute that rug is terrible the carpets and the bedrooms are awful but I like them they really grew on me I think it's kind of fun because I think that like that carpet is like a self-aware horrible and I very much get like this is the rug in the hallway of a hotel vibes or like the office carpet flooring you know but or you know in this case dorm carpet flooring my dorm carpet wasn't like big pattern chunky color blocks like that but my dorm carpet was like a kind of weird pattern but it was all like a greenish gray it was like more of a solid color than this but I definitely get like weird carpet vibes from dorms I know if some people have tile floors in their dorms there I have some friends one of the dorms on my campus it's got tile floors it's got cinderblock walls they're like painted yellow I mean dorms in America I know people that are like if you're maybe from elsewhere you might be like this is horrible like because I know a lot of people in Europe have a significantly better student housing than we do but like this is a dream this is like a hotel compared to how I lived on call in college and also how a lot of my friends did like picture it with like brick walls inside your bedrooms and the lighting with like those big like florescent light strips that's what I had in my dorm room awful absolutely awful just horrendous but it's experience it's a bonding experience it's an important life experience you know to have a yellow cinderblock wall I think the tile is awful I I live in Florida most houses around here have tile floors my house has tile floors downstairs like but I genuinely I think that tile flooring in houses like put my parents house in my house the entire downstairs like the whole main floor is tile not the bedrooms but like the whole main floor and my house under is only upstairs like the whole main floor is just tile everywhere like a big like big old squares of yellowish beige tile and I think it's the worst thing in the entire world it's so weird and ugly it's not fun to have like it's not comfortable at all to walk on it just looks bad you can't match things to it well like my walls downstairs are beige the tile is beige like everything is just beige and bad I think that that's one of the worst design choices anyone could ever make tile but like every house in Florida is light with the tile they're just all like that and I hate it I hate it I'm sorry if you have tile I'm sorry mom but I hate your tile I just I much preferred like the look of wood floors and like wood looking floors like there's people even they make a porcelain tile that looks like wood my parents for that in the bedrooms of our house at my parents house and so it's like steel tile but it looks like wood and I think it's so much better than like a weird beige looking tile I mean it's still tile and I think it's kind of cold to have tile in bedrooms but you know whatever it's personal preference I just hate the look of tile as main flooring and whole houses I build houses like that sometimes but it's more of like an orange II tile when I do it in The Sims it's like this beige color that I can't deal with and I grew up in a house like that I live in one now but like God Florida why are you doing that but anyway we're coming close to the end of the video here you'll see that I'm furnishing the bathroom now I even put like random foxd3 posters in the bathroom and this is one of my chat was like hey put up Jerry and there's this painting of that boy you know the one that matches that landscape painting there's like the two that are both kind of like rectangles portrait wise you know and there's like a picture of a boy um people call him Jerry and and they're like put Jerry in the build and I was like okay I'll put Jerry in the build I know that the LaLanne grab supposedly founded Foxborough Institute but I think that it was Jerry land grab it was that guy Jerry is the founder of Fox berry Institute or potentially Jerry used to be a student and then he died tragically remember in my build where I did the haunted house and I was like the baby got swept away in on tornado Jerry got swept away in a tornado anyway here are some screenshots as you can see um I think it's pretty cute inside it's definitely a lot bigger than it was before but I think it's nice I also think that it's gonna be more expensive to live here which is always fun because dorms are way too cheap but on that note I'm gonna go so please make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe and do all those funny cheap things and in case you guys didn't know I post new videos every single day and so I will see you all tomorrow bye everybody Wow rip Jerry gone too soon poor guy [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 585,227
Rating: 4.9560709 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, dorm, foxbury, renovation, sims build, sims 4 build, let's build, let's play, speed build, sims 4 building, sims 4 university, discover university
Id: JrOroE5fWBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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