The Sims 4: Realm of Magic has AWFUL houses...but can I fix them?

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hi everybody its Kayla and welcome back to fixer-upper the show where I usually attempt to fix up your houses but today oh we're back new pack new builds new that today we're renovating one of EA's houses from glimmer Brook because oh oh Joey my my beautiful homes that we just get to make some minor adjustments to if you guys didn't know we have a new pack come out realm of magic is out now and there are a couple new builds in it that we can renovate this being one of them I made a video inspired exclusively by this staircase and the fact that it does not lead to a door it's a staircase to nothing I don't know why I don't know how but it's real it exists in the world and the house is just it looks like a mushroom almost it's a big box it just it needs some help and so for that reason we're gonna go ahead and renovate it today but of course we must get a tour so when you first walk up those steps you can go in and you can see we have a little entryway there's a bathroom right here kind of small but no it's not it's huge I don't know why I said that dorsen weird spot but it's a big bathroom they have big empty space which is just common for a build so they've got limitations already I was thinking put in houses but we've got this little dining space here we've got a little living room which I don't like the carpet choice but I'm not here to judge we have one bedroom downstairs and then that wall color is god-awful by the way I don't even notice that okay and then in here we have the kitchen which I just might want to complain about this I'm gonna be honest is that the rangehood isn't above the stove I don't get it I think it's weird but it exists lots of clutter though so that's cute and then you go back around up the stairs into the void nope into the hallway and then we have let's see one bedroom up here we've got another bathroom and then whatever this is another bedroom a whole boy we've got a bunch and then we have this way there is a little study sort of area and that's the whole build unless of course you go in the backyard and you want to like check out the kitchen from the side door you go up the stairs no no there's not a door there nevermind sorry I'm sorry on that note though we are gonna go ahead and jump right on into the renovation okay so we are back and we are fixer-upper in this house you can see everybody the first thing I did was make the walls shorter I'm gonna take this opportunity as a chance to maybe give some tips for building because I feel like in the things that I'm changing on this ei build maybe I can offer some explanations as to why and like give you guys some ideas about how I build my houses because I'm by no means an expert but I do build a lot in the Sims and I think I know a couple things about Sims building so hopefully I can help you out just a little bit but you'll see the step 1 I made the walls a medium wall height instead of tall because in my experience especially with windows like this it is impossible to make a tall wall height look good because they're using windows that were designed for a short wall height on a tall wall height and it's just gonna look bad because they're using the pac windows that they only come in short and medium wall Heights mostly just short and so when you put these tiny windows in a big wall it looks really dumb and so I made the wheel in the wall a little bit shorter so that they looked more in place and more intentionally placed and less like they were too small for the wall because the last thing you want is tiny windows that aren't big enough for the house like it just looks odd and so when you have them that are more properly sized it looks a lot better so that was step 1 was to make the walls shorter because I think it's so much easier to make a house look better with shorter walls like tall walls are so hard to pull off especially with this window situation so shorter wall height I took the whole roof they did off and redid it and I have a few tips for roofing in a video I call it that I have called builders Bible I'll link it down below I have like a whole roofing tutorial if you're sidin learning about that stuff I can do that I'll link it for you guys I might do another one soon about like specifically roofing because I feel like roofing is really hard thing to do in the same - trust me I feel you and I think that this house roof was particularly not good like I think what I found in houses like this where I hate the roof and need to change it it's that each individual piece looks like it has its own separate roof and it looks really odd like they have like random squares with random square roofs instead of like one cohesive roof a building and so I feel like for one this were real life think about like how it would drain off like of that random square like into the corner of the middle of the roof of be horrible like it's just not smart it doesn't make any sense so we redo it to make it look like one big cohesive roof piece and half pieces kind of like connecting and pulling off each other and using most of the same style I use a lot of the gabled roofs but I made them kind of pointy I also added a bit of a tower to put a little like octagonal roof on it because I figured it made it look kind of interesting to have that extra kind of piece I also changed the color of the roof because I liked it better orange I think it matched the windows a little bit better with what did I say windows a little bit better but that was my reasoning there I think my number one issue with this build was the tall walls and the bad roof once you change that it looks so much better that's all you needed to do was like adjust the placement of the windows a little bit and then fix the roofing but in order to make the roofing look good I changed a bit of the shape of the house I made like more of a fancy box I've made it a bunch of tutorials about building and I always talk about the fancy box in them because basically I feel like a lot of houses are very square in the Sims and kind of in real life but to make a house look better in the sims because let's be honest what looks good in real life does not ever look good in the sims it just it's not good ever like you've tried you've probably tried to build your real life house in the Sims and I guarantee you it looked bad and it's not your fault it's just the fault of like real life architecture oftentimes doesn't come across well in the Sims I think because of the fact that in the Sims you have the power to make things perfect and y'all really affected by like where the sun's setting and rising and bla bla bla bla bla like you have more power to change things whatever you want there isn't like weird limits about like structural walls and stuff and so we kind of do everyone want to and then houses look a little bit better in the Simpson and they would in real life and so if you build a real house in the Sims everybody looks kind of weird it's because they are weird houses but basically my suggestion for the housing I build is I make a box and then I add bump outs to it I make a fancy box and I noticed with this build it was one big box and so one of the first things I did was come in and make it more fancy like as in I kind of made a bump out in the front to make a little bit more interesting add some more shapes to it because then I could add a roof piece to the front and make it less of one big weird square roof and they could have like a few different gable roofs in different directions and stuff like that it just makes the house more interesting looking and it's a very simple thing it also kind of makes the rooms have more of a defined place to go like if you struggle with floor plans making your house have like fancy boxes like some kind of bump out with like a fancy window area for like a dining room have a bay window it kind of gives you an idea of like oh well that room should go here because there's that space for it you know and so that's often how I do my floor plans however sometimes the fancy box can be a curse and you'll have too many weird bump outs and it makes your floor plans impossible but in some cases like this one I think it helped with the floor plan because it gave me kind of like defined spaces to put here's the living room and this in this bump out area this study goes in this bump out area and so it kind of like set up my floor plan for me also in this build I used only the base game and roll with magic obviously I did say well my other pack so I didn't have them installed when I was building this because I wanted to try and use just those packs to renovate it for you guys because I realized that um we're trying to fix an EA build here we gotta make it accessible to you all this so I only use those two packs if you have this pack you can get this built you don't any other objects or anything because it's only just these two packs I also for a long time was trying to not use move objects in the build and I didn't in most of the places I had it off for most of the build but in the landscaping I tried so hard to not use it but dear God I couldn't I couldn't not use it move objects is a godsend when it comes to landscaping it is so hard to make landscape you just can't make it look good without move objects okay I'm sorry beebeep move objects on is a godsend it's a blessing it is impossible to landscape without it I just don't know how I used to do that in the past I'm gonna be honest I it was its it was such a struggle and this built but I ended up turning it on because I couldn't not do it I was trying to be a brat and prove a point about this house because well I used a lot of objects and I understand that the Sims team has limitations for the number of obvious thing and put in builds because they have to make them run really well on all computer so they want to put a ton of objects in places I get that but I don't think that that object limitation is a justification for how weird the bill was on the outside like the shape of the house you can do that with no objects just a shape it is by no means more complicated than what they built it's just roofed better and that I don't get why their houses look the way they do I'm messing with a pen I'm sorry that's weird but anyway I tried my best to fix it I think it looks really cute I changed the color scheme a bit I added more lights I found that a lot of times EA houses are very dark and so I added some more lights in this one it's just the exact same house but upgraded you'll see in the kitchen also I used the new counters from above magic but we don't actually have matching cabinets for that pack and so I used base game cabinets that come in a similar color but it is slightly different like I think the the magic cabinets are a little bit more orange and the ones from the basically are more red toned but like I wanted to have upper cabinets and we don't have ones that match there isn't a matching one which is infuriating but just is the case at the moment they might update that who knows I don't know why I didn't add them it's just a recolor of a basin cabinet anyway but it's fine I just used the ones from the base thing that we're kind of similar just don't look too closely okay I feel like it's almost one of those things where I should have just gone for a completely different color like used black cabinets or something and said it was intentional instead of using the slightly different colored ones because I think the fact they're slightly different makes it very obvious that they're different but if you do it like black versus red it looks intentional like oh look I put this fancy cabinet down and I painted the top ones darker on purpose but now just looks like I have not matching cabinets which is true I just have mismatched cabinets but it's not my fault they didn't give me the magic ones okay I couldn't do anything about it but I also adore the arches they added in this pack I think the doors and windows from this pack are so cool I'm so happy with them I like the most recent packs we've been getting like with even stranger Ville and island living and this pack mosquito stuff like we've had some awesome doors and windows added however I must complain I don't understand where they only ever add them for short wall Heights like with even with Island living it's like all short wall height stuff this pack has a few medium wall height things but it's mostly short wall height windows and I think that's a little bit annoying because it's really hard to make like I said the short wall height windows work on taller height walls because they look so small so it's easy with the medium wall height I think it's a little bit more possible but with the tall walls they had before in this house it just doesn't look good it's really hard to pull off and that's why I never do it like you'll see me I never build tall wall Heights because the tall wall height looks so weird in so many houses I mean sometimes like the bottom floor can be tall but most of the time I'll work with medium and short wall Heights because I feel like you can make them look better it's one of those things where I often times women building I'm like when in doubt make it smaller because I feel like when you have a giant house it's really hard to make it look good and so on a smaller scale you can furnish it better there's less empty space it looks more full it's not as weird there's less like room for a weird window because often times when you have these big walls it's like I need to fill them somehow so what with like windows and paintings like it's hard to make the house look good and finished whether these big giant houses it's possible but it's difficult it is a lot easier to make a small house look good and so when I'm building my mindset if I build a big thing I'm like okay this is kind of weird just like make the rooms a little bit smaller let's just kind of drag it in and make it more compact I also just prefer to play in like smaller builds in general I like to play a lot of one-story houses when I plank with my own Sims like in my own gameplay I'll do a lot of ranch-style houses because I don't like to page up and down between floors and so I oftentimes will play with just one storey houses I like the smaller more cluttered looking homes in my own kind of gameplay styles so the MiG that's part of it but I think it's a lot easier to make smaller houses look good and go into space especially because the walls are huge and these tall wall Heights I mean they're twice the size of a short wall they're enormous and it's so hard to fill them out and we don't have windows that fit very much like we have a few tall windows but not many and when you have a very specific style like this one and you're trying to use like just magic windows and you only have the magic ones to work with it's hard to make it look good especially because the wood colors don't match like we only have these magic windows that are this style and this color and so if you want to use other ones like you're out of luck it's gonna be mismatched unless you use like all-black windows or something but I mean it's it's not ideal and it's one thing to have like some mismatch woods inside the house like your clock is different than your chair sure like that happens in real life too but when it comes to like windows and exterior stuff I think it's not very common that you would like paint the outside of your house windows different colors like different styles is bad enough but different colors is it just doesn't make sense like if you're gonna have all your windows in a house a lot of times the whole front of the house got the same color windows like obviously it's just kind of odd that they wouldn't match and so you can't really mix and match windows in the sense it looks sort of weird I mean there are ways to pull it off I just think in most cases it looks kind of odd and we have these random wood colors and things that don't match them which is frustrating it's weird because it's like this happy medium that we need to find because part of me wants and likes having more swatches because if they had them all standardized and we had like four wood swatches that were on every single build and every single item it might look a little bit generic and like all the things would be to say me kind of but like if we at least had like one or two so well like you could do some like random different ones like with cows and dogs and all that blue would colored stuff and they have a lot of this like reddish tone wood colored stuff but we don't have many objects like it's it's just this pack that has this color tone and so you want to mix and match things you can't really but if each of these items at least had like two swatches that matched other ones that beat the base theme swatches that'd be awesome because they have black and white swatches but like how often do you use all black and all white furniture in your builds like I most the time go for like warmer I said warmer sorry that's like a force of habit so people make fun of how I say the word warm well I'm talking about W AR m and I refuse to say it for real because my stream mocked me like twice and so now I say worm on purpose like pronouncing it like wor M and so just like the word warmer just slipped out I don't actually say it like that I'm like mocking people I it's warm right but I started saying worm to make fun of people so that's why I said that just then I'm sorry that doesn't make any sense but I use a lot of warmer toned wood colors and my builds oftentimes there's a lot of worms in my builds and so I feel like it's hard to match these things with stuff anyway that's a rant we've had a million times you don't need to hear from me again I know but this bill also has two bedrooms because this this house belongs to a townie family it's these two friends they live here together they're roommates and they were roommates and each of their own rooms and they're also both wizards that are trying to become master magicians if you will and so they're kind of like in a little race to see who gets the top first so they have their own bedrooms I also add like a magic room is like a cauldron in it and stuff I give them the special magic like defined area I put some like magic plants and frogs in there and stuff it ended up being kind of cute I was pretty proud of it but I feel like that room didn't exist in the original bill because they had three bedrooms in this house but just two Sims and I just made it two bedrooms in a magic room I think it made more sense because like I have a third bedroom if you don't need it there's space for magic room let's take a magic room you know let's have it let's do this why not and it has a bookcase door into it like a secret bookcase door which is so fun like I never use that door ever and I always stream my builds on Twitch most of the time like all of the time I'm live every day at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time and at my grandma's house right now so I'm not live this week but I love it every day at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time and I do a lot of building on Twitch and everyone's always like use those use the bookcase door use the bookcase door and I can't fit it into builds very often because it's like a bookcase door it does only match places it's kind of weird it's like tall and skinny and flat but this room was our chance for the book taste door this is the perfect opportunity for a bookcase tour and I took it I took it and ran with it I was very excited about it I think it ended up being really cute so I was pretty excited about that it was my one chance I feel like my twitch comments my twitch chat is literally always like okay store glass roof do it glass roof glass roof glass roof and it's really funny cuz it's like it's hard to make those things work it's the glass roof thing I get so many requests for it's kind of funny we like joke about it on my channel because people always like put a glass roof on like my random blue suburban house I mean doesn't leaf it but I try my best to make them how skylights sometimes but it's a funny haha joke okay glass roofs and bookcase doors this house has one of those things now the glass roof maybe next time some day but you guys were coming close out of the video here we're kind of wrapping up the bedrooms and stuff I do have screenshots obviously before and afters coming up really really soon which is honestly the best part of this builds like it's kind of fun to see how the house changes because it is very different in this versus the original one also I have one tiny complaint one other one you might have seen it just then but the desk in this pack has a weird glowing blue light on it and it's very frustrating I don't understand why it's so annoying I don't get it it makes a desk unusable I'm gonna be honest I put it in this house still but I don't think I'll ever use it again and on that note I'm gonna go so what are your thoughts in that desk let me know in the comments and the whole build all the builds what do you think let's talk about chick stuff in the comments but make sure you leave a like and comment comment and subscribe and do all those fun YouTube things and in case you guys didn't know I post new videos every single day and so I will see you all tomorrow bye everybody [Music] I feel very strongly about that desk I mentioned it briefly but like it's it's a passionate thing for me I don't get it it's a weird desk why does have a blue light on it I don't understand it's so it's so odd there's no reasoning I don't I don't understand [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 782,566
Rating: 4.9454169 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, home renovation, sims 4 renovation, let's build, let's play, speed build, house build, sims 4 build, building
Id: tt5XDsTGlCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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