Renovating my first ever build in The Sims 4...

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i've had the lil simsy youtube channel for five years today i created my account on december 7th 2015. i don't want to get sappy but that is weird i was 16 years old i was making sims videos for fun if you had told me that five years later i would have a million subscribers on youtube um i would have laughed in your face that it that's unbelievable i mean at the time no simmers had a million subscribers so it literally seemed impossible like i i still cannot believe that any of this is real life and i was thinking it would be kind of fun to go back and like make fun of some of my old builds because i mostly only make building content in the sims now like that's what i love to do with the sims i mostly only build but back then i was not a builder i was not good at building i mean i guess that was fine at building it wasn't great though i liked to do exteriors i didn't like to furnish houses which is kind of similar to how i feel now but i wasn't that good at it and i remember doing a certain speed build and also way back then when i first started i didn't even do voiceovers in my speed builds i remember making this house i think i was like pre-recording to go see my grandparents for christmas and so i didn't have time to like make a voiceover for it too because i had was making so many videos and so i just didn't i like put music on it which i would never do now but back then like i did so this is the house it's called whitewood manor and i thought that this was the best house i had ever built i kind of want to look at it and i kind of want to renovate it i did it in january so we're a little bit less than five years out but it's okay it's one of my first feed builds this is one of my proudest moments and can we just say the description oh a light tudor style home perfect for any small family this house was built over 100 years ago and recently renovated to fit your family four tight bedrooms two full bathrooms and two separate living rooms are featured in this house there's plenty of space to grow tutor tiny hashtag windenburg hot what i'm pretty sure that had to be a joke right like what was i thinking oh my god first of all december 29th 2015 why is my ui so big what oh no oh i don't like this at all oh it definitely started out as a very different kind of house what was i building huh well i don't want any spoilers let's download the house and take a look at this i am i'm truly i'm kind of embarrassed i like i don't want to listen to it because i'm scared of what i sound like it's a 30 by 20 lot where did i build it help i lost the build i have to scroll all the way back to it again why isn't it showing up oh the gallery is so weird and glitchy oh you know we could try hashtag hot oh i was hoping that would work out for us oh cause i was sorting by newest okay well i found it you know what it's really not a bad looking build did i build this in granite falls what i mean okay i'll go put it in granite falls then i guess that's fine i'm really curious what the interior looks like you know what i kind of like the outside i really didn't put much dirt to rain paint underneath that landscaping there look at that it's very subtle oh the backyard's kind of cute door is a weird choice but that's okay i still do this kind of stuff i still like put this in every build and we have the little planter boxes i like this because that's just a regular gate and i've like put this thing near it spooky stuff all right there i've got to be having some move objects issues because what is that there's no way i did that i'm gonna place this lot again ah okay okay okay okay that makes more sense that makes more sense oh this thing i used to do the way i used to like oh this is embarrassing i would like slightly rotate things you would never have the bookshelf slightly rotated you would put it against the wall what was i thinking i like the color scheme it's kind of cozy in here i'm into it i don't really know why this couch is here i feel like there's not a lot of space to walk like i probably would get rid of that now same thing in here why did i put all three like just get rid of one of them so your sims can actually get in there and like the combination of this fireplace and like this spooky stuff flooring it's kind of weird but that's okay i remember being very proud of the kitchen i didn't even wait i didn't even paint this i didn't even do the trim of the half wall that's weird i don't know about this combination of this flooring in that tile i also used to put two ovens in all of my houses because i was like that makes it fancy it's got double ovens and in real life it um it just it looks really weird that there's two ovens there to be honest with you so we'll have to redo that kitchen the bathroom's fine we also used to only have this light like massive and you couldn't size things down back then so this light looks so weird but like you couldn't change it we only had a giant light like you couldn't make it smaller we didn't have a smaller version they recently added an update like a smaller version of that light and of course you can size it down now but not in the olden days we didn't have the ability to size things down back then there's like a games room that's nice upstairs we've got a few bedrooms this house is a lot bigger than i was expecting i'm gonna be honest i i think i thought it was way smaller than this so we got the parents bedroom still looks the same as every bedroom i would do now look at the clutter i used to put so much more clutter on things i never do that anymore this nursery is weird i don't know why i put the chairs like that it doesn't even look good like they're not even placed like nicely this bedroom is horrible too like it looks so empty for some reason i like what was i thinking and look at how poorly these are placed on the wall like this isn't even in the right spot oh my goodness this bedroom's all right yeah that one's fine this is a weird house i do like the outside a lot i think the outside is really pretty i think there's a lot of potential here and for that reason i think we're gonna try to renovate it is this the right lot there's a tree in front of it let's do it here this is nice the lighting's not great here but that's okay we'll do it here i don't want to get rid of all of my previous furnishing although i think i need to redo the kitchen completely so maybe we'll get rid of the kitchen a little bit oh i can scoot the door over a tiny bit now oh if you could have told past simsy that you could move the doors like that in the future i would have been so excited it's kind of fun to like revisit builds that you did when you were younger with like fresh eyes and a new build style because i would approach this completely differently now than i did you know when i was like 16. i don't want to use the spooky day flooring i don't like the spooky day flooring we can still have gray floors i actually kind of like the tile in these bathrooms i think we should keep it pardon me wants to try and redo the whole floor plan is that a bad idea should i be allowed to do that i mean at that rate we're like refurnishing the entire house but i think i could do it better now oh i'm gonna regret this oh i am going to regret this oh that's the whole house oh no oh no i'm sorry simsy when you were 16 years old you built a really nice house and you were so proud of it and i'm just destroying it i used to make so many videos i don't know how i did this back then because like i was in i was in high school i was like busy i was in school full time i was still uploading daily i don't know how i managed to like pre-record because obviously around this time christmas was coming up right so i was pre-recording for for the holidays what if we tried to use like a lighter wood instead of the gray oh that seems cozy anyway i was pre-recording for the holidays to go see my grandparents but also i had like finals so i was trying to like study for my finals and pre-record and i don't know how i used to do what i did granted my videos were a lot worse and i spent a lot less time on them i like for real didn't used to edit my videos like i would just record for like an hour and then upload it i would go through and like cut out if i like coughed or anything and then that i would just post it i kind of want to do a more open floor plan i'm picturing i know it's hard to see with all the furniture everywhere but i'm kind of picturing some sort of like living room situation here kitchen here dining table in here it might be a bit like too open what if we put a bigger staircase because the kitchen can like wrap around this way oh god i can't see anything what if we use this door downstairs i liked this door we can center it on the wall now so i could always like scoot it over or something lots of options the other thing is that part of me wants to make the walls shorter um that's kind of ugly i just don't know what doors to use i guess we have more packs now oh that actually feels very like realistic to me that feels like that would actually be there okay so that gives us a bathroom for the parents i think it's gonna have one less bedroom i think the house is gonna have one last bedroom i'm gonna regret that aren't i how is that i know that's really weird but like it gives us that bathroom this is really weird isn't it well i don't think it's that unrealistic to have the doors like that and then it becomes a two-bathroom house oh sorry three bathrooms because we got the bathroom downstairs too that works that works really well i think i feel like it's necessary maybe we can make this slightly bigger it's yeah it's weird i i'll be the first to admit that it's weird i do like the change from the the gray floors to this color flooring i think that this color flooring like warms up the house a lot which it needed the doors are fine they look fine from the inside and from the outside of the room so i think this house is fine the bathroom's actually bigger now i'm gonna keep the exact same bathroom furnishing that i had when i first built the house maybe we could add like a plant or something i don't know okay so the kitchen's gonna go here is it a bad idea to use these cabinets i don't know we can get an island the square island always is fun i used to love this tile i'll use it like every single build i think we should as an ode to my past self use it again in this one i owe it to previous simsy i also used to use this fridge in like every single build i did that for years though i still do that sometimes i only use that fridge it's because that fridge fits perfectly underneath the cabinets at the same height like when you put cabinets on top it fits but the other fridges don't and i used to complain about it in like every single build but you see how the other fridges are like slightly taller and so they don't fit yeah it's not really an issue i can always raise the cabinets up a tiny bit because the walls are taller in this house but maybe they look better lined up with the i don't know but anyway i used to complain about that a lot if you've been around for a while you probably know that we're gonna do some open shelving too i've decided i don't know if the piano will fit the house is like the only kitchen's just a lot bigger now i guess it's those giant islands yeah wait a minute what if we stole these shelves that i had over there back in the day we didn't have a white swatch of this shelf yet and i i like already put stuff on these shelves a long time ago what if we just took these and and placed them here too in honor of my past self let's just take the same shelf no i actually think that's kind of funny i like that idea a lot i had on one of the other shelves i had the cookie the cookie jar on a different shelf somewhere else you know what i like that a lot i think that's pretty good you could probably have a dishwasher too that's a nice kitchen i used to love that table i would use that table like everywhere let's do the same table but in white again we can use the same chairs too in honor of lil simsy hmm island might be too big okay let's make the island smaller no square island just just this island see it like doesn't fit anywhere i don't know what to do with it that works i might do just the six chairs because then you can walk on either side do you think it would be smarter to have the dining table in the entrance there's more space for couches if we do it like this but i i don't know i think i'm just worried because the couch is like right up against the staircase you know i think i want to try and get a fireplace here again oh i would have been so excited about this fireplace back in the day like if you had told me we were getting this fireplace i would have probably cried wait i didn't even realize that i used why did i use that coffee table with what how does that fit in this style of house at all i don't make any sense i my choices they they make no sense i like this fireplace but the brick color i don't know if it's the vibe perhaps that fireplace then we can use some bigger windows too oh i like the big windows that's pretty and you know what else we have way more curtains now and like way nicer curtains now oh i want big curtains oh i don't know actually i don't know what to do because this like covers up so much of the window and i don't really want that and this looks weird oh now what am i supposed to do well at least that curtain will look nice in that room these curtains look super weird in here too see dang it here i am like oh we've got way nicer curtains now past simsy would have been so happy no we don't the problem is still not solved five years later exact same issue it never goes away oh my god imagine telling like yourself in 2015 that we would have platforms and a pandemic in 2020 like imagine just going back and being like oh yes we got a bunch of new sims updates uh in 2020 oh also there's a pandemic um like imagine trying to explain this year to yourself five years ago oh my god i think in general we'd also be very excited about like the existence of even like seasons and cats and dogs because we didn't have those back then and like university oh man that's nice i don't know what to put here what it see i was thinking about doing like a couple of these cabinets i think that's actually kind of realistic should we get some pet bowls just like you know in honor of our our past selves and how excited we would have been about it should we grab a couple what if we put like a cat bowl on the counter no let's put on the floor don't know where well how about both of them on this side of the oh there you go pets food and water bowls i used to put this boat in every house on the mantel coming back do you know what i think the downstairs genuinely looks really really nice let's oh this room oops i'm gonna get rid of the games room situation i'm sorry i feel like i need an office is the thing look at this bedroom right now there's just like a toilet and a sink and a shower we can reuse some of that stuff in the bathrooms obviously part of me feels like i should try to keep some of the original furnishing like some of the original color schemes because like this big room shouldn't be the nursery if there's a smaller room right here but we can put a nursery here oh look past simsy look you can size down rugs now what is this why did i put these two plants like that oh i really i made some bold choices back then okay oh my god we didn't even have toddlers oh that's so funny we i mean i'm just going back and like thinking about how if i were to have talked to myself like if i could go back right now and be like hey you know 15 16 year old kayla you're just starting out your youtube channel here do you want a rundown of what to expect honestly nothing has happened this year feels believable to me like the pandemic is obviously one thing the million subs what even like where i graduated from college that was like my last choice school when i was in high school because i didn't want to stay near home for college i wanted to like go somewhere else and then i ended up going like running my parents house still and staying right here and i still live right here even that would have been like unbelievable to me so that's really funny oh the cupcake oh that's actually really cute tiny living has some nice stuff do you know what like the the items that they came with that pack are really cute look at this tree clipping kayla oh my goodness that is a rookie mistake right there this actually makes more sense the bed being there i deleted all the furniture i don't know what my room looked like before this should try and get a desk in here too this is like a picture in like a teenager's bedroom so they'll want to have a desk to do their homework at we also have plenty of space for a desk so it would be dumb to not put one wait i like this room it's pretty okay we gotta try and get some like other color accents in here because it is a little bit pink that actually looks really nice i kind of like that oh how about this thingy on the dresser oh that's so pretty does it come in colors that like change the vibe maybe we could use that maybe actually on the nightstand oh i don't know what rug will fit in here does that look weird with the nightstand like hanging off of it or is it fine no i think it's okay you might leave it like that maybe five years from now i'll renovate the house again we'd do a take two see what my what tastes have changed again i kind of like the little picture on the nightstand that's kind of cute i think we should try and keep this as like a child's bedroom though maybe we'll put some toys in here to like distinguish it oh if we put the bed like against the wall is that more like kid like whatever that means does that make more sense the window situation is a bit sad can we get a bigger one same goes in the parents room we could probably change a lot of the windows out here i might try and get like that window because there's more light we need that i wonder if we could get like a smaller window here too can i swap these for why does it look like that do they need to be like there oh get bigger windows oh my gosh you can probably keep these windows in the front of the house because it's like a stylistic choice but we'll get the bigger ones in the back so we actually have more light in the parent's room also the placement of the bed i didn't even realize this is a bit weird i don't think that's a good choice simsy i think that you you uh dropped the ball there the tiny rug too the room is so big and the fireplace in the corner i wasn't even like really analyzing this room this is a bit odd maybe like a doll house in the corner i don't know how i feel about this room to be honest with you i'm gonna sneak another window oh never mind it looks really weird from the inside false alarm false alarm false alarm i don't know what to put in this weird corner this room is very oddly shaped look i didn't put columns on all the corners i always do that and like every single build i put columns across all the corners of the house but i didn't do that in this one this was pre-column days apparently being able to size things down like really changes the game when it comes to landscaping you have like so many more options for the kind of plants that you can use because suddenly they all will work and they all will fit and you can have like the variation between them you know without it like looking too repetitive there are so many things that i'm just like so used to doing in the sims that i kind of forget we didn't have before like being able to size stuff down was truly like the biggest game changer when that came out it's like hard to believe we didn't always have it i'm swapping the trees look at how little terrain paint i put down before i put so much darker terrain paint now look i'm about to do it like this that is so much more did i not have an outdoor trash can i don't think i did i don't see one anywhere wow past simsy failure failure okay i think that that might be the house pretty much furnished and landscaped and like done i think it looks really similar to before obviously i changed like the landscaping and stuff a little bit we refurnished the entire house i think just in general i'm a little bit better at furnishing and better at landscaping nowadays i think the backyard looks a lot better and more full and stuff it was good before too i'm not like bashing myself too much here this is one of my better houses that i used to build i built a lot of weird things i also didn't used to really furnish them back then like when i was scrolling back through my gallery so many of my older builds were just unfurnished like i would build the shell of a house and then post it and be like all right you can furnish it but honestly not bad the lighting on this lot though truly just terrible i will post this on the gallery for you oh i have to get the first comment okay i still cannot believe how far i have come in the last like five years i am so grateful for all of you truly i know you know this but like seriously if i were to go back and try and tell my 16 year old self anything that's happened in the last five years i mean like the million subs thing is one one thing that is unbelievable but like i raised 31 000 for charity in one day this weekend i'm just i'm so lucky for the opportunities that i've had in the last few years i'm really really grateful for all of you thank you so much um also please subscribe to me and on that note i'll see you all tomorrow bye everybody i tried to be speedy i didn't want to be too sappy for too long i don't mean to like make jokes about it but i i didn't want to like sit here and cry in a youtube video i do feel a bit like crying right now though i'll be honest okay bye [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 491,623
Rating: 4.9778275 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: WdWhjWRu4t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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