SMALL TOWN MYSTERY // The Sims 4: Strangerville #1

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Thank you to EA game changers for giving me early access to this pack Oh god, oh god, why did I do that? I'm so excited about this all so nervous, but like mostly excited Well kind of nervous. Hi everybody its Kayla and welcome back to my sims for strangerville Let's play I'm so stressed about this I just finished building this house and then I went in and I started going into game to have her like water her plants and Finish setting it up and then the welcome-wagon started and my freaky neighborhood Look at this, man, and I was legitimately so concerned welcome to stranger village. Yeah. I'm afraid I didn't want to talk to him I'm like worried to talk to him. I'm gonna try to talk to him does he like a nervous tic her too? Is it all of them? Oh these freaks. Oh wait, no No. Oh I'm oh, I don't like it. Yeah, I haven't played at all ever. Oh, no. I haven't played it all yet I'm really scared help. This is my house. By the way, I'll post this people live. That's pretty soon But this is like the trailer that I built in the trailer park cuz I figured my sim She does not have much money. This is dima She by the way is active ambitious and good and she has the strangerVille mystery aspirations So to do this we have to talk about strangerville with five sims We have to buy curio from the curio shop and examine the sealed door the secret lab I'm gonna have her end up being in The military career I think her goal. She's like obsessed with this strangerville mystery and her goal is to try and solve it So I'm gonna get her all like hooked up and started in there I'm so afraid military physical fitness and discipline will be the keys to success in the military career rising through the ranks will not come easy unless you can demonstrate your physical prowess as well as your ability to recruit and be a leader Oh how I'm trying to be well here pursue the path of a Grand Marshal or will you follow more secretive path uncover? What others might be hiding? Career branches officer and covert operator. I want to be a covert operator at 6:00 a.m. By the way Yucky timezone. So be worked time zones. No, just yucky times. I Guess I'll invite my neighbors in I genuinely don't really want my neighbors to come into my house like I don't really think that I want that but Help I don't want them in my house. I'm so afraid Okay, I'm gonna try and talk to Ted a little bit I'm worried about him man's a freak I don't even oh, I don't even want to try Okay Embrace the mother she will bring you peace. Okay Snap out of it snap out of it Ted. Wait, don't wait when I said I didn't mean slap him I didn't mean slap out of it Oh God now. I'm a person who just attacks people. Can I? just take my fruitcake and we're actually Know the freaky lady brought me this fruitcake. I'm not I don't I don't Yeah, I don't trust her fruitcake, uh in the trash we go. I don't want anything to do with that fruitcake Okay, bizarre fruit. I was gonna say I did not place that fruit there Oh In a metal. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't I Don't want this fruit. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no don't eat the fruit Something weirds going on here. We don't want to touch that stuff. I'm gonna end the workday. I Am not authorized to do that while being investigated. Wait, I can't travel What I can't travel oh I'm afraid. Okay, cool. I didn't want to go. Anyway, I can't even go into build mode Join us in the crater. He says okay, how am I supposed to work on my fitness skill? I'm so scared. Okay, I'm gonna come secret inventory, you know wait, I hate this so much I'm being investigated and I can't do anything I'm gonna talk to Irwin though. And I'm gonna see if we can talk to him about stranger Ville. Okay? I was told that I need to buy Curiel from the curio shop now. I don't really know what that means. But I'm gonna buy a book about avoiding the watchful eye so that we can So we can read about it. Then you were shopping at curios creations and more No one ever asked me what more is but anywho enjoy your new items traces of infection up into in your refrigerator We confiscated it and all of its contents a refund has been issued for any inconveniences may have caused wait There's nothing to see here. Everything is within normal operating levels Please have seen from going near the secret lab and have a nice day So they took my fridge strange note from stranger Vil secret agents traces of infection have been detected in this refrigerator So they confiscated it sorry you think I can afford another one because I can't if they take my fridge again I guess they gave me like basically a 45. Okay, they gave me 360 for it. I thought that it was more than that So we didn't lose that much money. It's happening again. Get the strange fruit away from me. I don't want that there I don't want your freaky strange fruit Okay, I sold them. I sold the strange fruit. I had to get informed as far away as possible I don't want that near me. Okay, I'm gonna go to the gym and just pretend this always it happening Anyway, Dima had some distant relatives Disappear to stranger Ville a long time ago back when like her grandparents were teens her grandma's sister Actually moved a stranger ville a long long time ago and just never came back and so Dima has always been fascinated by this and heard about like the crazy things going on in the town and Given her like slight military training and like her father and mother both were the military when she was growing up They're both dead. There was an incident was it strange real related? I'm just saying either way her family moved out to strange reveal to try and like solve this missing grandmother sister mystery and She's been like pursuing this her whole life and now it's her like life's mission to Fix it and solve the mystery of strangerville. It's hard to make a backstory when you don't know what the mystery is. Um, so There's that but I'm really excited to try and figure it out. This seems gonna get so good I don't want to stay out too late because I know that she has to like go to work at 6:00 a.m Tomorrow but I am gonna make her work on her fitness skill a bunch a insist on being a talented legend We're gonna be so fit. Okay, I'll make her stop on the treadmill and probably work on this a little bit. I Want her to be super buff and I'm gonna do that one need to like work out and all the ways Treadmill and lifting weights. I don't know what I just did Yeah, that does flit lifting weight says there are so many people here I might bring up strangerville with some of them and see what their thoughts are like with tag Military introduction. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do I decide to like askin boss strange Ravel click on another sim and select talk about stranger Phil I might not be able to do that outside of stranger Ville. Either way. I'll give him an inspirational speech. I'm really inspiring Oh, she kept grinding never mind. So I saw her eyes do like a wide thing and I got really nervous about it But we probably are fine. I hope we're right. We're probably fine. No way. She got infected that fast I don't want some stranger Ville sickness. I'm not sure get out I'm not here for that Use the bathroom take a brisk shower My goodness, did you even shower? Oh she is. Okay, who sorry guys close one Anyway, I don't think she's too worried about dating right now if we meet someone we need someone what are you wearing? But as far as like dating goes, I really don't think she's super concerned about falling in love She's more interested in falling in mystery You know she want to salt she wants to solve the mystery and I have her go to the nightclub really fast Just so I can grab some free food and like maybe meet some people cuz I I do want to have a network of people But I also don't Really want to go back to strangerville just yet. Mmm freaky place. I'm not into it We could go to the bar and stranger ville, but I don't know if I'm ready for that I'm not open and prepared for that just yet. I'm really I'm really not ready. I Feel like that I need to like ease into stranger Ville and I'm not good for the bar just yet and like we're already out You know and Willow Creek and the Boogle it's right next door. So like we don't need to go to stranger villages yet I just want to eat my chips and talk to Anne in. Peace. I'll give these people some military introductions I feel like her and cierra could be really good friends Because they don't they seem kind of similar to you like with the brains and the workout and stuff. I just get similar vibes Oh, I want to get her a tattoo. Maybe she'll get a tattoo at some point like for like a special occasion or something I don't know you can see she doesn't have much money We need to make much as we can But I think her main priority isn't money like she isn't really in his career for the money She's trying to figure out this this town situation And I think that's fair enough. Yeah, I'll send her to bed bill also put on auto lights cuz it's a little bit Wasteful, I guess can you not sleep in there? Sorry. You think you can't sleep in this bed? Why can't you sleep in the bed I was so sad I really want her to sleep in the bed okay, if I put it um Sorry guys, don't worry just troubleshooting a little bit We don't need to like make it not be against the wall Cuz I only do that when I want my Sims - woohoo, when the bat I won't put it against the wall. But like She's not gonna be woo-hooing anyone anytime soon. So we'll be fine Work for dima starts in an hour. I want to have her actually go to work I won't work from home just yet cuz I also don't want to but I do want to go around and explore after work I mean she gets off at like 2:00 p.m. So we'll have a lot of time all day to go out exploring Can you wake up? I need you to grab yourself a quick meal. It's just some animal crackers for breakfast Okay, this house is not very functional. I've come to realize there so get her sandwich I've shrunk this thing down the divider down and now she can get over there. So don't worry guys Also, I really like this yeehaw painting so I put it on my wall. I hope that you like it - that's her That's her her great-grandmother, that's Her great-aunt. Is that what your grandmother's sister is your great-aunt? That's her great-aunt Before she rode off into the distance and never came back. Yep Uh-huh. Oh, it's pride. Yeah, we're not gonna celebrate pride today I don't think we're a little bit busy going to work in solving mysteries. There's no time for holidays Okay, maybe she'll get promoted today and geek cons in town. Yeah, I don't have any time for that. Oh, she will get promoted today promoted to private class She will not make an additional eight simoliens per hour and we got a big bonus a metal display case and a bravery heart Oh look at my metal display case Wait forget this stupid. Hey, I don't I don't need that bookcase I'll put my display case in here put my medals in the display. Oh my God, look at my medals in the display case Okay, my next ship is tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. I need to get my Fitness skill up a bit I also need her to take some brisk showers. I think today may be a mistake But today we are absolutely after work. I swore that I would go out to the freaky science lab so I'm I'm going in I have literally no idea what to expect. So I'm really nervous about this. I'm not gonna lie Will she die? I sure hope not actually, you know, what the blank lab? Okay Wait, it's scary. I don't I'm afraid I'm gonna save my game just in case. Okay, let's look What is that weird bizarre plant wild bizarre plant go take a picture of that With your phone good work good thing you have your sunglasses on you look like an idiot I hear some freaky noises coming from this place Okay, let's let's go in um as I'm looking around here. I'm getting some super weird vibes from this place and I don't like it Okay I'm gonna go have her examine this door though. That's what we needed to do in order to have the aspiration thingy completed So we're gonna try and do that Oh Milestone complete this door is locked. Mostly requires a keycard Someone around town might know how to get one before leaving poke around the secret lab to gather more information New notebook and tree added wait, so they look at my notebook Oh cool find a key card to open the circuit lab door that helps to have a notebook on there cuz we're gonna need help Let's go look around at this stuff Do I need it straight up like search for evidence and all these freaky piles cuz I'll do it. I'm ready I found a blurry photo. Oh cool. You just get like a bunch of evidence Infrared microfilm partially redacted report Okay more infrared right? Remember Matt? Okay, I'm gonna go search these things all for evidence Clandestine dongle, okay Glad I have some dongles. Oh my god. It's like one of the tombs You guys know the tombs and this Sims 3 world adventures. That's the vibe I get from this. I'm so excited Okay, I feel like now is probably a good time to go try and talk to Some people around town. It did tell me to do that. I'm gonna go ask around town I might run by the bar and always have your avoiding that place but I might run by the eight bells and See what everybody is up to maybe somebody knows something. It's like 6:40 p.m. And it's happy hour. Okay Carl fries in here Let's talk to him about stranger Ville maybe Question about the military base military Warrant Officer level 5 or above can get a key card to the restricted area of the lab Just use a computer to requisition a key card and they'll mail one to you I've heard civilians are finding ways to get them too, though Okay, so if we were level five we could just get the key card But we can also ask a civilian for what we were trying to keep quiet about all information regarding the secret lab I can't show them for my show with you something one. Okay, so we can't talk to me. That's boring. I Will maybe try and befriend Carl a little bit though discuss some work Like if we know Carl it might work out for us. So we're just gonna chat with him Oh, this guy looks like a big deal Hi Reed I'm gonna talk to him bail stranger Ville also. Well, is that Eliza pancakes? Oh no, Kayla Girl's name is Kayla. There can be only one She's a fake Taylor though. Her name says, let's see. That's of being a fake Kayla. That's gross Oh, well a lot of military people hang out here. I saw that and the lot description It says that military people hang out here at this bar, and I believed it But like now I really believe it if I get enough evidence of the strange stuff going on in the town I was totally gonna look out for someone asking for evidence from local scientists and military. Do you know anything about that Oh yikes It's alien night tonight I'm not happy about that I'm really not happy about the fact that is oh wait if we get a high Relationship we can request evidence from the military base. I'm gonna work on befriended this Reed guy tonight. Yeah I'm just gonna chat to read a little bit. Why is she talking to so many Sims right now? She's straight to talking to the entire town. Look at this I'm scared I heard someone that's been poking around the secret lab as long as they don't get a key card of the lower floors Things won't get out of hand. Oh Dear, we're like a double agent. I didn't realize that the military didn't want poking around but like I'm a poke around I have a dead great-aunt. Well made she's not dead. I don't know. I have a great-aunt to find out about wait Hang on I've talked to him enough that I can request evidence from the military base I'm scared, but what's gonna happen if I do that, but I'm gonna try it. Anyway, I Really shouldn't be giving you this but here do you know receive stranger ville evidence suspiciously blurry photo, okay We only need like five more pieces of evidence. I'm gonna chat with some more of these military people I think this Blaine Ross guy seems like a really friendly guy. I wish there weren't aliens here I'm so unhappy about that can't believe there's like a military people in The Sims now, this is so weird I'm having her stay up way too late. I shouldn't be doing this Okay, I'm pretty close with Blaine now. I might request some evidence from the military base from him as well Encrypted USB device, okay so we have like a pretty Large amount of evidence. It's also super loud in this bar. And I don't like it. I'm gonna have her go home Oh my god, it's midnight. I have to work at 6:00 a.m. I'm such an idiot okay next time we're not gonna spend six hours at the bar that Seems pretty dumb. Okay, you need to go straight to bed use the bathroom and then go straight to bed You are a bad person Sorry that I didn't I don't know make you go to sleep sooner I kind of forgot just time really escaped me, you know. Oh god, I might ever work from home today I just want to see what that means for this career and also then she can sleep in a bit She's doing all right, as far as energy goes but I Need her to practice Marching, okay Hmm I'm actually gonna make her serve up some breakfast make some fruit salad. So we have some extras. Oh, I can't cook in this kitchen God, I'm so bad at Sims. I Just got so excited about all my clutter that I Failed to make a functional kitchen. I was complaining about EA in their functional kitchens earlier, and I didn't do it either Who doesn't play test their builds? Oh my god. I'm not the same team though. I'm just the same as easily It's fine if I make Hey, okay, I've eaten all my fruit salad I'm gonna make her go practice marching march around a little bit. Look at her go. Oh, I'm so proud of you I like her little military outfit - she looks good Imagine being one of her neighbors and you just see some person marching around the street. What a weirdo Oh, there are so many people walking around town. Oh Wait, that's really nice. I'm really glad people actually hang out in this town How much does she have to march around for speaking of marching around there's some freaks out here Is that all I had to do today was March around like that? Hmm, we're not gonna get very far in our career doing it that way You got our Fitness skill up though. So that's good I can I Straight-up put a chess table on this lot too because in my mind I'm thinking back to like the military Career from The Sims 3 and like needing to be good at logic and the fitness skill and stuff and so I'm like wait chess and Jogging that's our way to go All right, not that you're Mike But I think I'm gonna have her head back out to the secret lab and poke around Some more and maybe try and get some more evidence because I'm a little bit concerned and I do want to make sure we finish this like door opening today I wonder how long it takes to figure out this challenge see oh I can search around for evidence so easily I'm so excited Hastily scrawled note. Okay, I'm scared What if we have to like seduce one of those men, what if we seduce that read guy that read Abbott guy? I mean he works it Stranger Ville national base just like we do he seems to be a higher level than us I feel like if we tried to seduce him we might be able to get something out of him now Is that the start of you know a really false and toxic in a bad relationship? what if we try and seduce him and she actually Falls for him and then he finds out we were lying and then he gets All upset but she's like, but I actually love you now and it's like a whole disaster see We shouldn't get ourselves involved with stuff like this. But like we know we're going to Okay, I compiled this like secret dossier thing Now this can be used to obtain a key card for the secret lab check the curio shop owners secret inventory or ask Scientists or no personal around town? Okay. I don't really feel comfortable asking Military personnel because I'm getting vibes that I'm not supposed to be poking around this place. So I'm gonna go buy one I mean that little shop the curio shop like I don't know I know the guys that works there is like a conspiracy theorists and stuff But like we're in it with him by curio items. Come on. Okay. I don't understand. Never mind. I'll just go talk to someone myself Am I just like missing this? I don't see a key card here Oh or the curio shop owner. Oh, this is the owner Okay, let's talk about stranger ville with him. He told me there are ways to get a keycard I'm gonna request the key card from him. Can I trust him? Wait, he has a keycard in his secret I don't want to pay him money for it. I don't trust him. I don't know what to do I feel like I trust the military personnel more than I trust him. Okay, I Think I'm gonna invite out Reed And we're gonna request it from Reed Reed is already here Has been me I'm just like hang out. Oh, he could be literally anywhere around town. Oh, he's right here. Oh my god Let's go take a selfie with it. And then maybe I'll ask if he's single Okay I'll tell him he looks cute and then I'll get me my key card Oh See we were trying to get selfies because he's he's a good-looking. Is he a good-looking guy? He's a good-looking guy See, this is reasonable for me to want a key card from him. I only want the key card because he's an attractive sim Okay, Reed. Listen, listen buddy read This is really important to me when I find out he's married. Oh, no Reed is single read a single I'm gonna request the key card from Ed I'm scared Also exchanged numbers with him Look, I really should not be doing this. But you seem like you can help with this terrible situation. Take this key card This will give you access to all the doors in the secret lab. Just be careful No one has been down there since we sealed the doors. Oh No, did I get his number? Oh, oh, why embarrass now when Aidan I mind me. Oh, no That's embarrassing. Okay. I will make Reed fall for me Mark my words Dina Oh Mike dimos burning to death Dima stop it Just don't burn Lowell Okay, I'm gonna have her head out back to the secret lab, but we're gonna just like pop in there and see what happens Let me roll up in here and use the keycard to open this door. I'm really nervous about this. Oh wait a Little like starry things. I don't like that. I don't like that one bit. Oh, I don't like this at all. Oh my god Okay, let's go this way I need 15 spore clusters questioned military personnel at the local bar to get an infection scanner It can be used to find spore clusters. Look at these things I'm really scared Okay we need to go talk to military personnel so I can get some spore clusters and then what else to me and then we Just go down and down How many basement levels does this thing have? What is this I stumbled upon something that's a little bit over my head I think Okay, we need to collect 15 spore clusters assemble the hazmat suit, okay, okay This is important find a hazmat suit and a spore filter then combine them in your inventory Question about spores with scientists the local library and the curio shop owner to get more information okay, let's go to the library and Talk to some scientists. How am I meant to get a hazmat suit? I? Shouldn't have gone into that lab without one. I feel like that was probably a mistake Yeah the Bloom begins Leaving the secret lab you can't help but notice the sky has shifted to an eerie color Something has changed in stranger Ville and not for the better Opening that lab door must have released some kind of toxin into the air you'll need to find a way to protect yourself from the toxic spores in the secret lab try talking people around town to see they Know anything about I help nah? Wait, okay, are there any scientists in this library? Conspiracy theorists librarian. No. No, I need a scientist. Look the thingies are growing. Oh no. Oh I done gone and goof now Okay, I'm gonna go talk to this Ted Roswell guy. Look at the spores in the air Oh No Wait when I last saw Ted, he was being crazy Remember he was like walking around my house like a freak. What changed? Okay, I'm gonna invite Reid over I Feel like Reid is in this with me. Well, there's a scientist. Okay good Oh, oh He is scientist, okay, let's go talk to him and maybe I'll invite Reid out and that forget Reid I feel like it for some reason. I trust the scientist more than the military. I know that I'm in the military But for some reason I trust the scientists around town more than those military personnel. I'm gonna ask about the spores in the lab I hope he doesn't like not tell me things just because I'm poking around too much I have materials to craft a spore filter But I have not been able to analyze enough spore clusters use the chemical analyzer at the secret lab to construct the infection profile data Bring it to me and I can construct a spore filter Okay, so we're need to use the chemical analyzer at the secret lab. I'm gonna talk to this guy first to Daxton I love a man in a uniform I'm so glad these people are always in their uniforms. It makes my life so much easier. Okay, he has the same thing Okay, so I think on that note on that. Eerie note. I'm gonna cut off here. I'm gonna keep playing today next part We're gonna try and get Reid to fall for us because we're using him and we're also gonna go and start working on this s'more filter thing because as it seems I have somehow managed to Threaten the safety of the entirety of this town So I can't wait to start the next plague but I'm gonna go so make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe I've got a video coming really soon in a couple days with more of this gameplay But like I said comment subscribe all those fun YouTube things. Sorry my ranty video earlier I just wize upset but it's linked if you want to watch some more content of this pack and I will go I'm scared. Why am I invested in this storyline now? I didn't think I was going to be and now I am that I'm stressed. I don't know what to do about it
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 584,695
Rating: 4.9320889 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, strangerville, let's play, let's play strangerville, sims 4 strangerville, new world, new game, early acess, ea game changers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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