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and cut that was our awesome zombie movie look how realistic these zombies are who am I kidding these zombies suck our movie is gonna fail look at the scene here though this is a beautiful street but the zombies Bob Bob the zombies suck we need something more realistic like actual zombies that's a genius idea Bob that would be terrible I'm being sarcastic that would be awesome um what is that oh those are zombies are they real I wasn't I wasn't being literal we didn't actually need real zombies even though these would be better for our movie or movie oh my gosh look they're chasing me and they're destroying our film set hold on I need to get this on film I need to get this on film get in this awesome camera truck here and let's um shoot this shoot this for our movie oh this movie's gonna sell so much here no action action oh my gosh they're exploding this is perfect away our green screen over there kind of got broken but it's fine boom that's what you guys get that's what you guys get oh no oh no the truck won't drive anymore the truck won't drive anymore they're surrounding me oh no okay hop out hop out like this and you know what we have to make this even more realistic and I have a bunch of new weapons just for this scenario take this you zombie jerks oh no oh no it's now it's now a survival it's now a survival not a movie Shoot cut cut the director can't die on scene holy man look at all the strawberry jam that's definitely what we use in movie strawberry jam ketchup everything oh no I'm getting surrounded no get out of here you jerks no no this isn't how it's supposed to happen no no they're eating me oh this movie is going to be a success oh Bob our movie failed they said it was too realistic but they contained our movie set and now the zombies are only in there and they can't get out so the world is safe well what the heck Bob um the wall just exploded and the zombies are coming out oh no we gotta prevent them from getting out into the real words world so take this this is what you guys get stay in there there we go there we go just keep blasting them they can't get out whatever happens there we go there go blast those ones over there why is the big old crane flailing around is it because I'm shooting it no no something is going on back there I don't know what though take this you stupid zombies there we go there we go and I think that was the last one I don't know why they didn't just do that Bob why didn't they just you know the zombies yeah but I should go in there and oh no there's a lot more they don't see me but let's grab a big old machine gun like this one and start taking the mo oh yeah here you go this is what you zombies get for ruining my movie you're too realistic is that even a thing okay there we go we got a few of them oh no I broke the wall in behind with my minigun that's fine that's fine if we just keep obliterating them like this they can't escape they can't get out of the containment zone right oh there's some in the alley here there we go some inside the store there oh yeah look at this there's not too many of them I'm not worried oh they're behind me they're behind me oh oh they keep coming out of the stores and the buildings okay you know what oh whoa whoa I can't contain them anymore Bob we have to get out of here we have to get out of here okay just uh pick up Bob like this and let's get to this big old military truck Bob make sure your seat belt is on I don't oh no he fell out put him back in put them back in we gotta go we gotta go the zombies are right there get in this awesome military truck Bob Hold On Tight if you fall out you're gonna become one of them oh he's safe back there he's safe this truck is awesome okay what if we blow up this bridge they can't get to this other side of the city we'll just contain them inside okay I don't think they oh they're coming they're coming okay we gotta grab some explosives just gonna grab a bunch like this there we go put it all around along the bridge so they can't cross are they almost here oh they're getting closer they're getting closer okay just do this okay this looks good and they're right here they're right here okay just blast that they're falling in the water look at that they're kind of dumb I hope they can't swim and three two one boom um did that did that blow up the bridge that didn't blow up the bridge okay okay we need something stronger fish load fish launcher um that's a fish boom wow I just shot a salmon at some zombies okay another one that's what you get oh no I don't think salmon is working okay C4 C4 just like this this will do and three two and go um I don't know if we can destroy that bridge what if you know I just delete the bridge because we got tear down tools right holy man there is so many zombies so watch this I'm just gonna wait for a bunch of them to get on the bridge right and then is that a salmon over there swimming there's a salmon swimming okay here we go three two one delete jerks that's what you get oh wait this is working and you know what just for safe measures let's get the fish launcher out and just launch a fish at them fish launcher here we go boom Oh that's a blue fish do they they swim right are they swimming I thought I saw a fish over there swimming look it actually does swim the fish launcher actually shoots living swimming fish okay I'm I'm just filling this this River with fish because in theory the fish should eat the zombies right and prevent them from getting to this side of the river but just in case I'm gonna go back over here and I'm gonna take Bob and we're gonna get into uh the truck and go to a safe location to start building some defenses oh Bob don't don't fall off don't fall off oh look at this there's a nice big flat area area here for us to build a um barricade maybe like a little Fortress Bob what are you doing he's doing a handstand on the back of a military truck okay hit the brakes hit the brakes we gotta build quickly okay just right here would be perfect okay right here we have a bunch of defenses that we can put down we're gonna build a big wall of barbed wire right here going all the way across just like that that looks nice and then in behind it we're gonna have some hedgehogs which are like metal barricades just in case they get through they'll get stuck on these even though I think these are meant for vehicles but a horde of zombies might work too there we go look at this and then on the inside we're going to have some barricades just like this on each side boom and inside of these barricades oh man we're gonna have some turrets do not shoot do not shoot my barricades look at that whoa and then one on this side as well boom and I think we are defended towards the bridge so once they get across our turrets will start blasting and we're gonna hold our position until help gets here mama called the military to come in and help us and look over there there's a couple zombies oh there's more and more zombies spawning turrets start shooting turrets start shooting they're right there you guys have range you're 50. there we go oh oh my gosh look at that this so strong don't shoot the barricades you're gonna let them in oh wow no no no don't shoot the barricades they're shooting the barbed wire oh no oh they're actually getting pretty close hold on hold on get out out of here zombies okay that's a little worrying they're getting close our turrets are just shooting the ones that they already shot so we get we gotta help them out we gotta help them out take this That's What You Get There we go okay okay not looking too bad so far even though they're getting closer and closer um when's the military gonna get here I'm already worried Bob what are you doing I think he hurt himself in the back of that truck he is just um sitting right there this one also blew a hole in the barricade oh no okay that's fine that's fine let's grab the SMG and just go like this oh yeah this is a proper Zombie Defense but if you'd like to see more tear down of zombies let me know Down Below in the comments and smack that like button because we are obliterating them all we might have to Nuke the city we might have to Nuke the city okay I'm just gonna wait for backup first so you know I can fly out of here and get to a safe location they're just they're just crowding the area up over there I don't think they're coming after me wait a second okay Bob you hop out I'm taking the truck and I'm running them over because um yeah this truck is gonna be strong this is a five ton truck Whoa okay holy man more and more zombies are spawning um that's not good but here we go look at the horde of zombies we got quite a bit of them so far Bob boom Oh man oh man I didn't learn my lesson from the movie I didn't learn my lesson from the movie back up back up before they surround the truck even though that would have been cool sadly we're not filming loud anymore we're not allowed we lost our our film license our movie license okay I'm gonna stand on the truck like this and I'm just gonna pull out like a rocket launcher go boom bang this is what you get um the ones without legs and stuff are still crawling towards me that's not good oh I might have hit the truck get back in the truck back up back up okay there's one stuck under me oh oh okay you know what the these turrets kind of suck Bob I'm getting inside of a house go I'm getting in Grandma's house which is one of these ones I forget which one I'm just gonna drive through this one right here drive right through the garage and boom there we go and we're inside we're inside we're safe right okay we just have to we just have to hi Bob we just have to hunker down and tell the rescue comes so barricade off the windows with these awesome barricades these are probably actually gonna come in useful for now so make sure the windows are completely blocked so you know the zombies don't see us that looks good barricade the back windows and any other um rooms that there are just like this and we got the bedroom here boom bang and we need some lights in here maybe lights would be a bad idea they might see us maybe just one lamp yep it's a little it's a little dark the lamp doesn't even want to be in here there we go oh and you gotta make sure you barricade the hole you made to get into the house there we go looks looks safe yep Bob we're in trouble we're in trouble I hear them I hear them they're out there let me peek oh they're looking for us I don't think they see me did that one see me I don't think they see me okay we might be safe in here Bob just don't make too much noise gotta be very quiet turn the light off oh that's the ceiling that's the ceiling boom lights off okay yep they still don't see us that's perfect oh oh oh um I thought one sea nuts but nope just kind of roaming around they're huddling together making a plan on how to eat me they're gonna turn me into chicken wings right that's what happens with zombies oh my gosh there's a lot out there oh um what do we do what do we do oh no oh no oh no they see us but can they break in I don't think they can break in I think our barricade is actually working against them yeah they can't even break windows or doors these guys are weak you guys are weak out there uh oh um I didn't mean to do that I didn't mean to do that barricade that back up and perfect okay we're just gonna start kicking a couple of them out because they already see me anyways so there we go and just defend our position the military should be here any second now we need to be rescued okay there we go boom bang got a couple of them but it looks like they keep coming there's a lot of them okay and uh missed missed they're coming down the road what okay shotgun boom oh yeah there we go bang okay this house is pretty strong I don't think they could break in they moved my table but that's about it Bob do you hear that I think I hear a helicopter let me look let me look um there's a military helicopter right there okay you know what we gotta get back in the truck Bob get the truck um there was a car here at one point too but Bob get in the truck break this let's grab Bob put him back no no Bob you're not staying you're not staying put him back here um okay the zombies are getting in I think Bob's staying no Bob Bob I hope we got him back this truck up and get underneath the helicopter oh no back up back up back up um is that thing gonna land what is it doing up there how am I gonna get up there what hey I'm running a zombie over oh man they're following me okay and I think we are right below it come on please land and look it's coming in for a landing but all the zombies are right below it okay but we gotta go take out the zombies take out the zombies get on the helicopter it looks like I crushed a bunch of them that's perfect don't shoot the helicopter get out of here get out of here get on the helicopter get on the helicopter oh okay go go up up pop up okay lift off lift off lift off lift off there's one on board oh there's one aboard there's one aboard go up how do I fly this thing close the ramps oh no oh no the helicopter it's malfunctioned take this blow torch did I get that one did I get what that one um okay um the helicopter is no longer working and we are oh ow we are trapped inside oh this is not good the helicopter is on fire grab the grab not that that's a leaf blower grab the extinguisher just put out some of the fire here there we go we can't let the zombies in they're all around us there's more fire over here holy I don't know if I can put this out I don't know if I can put this out where's all the zombies are they all in the front um Yep they're all in the front we gotta get out of here I have an idea I have a vacuum cleaner I wonder if I can suck the zombies up with a vacuum cleaner take this wait what wait wait what that's all I needed to do was clean up my movie set and we'd be safe vacuum cleaner the Ultimate Zombie Survival weapon oh yeah we are sucking up a bunch of zombie chunks can I pick up the helicopter wow they're biting me they're biting me no get out of here get out of here I want to pick up this helicopter wait I could shoot out what I picked up this is what you get you specific zombie right there okay pick up the helicopter oh yep I'm picking up some of the helicopter no no no no no get out of here get out of here look at this zombie trunks okay you know what it's raining zombies quite literally it's time we gotta get back to the truck there and we have to save the rest of the world because this world is now a zombie apocalypse boom that's what you get Minecraft pickaxe and there's some crawling zombies over there that's terrifying so at the back of the truck here we're gonna grab one of these bad boys and just pop this down like that there we go make sure it's tied on properly to the truck so it doesn't fall off and you know uh explode there we go no zombies do not touch this plank it together out out looks secure to me and now we just drive this into the middle of the zombie apocalypse which is um I think a little bit over here yeah a little little over here there's a zombie at my grandma's house still that's totally my grandma's house didn't just run into some random guys uh garage okay and just a left right here and there it is there it is there it is there it is we gotta get this in we gotta get this in there's still some walls you know what this is probably fine this is probably fine hoppo and run run for it go go don't look back I look back I look back it's fine and three two one here we go oh oh my gosh did that work did that work it is destroying the city it got that one zombie that was coming towards me and holy man oh hold on we got a straggler we have a straggler I don't know if that fully did it got him boom my computer's about to explode but let's take a look at all this destruction [Music] whoa buildings destroyed our movie Set gone and no more zombies this guy uh obliterated obliterated holy but let me just get a camera here and um for my next movie it's a documentary boom film this and we got the shot
Channel: SpyCakes
Views: 128,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teardown, teardown gameplay, teardown destruction, destruction, destruction game, teardown zombies, teardown zombie survival, teardown movie, teardown movie set, zombie, zombies, zombie survival, zombie survival game, movie, movie set, zombie movie, zombie survival at movie set, survival, survival game, spycakes, spycakes zombie survival, spycakes zombies, spycakes teardown, teardown city destruction, teardown zombie destruction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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