Upgrading An Army Of DWARVES To Destroy EVERYTHING

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these dwarves have a lot of enemies to go through so we'll need to make sure they're equipped with a big old Hammer this guy can get a shield and a little bit of a shoulder piece plus they can also get some backup so they can charge into battle and defeat all the enemies by just smashing with the hammer it's beautiful and that's one down and this poor Archer really can't keep up with anything whoa big old slam there and pamo one more hit beautiful Victory so now we can get even more goodies like oh wizard hat you can make one of our dwarves a wizard but let's re-roll oh look at that battle ax I want one of those re-roll once more oh shoulders of Wrath sure let's just get all the good things and you can have this one so you get the shield and I think wrath is good for the one with the hammer so you can get those shoulders and we'll hold on to the wizard hat until we get a magic weapon and we can sell these recruit Spears so we can get a little more money and these battles give us the most money so we'll pick one of them it's just a couple of archers that sadly can't really do anything against us it's the best sort of outcome but that poor little spear guy in the back back really can't keep up with these two that's fine by me oh a new helmet I like the sound of this you can go to the one in the front and then we just need to re-roll a few more times oh another helmet oh but I can't afford it that's okay re-roll is free this time and we'll go into battle so we can get a little more money and this one should have enough XP for us to level up our dwarves to war but this one has a shield now does that make him stronger no not really he still gets just bulldozed these two are just a powerful combo so let's see if we can get anything good ooh a Dwarven helmet well that's good for dwarves oh I can't afford it again fine let's just go into battle so we can get more money if you have any money just go out and fight some Orcs 100 money I like the sound of that and it's also just a couple of enemies that really can't do anything against our dwarves and when they get enough of their meter filled up they can do their ultimate bambo and waymo whoa a rare wizard hat I'm definitely grabbing you before I lose you on a wizard staff really I'm one gold short okay you know what that's fine we'll sell the normal wizard hat and the recruit helmet so now we can afford the wizard staff there we go so now you get Let's see we probably need another dwarf ah you know what it's fine you will get the wizard staff so now he's a wizard so let's test him out in battle with a 205 bounty on him yes please and that's more to level up he's still not as fast but he should be able to oh Fireball oh it's actually Fireball the orc is on fire look at that oh and he's got ultimate and launch it launch it oh he doesn't get the launch it this time but that's still a victory and he does a lot better now so now all my dwarves get a level up to their strength and intelligence very nice we might as well just go to battle again so we can get some more gold there's a lot more enemies than there are of us but that's okay because we have the Firepower to make up for it bam that's so good and The Wizard is starting to do some really good damage now and we can also get some cloth shoulders for our wizard oh and another dwarf sure so this should give him some better intelligence just a little rag off the top and now you get the shield why don't I just put you towards the front so you get a chance to fight enemies is before anyone else does and we can also re-roll a few times to get hopefully something else for our dwarves but that doesn't seem to be the case let's go up against the shaman because that'll give us a lot of money and level up this dwarf really quickly hopefully he doesn't just get seem rolled oh never mind he just rushes to the back anyway because everyone else outpaces him that's fine by me oh the shaman have ultimates but oh that was a phoenix wow that was fun hey they dropped some loot a golden shield well they already have one of those let's just sell it and now let's get something oh there we go a Dorman helmet that I can afford and some Dwarven duel axes that sounds fun let's buy you so if I give you to you then you get a little more weight to you oh no a little less I like the look of that a lot better and we can give you the Dwarven helmet and we can also sell this spear because no one's really using it let's go ahead and give you the battle ax you're not stuck with the spear now we'll get good money from this fight so now all these three dwarves should be able to keep up and defend our wizard that still manages to get Pelt by arrows well hopefully they go down quickly enough and oh yeah oh that's 108 damage on that one and the Phoenix kill two enemies right there wow oh and a helmet yes please oh an electric staff do I want fire or thunder for our wizard I'll go ahead and buy it and see how it Stacks up oh it's just better all around perfect now we can give you this helmet and can I get something whoa a Divine staff that's a same ultimate as the shaman Orcs so that's probably a healing thing don't need to worry about that let's just get another dwarf and a helmet to go with him just so he's better all around actually this is better than the horned helmets that they have so I'll give you this Dwarven helmet and then you this one sell this one and then you get the shield that should be good enough for all of us so now we can go to battle and all of my dorms are gonna level up from this oh we're in a new area now that should be good this is a tough fight indeed look at the weapons that the Orcs have oh but that Thunder Staff does really good damage too that really makes a difference and the poor Archer doesn't stand a chance all the dwarves get leveled up which is good free stuff extra battle experience gained and gain intelligence this would be good for the wizard although it also sells for a lot I'll give it to the wizard for now so we can get another dwarf and let's re-roll a little bit ooh a new spear this would be good oh I want that Shield it's good but I can't afford it anymore that's fine though the dwarf in the front can get this new spear get rid of this old one and you can be a second wizard because why not and I'm at the point where I'm just picking the bowels that give us the most money and whoa this dwarf is very fast now I guess this is the difference of him being a night class he is just charging into battle and it's doing so good for us too this is a very quick battle our dwarves are making it very far ooh assassin's shoulders oh I can oh electric staff and it's good very good I think my wizard will like that very much who do I give the Assassin's shoulders to I don't really have any dexterity focused dwarves yet maybe I can get a weapon and I'll go with it oh like a dagger sure might as well start them off early although I do need a new dwarf to give that to can I even afford a dwarf I don't think I can you're versatile right now let's make you a thief so we can give you the shoulders and you're probably gonna be fast but I'm guessing you have less Health well we can just try it out as is and let's just re-roll a few times maybe we can get another piece of equipment a banner of War interesting I can't afford it I can't get the copper shoulders though and let's just go into a fight all the doors are gonna level up from this that's good so let's see how the Assassin holds up in the fight whoa he gets uh ultimate very fast and they're dropping some loot that's good oh yes that is a very good fight and we got another Shield let's just sell it and get the Assassin's mask for our Thief that should look good on him the best part is we still have all of our dwarves even the ones that we started with these enemies really can't keep up with us and we're just knocking them back for days this is amazing look at how many ultimates were stored up there they can't even come close to us oh look another Assassin's mask sell it get some good shoulders to give to you can I get another dwarf please ooh never mind I want the shield this guy will do good with that he can make a shield wall let's go ahead and see that in the fight it's charging in there the shamans the Cleavers none of them can really keep up with us this is starting to look like another easy victory for the dwarves bloodthirst and the best part is our dwarves are doing some pretty good on the damage It's All evened Out ooh a night helmet that'll be good for the night dwarf and why don't I just pick up a supporter flag right now so I can start to build one of those doors as soon as I can find one like right here they cost 500 now my goodness but I I can make you a support and then the Knight gets the night helmet and support is focused on wisdom so let's find stuff that'll give us good wisdom oh or a good battle ax trading this in for you and we can go right into the fight so the supporter dwarf is sticking towards the back which is I believe the intention but now he has his ultimate charged up then again he never gets to use it because everybody's outpacing him ooh a Dwarven cloak and another bulwark Shield but that's not a good one though so I'm just gonna go ahead and sell it right away and the cloak is good for this Warrior it increases everything so I'll give it to you and then just kind of Shuffle things down the line so the support gets the hand-me-downs that sounds about right this Divine Crown though has really good wisdom that'll be good for her dwarf just checking to see if we get whoa you're a glowing enemy oh no snug the drunkard that sounds like an interesting fight let's get our dwarves equipped for that and then we can just go to battle there he is hopefully he doesn't do too much damage towards Wars although he is a support person right now oh but he gives him Healing Rain well that's not good let's take out let's take out the Orcs before he can heal them that's working pretty good and he just belched like crazy gross ooh but he's one hit from Death I think just gotta take out all of his friends we're actually not dealing damage to him okay now we can and he is finished yes oh that looked like good loot oh that's very good Lou so I can give my dwarves healing Reign yes please and get a new dwarf so I think this with the priest class will work better on this guy because it complements his helmet and I'll sell a supporter flag for now I didn't really need it and here are some good dual axes to upgrade you yes I'm not really sure what to give that last dwarf maybe I'll just leave him be for now ooh a helmet of Wrath that has really good stats all around let's go ahead and buy it maybe another dagger can I give two daggers to the thief oh I can and then you can get the good helmet but the Wrath start to shuffle this down the line and then you can be wearing that sure you look good and this is a new enemy a Defender orc really good Bounty though let's go into it for King and Clan okay those are some heavy enemies right there they're managing to block some of our attacks this might be a difficult fight for once or you know just all of our combined power just blazes through them excellent and our assassins so fast look at that oh here we go a good Divine staff for our priest oh but it's not rare I'll leave it be and I think I'll just go right into the next battle to upgrade our dwarves again and then get some good money for Luke but now we have some okay now they can launch fire that's not good thankfully The Healing Rain kicks in and we're able to use all of our ultimates against the Orcs so now the priests really don't stand a chance I think one of them just threw an ax oh no we lost a dwarf poor Tyler durum he had the fancy helmet on him too oh it's so bad he will be remembered and Avenged now I need a weapon to give to that new dwarf I could make him another wizard I think another wizard is actually a good call so we'll get him set for that and get these shoulders because they were good quality I could get another dwarf I don't need him right now though these give good intelligence oh and another helmet sure to go with them oh another named enemy Irma the noxious so let's get our dwarf equipped for all of that oh I didn't realize this was a good spear cool and make sure all of his stats are up and then we can sell everything we don't need and then we can go into the battle against Irma these fights don't give the experience that they used to though let's see how we do okay that seems to be him right there he also gives a healing Reign but he's also poisoning our dwarves that's not something I like hopefully we don't lose another one but actually that was a but actually this is looking to be a pretty quick fight yes and some rare loot as well another staff of water I don't need that but I do like this War Blade though oh and some more Elite Orcs that should be a good drop we'll sell this because I don't need it and the warrior blade we can sell too unless it's better than one of the weapons we do have it's better than this one so we can sell the hammer which is too bad I like a hammer and this one is a better fight for us so let's see what these Elite Orcs do oh new area okay that guy's looking pretty intense and he already has an ultimate charge it seems to be a dagger but you can launch him super far away and he just charges in and wow and then hit him again bow yes Victory and we have taken six gems nice ooh another thing another Tome of insight or some poison I see blue and I take I am very simple so can they stack like this they can I like the looks of that and there's another named enemy so we'll definitely battle you going for the tough stuff now but before I do that let's see if we can use some of those gems to buy some points to upgrade our skills so we can increase our Warriors strength our priest's knowledge and our thieves greed so we can get some extra loot chance that should work out pretty well for us fighting through the caves there's the priest gotta take him out before he does his Healing Rain business which he did that's okay the Orcs really can't keep up with our damage this is so good for us yes killing spree and take out the priest hit him yeah and of course another water staff don't need it a purple helmet and it's a wrath one too that's really good oh a quiver for Archers I could use an Archer I don't have one of those yet let's buy a dwarf and then hey look at that a bow so now we can make an Archer so you get the bow and the quiver very nice now who gets the helmet maybe you do just because you have the recruiter helmet now see if we can get another good fight yes it was also an Archer oh we can get a really good bow for our Archer now is this helmet better than the ones on my knight let's fight and find out take the battle and it seems like it is but it is also good for all of our other dwarves but it is a night helmet so we'll give it to you hopefully our Archer dwarf survives this fight fire arrows I like the looks of that set them on fire set especially this one with the big shiny bow that's about to pop an all oh okay that launched poison oh all right no we're assassin oh no we lost another dwarf there quick take this one out no we lost oh no we're losing so many dwarves this fight quick get Vengeance for your Fallen Brothers take him out take him out kill him kill him dead oh no oh all we have left is a mage oh we actually have two wizards oh no that was a wizard that we souped up for eternity take him out please oh that was a really rough fight we lost so many dwarves oh no and we just got the bow I knew we would get ah we'll just have to buy back as many dwarves as possible thankfully we have a lot of money to do that so you can become the Archer and then we just whoa hold on that's a legendary spear what you get that one sell all the basic stuff give you the quiver reorganize some things oh man I need a lot more equipment to make sure my dwarves are armed up correctly could I have another weapon yes uh not a magic one I have those let's get a good helmet for the night ooh a rare Hammer yes maybe just buying up all things instead of constantly re-rolling is the way to go but there's also only fights now I will get the Assassin's Hood though and shoulders oh no I can't afford those that's okay I will as soon as I Resort some of this and give all of my dwarves the good stuff and then I sell this Spear and I still can't afford it no that's fine but now we go against this fight oh man this is gonna be rough none of my dwarves are leveled up I'm putting all my hope into us getting good grades but oh no the Orcs are really beating us back this isn't good beat them back harder quickly doors before they oh no he got executed oh this is very not good the only one left is the Archer and the Mage and the Mage is down or the priest whatever oh no all of our dwarves just got conquered game over oh no well even before that we got 22 victories so I'd say we did okay but even still that was only the demo for dwarves Glory death and loot so I hope you guys enjoyed it if you want to see more of them be sure to let me know and thank you for watching subdue in turn and I do want to thank the channel members including bread Mr one ancient Elixir one Corby Farm Dakota C Donna Moto deviant X muffin stuffer Lucas s splatter sex the real nickname Edward Peggy Sue droop along tjb and seriously sarcastic
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 63,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz, dwarves, dwarf, dwarves glory death and loot, dwarves glory death and loot gameplay, dwarves game, dwarves glory death and loot steam, auto battler, rpg games, auto battler games, dwarves glory death and loot intern, intern dwarves glory death and loot
Id: 93ygdbT4YXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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