We Were Swallowed By THE BLOOP in Goat Simulator 3

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why did they do that to me wake up it's Phillip's birthday today are you so ouch who's Phillip I don't know but we have a quest to go to his birthday if it's your birthday today happy birthday too and if your name is Philip then happy birthday it's like a super special happy birthday to you today oh yeah double points also I heard noises that there was a bloop somewhere in this world like a giant underwater whale or something that we can go play with Wow in turn I think I found Phillip's house ooh oh there's literally nobody here this is the house that we accidentally nuked is it really I'm so sorry Philip no wonder nobody you're right it's all it's his birthday it's going all 50s Mom we have to bring friends we have to bring friends from Phillip hey hey you're Phillip's friend hey everybody's Phillips friend oh yeah yeah yeah he likes it he has so many friends huh yeah and you your Phillips friend Ali ocean hey don't do that be nice to her hey we unlock presents presents happy birthday Philip I'm so excited him oh boy we got a clown dress oh boy there's so many noises happening please stop hitting everything in turn let us make his fun honky noise he's gonna be two more weeks of internship for you can I go upstairs in Phillips bedroom no open up Phillip knock knock we're here we're trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty I brought the cops to break up this party break it up cops oh stop breaking me though okay okay okay okay Phil Phillips birthday is over it's over it's canceled I'd like to thank the ridge wallet for sponsoring this video now I love working with companies who I actually use their product and for the last three years I've been using my Ridge wallet every day it's super convenient low profile and I'm honestly surprised on how well it's held up to daily use not only are the wallets super cool they can hold up to 12 cards have room for cash plus they have built-in RFID blocking technology but Ridge also has a ton of other products too the new key case holds all my keys holds two to six keys in tension so they don't slip around Loosely in my pocket Rich also has over 30 colors including carbon fiber and bird titanium so my accessories can match and with over 50 1000 five-star reviews other people like their products a lot as well and their products come with a lifetime warranty and the ridge team is so confident in their products that they'll let you test drive them for 45 days so you can send it back for a full refund if you don't like it they've got a lot of other cool stuff too like backpacks and hats and shirts so if you're looking to get someone the perfect Christmas gift this year get the best offer by using my link that's ridge.com Blitz right now and save up to 40 off through December 22nd that's rid-g-e.com slash Blitz intern I also found something else for you oh wow it's a dude oh what is that send it uh he's not very good at paragliding oh but I am oh this is cool I didn't know I could do this who cares about pigs flying I don't know hey speaking of pigs flying uh uh uh uh uh flying bacon that's what I'm gonna do send it oh but Golden Pig now hey you are I guess maybe it's not maybe it's just poop I'm not sure oh yeah I think it's like lard it could be I haven't forget I get real slick going through the air hey I have an idea oh yuck I don't know what's happening but it's gross maybe it's butter why would it ah stop oh yeah get out of my way I think uh the cops just uh hit me with handcuffs eating a pig man be nice I'm getting thrown in the back of the car what are you doing I didn't know they could arrest you yeah I straight up got arrested don't worry I will fly in and save you a lady just hijacked the car too oh now we need some oil I don't know some lady just kicked out the cop I'll save you oh thank you oh no he enrolled me I'm saving you what what is going on my hero and now the car blew up that was one of the weirdest things that's happened in this game too thank you thank you buddy I'm appreciated I'm a different kind of slicked up pig it's slicked up with oil not lard this time okay I have another idea see this damn we we had comments in the last video thank you for spoiling It Again by the way oh yeah spoilers my favorite things but if we load up the old Pig right in here and jump in and then we shoot at the dam oh we can blow it up oh yes but now we drain it we drained the water too so River man how do you fix this I I don't really know maybe bubble gum you're doing water expert yeah like tear review papers and everything no like I used to be an engineer and water was my thing so how do you fix the water thing water dude you put bubble gum inside of the dam to fix it so it stops leaking that sounds absolutely like something an engineer would do let's do it I think there's bubble gum somewhere in the entryway over here okay if we go to the go Tower at the beginning of the world somewhere there's some silos over here also everything's got Flubber on it now so that's cool I love her I remember that movie I kind of like this hang glider thing it's kind of yes okay where if I was a giant oh there's some silos right up here oh there's some more silos yeah how would you feel if there was just a go gliding towards your face and then headbutted me yeah no thanks oh we can blow up pumpkins it's like my neighborhood kids on Halloween you mean you no I'm not a kid anymore were you the neighborhood kid no I don't know are you a big kid now hey there's a bubble gum hey bubble gum hey excuse me sir I'm gonna have to borrow that we got a hole in the deck we need this and a York okay I got it I got it oh I didn't know he could break the silo nice hey the guy wants to kick me he's gonna kick me I'll kick him back thank you I need my bubble gum we gotta go fix things oh no I think we can climb this now yeah I think it goes to the other silo oh for special secret things oh no I missed it turned I have a bigger problem everything man it's like that one game with the ball that rolls around and gathers up to town uh I don't know what that is oh nicely done what are we doing up here there's gonna be a trouble we're getting a trophy I need that thank you and then we will Glide to Victory take me to your leader in turn this is a long walk with this thing it is but we need to gather up everything that we can including maybe this person that let go of me no it doesn't collect people oh collect a car oh it collects everything other than people hello Mr Carr oh no [Laughter] car versus bubble gum who wins what is this thing I want to touch it absorb wisdom there's a thingy wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I'm absorbing wisdom in turn I've got the smarts in my head I got oil in my body you know it's gonna be annoying huh is if we carry this ball of bubble gum in half the city connected to the ball of bubble gum all the way across the map and we get there and the game is like nah is that how this works you can't actually fix the hole in the dab like I don't know I didn't think didn't get this far oh internal gum here I made it along with half of the boxes in the city but there's a hole in there did you see that yeah real quick okay here we go I'm just gonna try to sit there and do the edge okay it didn't do anything that was a waste of time but at least there's like logs in the river now and I'm entirely stuck in the side of the mountain that makes it even better I'm gonna do a cannonball right into the water stream do it oh it did kind of carry me a little bit hey can you lick me to to get me out of here I don't think he's supposed to say that to your employees it's okay you're an intern can you even see me I can see your name I'm stuck inside the dam I will teleport to you intern yeah yeah hey we teleported seven feet oh boy all right let's see if we can just eat ourselves over the dam he's got a case of the not so smarts yeah we can't launch we're gonna have to uh oh you got close oh but we can glide didn't think of that but there is that one thing right here and I get 30 seconds doing this probably not we could just this is a very small distance this says fly like a penguin sting like a gull a girl it's supposed to be 30 seconds in the air right so if I stay on top of this fan I will get the uh the instinct nope don't don't there it is nice okay let's go see what's in the secret chamber down here kind of excited Chamber of Secrets or to be like Gandalf in the Chamber of Secrets right am I getting when I did it right oh yeah this place looks kind of cool it's like ancient runes here do you want it oh there's fish here wow very fishy I just went in oh oh okay ready send it well there's no booby traps here not yet anyway you're like a goat parkour expert oh yeah what is this ghost statue this is actually kind of creepy now oh and full sand up tennis sounds are you making over there you like that sound oh there's a thingy shark fin uh toggle prowl mode yo this game's got a lot of stupid stuff in it this tops it and one of the stupidest uh-huh except you get stuck in the world it's not a good plan I'm actually stuck inside of a rock again why are you getting stuck in the Rocks the real question is can we eat people in shark mode ladder shark oh there's another thing in there hello you can't eat people in a shark mode makes me sad inside of my heart Anna it was awesome I mean shark hey I'm a Sharky boy there's a sand castle we can break shark yeah land sharks can't hurt you land sharks oh there's a bigger sandcastle's not real they can't hurt you land sharks whoa what is this in the sand I broke it oh oh we have to we have to build our own how do we oh we need to we need to use other people's sand castles how did you get that sand yeah look the castle but I'm a shark sharks can't lick things they don't have tongues sure they do I got a big one right here stop it you just gotta looked by a shark you're annoying excuse me ma'am I'm gonna borrow your sand bucket thank you very much I'm gonna build my own sand castle and yours and castle and overshot and didn't we go dude this is the best sand castle ever yeah that's my bucket bucket get your tongue away from my bucket uh I got the last of the sandcastles.com just casually through the city when we have UFOs flying above a gigantic tornado flying around and sand goats it's just yep like chaos happening and Sand Sharks sand sharks okay here we go whoa whoa I'm in the sand castle in turn we can enter sandman we did what is this is a Counter-Strike world it's kind of strike hey dude that's actually this brings me back okay hold on I need to change my wardrobe uh we got a problem oh no big problems it's Sandman Anthony Sandy they have different sand related names Alexander oh my word yep Santa Claus oh this one's got a newspaper hey we did it but we did it counter-san wins it's stupid we got a bucket king of sand what are we getting now that stupid bucket on my head oh we ranked up and go to the Goku ranked up that sounds fun hey I think that's the last one is it do you like my do you like me dude do I look like a shark I have a shark can't be me and sure this might be your favorite one what happens if I shark underneath the car oh that was fun I hear shiny noises I found shiny noises oh no we're both stuck in the shiny noise together no we're not it's just you sure dun dun dun he's fishing what happens if I bite his fishy thing hey oh he caught me wow ah he pulled me in don't worry I'm a shark you got a shark congratulations derpiest looking shark you ever see there's a door here hey when's the door not a door oh this is again when it's a jar open up get me away from him I bet that's one of the things from the tower that looks like the same things as the Tower or is it one of those things where we go like inside the building whoa what did you do I did a bow you bowed yeah a little bit concerned oh yeah hey it's a black market can we sell things here hello can we buy you buy a loot box I love loot boxes wait what uh um oh we got a little box that's a big shiny loot Box open it open sesame my little dolphin face is so cursed what did you get it's uh Royal Knight boots can we do it again and I got fresh kicks hey do it again we're just gonna waste all our money on loot again how much money does it cost 500. we got like 200 000 so it's not a big deal ta-da we got geese we got geese that's uh annoying this is our role now we're sitting here for the next seven hours trying to unlock things if it's more geese I'm gonna Scream by Kid geese oh it's a hat oh night goat oh mandolin or loots it's a Loot Crate we have to get the rest of these skins though this is the worst thing all our life savings come on come slow now it is so cool all right then we gotta start over Okay you jerk got it oh come on we just need to open this box what did I ever do to you open that box open the box hey Box open are you doing that to hide from me yes ow it didn't work this is why we have no friends in turn nobody can stand up to our stupidity two hours later oh my goodness four more hours later guys you just die on top of the box it's taking so long you just went full Ragdoll mode my finger hurts from holding on killing me hey it killed me still real talk I I'm like two-thirds of the way done if I stop this now does it restart you know I would I know you would that's why I'm saying don't okay we got it I'm a knight now I'm a night shark can't even tell that I'm a shark who's this dude he's got a goat mask on oh in turn we gotta go we gotta go jousting my dude we're jousting because we're Knights yeah get ready this is so dumb oh no I got it like an achievement called regicide oh really yeah I hit that guy and it was like I just murdered a man huh King Ledger Heatherton III whatever shark mode oh I can shark mode right now you're you're a thingy now a stallion it's just crazy we can play this game for so long and there's just so many stupid things laying around that we haven't even looked at yet like what no right that's a pacifier oh really now I have a pacifier in my mouth but you remember what we said at the beginning about a bloop oh yeah the bloop is supposed to be over here if we do something to this this buoy right here I don't know something's supposed to happen now there's a trophy on the buoy okay oh oh did you see it oh we got we got blue we got blooped we got eaten by a shark with human teeth oh that's very weird there's a there's a person in here is his name Geppetto uh Doris Sanders doesn't sound like Geppetto to me no but there's another dude is this Geppetto I hear a sparkly boy I do too is it in the house might be ah yeah that's right how did you get this in the house you blew up the house yeah this is the third time today you've propelled me inside of something that I don't want to be in are you serious I'm stuck inside of another building what are you doing over there I wish I knew lick me [Applause] I have an idea what happens if I change my size maybe I'll clip through oh well hey it worked I clipped through now you're the tallest shark ever and ready to get set surprise whoa how do we get out of the shark mouth uh I don't know this is there's a weird farmer cut out here what it's called a peasant whoa there he goes and who's this dude Aaron Davis why do you keep breaking everything as I need to find Geppetto oh boy oh that's gross knock knock oh we'll run on the TV the tongue is moving it's pulsating [Laughter] without a tongue that's gross I think we might actually have to lick the dangly bit it's gonna lick it I didn't like it I didn't like it I missed whoa I hit it oh I don't think you like that very much I made the bloop sound it blooped and do it again oh I missed I missed we're not very good at blooping we aren't my goodness we're bad we jump to this one and then we jump to this one oh I hit it it didn't do anything ah I'm having big issues with my brain what else is new okay I'm good I feel like that's probably the only way to get there is by jumping and then oh my word jump okay ready and then jump again and then jump again and yeah oh you got it I hit it twice it made all sorts it really doesn't like that it does it okay ready do it again yeah super jump and off to the top super jump spewed out oh I need to think quick oh no I was gonna hang glide out of that that would have been fun we made the whale have a reflex yeah and now there's the cyborgs layer which I think would be fun to do in the next video or not I'm going in right now I'm a cyborg yeah don't gandal's hat oh this is weird and uh I think that's it for this video so thanks for watching bye bye-bye I'd also like to thank all of my channel members and patrons help supporting the channel including Auto day Ben Dickie J Teddy hippies Destructo man General Harris Trent m Joe B zarnoff VC engineer with a good Eagle art Deegan sarcasm or expensive tea whiskey Duggar rules 2.0 skunk chest the Korean Rob the king bread 88 30 o'clock Deltona Florida monkey Kyle V is a w Mr Criminal one Brad W Sylvia cat Stephen D dredge
Channel: Blitz
Views: 452,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, goat simulator, goat simulator blitz, blitz goat simulator, simulator blitz, blitz simulator, blitz simulator games, simulator games blitz, goat simulator music, goat simulator dance, goat simulator easter eggs, goat simulator 3, goat simulator 3 gameplay, goat simulator 3 multiplayer, goat sim
Id: pRmxVwG0ir8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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