Building The PERFECT KENNEL For My Pet Insects in Grounded

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz and this is intern i'm kidding it wouldn't hit intern where is he oh he would hit me though we have a slight problem you saw our beautiful castle that we made for like eight hours literally this place is it's incredible i love this castle but we are missing our favorite thing inside kevin our aphid despawned he's gone i don't know what happened to him if i look here our pet aphid that lived in this little beautiful doggy boy house he's gone and i can't find his corpse to get his little gravestone i don't know what happened to him i'm so sad so i thought we should probably build up like a little farmyard like a little house area from to live in and this area right over here is nice and flat so i thought we're gonna murder all the grass and then we could find the foundations in here it kind of plays down to some of the foundation and make a brand new like a house almost not is it a house or like a farmyard sort of thing see something like that and then our pets could live right inside that nice little grassed in area it's not grass though and then we could put in like walls and fences around it to keep the big nasty spiders out and they could live forever in there as we feed them nice stuff probably also want to like tame the weevils today not just the aphids because they're a little bit bigger and stronger and cooler looking in my opinion thankfully we do have a lot of pebbles around here and a whole bunch of clay that we can build this nice little farm farm it's not a farm it's like a playground i don't really know what to call it that's maybe for you guys in the comments what should we call this little like farm what in the world is that sound what is that oh i think there's a mosquito straight up in our base what are you doing here bro that is illegal that's against the rules get out of here ah spiderlinks oh they these are my friendly spiderlings from that oh i missed i missed okay turn kill it so i don't have to thank you i did it all by myself and then we'll feed it to my little baby spiderlings good job fellas oh wow i didn't realize that my friendly spiderlings actually gave us stuff and he just throws his helmet on the floor like i don't need this anymore silly guy oh no he died that's too bad i'll help him up so shall we just put down all of the clay that i got yeah oh wow this takes a lot more pebbles than i first thought it would yikes oh yeah that's not never it's never a good sign wolf spiders but just kind of stay away from you bud stay out of our house he just went directly to the castle that's terrifying he's just stalking the outside gates of it i don't uh oh what's he doing i really don't like the wolf spiders in this game oh and look a weevil we're gonna so tame you buddy in the future you just be nice don't get into fights with any ants because they eat you i just need to harvest some more clay and then all will be better in life you guys also gave me a suggestion these boys get the ladybug on top of the castle like put the ladybug oh hey some water i'm gonna drink that on top of the castle and that would be amazing i think instead of the little flag that we put up there but an actual ladybug on top the only problem is is they're pretty expensive with that beef fuzz so i'll put down a bunch of these pebbles into place and now intern needs to do some work i wish i could tame you mr larva but i don't need to i also don't even care about getting your parts i just want some drink and i can eat kevin i mean one of kevin's friends an aphid roast right in my mouth hole oh mosquito coming in hot get it in turn kill that skeeter ow bug spray this knows my nickname in high school if you're wondering nice nice stab it real hard he did it all by himself look at him go and hulk smash hulk smash i'm breaking a pebble with my bare hands sort of it's not really my hands oh i can see my feet that's cool and tears just playing with spiders and junk hey ugly oh you dodged me there you know what my little spiderling is going to eat you did you know that yeah i get wrecked and stuff oh man this game is so much easier when you have two people playing it hey what are you looking at me for intern is the one who was shooting you oh yeah hey watch this trick you ready uh geronimo oh really right away it's got fire and stuff that wasn't too bad actually okay a smash and a smash and a smash oh it's knocked out and oh nice shot in turn ready oh oh no it's gonna spit it's gonna spit dude why are you what are you doing that was a terrible spit mr bombardier ready oh yeah do it again it'll be funny i promise why are you he's incompetent i promise now it hurts it's okay that's okay get him little spiderlings yes i summon the spiderling army oh and pow i totally missed don't need my spider link bro it's against the rules nice now i get all of interns arrows because they're expensive and i want them i also want this rock and we should have enough pebbles now yeah we have way more than enough pebbles now also he left an arrow so now we can just build this thing up i don't even need his help look at me i'm doing it all by myself again beautiful now we'll clear out some more grass figured out the word for it a kennel it's a kennel that's where you keep your pets and a kennel we should make a kennel for intern that'll be fun [Laughter] he's chucking plants in my face now the question is what short of a short what short of a fence should we put around this thing we have actual fences in here we can do the sprig fence which i'm not a huge fan of but there's also the acorn fence but they don't look very sturdy and they're also really expensive like arrows a little bit of acorn shells and corn top thistle needles i mean it's doable the spring fence doesn't look durable but we could also try out mushroom half walls that'd be kind of fun since it's all about the mushroom update right like putting these guys in i kind of like the way that looks to be honest we could even do a doorway an actual door oh we have a problem though this is 4x4 if i put a door in then it's not going to be even and that's illegal see what i mean you can't put a like a quarter wall in so that just means we need to extend the foundation slightly nice in turn built a pallet i've got a few more pieces of clay and that little wall is done also this could be cool the stem half wall but i think we're just gonna go with these mushroom half walls like that and then we'll slam in that door even though it looks kind of weird maybe i should do the diagonal ones here the tri-wrangle ones look at that that also looks terrible i can't do that it's illegal there that'll be perfect except uh there's some grass growing we can't allow our animals to live in grass that's illegal and since intern is stacking everything together we'll just eat these at his feet and catch oh that was a terrible throw says this larva is still alive i'll double killers that's a little weird a little scared of that that one was still alive too maybe they come back to life wouldn't that be terrifying okay we will grab all of the mushroom bricks if i can click the right buttons i which i can't i'm going to take some of these and then i will build the great wall of the castle the castle courtyard ooh acorns okay dirty i have actually enough oh that looks so good oh doesn't that look amazing i love it you know what else i need though uh the foundations that's wrong button oh that's a bad sound oh just a stink bug it's okay and then we can put these foundations no we need real foundations here like one and then i'll ramp up around it there such as this oh dang that was the larva that came out of there what they're supposed to be grubs that was scary i don't like that i didn't know the larvaes could be underground so i guess it's time to smack up some acorns to get their beautiful little pieces inside of them come here little acorn friend give me your delicious little morsels so i can eat them mmm they're beautifully and tasty i'm not gonna lie i think that's the best food in the entire game i'm not sure why but there's something very satisfying about eating them alright so check it out the door has been constructed we have a beautiful little kennel for our pets in here i'm thinking we go for the weevils today and the first thing i should do is probably just move this pet house into the other one oh this is so cool it will turn it put it right smack in this corner right over here nice nice that's awesome then i have to build another one okay that's not too bad weed stems and we have the crow pieces i'm pretty sure we do check that out put you right in the corner build everything up in turn just stole my weed stems that i harvested nicely and we do have a couple crow feathers so i'll grab two of these from inside and we'll run over here and i'll do jumpy boy jumpy boy [Music] nice we have our two little doggy houses oh they're so cool i love them so much that's amazing we do need pets in here for our pets though like a stuffed weevil oh boy raw weevil meat that sounds a little bit mean we'll put stuffed weevils inside of our weevil pen no let's just go to sleep it's like hey if you don't behave you'll end up like your stuffed friend over here not a good idea hey hey you put that down you you're not see where these guys doing no no no no no oh okay it's like i'm swinging for the fences here grand slam yes i got him beautiful wow okay why were they all trying to steal try to steal a weeble nose did he get that out of the chest if he did that's highly illegal you can't do that where did he get a wheel nose from i promise i don't even have any weevils oh they're trying to get the food there's like rotten food back there that's awesome i want to put some lamps in here too for our pets i think they might be scared of the dark because there's big scary spiders in this world i just gotta say that this place looks super cool i absolutely love it like my favorite build that we've ever done in this game and then this probably is gonna be our second favorite build because this place is stinking cool too turn on flashlight of light let's see if i can put oh perfect that's great spot symptom out of cried dry gry grass grydrask chunks do you have any gryjas chunks oh he's got grey dress chunks you know if you say it enough it almost sounds like you mean it he has two and i need three oh he had three door fight stupid door oh we did it no we built is that a weevil no that's a stink bug we need to find weevils you go you go get a weevil and i'll go get a weevil and then we'll see oh thank you that's what i are you trying to tame me i don't eat mushroom maybe i do ow run away and just try to kill me again i'll just get my own mushroom soup i'm gonna find the best weevil in the history of good weevils right away that's totally not a good evil but i do want to tame one imagine having a pet wolf spider now the last weevil i saw was right along the shore of this little puddle i hear him there he is hey bud come over here i got a present for you or you know just do whatever yeah hey no that's the rock i didn't want to throw my insect hammer you stay there for a second here and then what is why here take that no where'd my hammer go this is bad yes he's slurping it up hey dark nugget come here hey eat that yeah yeah i know you want it i wonder how many he wants i'll just throw a bunch down he's adorable there you go a little turd nugget eat up dude i got slurry for days for you no this was mine hey he found my hammer and he just heated across the world again this is my this is my pet you can't have him i'm gonna name him he's gonna be my squishy no don't you dare don't you dare no that was oh thanks for the free arrow they're expensive how many bowls of soup can this little fella take oh he likes six of them i can pet him i can pet him oh hey little dude i love you already you're my best friend in the entire world hey yes yes okay and then i'm gonna take you home come with me little dude come with me i said come with me i'm just gonna pet him all the way there he's my best friend stay away from that boy stay away from that boy come here bud hey i can't whistle weevil where'd she go there you are he's a little bit do you need another bowl of soup you probably do i know how you get you're a little bit hungry with that little weird nose you have i knew you'd be hungry he took a long walk like eight steps and then if i drop another bull here he can come eat that one and then i'll drop like four right in here and then maybe eventually he'll just show up magically deposit pet yes weevil i have a good idea for a name his name's gonna be kevin yeah he's a happy he's been a pet for one day i don't have any attire but yes we're gonna rename you that good come on bud where are you it's kind of case of the dumbs hey buddy come here he's running he's running he likes his house he's got he also has a case of the dumps you know what fine what do you get out of there ah okay come over this way come to me bud he's got his head stuck in the wall so what happens when you have an elephant trunk in the door in the door there's fresh mushroom soup on the floor so the door's not over there there's a wild weevil trying to get in um kevin why does the wild one have to be smarter than kevin come on into your new house come on into your new house kevin's got a bad case of the dumbs in his head what are you doing dude where are you i wish i could just pick him up i just want to pick him up and carry him in turns just trying to throw food at him like come on buddy just stop then kevin just wanders around aimlessly i built you this really cool house bro just get inside of it now go up the ramp i just built the ramp for you yes no ah yes he got in he's in i trapped him he's in forever now that's good okay i just need to build little walls again i only tore down you know half of the base no don't you dare try to get out of here kevin you stay your little beautiful self in there like a good little boy get like a good little boy i said where's that wolf spider at nope not allowed out you are my you're my friend now i will protect you inside you will like it i promise i have plenty of food and water for you look at the little guy he loves his house so much we'll use this i'm gonna give him a hat because i feel like he needs a hat he totally needed a hat oh that's amazing now just stay in here it's nice i promise you can't even jump so you don't know how to get out come look at me friend look at me i just wanted to see what you look like amazing that's amazing the little the little arbor hat on them oh that's so cool and then the interns just running around like huh i wonder if i can find a weevil friend all right i gotta know i gotta know does the goggles look better oh the goggles might look better on them this looks like a ski bum also i move the houses into the middle and it seems like he's not just wanting to go into the wall was that good kevin yeah well intern couldn't figure out how to tame something so i tamed an aphid he's gonna be my best friend in the entire world if he knows how to follow yeah there's a good boy yeah who's that good little athen who's that good little boy okay now you come over here bud come on over here aphid boy into the doorway i promise you free food for every single day that you're get in the house go in the house do you want a snack do you want a little snack would you like a snack earring in the house right here's the snack it's just pooped ha ha just pooped a juice oh i love him already i wanted to totally eat that and then get off your aphid poop give me i just need to i'm gonna consume can i consume the aphid fine i'm going to pet him because there he goes in the door go in the in the door in the go turn hey check it out our aphid made it inside good job aphid you're trapped in here forever now you're not allowed to leave and then if we make you in here we're gonna i'm gonna give him a new name his name's gonna be uh nevick yeah that's kevin backwards and i'm gonna give him the cool little hat that i had very cool we did it where are you nevick there he is he we have nevik and kevin all together forever they're amazing look at them they're so cute i just kicked some food under his shoe i don't know how that works you're not allowed to leave anyway guys that'll do it for today's video somehow we managed to get two pets in here after like an hour worth of trying so thanks for watching hope you enjoyed and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagan dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whippet good seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and ralph and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 320,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blitz plays grounded, grounded, grounded gameplay, grounded broodmother, grounded shroom and doom, grounded steam multiplayer, grounded orb weaver, grounded pets, grounded updated pets, grounded haze lab, lets play grounded, grounded ep 1, grounded pt 1, grounded aphid, grounded pet hats, grounded pet ant, grounded pet house, aphids, grounded castle, grounded castle build, grounded update, grounded mushroom walls, grounded mushroom, grounded insect
Id: 9t02utiH0Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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