I Upgraded The MOST POWERFUL Pickaxe In Hydroneer

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welcome back to hydroneer it's time again to make my computer melt because we're doing something fun check out this mod it allows me to get 10 new pickaxes in the game I just need to buy one and you know the drill I just have to take my stupid shovel grab a piece of dirt throw the dirt in the water throw the shovel on the ground pick up the bucket throw the bucket next to the dirt pick up the thingy put that in the water pick up that bucket and straight up eat it in the environment and now we just started duplicating the initial dirt that I used fill up the bucket take this scratch the bucket go like that go like this and eventually we have a bucket full of well pretty much nothing and if I take this and sell it here I just make a cool 125 dollars that I can use to buy my very first pickaxe I actually didn't plan that I didn't realize that I'd have three dollars left over but I'm all about it now those teeny tiny pickaxe just does little bits of dirt I'm hoping as I level these up they're gonna do way way more so now this pickaxe needs three what are you doing you're trying to make fun of me right now aren't you just lay down okay uh-huh we need 300 iron to turn this dull pickaxe into an iron pickaxe so I'll just use some mods to build up a little tiny Factory and start getting lots and lots of ore now we're gonna grab our little magnet right here and grab a little handful of this not exactly sure how much we need and you eat it directly into the pot all right well done and then tip it we have a thingy now we need 300 that's 32 or is it 300 interesting question well might as well figure it out if it's 300 or 300 weight I'm not exactly sure so let's smack it with the nope yeah that doesn't work all right let's try to make it 300 pounds then we'll just throw this directly back into the furnace grab a lot bit more gently place the pulsating brain of iron into the thingy yeah just like that maybe into the hole Cinderella's Story some of you don't even know that reference what is that movie which movie is that uh Caddyshack if I remember right wow wow oh okay 164 so we need to double that and it's going very very very slowly now I could just spawn the resources in because I have that ability but that ruins the fun of trying to upgrade it right oh hello why don't you jump into the hole too oh look at the Gold it's dancing okay and daughter 217 so I'll have to let it wait for a little while longer so I'm thinking this little bit of iron should put me over the top to three hundo let us see all right little buddy B over 300 all right 301 that should do it we'll put that on the table we'll put this down and go boink nice okay so the minimum requirements now are 600 gold and let's see how much bigger of a hole this makes all right a little bit bigger oh he also gave me the literally one back of the iron I might need that in the future also I should make this automatic but that takes a lot of time and I'm lazy I also like having giant pulsating bubbles of gold so let's gently dip that into the smelting pot oh satisfying all right let's see what this thing is worth and that's 200 weight all right so I seriously need to upgrade my factory so I've only had the game Crash once and I think this might be the proper amount give me a 600 can I have a Z6 oh come on get right on six six twenty seven beautiful and we'll just drop that there we'll grab our pickaxe that I used to make a little teeny tiny hole to drop this melter in we'll flop that on the we'll flop I swear that I will stab somebody in this game with my pickaxe if it falls off again hey that worked I just have to threaten it gently and I'm like oh all right that looks cool I like that now let's see next hole right here doink hey that's like double the size which is if you double the size of a of a a semi circle or a semi I don't know I'm using geometry words here my brain doesn't work but I do know that I need a thousand of these so I'm gonna have to seriously up my game so I'll just Buckle hole in here that worked all too well and then slap you down below it my goodness it's almost as if like I planned this I promise I didn't I can't plan that far ahead oh see this this is the problem this is why I wanted it nah that's annoying here let's just spawn another one of these real quick and just set it in the ground yeah like such as it will take this time I go sure Punk come on give me a give me a bug perfect see this is why I wanted the bigger pickaxe too so I can go poop and then it's working and it's working gently massage this iron ore into place so you don't break my game anymore look it's boiling I would be boiling too if I got thrown into a hot pan like that all right you guys go in there and then we're just gonna try to bounce them back and forth until all of the impurities are gone actually you know what I don't really care because the Game just crashed yet again so this thing is probably not worth near a thousand okay it's worth it's worth 73. I'm gonna have to take this to a whole nother level so since it's gonna take a long time to get a thousand of that stuff I've been working on a few things behind the scenes one thing is if I grab this throw it in the back of the truck jump in the truck then dirt my way through the environment and conveniently ride into our new area we have to dig up a bigger base but first I have to buy this stupid thing I don't know why that's a thing but we have to buy stuff and since we don't have the fully upgraded pickaxes yet we have to find another way to clear this out simply just just like that oh beautiful nukes in the morning we've cleared out lots of area here except this isn't quite deep enough yet so we're gonna need a slightly bigger machine to get all of those resources and I haven't even tried this out yet so I think I'm gonna unplug it and then turn on all 10 of these giant drills hoping my computer does not want to cry once everything gets connected where did that go okay you and then bloop and then right up like that and then such as all right we have 10 lights on that's fantastic dirt is going in it's getting did I not did I not hook that up how did I do that that's a that's a rookie mistake there so we'll try that once again and come on buddy grind it up okay it's turning that's good news okay awesome yeah these aren't the size of nuggets I was hoping for but it still seems to be a lot there is a a good solid quantity coming in so I'm just gonna go back back to the shop so I'm just gonna grab my table then jump through the teleporter come on jump through the teleporter thank you I'm also wondering if these are working right oh they are that's good I hadn't planned on these but I feel like we're gonna need giant gems to make gem picks in a little bit I'm also going to grab this bar because it seems fun wee and we'll add that to this cauldron right like such as and now we wait until that's at a thousand okay so it's been a little bit longer I want to see how much you are worth come on and down all right thousand perfect that's exactly what we need uh and then we'll go like this we'll grab this one and we'll make a little hole right here just to see the size of that come on yeah Shard thousand excellent oh balls I don't have the hammer I wear a hammer what would I be called probably a tool there it is and it's blacksmith Hammer boink hey okay there we go all right so now we've moved from that one to this one oh yeah it's like double the size again that's great pretty soon we're gonna be mining up the entire universe and as I expected the next one is a gem so we need a thousand emeralds yikes that's a lot all right so I think the emerald is probably close to being ready can you open I just watch I just need you to open real quick just there comes an emerald all right it's opening and you got it okay all right let's try out the emerald last time I checked it was yeah perfect all right that's great and oh come on just get stuff on there and then we'll take the smacky boy oh that's shiny and green I like it next total is gonna be twice as big again oh my goodness they're getting large and I'm guessing since this is that was like a thousand oh Sapphire at 1300. all right my guess is that uh my Sapphire is gonna be somewhere very similar to what the emerald was since it's all the same Rarity and this one is okay 750 for looks like I need to wait a little bit longer until my Sapphire is a thousand needs to be more until my Emerald is a little bit bigger all right 1307 that's really close all right very good and then sure back that one is very boring compared to the other one but it's gonna be a very big hole boink oh oh These are getting as big as the nuke aren't they okay so what's the next one Ruby at 1600 and my Ruby should be very close to 1600 yeah 1613. beautiful we're just gonna Blitz right through these okay uh this is going to be a gigantic or hole boink oh my goodness look at those size of the holes growing up all right and then next is claudium which is fine the bigger problem we're gonna have is the core Stone I'm also wondering if there's gonna be an onyx one because we're not getting all that much Onyx but 700 claudium seems definitely doable so my cloudium storage is let's see I need 700 and that one is okay seven 676 so I need 24 more I'll just wait here patiently oh there comes one very nice drop on in buddy boink oh yeah 704 got it all right this is gonna be a huge pickaxe dude nice yeah I kind of like the look of that one the best so far but this hole is going to be even bigger I don't know if that's a word doink oh my goodness that's getting real close to the nuke size like a single nuke now I'm really scared about the next ones because I have to okay it's Onyx but the one after this I'm guessing is core Stone come on just stay on this stupid table you dumb pickaxe why do you have to do this to me uh-huh thank you 400 Onyx oh that's not too bad though my Onyx is at 387 so I get to do the thing of waiting again this is like one of those idle clicker games now especially since Onyx is like super rare alright so we're at 396 Onyx and I've spent the last I don't know 30 or 40 minutes building up another Factory down below this should go a little bit faster and I am hoping actually I haven't thought of that but I'm hoping we get core Stone from down here we're not I mean we are in tier three dirt so I don't actually remember if I'm gonna get it or not but we're getting lots of dirt coming around the corner and then going up to the tippity top which means I just patiently wait here for more Onyx to spawn I even made oh we are getting chorus Stone okay so there's the core stone rock there that I just spawned in so we can know that I'm getting it and evidently we are it's a teeny tiny amount but it's still tier three material where is that Onyx when you need it come on little Onyx I need you please come over here I just need like serious see one more nugget that's all I need maybe I got it when I wasn't looking and ta-da I'm 405 hot dang I got it okay so we'll put you there and now I need to find my pickaxe that's a shovel I don't want to upgrade all these again where did my pickaxe go last I used it was maybe to mine this area out a little oh there it is all right all right all right 400 Onyx okay we're on and doink oh balls the Onyx pickaxe scrap next pickaxe is a scrap one what does that say claim Destroyer um I don't even know how to do scrap so I guess we'll just go to a brand new dirt if I can get out of this hole the claim Destroyer is that gonna mine an entire claim at once all right let's see what the Onyx does yes that's so cool and mine to the bottom of the world and five hits I just have to grab any legs and teleport away all right so I need scrap I don't know how to generate scrap I was thinking it would take core Stone can I blow up things how do I how do you get scrap I mean oh they know there's a scrapper there we just have to come over here to the crapyard and let's hypothetically say we have a gold bar on there and then we can we can we scrap the gold bar we actually can't okay so what happens if I drop a emerald necklace on there can I I scrapped the enrolled necklace no it does no it didn't make the big did the button didn't work Clyde the button didn't work didn't make fire sounds so the only thing I can do is like drop a pipe on it and by drop I mean you actually have to drop it and then that'll turn into scrap oh yeah but then that's only scrap and how much are you worth that like a 30 a 70 and I need a million yeah this is 73 and I need a million so so I built up this little conveyor belt because I need to know something I need to know if scrap can be smelted into bigger scrap okay I can so if I just cheat and place one of these things down I should make it go blah oh I'm missing no stop no let's put that down give me this one I think I'm still missing would you not miss right now we're trying to do something important all right maybe I could have just had it feed directly in I don't even know how big these chunks are um well what I wanted to do is this yeah yeah yeah and then we're just gonna have an absolute butt ton of scrap for the rest of Eternity there we go that's how to make a million scrap and this is a little bit more how to make a million scrap in GD Dev mode but that's what mods are for or you know I could have just had it feed directly into there right whatever doesn't matter we're just making a bajillion straps as it is oh and then I'm missing a butt ton of it too would you not embarrass me in front of my friends right now game the best part is this resource is one that uh you can't get rid of it like it's in the game forever you can't tell it to clear and why am I in Pirate mode I literally don't even know how to change or clogging we're clogging we got a problem quick give me the deleter button creative wand oh balls all this work and I might just have broken it all oh quick delete all the spotters we have too much scraps one of those times you wish the game would crash and you lose your progress yeah oh oh okay I'm gonna try it clear all raw resources that might work I I don't know if this is considered raw resources nope it didn't work oh no oh you know the funnest part of the 0.5 FPS is that I can physically not even delete these things with a nuke because like it's the result of a nuke well the game did crash that's good news on the world's a much better place ha ding all right that's exciting so how much Guru I have in here this little bar of mine is a hundred dollar reduced oh my goodness all right so we'll do it gently this time I'll spawn two of them in I don't even know why but responding two and and then hopefully this will work out okay and after a few brief minutes I knew I'd clog that that's okay it'll work all right oh 1.9 million so let's go create a claim Destroyer where's my table at oh there it is Doink claim Destroyer oh I need my hammer where'd that go hello and doink nice all right next claim there is literally no more so we have the claim Destroyer I'm excited about this are ready I'm just gonna click it once on the top of that mountain and we're gonna see what happens the most powerful pickaxe ever created in hydroneer because I was hoping core Stone was part of it but doink oh oh the game froze uh well instantly delete most of the the dirt near claims to use it carefully will cause freezing is it that cold out maybe I should have gone to a different claim and not the one I was using oh it worked what in the world oh that's incredible what is this why is there a teeny tiny hole over here oh claim destroyers straight up destroyed everything what is this is that where I was working inside I don't know but I'm gonna hit it again and doink that's what I love about mods some modder is like I'm gonna build I'm gonna build a pickaxe that claim it destroys the whole claim it'll be funny and then it is funny because I have like a little nuclear-powered bomb pickaxe right now that rips apart fragments of reality whoa [Laughter] the entire bull minable area of the world give me this we'll get rid of some of this stuff we don't need lanterns underground because we're physically not underground anymore anyway my friends that'll do it for today's video of hydroneer where we upgraded the most powerful pickaxe thanks for watching thank you for sticking on the ice we'll catch you next time and I'd like to thank all of my patrons and channel members including Otto Dave Ben Dickie J Teddy hippius Ninja Warrior Keegan H zarnot maxer Rao VC engineer zakarzamorex Spencer T whiskey YH toxic wolf Eli M Night rocks Nitro Jaden a Tyler J missing sniper fussy badge Peyton Please Mr Ripple one Zane W secondary dwc Red Sun chest double rules
Channel: Blitz
Views: 532,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blitz hydroneer, hydroneer blitz, hydroneer gameplay, hydroneer ep 1, hydroneer mods, hydroneer mod, hydroneer gems value, hydroneer modded, hydroneer multiplayer, hydroneer intern, hydroneer coop, hydroneer, hydroneer machines, hydroneer sorting machines, hydroneer 2.2, hydroneer tier 3, hydroneer update, hydroneer new update, hydroneer gold, hydroneer gold vein
Id: wGSB7FbfkXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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