I Created A Giant Weapon To Actually Defeat Bosses in Dungreed

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the key to this game is lots and lots of coffee because I'm gonna have a lot of those nice village you know but where's the dungeon I've got work to do owned it you undergone prison that sounds fun I have one of these in my basement as much as I would like my damage and critical chance I don't have any money yet the game is not allowing me to kill you so I'll be back with some money why not have a sword where did my sword go I think I forgot to bring something with me I'm gonna have to take a sword from one of these gentlemen and this is gonna be a process can you stand there and die please up this is off to a pretty good start only I didn't have enough coffee you know what at least he's pretty predictable in his attacks once he stalls he swings his sword I jump right into her then I can kill him and he didn't give me a sword just kidding I do have a sword I just hit the round key this is a little bit easier mostly just because I die faster and I'm a very impatient person especially when I've had this much coffee I am supposed to be rescuing people here but to be honest I'm mostly despair for the treasure but yeah go ahead your rescue though I saved that person they'll reward me handsomely I hope with weapons and power-ups this is what exactly it looks like you could play something on a Psalter okay but can I don't like it but I did find a gun match alot gun that's all this gold alright I like this your best so far we need more kind of guns no wait he's got every note at once in a while okay I like this and it does no less than three times the damage of my sword yes it's got that range it definitely helps me out when I'm killing you stupid dots really hope you're a friend and you can ever award me with all this fun little weapons urgent I'll take a merchant yeah please let's buy some weapons how about an IOU a white spear and rester blue nothing I can afford so thanks friend or enemy enemy gotcha however will I defeat this enemy who's shooting things at me of a very far distance away oh but then that didn't happen here we go that's better this guns great because I basically get a free shot on anything anything I've encountered so far at least one did this one can handle platforms doesn't seem like it he seems like he likes to stay underground oh he's dead new more stuff to play with in front of the envelope says how many your equipment to enhance em I'll hammer my stuff all day long items can only be enhanced once it cannot be taken back to the village you know what I've got a gonna make your hands where'd that go take it over there and go has to reload faster attack speed 20% weapon performance not braid and sure what to make of all that and I can only use the anvil once they play extra damage attack speed reload time gotta come in handy considering I have six health love - that is a big bag does it see you yet oh yeah I think it's awesome okay don't touch anything very no I know okay we got this it's got to be very patient and we took damage today one health no feel feeling optimistic kill it oh okay we got this I can see that but I got a do know those okay that's a good thing oh I forgot I could thrust breasts I forgot I could do that I did hit level for those so that's a thing I didn't know about hi I'm back from that dungeon I definitely succeeded in doing the things I saw you in the dungeon why are you here you think we have time for naps if we don't I've got other towns that could be rescuing near the option to build a training school to increase the adventures attributes but it costs a thousand of my thirteen hundred and fifty gold and I'm not spending that I need to go deeper in the dungeon we need to get more money out there I'm pretty sure the loading screen just said new items are unlocked by defeating bosses so we need to find some bosses and then actually kill them what did we find old star keyboard what is that B it's actually a weapon and it does more damage at my sword so we're gonna give it a try in my first accessory bullets become bigger and damage increases for 30% attack speed decreases and the standing items out this run what is this though hopefully this must be better salamanders I was 18% gold drop how do I use this and it shoots fireballs I can work with this if it's gonna give me extra gold I like it I'm gonna sacrifice the money by the onion soup for keen power plus eight percent max health and I buy that that was probably maybe worth it oh the merchants here - I should have stopped here first physically is better weapons for me no it all sucks and I rescue like a king or something is gonna reward me with lots of money what is a sparkly thing Oh healing I'll take that trial oh good another character to rescue can I ever move the Lord first I save Millia I'm not really sure what she does but hopefully she sells me stuff this room's gonna be a bit of a nightmare okay we're gonna take care of him first and then prioritize next and then the bats were literally getting hit by everything so far expecting some morning first though is I'm probably gonna die in this room now nope we made it I don't think I got any reward at all for completing this but we completed the room definitely got rewarded for this room what did this silver bar is worth and Edna bullion must be a different kind of currency okay I'm gonna sacrifice some more money to hopefully get some healing out of this I'm at seven health we're up to 18 but we got more defence critical hit etc and this room gives us a crossbow a blue crossbow and a bunch of gold it gives us 1% more gold but it is way less damage this room is concerning to me I don't want a weapon armor maybe what's the trinket do see what the target does and I'm gained monocle I let go it doesn't really explain to you what those are they just kind of have to grab one well better leave this platinum bullion is worth a lot if I sold it at the market and the monocle ideas picked up gives me +5 crit chats that's one defense and I can sell stuff I didn't realize I could do that 1666 gold for that and 400 800 gold for the rest of my weapons is at the end of the dungeon I guess ready one with lots more gold obviously 28 health to do if so I'm feeling confident unless it's a boss fight wait it looks like it might be the warden well lucky for you as a fireman lots of them oh this is gonna be lighter than I thought it was well top is going down pretty quick hey watch out for those those hurt a lot 3 health do this you know what I'm losing confidence I'm up to level 7 still not sure what the levels mean for me but I guess I'm getting stronger here's something that might help the shop you can purchase items before going in the dungeon yes I would love one of those and new items appear in the dungeon a Cosmo sword I won't one of those it's pink all sorts of different rarities all sorts of different items right this time the first floor of the dungeon is a very hard it keeps spawning enemies at me so hopefully it's gonna reward me with a very useful item I can use moving forward hopefully when it gives me lots of extra gold or nothing at all that works too what do we got a long staff that might actually be pretty good it's twirly stick it doesn't do a lot of damage sort of vines looks like it was yellow and rarity I'm not sure what that means but I know it's better than what I've had so far it's rare poison damage + 1 - attack multiple times with one swing yes and I think it's probably yeah it's got way more range of other weapons look sound like a Christmas tree so there's always that it's mostly about to range with this sword because I don't really have to get super close to anything remember to kill it you want to see the most annoying place in the world for this bat right here because it can fire it just down a staircase so I have to back way up to be able to hit it that was much harder than I made her look but I do care about it some healing let's take this up our max health 500 chance now this should go very well as long as I don't get hit anymore and it just kills one of those big idiots who definitely hit me because I didn't even see them I don't want to talk about it ever again I'm really really gonna miss that sword no good items at the shop so let's just dive back in and save up some gold I'm it's gonna be really and really careful not to get hit by anything and we got some armor so that's probably gonna help us - 5 moves me but 11 defense I'm sure that's worth it and the very next room I lost about half my health but that's a nice big chest what's in this porch it's yellow item though isn't it I get to hold it in my other hand when he hands burn damage 20 power +3 power rare offhand okay so I still get to use my sword like normal but I'm also holding a torch in my face I honestly don't know if I can survive that up there I'm gonna have the time this or something because big slighty up there kills me in a hurry and this I just hide down here taking a brave approach cuz I don't hit me there that's so much easier I just need to have him in a room like that every time his torch is great and all but I'm already down to 6 health and it's been like 4 rooms and this room is not getting any easier like there's more damage and I'm about to take a whole bunch more because there's a million different things I've got to think about like dogs arrows music screamer thing and whatever that was maybe it's time we do this that way I can increase my attributes hopefully like health because I'm gonna need like 10 times more of that okay so I'm learning every time I build a new building I get new items in the dungeon this is probably to my advantage but I'm not entirely sure yet I didn't review these legendary items that would probably help me apparently I have 9 points to spend so that's actually lots we're gonna take max health if we can which coincidentally gives me more gold if I get 5 points in it so rate is definitely gonna be a thing because gold is gonna make my life easier and I might go for this one because after 5 points items and a shopper 30% cheaper that's gonna help me save gold again now without really looking into any more of these we're going for 5 points in this or you know 4 because I had 9 points I can do math but one more of those and I mean we'll really be getting somewhere I've got ninety health bow and a winning attitude stop us now this fun little room is kinda net reward me with two chests which gave me a golden keyboard and the ring of Midas which sounds like something you're probably helped me a 75% gold drop we have to survive for as long as possible on this run then let's get some extra healing and max health 72 106 was powerful we've ever been another chest and we get there whatever that says feel free to just pronounce that by yourself attacks being increased by 25% when equipped at the one-handed weapon I think what I'm using is two-handed maybe over here has a 100 weapon for me I think one thing I might actually buy from him is definitely gonna be this 20% gold drop and maybe the armor just to give me a Vision Plus defense that will be a little bit tougher alright this friend shaping up to be pretty good as long as I don't do anything stupid we'll be alright so that's asking quite a lot considering I just took all that damage well we'll get ourselves some more healing because that's always an option and I think we have the boss battle coming up now which is unfortunate because I wish I had a ranged attack if it's the same boss looks like it is so yep this is gonna be really difficult I'm hoping I can just hang through it because we got more defence in health and last time I think and plus I kind of know what I'm expecting from him but we'll see how this goes so fire dodged everything thrown at me there we go I just gotta avoid those hands and they're getting quicker so hopefully I could just hang clay pieces oh I've got about these things and those are pretty unavoidable uh-oh what is this I get it now okay I think he's dead they get him yeah we got 15 health left there he did that obviously my reward is gonna be quite great that is actually a huge explosion of gold excellent how much is that give us 14,000 yeah we're pretty rich now and a big chest and HP I should come with bosses and what do we got new item so appear in the dungeon ooh no thinking sword and I found the bloodstone necklace which will give me money percent max health that's pretty good we're going to replace something with that probably the cloth armor probably doc I guess I probably got a lot of extra gold due to my accessories that give me extra gold if this stuff is actually slippery I'm gonna lose my mind so far so good just standard stuff everything gets a little bit stronger for sure though I think the blue bat is anyone so I can't wait to see what that does but just hit me I'm not sure what's happening anymore if this game is confusing ow and okay this guy's doing a lot of damage to me I didn't even see what happened but I just a lot of damage these be a shop with healing oh well that was actually really good timing this old made me survive for at least a few more rooms 15 power 13 percent max health yep at all day long why is there a buffalo in here I didn't see that thing up top okay this is definitely gonna kill me because I don't know how to deal with it alright one thing at a time one else left okay good glad I decided to tank this room out and the Buffalo let's get it to charge no cannot jump oh I can hit it for my peen though okay that was easier than I thought well I had a good run those ice crystal explodey things and pretty hard to keep track of level ten no we've got two more points that we're gonna put into that now all those plus items in a shop 30% cheaper I kinda want to work my way up to this for lack of a better idea when slaying a lousy adventure to take one item back and plus one - charge which I don't care about but for now there's pus three critical chance innovation and the shopkeeper actually has a ranged weapon at the store for 30% off and it's blue so we're gonna check that that's gonna help us make it much further into the dungeons yeah I like that oh so what happened to all my gold did I have like 10,000 did I spend it on I'm not really sure where all that went but I'd miss it already and plus 10% maximum health right away so that's a decent find in my first room well there's also a chest down below where it gives me the magical magnifying glass which I've already had but it does Paulette's become bigger and damage increased 30% attack speed decrease but look how big this thing is now it's obnoxiously big cool I won't miss enemies anymore or at least that's what I'll tell people so yeah that's much easy there's normally all the enemies I kind of don't know which one to focus on with this thing I can focus on all of them let's go for some extra power and evasion plus we'll take the healing right now 94 to 99 normally rooms like this are pretty big nightmare mostly because of those guys but we took care of him pretty quick and we found a shopkeeper already not sure about of anything yourself I might want to buy some stuff for sure and I'm not sure if this drawing open is considered a one-handed weapon or not but I'm gonna assume it is so hopefully that's extra attack speed I think it actually might be it seems like it's a little bit quicker but I might just be imagining things - oh can I upgrade it here - we're gonna upgrade my boomerang wait where'd it go boomerang get in there enhance last 10% away last 10% attack speed plus 20% better weapon performance so okay if I could get this thing out and back again in a big hurry I would be really overpowered I'm already sad this thing's able to blunt shot most enemies too because the longer they last some more damage to do and the whole fact that it's a ranged weapon to use but very helpful for me the newsroom's especially this is heavy come in handy because look at it go to work I hardly have to do anything I'm mostly just dodge attacks before the boss fight we're gonna sell whatever we don't need which is just that one weapon 322 gold we have 3000 left the boss fight should be hopefully easy with what I've got but I might also screw this up pretty badly I don't think I've know what I'm doing by now hello there you are hopefully this thinking kind of like linger on it and heard it the damage okay he didn't know somewhat that last time it was a lot of damage I didn't need to take and again outstanding okay that is not gonna work for me okay I think I'm actually gonna die yet this isn't good as you know if I can just avoid those hands for a moment I think I'll be alright but they do get quicker no then you go back to that thing again pepsiman so we're just gonna take some damage there I'll pretend I was on purpose and no okay just gonna take about this fine cake god I'm really go to work on those boss type mechanics what is that floating thing oh that's xhp I remember now and the big chest is gonna give us what horse killer sword while I mean any sort is a horse killer if you use it right it's a 200 sword get 1.5 times damage on the second attack 23 to 25 damage well it's definitely better than my basic start but it's probably not gonna use it because I just forgot this big thing that's what it looks like and it's slow and the cross key things are already doing a lot of damage because I don't have any of them do we're slowly getting to figure it out as long as I hit them they die that much I do know I think I found a new character or did some dude with no shirt on I've never seen you around yeah I'm coming to rescue you wherever that was he's been saved what is a blue chest mean it means I get a serrated sword and a bunch of gold the serrated sword does what attack multiple times on the second attack that's probably better than that I'm never gonna use it anyway but let's just see what it looks like okay it's a stab at a poke Wow finally someone decides to show up pretty tempted to buy this because it basically protects me from ranged attacks it'd be pretty potent for me though I don't really want to get rid of all my items to like you're also good but maple try that yeah does it really help me if I get multiples of those we'll use that but for now we'll just have it in our inventory that would be the path to the next boss we're not gonna go there yet don't have room for any more healing yet so we'll clear out a few more rooms and hopefully get a little bit more hungry than we'll get one bit of healing before the boss there's a little bit more healing and one nightmare of a room I think we're just about done though so yep great that could have taken all my health very easily oh we did marecus I was hungry it's not really gonna get any more healing before the boss issues go fallin for power who's trying to as much damage as possible as quick as possible because I'm gonna have no idea what the boss is doing either really glad I bothered to wander up this way right now I was gonna skip straight to the boss but we got one of these item rooms us whatever this is I don't really need any better weapons I kind of want an accessory to hopefully help me with that boss ring of itis that's extra gold and what is this do I'll use this hello I think I might've had to use this before though is it mighta been 500 to re-roll them anyways I feel like I'm probably gonna need yeah all of these before the boss I'll put the ring on if I manage to beat it because that extra gold would be nice but before the boss not gonna matter definitely super confident going into this battle already up is loving the way this looks he's got shields that could probably go right through actually this might be the perfect weapon for this boss if I can just destroy everything like that cool okay yeah this is gonna make it really easy actually I did not mean to do this this is just one happy accident where'd he go I destroy his shield I just tried him and everything else I think I'm actually gonna do this on my first try was that him dead is he dead where'd he go oh I don't know what's happening okay he's over an egg he's almost dead as soon as I can find him there we go is he dead now he is eight health left just scraped by look at all that gold 16,000 gold extra HP and whatever the item is bloodstone ring new items can appear including a legendary bat thing for this ring I really like +44 enhanced cold damage recover HP for every 10 enemies and 4% attack speed the swamplands I'm sure this will kill me quickly but we get a free end right away so alright winged boots 20% attack speed your body feels lighter yeah we're gonna have to go ahead and probably replace it with that because I'm not really sure if I think ounces or wonder weapon or not I'll find out right now mmm faster Napa we're gonna use it I don't know that these things are attacking me or how to deal with them very quick what is panic panic fight everything I'm all the buttons and we'll be okay hopefully this rewards me cuz this is a pretty tough room but these legs are jumping is nice because I can jump way out of the way where they can't get me and blow my big thing it's a nice combination what do you reckon lure this idiot into the bandsaw I'm over here dummy oh it doesn't even hurt him that's not fair I just do a lot of damage and I didn't have to I'm leaving this room with one house hopefully this is a food shop it doesn't look like it is probably a death room no this is not a good spot for me to be in but I did get Lobo to health in the chest leather armor that's probably a little bit better than that other armor I got rid of nope it's +8 defense I'm calling it now this room is gonna be the end of me because there is too many things to avoid although know that I'm here I can attack everything see the walls where they can't get me oh can I not hurt him what did I do wrong the boss already uh yeah we got a little bit more of this dungeon to explore I need some healing before I'm even gonna try that okay I found the shop which is kind of handy hopefully he has something amazing for me you'll warhammers interesting because of this stun bike ball is cool because it circles me gives you plus critical chance and attacks things for me but nothing there is worth it so I'm gonna sell everything and right next to the shop is the food shop so I need all the healing I can get about this one you were revived with half HP when slain that's most healing I'm gonna get very expensive but absolutely worth it I should honestly just go fight the boss now I'm never gonna have more healing than I have right now he's gonna kill me I'm gonna revive and then we'll try it again 21 health to my name currently but we can really look at a more like 70 health if you see what I know oh I don't like this area at all probably gonna have to stay floating in air as much as possible not really sure what to expect that it is boy this is difficult oh just got him down into like 80% health maybe oh okay that was bad timing and I'm back punches have to try and tank this one again yeah don't mind me I'll just be lying there resurrecting for a moment and there we go there's so many things to think about a dodge like it's overwhelming we really got to learn this game as long as I stay floating in the air a lot though I don't think it's gonna be too bad because things don't really care about 15 hours left I didn't realize I was taking up much damage make that three health maybe as long as I stay moving up and over it'll make me very hard to hit oh and we got another one at ease again I was really hoping you wouldn't spawn more of those and I'm dead I had him don't over half health so that's pretty good again for my first try maybe like 12 hours a grinding will get me somewhere I need to be
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 791,568
Rating: 4.9117374 out of 5
Keywords: df, dangerouslyfunny, dungreed, funny, dangerously, pc, dungreed game, dungreed gameplay, relic, I Created A Giant Weapon To Actually Defeat Bosses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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